A NEW AT'TTTUÐE T'TWARÐS UPGRAÐTNG MAR.GTNAL SET'Tí.EMÐNT'S: A CO&{MUNÏT'V APPR.O.ACË{. by Theodore Pacelli Macfarlane A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of City Planning Department of City Pianning University of Manitoba 'Winnipeg, Manitoba. @ September,1996 ffi*ffi NationalLibrary Bibliothèque nationale W r* ffi ofCanada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A ON4 K1A ON4 Your lile Volrc élércnce Ou lile Notrc rélércnce T'[re autfxor lras granted arn ã-'au¡teu¡n a acco¡'dé urle licence irrevocable ¡ron-exclus¡ve !icence ånrévoeable et rxon exc¡usive allowing the håational å-ibnary of permettant à la Eibliothèque Ganada to reproduce, loan, r'¡ationale du Ganada de distribute or sell cop¡es of reproduire, prêten, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any ¡neans and vendre des copies de sa thèse !r'l any forsn or format, makinE de Euelque man¡ère et sous this thesis available to interested que¡que forme que ce so¡t pour persons. rflettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des person nes intéressées. T'he author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du tlre copyright in [ris/lrer tlresls. droit d'auteur qu¡ protège sa hteither the thesis nor substantial thèse. hli !a thèse ni des extraits extracts f¡'om it rnay be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être irnprimés oL! his/her perrn¡ss¡on. autremerit reprodu¡ts sans son autonisatio¡r. ISBN 0-612 -16202-8 il,aaaadåd Nome Dissedotíon Ahstracts lntemationol ond ¡llosfers AhsÍræ,ts lntemøtionol ore orronged by brood, generol zub¡ect cotegories. Pleose select fhe one sub¡ect which nosf neorly describes the content of your dissertotion or thesis. Enter the conesponding fourdigit code in the spoces provided. SUUECTIERM ÜEø¿* ftru> €,æE,5z¡,a-z- 7r**rr xsQ ' f.H?Te KJfuåå SUBJECT CODE Subiecf eoÞgories Kffi& ffi8$ffi&ru8gBffiS &ruffi S@€Be& $€gffiru€ffiS COffiffiUNI(ÅTIO}IS AIID ÏHE ART5 Phnicol .................................... 0523 Mediryol ............................o581 Architectura ....... ....................... 07Ð Reådim ................................... 0535 PHttosoPHY, REt ¡Ct0H At{t) lvlodom .............................. 0582 A¡t His¡orv................................0377 Rdisioüs .........0527 THEOTOGY Church ...............................0330 G¡rmo ..1.................................0900 Scieirce¡,............ .,..,,..,...,......... 071 A Û'ilcêphy......... .......................0422 Block ..................................0328 Dome ......................................0378 Sændqry................................ 0533 l(d¡oron Africqn ...............................OiX¡l Desion ond Drcrqlive A.t5 ......,0389 Saiol Scíercæ ......................... 0534 öffi!1 ..............................031 I As¡o, Austrcli€ o¡d Ocæto 0332 Fine"¡\re .........0357 Sqioloqy of ............................. 03¿0 BíHicd sþ¿s ....................0321 Ccnodiq .................--..-..-.. O33l lnfomolion Science............,......0723 Speciolï.................................. oSæ dcrqv ..,.,.........,....,.........,,.03¡ 9 Josmolism................................0391 Töocher T¡oinim ....................... 0530 l.li¡tc? of ............................ 0320 londsæ Architectr¡re.............. 0390 Tecl¡rpbcv.....L....................... 0n 0 Phik¡¡óolrv of ......................0322 j...:.................... tihrw Scime ......................... 0399 lst¡ on{¡Çleo¡ursnenlr .....,...... 0288 lh€dosÍ . ........o&9 M^.'Comrnunicqtionc............... O708 Vocotionol......... ...... -. - - - -......0747 Music .......................................0¿l 3 Sos€ch Commun¡cotion .............0459 I,ANGUAGE, I,ITERATURE ANE Tlì€aø..................................... or'ós TINGUISNCS Lo¡owoo ë€åul ............ ..................oó79 Ànc¡ent ............................... 0289 linquislics ...........,............... 0æ0 À,1däem ............. .................0?F1 Rhebdc @d Conædtim ....0ó81 [itmluro Go¡¡erol .............................. 0lOl do¡c¡€{l ............................. 0æ4 Comporativo ....,............,..... 0æ5 Mediryol ........-...................0297 Modem ..............................0298 ..............050t Áfricqn ...............................03I ó ..............0503 Anericon............................ 0591 .............0505 Asion ................................. 0305 Finomo ..............................0508 Conodiqn {Enq1ish1 .............. 0352 His|orv................................ 0509 Conodion lFrðrhl ............... osss tobo/.................................05,l 0 Coribbeon .......................... 0360 Thærv................................05t I Enql¡sh ...............................0593 Folldoro .i.................................. 0358 Gõmnic ...........................031 I Gæqrcohv............................... 03óó l¡tin Äunsico ....................031 2 G€ro'nk;báy ............................. 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Ol{]8 Moreriqls Scienco - - -..-.......079 Á HTATIH AND EIIVIRONMENIAT Nucleo¡ .............................. 0738 Mæhonicol ......................... Orqon¡c.............................. 0¡90 o5¿8 s(lEltcs Meollurqy .......................... 07¿:¡ Wood T6chDobcy ...............O74ó Phúmoceuticq1.................... 0491 Min¡m..11............................ 055t E¡viro¡unsn¡ol S<ience¡ .............O7æ Pt¡yr¡cãl ............. .................oA9A Birhry Nucleãr .............................. 0552 Hælthsciacæ Pofvmer .............................. cÉt€.él .............................. 030ó 0495 Po&oqinq ........................... 0549 G€n€rql ...........................--. 05óó Ro¿¡cd¡b{ì ............................ 075¿ Anqþmy ............................0287 Aud;obqy........................... 0300 Petrolc-um-............................0765 Animol Þh¡ciobgy...............0433 Mdhsilxrr-cs ............................. 0105 Son¡t¡ry qnd Mss'cipql........ 055¿ Do*istr,i'............ .................O5f,7 Phvsic¡ Biostot¡sËe ......................... 0308 Srdem Scieffio.................... 0790 ' G€nsul .............................. OóO5 8o1ony................................ 0309 Gæt&h¡¡o|oqv ......................... 0¿28 cell ..'................ ..................0379 opercüions R-é€orc¡ì ........... --....O79ó Ecobcry ............. ................. 0329 Plä$ics Teånobqy.................... 0795 Enhcnìó|ogy........................ 0353 Tutile TechrnbS..................... 099¿ ............................. Gætia 03ó9 Merlol Hælrh Limrcloqy ........................... ....:....'............oU7 ..................... 07t8 0793 Nusino ..............................05ó9 Micrcbiõfoc¡v ...................... 041 O ........................... 0ó2t ltlole(ulor I1........................ Nuhitiõn .............................05/0 ocoz OtstErics Gvnæolow ..0380 ........................... 03&l Nærosciencs .........,............031 7 od Occup<dior¡d HeÉl*¡ onJ' ..................--._ -. -..o622 Oceorpqrcehy.................... 041 ó ...0d¡3 Plont Phþ'<jlosy ..................081 7 ...0ó20 Veler;mry Sc¡em e ......,....,.,. 07/ I ...0ó23 _. þþw : - -........................oÁ7 2 ...062l BmhwrG ...0625 'GÍùìero1 .............................. 078ó Slotisli€ ...0989 Medicol ............ ..................O7 60 ................................... 0/ó3 .........03¿9 Aoolied &'rsncec ....0ó32 EARTH SCIIN(ES ¡ppl¡eJ ¡¡"chcnic" ...................03¡ó Bioqæchemislry. .......................0 Å25 Cäi¡rpuler Sc¡erße .....................098¿ Geãdremislry !..........................O9çO Disserlolion Abslrocls lnlernolional esf orgonisé en colégor¡es de sujels. Veuillez s,v.p, choìsir le suiet qui décrit le mieux volre lhèse et inscrivez le code numêrique opproprié dons l'espoce réservé ci-dessous. |-|-l-n {JM.I SUJET CODE DE SUJII Cotégories por suiets H¡'!AñA¡{¡IÊS ET SGIEN€ES SOGIAIEs 1ecrure.....................................0535 4ncienne...................-........ 0579 Molhémorioues.................... 0280 Mediévo|e...... .... ...............0581 Musioue .1.. os22 ...0422 Moderñe.......... .. ..........0582 O¡¡eniorion êr conr!ho1ion....... .05ì9 H¡roire des ¡oir'.... .... .0328 Philosoohie de l'éducotion ......... 0998 Phvsio,ie
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