RAILWALKER NTEW YORK-NEW JERSEY TRAIL CONFERENCE...MAINTAINING OVER 1300 MILES OF FOOT TRAILS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1999 Conference hires first NJ Field Each moment of the year Representative has its own beauty... Expands our commitment to NJ volunteer trails in each park, leading to developing a picture which was never programs and parks an action plan for each park or trail sys- tem; improving trail stewardship and seen before communications with park agencies; rep- The New York-New Jersey Trail Con- sistance to our trail volunteers. resenting the Conference at agency and ference has expanded its staff with the hir- “The Trail Conference is delighted to colleague organization meetings; devel- and which shall never be ing of our first-ever New Jersey Field Rep- welcome Larry as our first New Jersey staff,” oping a broader base of member involve- resentative. Conference West Hudson trail remarked Conference Projects Director Anne ment; and developing a management seen again. crew leader Larry Wheelock was selected Lutkenhouse. “The job’s inaugural year re- committee for the Farny Highlands Trail as the NJ Field Representative, and be- quires strong knowledge of trail work and Network. - Ralph Waldo Emerson gan work in mid-October at the four-day- volunteer labor issues, knowledge which Larry, a Trail Conference life mem- a-week position. Larry keenly possesses. We are confident ber, joined the Conference in 1989, and This staffing expansion reflects the that Larry will be an effective facilitator began trail work shortly thereafter. He Trail Conference’s commitment to im- in furthering our mission in New Jersey.” has been a West Hudson trail crew leader proving our presence and effectiveness in Larry’s key responsibilities will in- New Jersey, and to providing better as- clude coordinating a needs assessment for continued on page 10 From the Presidents Notepad Hiking into the new millennium by Gary Haugland When you read this I will have as- experience intact. She organized work sumed the title of President of the New trips and, slight as she was physically, York-New Jersey Trail Conference. This lugged the tools and hardware and bags is an incredible privilege, one that I could of cement with everyone else — and re- not have foreseen as I began my volun- turned to plant saplings when the work teer work some fifteen years ago when I was done. She wrote an endless stream of GLEN NISON represented the New York Section of the letters, of thanks and of protest, and got New TC editions Green Mountain Club on the people to do her bidding without making Orange-Rockland Appalachian Trail them feel “used.” You see, it was not about OUR WARMEST include hardcover Management Committee and became a her. We were not doing anything for her. trail corridor monitor. Since, at that time, It was all for the trail and for the Trail WISHES FOR THE for the 'Gunks Elizabeth Levers chaired the committee, Conference and for hikers everywhere. She I was introduced to the many facets of was a great mentor to a lot of people, The Trail Conference is pleased to trail work by a volunteer without peer. myself included. HOLIDAY SEASON. announce the publication of revised edi- Tirelessly and relentlessly she pursued I stand before you at a crucial junc- tions of two of its books—Harriman whatever had to be done to keep the AT ture in the history of the Trail Conference. For a seasonal hike to celebrate this time of Trails: A Guide and History, by William Neil Zimmerman has decided to step aside year for expansive views, see page 3. Myles, and Scenes and Walks in the New TC President Gary Haugland as president after 12 years — though not Northern Shawangunks, by Jack Fagan. without a few final bangs of his gavel! We are also proud to announce that, for His were years of incredible growth for the first time, the Scenes and Walks book, the Trail Conference, expanding our re- with its outstanding sketches of the scenic sponsibilities for hundreds of miles of Farewell Party for Shawangunks, will be available in a hard- trails, both north and south; building and cover edition—a perfect Holiday gift! strengthening our diverse partnerships; JoAnnDolan Harriman Trails, which contains a and introducing us to new land protec- Help celebrate her 19 years of detailed description of the numerous tion strategies. Such a transition in lead- service and contribute to a marked and unmarked trails in Harriman- ership will be difficult enough, but our special fund for trail stewardship. Bear Mountain State Park, was last up- long time executive director dated in 1994. Since then, there have been extraordinaire, JoAnn Dolan, is also leav- For details, see page 3 continued on page 11 continued on page 10 TRAIL WALKER Volume XXVI, No. 6 Nov./Dec. 1999 E T T E R Nora Porter Managing Editor L S Paul Leikin Advertising Manager The TRAIL WALKER (ISSN 0749-1352) is published bi-monthly by the New York-New High Praise Indeed orders – that you manage to capture and the faint side trail into the shelter and have Jersey Trail Conference as a benefit of mem- I received my September/October is- retain that old-time respect/manner that even found a lost through-hiker in the dark bership. Of membership dues, $4 is allocated who had gone a half- mile downhill after to a one-year subscription. Subscriptions are sue of the Trail Walker a few days ago, is so painfully lacking in today’s world. available to libraries only at $15.00 a year. and just had to write to let you know how It’s noticed and appreciated. Please don’t missing the junction. Periodical postage paid at New York, NY. great it looks! Every change – from the ever lose it. Mr. Gabay should understand that the Postmaster: Send address changes to the address below. Opinions expressed by au- paper to the typeface to the layout – is a Ronald Fontana AT is well-signed throughout much of its thors do not necessarily represent the policy huge improvement. Congratulations on Flanders, NJ length and the NY/NJ area stood out as a or position of the Conference. Contributions making a great publication even better, noticeable exception. From my through- of typed manuscripts, photos and drawings are welcome. Manuscripts may be edited and best of luck to you as you lead the Signs Offer Reassurance hiking experience, I can say that nothing for style and length. Send SASE for writers’ Trail Walker into the twenty-first century. I am struck by Victor Gabay’s criti- reassures and instills a feeling of trail or- guidelines. Submission deadlines for the Alice Tufel cal letter on Appalachian Trail signs. As ganization more than a sign pointing you TRAIL WALKER are February 1 (Mar./Apr. Issue), April 1 (May/June issue), June 1 (July/ New York, NY an overseer for the trail, and a through- into a shelter in the pouring rain at dark. Aug. Issue), August 1 (Sept./Oct. Issue), hiker, I have made and installed some very Also, signs at trail landmarks help a October 1 (Nov./Dec. Issue), December 1 Alice Tufel is a former editor of the Trail helpful signs that have aided lost hikers through-hiker determine what he has left (Jan./Feb. Issue). Unsolicited contributions cannot be acknowledged unless accompa- Walker. - Thank you, Alice. and drawn praises from Trail Conference in the day and how to approach it. In my nied by SASE. For information on advertis- members and hikers alike. experience, signs have an effect of psy- ing rates, please write or call. A Note of Appreciation Mr. Gabay offers some insightful in- chological uplift, orientation, and achieve- Copyright 1999 by: New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, Inc. I love walking and the beauty and trospective points on geographical orient- ment on a day long hike. 232 Madison Avenue wonder of nature. But I belong to very ing and lay of the land romance. How- In my opinion, the trail signs on the New York, NY 10016 few organizations. I am definitely not a ever, the reality of the AT is one where AT will enable a better trail experience 212-685-9699 e-mail: [email protected] “joiner.” hikers who are totally unfamiliar with our for hikers and represent the Trail Confer- Worldwide Web: http://www.nynjtc.org/ A few years ago I discovered your area have hiked a long day and need to ence well. books and really got into hiking. I also know where they are with certainty. The Brian Doyle felt moved to join. I haven’t been disap- West Mountain shelter sign is a prime ex- Valley Cottage, NY NEW YORK - NEW JERSEY pointed. You are a class operation. It’s ample of a faint side trail needing a sign TRAIL CONFERENCE evident – in your correspondence, your to guide shelter seekers. I’ve read too Brian is the AT Overseer for Harriman- Mission Statement solicitations, and even your handling of many published reports of hikers missing Bear Mountain State parks. The New York-New Jersey Trail Confer- ence, founded in 1920, is a federation of member clubs and individuals dedicated to providing recreational hiking opportunities in the region, and representing the interests In late September, 240 Conference members and friends and concerns of the hiking community. The Honoring Neil Zimmerman gathered at Bear Mountain to celebrate our trails Conference is a volunteer-directed public heritage and to honor outgoing Conference President service organization committed to: All photos by Dan DErrico • Developing, building, and maintain- Neil Zimmerman’s 12 years of leadership.
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