r"T ' ' j •'.v> ■ I SATUBDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1960 V‘‘‘ iOanrtifBter E w ttins $?raUt Ifii'J •• t Not (me of the men MW anything funny In the process. No Herald Social Worker About To>m Heard Along Main Street! Just like a woman 7 Some of the men fall in the know-how Pepart- OnMdhday Sought by Town WATBS wlU meet And on Some o) Manehe$ter*§ Side SlreeU,Too ment, too, when it. comes to freeing l^iesdey evening nt the Italian mechanical horses from Ice traps. The town is accepting appUca- The Manchester Evening tiona through Wednesday to fill Amertean ' Chib on Sldrltlge St. <^been a. luncheon guest at the inn. 1 0 :' Welgbtog In win be from 7 to 8 What Are You Gonna Do? It ' So Reverse It a social work^ post with sn an­ One Herald aubacriber is very Lt. Leander, who is stationed at Herald will-not publish Mon­ 'Words of advice wer^ voiced nual salary range of 84,004 to YOL. LXXX, NO. 7S (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1960 (ChuwUtsg AgvsrttalBg m Fag» 14) PRICE PIVB V-*A red-faced becauee her 10-year-oM the U.S. Navy atatipn .gt Orange, irom one local youngster to an­ day, the day after Christmas, 14,914 and an allowance for use son got carried away with the Tex., had spent the afterhiibh vla- other as they walked along the Merty Christmas to all. of the worker's own car. Handd S. Crozler will show Christmas spirit. Iting a state park, San Jacinto street in the ijear zero weather. The worker would replace Mrs. oolor elides of hi* trip throughout monument and saw the Battleship v m Mrs. Elmer M. Thrall. 87 Church “When you step out of a warm sUtion was planning to present Esther Dougan who left the town the-tlnlted Ststes last summer at Texas on a tour of the battle­ St., wrote a note to The Herald house into the cold, take a deep “a program o f simulating and Welfare Department last August. Below Estimate Kennedy Picks e meeting of the Rotary Club of reporting that she was a home- ground where Sam Houston de­ stimulating Christmas music." Social science graduates with at StateNews Meaebestor Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. feated Santa Ana to win independ­ breath through your nose, keep 'aclivcr.v subflcriber but had not your month closed, and hold your least one year of experience with et tli« Manchester Country Club. received her complimentary copy ence for Texas, according to a let­ Merry Christmas a recognized social service agency ter to his parents. Lt. Leander, breath. This will drive the blood to Whitton as U.S. of the •cookbook, “ From Your the surface of the body, prevent­ Well, here’s hopin' y’el „ get can apply. Roundup Neighbor's Kitchen," distributed a graduate of Manchester High everything you wanted under the Granby Mother Kills School and Dartmouth College, ing initial chill,” one said. Applications are available at as a Herald Christmas present. tree tomorrow, and that the price Highway Chief has been In the Navy 18 months. “ But I live In a cold house," the the general manager’s office in the I A Pemioal Ifew Year While Bill Anderson, circulation other little boy said. tags have been removed. Gets Municipal Building, the state em­ manager of The Herald, etarted Toll Collector The Solemn Hour tougher each year, what with ployment office at 806 Main St., Palm Beach, Fbu, Dec. 27 BesohiUon For ’61! checking with neweboys on that ‘Only Make Believe’ more and more manufacturers or the State Personnel Department. C. J. MORRISON PAINT STORE route to find out what happened, A priest at a Manchester Catho­ (/P) — Vice President - elect lic church last Sunday was re­ An announcer on a Hartford wrapping their atuff In plastic 386 OCNTBR STREET Killed in Crash la a daal role of a pubUo^pirlt-' Mrs. Thrall at the same time was viewing the weekly bulletin for area radio stati(>n reported cryp­ covers ^rith the price imprinted. The Thames River is 215 miles Ljindon B. Johnson said today telling her husband about not get­ ed cttiaea as well as a prap- parishioners. tically the other evening that the Anon long. Milford, Dec. 27 (^P)— A col­ the Kennedy administration erty owner, I suggest the pow. ting her cookbook. He emphasized the fact that con­ a Elmer Thrall grinned and di­ lector at the Milford toll sta­ is planning very vigorous Her 2 Small Children era to be In town Initiate ac- fessions would not be heard on tton that would give the town vulged that W r cookbook had By THE ASSOdATSD PRESS ♦fataliUes. He said more than half tion on the Wilbur Cross and accelerated space explora­ Christmas Eve because, he said, tion program. maaagerahlp form of govern­ been delivered .all right. Johij Ran­ the priests would be busy In the Traffic the fatal mishaps occur during the Parkway was killed today, po­ ment back to the ones who drew dall Thrall, youngest of three sons rectory taking calls from parish­ F Ina ............ first 30 hours of the weekend. in the family, had intercepted the Miseellaaeoua -The council also estimated 14,- lice said, when his car was in­ Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 27 H ap, If they are proud of it, ioners who want to know the time volved in a collision with an­ I for one oerlalnly am not with cookbook on delivery and had of Midnight' Mass. Total ........ 000 persona would auger disabling (/P)—President-elect John F. H y ste ric a l the Increased taxation and enri wrapped it as a “present for injuries from traffic accidents dur­ other vehicle on the Boston Kennedy today chose Rex Mother." ing the 78-hour period which be­ tadment of senices. without Brass Buttons Traffic accidents over the Post Road. Whitton, chief engineer of Strangers to these parts are long Christmas -weekend took gins 6 p.m. Friday and ends at mid­ He was identified by police as F,8,-^T1 settle for the select­ Small World Department startled by one of this area's col­ night Monday. Ralph J. Delgrego, 34, of 92 Tru­ Missouri’s Highway Depart­ W om an Put men type of government in a heayy toll of lives, averag­ George J. Flynn, 329 Birch Mt. loquial expressions. The toll for a comparable non­ man St., New Haven. ment, to be federal highway whatever comparison they Rd., stopped for dinner at the San Visitors from Waterbury, driv­ ing six an hour, but it was be­ holiday period, toe council estimat­ Police said Delgrego's car ap­ might try and feed os. administrator. Jacinto Inn on the outskirts of ing to Manchester for the first low the pre-holiday estimate ed, would be 310 deaths and 15,r parently went into a spin as it was Later, against the back^ound In Hospital Houston, Tex., one night last week. time last weekend, stopped to of 510. 000 disabling injuries. approaching one being driven by o f the Space race with Russia, FRANCIS J. HAPPENY An Associated Press survey of The public . relations man foe check directions to their host's The num-ber killed- In the 3-day John W. Sherpardson, Indian Kennedy started another round of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft was violent deaths for a 78-hour non­ t t l School Street home. holiday period also may be the low­ River Rd., Orange, and crashed conferences with -Vice President­ asked to sign a guest book at the They were taken back when told est for a comparable CThristmas holiday weekend period earlier this Granby, Dec. 27 (S')— A month showed 293 traffic fatalities, into the rear of it. elect Lyndon B. Johnson and Sen. Inn. to look for the "dummlcop” at the weekend in 11 years. Robert S. Kerr, D-Okla., in line mother shot and killed hffr On the same page, he noticed Shepardson and his passenger, center. Safety experts were hopeful be­ to succeed Johnson as (dtairman two young children about the name of another guest from (Continued on Page Eleven) Robert Bradley, Orange, were It was only after asking their lated reports of traffic fatalities taken to Milford Hospital. Police o f the Senate Space Committee noon today in their home 6n Manchester Conp. Lt. (J.g.) John host why the police were held In would hold the ''inal count under T. Leander, son of and Mrs. said Bradley had a fractured left when the new Ckmgress convenes Canton Rd., State Police re­ Read Herald Ad vs. such low esteem in Manchester last year's total of 493. That was next month. Ralph A. Leander, 7 Lewis 8t., had that the guests learned a traffic arm and Shepardson had serare ported. the lowest toll for a 3-day Christ­ cuts over the eyes. The cp'iferences also dealt rotary hereabouta is a "dumml­ mas period since 1949 when the Traffic Deaths again with State Department op­ Police said that Mra. Joan Groo- cop'’ and hot a dummy cop. total was 413. erations overseas. On hand' for woldt, about 30. shot and killed her Deaths ii|U tfkffie smoshups Accident Totaln those discussions was Rep. John two children, Susan 3, and Steph­ A Common Trap stack|ned last ‘ night despite in­ 5 over 3-Day Hartford. Dec. 27 (^)—The State Rooney, D-N.Y., chairauin of the en. 1, with a .22 caliber revol'ver., A woman driver, parked down­ creased traffic as millions of mo­ Motor Vehicle Department's dally House Apprapriations Subcommit­ They said that as yet toey hSiAe hill against the curb in an icy torists jah.med highu^ys heading record of automobile accidents as tee which handles State Depart­ learned no reason for the shooting, parking stall on Main St.
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