Used Car Prices Reduced

Used Car Prices Reduced

PAGE 14 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES MARCH 7 ,1936 ALL USED CAR PRICES REDUCED 1 70 Automobiles for Sale 70 Automobiles for Sale j 70 Automobiles for Sale 70 Automobiles for Sale 70 Automobiles for Sale 70 Automobiles for Sale 70 Automobiles for Sale 70 Automobiles for Sale AI RN> i?H. 1931 cu*tom sedan. *195. FINK | CHEVROLET, 1934 Master coupe, radio DE SOTO. 1929 coupe with rumble seat: In FORD. 1933 de luxe sedan, HUPP, 1929, five-passenger CO 440 N. Capitol. mileage. radio. *325. FORD. 1929 coupe SBS coupe. $99 PLYMOUTH. 1935 de luxe *edan. trunk. STUDEBAKER 1930 President Stat* _AUTO . LI-1112. j and heater; low *435. I. WOLF A-l condition throughout: a buy for only FINK AUTO CO.. 440 t\ Capitol. Ll-1 U 2. C- O- WARNOCK E. Washington-st. AUTO CO 555 N. Capitol. $l5O. j CO.. 819 HICKMAN-MOYERSALES. INC.. 13C3 N. *545. ABELS AUTO CO.. 430 N Caol- Brougham Best buv in town. AUBURN. 1933 salon sedan. *3*s. ABELS j . _ 1 FORD, 1934 tudor; excellent condition; a Meridian. -av. LI-4240. TED BYRNE CO- FRANK HATFIELD CO. FORD. 1930 Tudor, completely overhauled, __tol - AUTO CO.. 430 N Capitol-av. LI-40 'CHEVROLET ’33 Coach: finished in rtet good buy: only *375. Washington ON THE RANGE. maroon stripe: 623 N. Capitol FOUTS. including new finish. *155. HUPMOBILE. 1930 sedan. *l3s] ABELS black with mohair uphol- RI-9326. at Belmont. Capitol-av. PLYMOUTH. 1932 P. A. Sedan. *lB5. ABELS AUBURN 1931 de luxe sedan. *195. ABELS stering. If looking for a BE-3289. MONARCH MOTOR CO. AUTO CO.. 430 N. LI-4240. AUTO CO 430 vou’re bargain ’3l DESOTO coupe. $65 down. FORD, CO.. 430 N. Capltol-av, LI-4240. —AUTO . N Capitol-av. LI-4240 | here it is. *SO down. ROY WILMETH Harry A. 11th and 1934 sport coupe de luxe model Buick and Pontiac Dealer HUPR 6. 1929 sedan STUDEBAKER. 1934—6 Coupes radio]? ; Sharp's Lot, Meridian. seat. *"i2s de coach, heater, trunk, I heater; light; 1934 *lx brougham. *395. ABELS CO . 720 N. Meridian. with rumble *375. FOUTS. Wash- New Car Store 1018 N. Meridian PLYMOUTH luxe driving *495. / | DE SOTO, 1930 coach; excellent condition; ington at Belmont. Car 958 N. Meridian only & / . AUTO CO.. 430 N. Capitol-av. BE-3289. Used Store LA 1929 5-passenger 8000 miles. GROVER WININGS CO.. LITZELMAN MORRISON INC. LI-4240 CHEVROLET ’3O Coupe. For those you priced to sell. GROVER WININGS CO., SALLE. coupe. *lls. 1625 E. Washington. RI. 3598. 2004 N. Meridian. TA-090*. of FORD, 1934 coach, $375 thoroughly [ _ AUBURN. 1931 de luxe sedan. *195. ABELS who are looking lor a give 1625 E. Washington. RI-3598. recon- 1930, sedan; *e.lloon tires, ABELS AUTO CO.. 430 N. Capitol-av. car to you ditioned; 30-day easy FORD. 4-dr. LI-4240. PLYMOUTH, 1935 coupe. 8000 STUDEBAKER. 1930 Llgh* S Coupe, _ AUTO CO.. 430 N. Capitol-av. LI-4240 economical come written guarantee; large hub, wire wheels, perfect; miles. 8565. if/ther transportation, in and jUE SOTO. 1933 custom sedan. 8375. FINK terms. the best Practically new upholstery and upholstering, *165. AUBURN, 1933 inspect this *25 down. ROY 4-cylinder Ford in town; only a few LINCOLN. 1930 de luxe sedan; 495 finish: clean. CHESTNUTT aedan. *329. HICKMAN- one. WIL- j AUTO CO.. 440 N. Capitol. LI-1112. JOHNSON CHEV. CO. like $295* motor fine. A HOLLY. 1007 N. Meridian. LI-Bfi22. MOYER INC., METH CO.. 720 N. Meridian. this down. ROY WILMETH C., 720 N. _ BALES. 420 N. Capitol SOTO, family 1035 Meridian-st. LI-5381. one. Merid- WEISSMAN MOTOR SALBS. CHEVROLET. I DE 1931 coach. *285. A fine TED BYRNE CO., ian. STUDEBAKER 31 Presidin’ Coupe. Fine AUBURN. 1933 aedan No 347A. *250. WEST 1928 sedan No. 87A. *65. car; good condition. FORD, 1935 Tudor; guaranteed; onlv 927 Virginia-av. DR-6079. 1430 Main-st. Bpeedway City. mechanical $495. ON THE RANGE. 1932, 16-cylinder cond. New Oeneral tires, *195. 2419 W. Washington. __ BIDE CHEVROLET. WEISSMAN MOTOR SALBS. FOUTS, Washington at Belmont. at MARMON. convertible H. M VAN BE-1450. 1928. coach Virginia-av. -3289 BE- Illinois Tenth. coupe; original owner. *695. I. WOLF PLYMOUTH. 1934 de luxe sedan; blue, MATRE. INC. CHEVROLET. *6s*. 927 DR-6079. FORD—I 932 V-8 AUTO 555 Capitol-av. good tires and JONES- OLDSMOBILE DEALER j*dan: JOHNSON CHEV. CO. coupe—*22s. CO.. N. LI-4516. motor. *395. AUBURN. 1930 see this car lor DESOTO. ’33 6 sedan, *445. FORD, 1936 Tudor de luxe with trunk; MALKY. 2421 E. Washington, 3756 COLLEGE WA-1933-34 onlv *l2O. Oood shape throughout. j 1035 N. Meridian-st. LI-5361. & MARMON sedan, $45 down INC.. LITZELMAN MORRISON. Inc. save *llO. ROY WILMETH CO.. 720 N. '3i TERRAPLANE. '34. brougham sedan: radio OAKLEY MOTOR SALES j 1933 coach, finish, new 2004 N. Meridian. FORD, 1934 sport coupe, rumble seat, HarryA. Sharp’s Lot. 11th and Meridian. PLYMOUTH. 1932 P B coupe. *265. NORTH CHEVROLET. black TA-0900. _ Meridian. equipped; low mileage; one owner; excel- HUDSON—TERRA tires, low mileage. LEW heater, radio, dual equipment; only *425. E. PLANE DEALER. *295. COHEN DE SOTO S. A] sedan, 1931; $165. FORD. 1933 de NASH, 1931 4-dr. sed., A-l cond. through- SIDE CHEVROLBT. INC.. 544 Wash- lent 6475. LOSEY MOTORS, 10*3-5 8 Meridian-st. Capitol. luxe Tudors $335706.T45 LEW COHEN. 401 N. Capitol. out; only conditcn: 401 N. 820 N. Meridian. down. ROY WILMBTH N. $75 down. JOHN H. MORRI- INC.._U33 N Meridian. HICKMAN- CO.. 720 Me- FORD, 1935 Tudor; heater; black; like SON. Bargain 514 N. Capi- __ AUBURN. 1929 sedan. *9. CHEVROLBT. 1934 master sedan; here is DE SOTO—’3O The Store. PLYMOUTH—'34 4-dr. sed.; good one, fordor: *75 MOYER BALEB, INC., 1302 N. Meridian. an cpe., 6-cyl. t *lB5. NORTH ridian. new. *495. HOWARD HOLCOMB. INC., tol. LI-9033. Open eves, till 9, and STUTZ. 1929 *195.00. down. automobile that is really priced to SIDE CHEVROLET. INC. 836 E. 63rd-st. FORD. 1934* Tudor; *375,00: ROY all 34,000 miles. ROT WILMBTH 720 N Meridian. 3209 E. Washington. day Sunday. CO- _ AUBURN, 1935—053 Brougham, Only sell: not stay with us long: in good con- WILMBTH *s<Tdown. CH-0204. TED BYRNE CO. *595. DE 1929 and ’3O; 5 of all _ CO.. N. Meridian, 10 mo. old. Perfect. dition throughout; during ”Our SOTO. them*; 720 ’35 tudor; green $49*5, 1929 STUDEBAKER DEALER TERRAPLANE. 1934 coach; low mileage] Great models; bargains. CHESTNUTT & Tudor; FORD. NASH, sedan No. 266A. $65. TED BYRNE *49 Sale" priced at $349. CENTRAL FORD ’33 finished in maroon, wire LOSEY INC., 1133 N. Meri- WEST 962 N. Meridian. *495. I WOLF AUTO CO- 555 N Cap- CO. MOTORS. SIDB CHEVROLET, 2419 W. Washington. _ BUICK 832 N. HOLLY CO.. 1007 N. Meridian. wheels. to postpone the RI-2411. _itol-av, LI-4516 ON THE RANGE. CO.. Meridian-st. LI-1995. LI-8722. buying You don’t need dh n. BE-1450. DE SOTO. 1934 Air Flow four-door sedan; of a used car anv longer, come PLYMOUTH—'33 deluxe coach; only 18,000 Illinois at. Tenth. CHEVROLBT. 1932 coach No. 87. *225. 1430 in here and let us take care of you: FORD, 1933 coupe; black, red wheels; TERRAPLANB. 1935 sedan. A powerful '3l Main-st. Speedway City. it’s a dandy and you must see the car $325 OAKLAND, 1930 sedan, good rubber... .*45 miles—*36s. fast car for onlv *495. See this car. BUICK sedan. *65 down to appreciate Its value; only SSO down. ROY WILMETH CO.. 720 N] cleanest coupe in town. $385. HOWARD TED Harry A. Sharp's 11th CHEVROLET, coach, $195 down. BYRNE CO. WEISSMAN MOTOR SALBS Lot. and Metldian. 1929 *95; S2O down. JOHN H. MORRISON. The Bargain _ Meridian. HOLCOMB. INC.. 3209 E. Washington. ON THE RANGE 2122 E Washington. CH-4442. AUBURN, 1929. Sedan. Oood good ROY WILMETH CO., 720 N. Meridian. 1935 CH-0204. OAKLAND, 1929 Sedan. *95. tires, Store. 514 N. Capitol. Open Evenings FORD. de luxe sedan; anew car ABELS AUTO TERRAPLANE. 1932 coach, the oiiginal mileage. POUTS CAR AND CHEVROLET, 1931 sport roadster. and Sundays. LI-9033 value; reconditioned; guaranteed. $525. FORD. 193*3 Tudor No. 356. $335. 1430 CO.. 430 N. Capitol-av. LI-4240. P*nLJowTRUCK CO., a,!, *195. PLYMOUTH. '35 coach; unusual bargain Terraplane. *275. LOSEY MOTORS, Belmont Washington. ABELS AUTO CO.. 430 N. Capitol-av. DE SOTO sed.; good FOUTS. Washington at Belmont. BE- Main-st. Speedway City. OAKLAND, LI-4240. 1930 4-dr. del. a real -3289. 1929 coach for only *95. Worth at *465. CHAMBERS Si WHITEHEAD, INC- 1133 N. Meridian buy, for only *75 down. JOHN H. MOR- FORD ”33 Tudor; it’s clean $335 lots more. See and drive this one. 818 E. 63d, AUSTIN. 1930 coupe. coupe. FORD ’34 Tudor; one 30TH & HU-1614. TERRAPLANE—I93S Coach. Here's a~* slls. ABELS AUTO CHEVROLBT. 1929 *95. ABELS RISON. THE BARGAIN STORE. 514 N. of those popular tan CENTRAL SALES. TA-5550. OAKLEY MOTOR SALES. a beauty; low mileage; excellent me- _ CO.. 430 N. Capitol-av. LI-4240. AUTO CO.. 430 N. Capitol-av. LI-4240. Capitol, LI-9033; open eves, till 9 and all models with wire wheels. This car will FORD ’34 Sedan; reduced HUDSON-TERRAPLANE PLYMOUTH. 1935 Deluxe Cpe., real buy only ¦give many $345 DEALER. & chanical condition- *465; match BUICK. 1931-87 Bed. Low mileage. Per- CHEVROLET. 1928 coach day Sunday. thousands of miles of service 30TH Se CENTRAL SALES.

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