THE NEW JERUSALEM: THE CONSUMMATION OF GOD’S WORK IN HUMANITY by David Yoon o assert that God is a central character in the Bible is ultimate realization of God’s economy of salvation for Tperhaps to state the obvious, since He is the Author of humanity, the nature of this city has given rise to a wide the Scriptures, the Planner and Executor of the divine variety of studies.1 The vast majority of these studies find plan, and the Creator, Ruler, and Maintainer of the uni- this nature to be physical and material. A physical inter- verse and all things therein. Yet to perceive that humanity pretation of the New Jerusalem, whose roots may come is just as central a character as God in the Bible takes divine from present, earthly anxieties, does not measure up to the revelation. Nevertheless, it is a fact. Humanity is the focal scriptural revelation of God’s lofty purpose for the believ- point of God’s creation and economy. While humanity may ers’ eternal destiny. A literal interpretation of Revelation 21 be focused on God, God’s thought is centered on human- and 22 that focuses on the physicality of our eternal exis- ity, His heart is set upon humanity, and His intention fully tence belies the fact that the preponderance of biblical rev- involves humanity (Psa. 8:4-6). Humanity is exceedingly elation concerning our eternal destiny emphasizes its spiri- precious in God’s heart, because redeemed humanity is the tual qualities that derive from the Triune God Himself and means for the manifestation of God’s glory (Rom. 9:21-23), are presented in the form of signs and symbols. the vehicle for God’s administration in His kingdom (Rev. 1:6), and the central object of God’s affection as His coun- he New Jerusalem as the ultimate sign in the book of terpart for His satisfaction in love (Eph. 5:25-27). The TRevelation is a symbol of the ultimate product of Bible’s celebrated message is that God so loved humanity God’s work with and within humanity as unveiled in the that God in Christ became a man, served, and died for entire Scriptures. On the surface, the Bible presents the humanity in order to bring redeemed humanity into His history of God in His relationship with humanity; upon eternal glory. Just as humanity needs God for the realiza- closer inspection, the Bible reveals the history of God in tion of its ultimate destiny, so also God needs humanity for His union with His elect. Perhaps the chief evidence of the satisfaction of His good pleasure. this intrinsic dimension of God’s history is His incarna- tion, which, through the union of divinity and humanity in Throughout church history, the mystery of God’s purpose the person of Christ, forever removed the chasm between and that of man’s destiny have been a continuous source the infinite, immortal God in heaven as an inhabitant of eter - for debate and discussion among Christians. According to nity and finite, mortal humanity on earth, confined in time the divine revelation in the Holy Scriptures, the ultimate (Isa. 57:15; 66:1). Because the holy city symbolizes the answer to these two mysteries is presented in the final culmination of God’s intrinsic history with His elect, the vision of the Bible—the vision of the New Jerusalem, the city cannot merely refer to a place where believers will holy city. This vision, described in Revelation 21 and 22, live in eternity.2 It must be a fitting end to a process that concludes the entire Scriptures and completes the pro- includes the wonder of incarnation. Thus, the New Jeru - gression of the divine revelation concerning God and His salem signifies the believers themselves in their complete, interaction with humankind. As the consummating vision eternal union with God.3 God’s primary intention with in the Bible, the New Jerusalem unveils the ultimate issue His elect is not to transfer them from one physical place of God’s work upon His elect, the final state of their per- to another, but to transform them from what they are in fection through their participation in His great salvation the old creation to what they will fully be in the new cre- (Heb. 2:3). The accomplishment of God’s purpose and ation by bringing them into a union with Himself. R. W. the fulfillment of humanity’s destiny culminate and con- Wall echoes this view, stating, “The Christian hope is cen- verge in the New Jerusalem. tered in the prospect not of a heavenly place but of a transformed human existence. The Holy City symbolizes Given the New Jerusalem’s paramount importance as the a new order of human existence” (167). The holy city, the 32 Affirmation & Critique New Jerusalem, is the culmination of the union between (John 1:4; 14:6; 1 John 5:11-12). Although all things of God and man. The relationship between the new man as the old creation, including the heavens and the earth, will unveiled in Ephesians by Paul and the New Jerusalem as become old like a garment and perish, Christ, the Son of described in Revelation by John speaks of God’s intention God, will remain perpetually and remain the same, and to gain a corporate man who is joined to Him through the His years will not fail (Heb. 1:10-12). In Matthew 9:17 dispensing of His divine life for the expression of His Christ presents Himself as the new wine, since He is “the image and the exercise of His dominion. Thus, the New new life, full of vigor, stirring people to excitement” for Jerusalem is the consummate enlargement of this new the believers’ full inward enjoyment (Recovery Version, man,4 and the Triune God is Himself the very factor of note 1). In the same verse Christ reveals the church as the newness. God’s economy is His plan to impart Himself as fresh wineskins to contain Christ as the new wine. In newness into humanity in order to bring forth the new 2 Corinthians 5:17 the apostle Paul proclaims, “If anyone creation, the new man, the New Jerusalem. The accom- is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have plishment of this economy involves four progressive stages passed away; behold, they have become new.” Paul’s sig- of human history, which are encapsulated in four distinct nature phrase in Christ implies the believers’ mystical expressions in Paul’s Epistles: the first man, the old man, union with Christ in His divine life and nature through the second man, and the new man. faith.5 In other words, we become a new creation by our organic union with Christ, in which we share His divine The Newness of the Triune God in His Eternal Economy life and nature. In Ephesians 2:15 Paul declares that Christ created the believers “in In the entire universe Him self into one new only the Triune God is man.” The Greek word new; everything other translated “in” (ejn) here than Him is old. AS THE CONSUMMATING VISION has the sense of “with.”6 Although He is the IN THE BIBLE, THE NEW JERUSALEM UNVEILS Christ is not only the Ancient of Days (Dan. sphere in which the new 7:9), He is ever green THE ULTIMATE ISSUE OF GOD’S WORK man was created but and eternally fresh as UPON HIS ELECT, THE FINAL STATE OF THEIR also the element with the dew (Hosea 14:8, 5). which the new man was In His eternal existence PERFECTION THROUGH THEIR PARTICIPATION created. the Triune God is new- IN HIS GREAT SALVATION. ness itself. God the he Spirit of life, as Father is the source of Tthe essence of the newness, for it is He who divine, ever fresh life, is makes all things new the essence and reality (Rev. 21:5). He gave His people a new heart and a new of newness (Rom. 8:2). This is corroborated by Titus 3:5, spirit (Ezek. 36:26), and He made a new covenant with which speaks of the renewing of the Holy Spirit. The His people (Jer. 31:31). The expression newness of life in Spirit, as the transmission and realization of the Divine Romans 6:4 indicates that newness is derived from the Trinity, functions to bear and communicate the Triune divine life and that the life of God has the capacity to God to humanity by becoming the intrinsic divine life, make us new. Whereas the temporal, created, mortal life content, and essence of the believers in Christ (2 Cor. of man becomes old, the eternal, uncreated, indestructi- 13:14). The Spirit of reality—the Spirit who is reality— ble life of God is ever new, ever fresh. The Father is the is the reality of all that the Triune God in Christ is to source of the divine life in the Trinity. This is affirmed by humanity (John 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 5:6). As such, the Christ’s declaration that the Father, who has life in Spirit renews the believers by imparting the essence of Himself, “gave to the Son to also have life in Himself” the divine life into them, making the ever-new essence of (John 5:26). As the source of the divine, eternally new the Triune God their own essence. The Spirit’s role in life, the Father is the fountain of newness in the uni- renewing the believers is also revealed by Romans 7:6, verse.
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