■ x » j * ' .;a *_.ifcfTi^''pi4—j*.’J«kUGl'a * 1 " i . •\ rAGS TWENTy-FODR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1M4 iHattrb^Btrr SoraUts H «rd5 Am rata Dally Nat P ra« Ron For the WsMc ZhMivd S t John’s Uplsoopal Church o f ■dward D. Hdgar, smi of Mr. Marsh $, i f i g Rockville will ^ohsor a rum­ Rylandsr and Mrs. E d g u Bar- ley Mattason Is rsaponalbls fak tut Town and Mrs. Edward B. Edgar, racUffs, and Mrs. Stanley Mat- mage sale Friday from ■ to • 107 Autum St. recently enlisted Church Club arrangements; Wiliam Free­ p.m. in the bahement of the old .teson will be in charge of the man, signs; and SamuM n a r- I 1 3 ,9 1 9 CIssrtsg aai ssMor _ BrlUah American d u b in the United States Marine colISe shop. Mrs. Russell BlUott parish house on Talcott Ave. Corps and has reported for 12 son, posters. Msaibss of tbs Audit lOTv ba aas, rrtig lR ii am|l wft ^ ve a St Patrick*! Dance is responsible for invitations, Walter Smith Jr. to also serv­ The sale will be continued on weeks of recruit training at the To Run Sale Itamu of om u l^ Ugh m Mm 4$s. WahflWIejr for members and Mrs. Edwin Sage Jr. and Mrs. ing as general chdlrman, and gM idi. Charlie Varrtek and hla Saturday from 10 a m . to 3 Marine Oarpe Recruit Depot, Al<picfcestar» A CUy of FlOefa Chorm p.m. Parris Island, 8.C. Donald Walls are in charge of Russell Elliott s » treasurer. Oteheebm win play for danclnf publicity, and Mrs. William .X. t p.m. to 1 a.m. A buffet Of Antiques "t*he T Dessert Series will Miss JetmifOr L. Caven, Freeman and Mrs, Samuel Pier­ TOL.L3 wul be served. son will taka over advertising NO. 18$ (THIRTY-TWO RAGES—TWO SBtniONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1964 SB Pag* St) meet tomorrow at the Com­ daughter of Mr. and Mra Ralph The Couples CHub of Second PRICE SEVEN CENTS munity T, 70 N. Main S t Des­ and publicity. Washington Lodre, LOL, Will Caven, 8l Jensen St., was re­ Congregational Church will RtaUtr A Advisor sert will be served at 13:80 p.m. cently named to the dean's list Mrs. Warren Blackwell and mast Friday at S p.m. at QiWnge sponsor the second annual Man­ Mrs. Raymond Cox are co-chair­ Private readings by Ran at which time the first Henry Peslin, field supervlaor at the University of Maine at of Traveler’s Insurance 06., will Orono for the first semester of chester Antique Show on March men of the telephone com­ dsgree will be conferred. mittee, Mrs. Walter Smith Jr. MRS. MARIE Events Youths Held show a film, "A Prevlyw of the the 196S-S4 academic year. 19 and 20 at the chtirch. Pro­ Judge Gives Hoffa Advertisement— World’s Fair.” There be a ceeds of the show will benefit ia coordinating the programs, 912 Albany Avenue question and answer period after Charles A. Joy, son of Mr. the church. Doors will open at and Russell Elliott is responsi­ Hartford, Conn. In Thompson Oome In the Aunt door or the the film. and Mrs. Hathan Joy of 58 1 p.m. on March 19 and close ble for ticket distribution. Stan­ In State 110,000 Left Homeless baeik. Use etther sAtrsnee at Walker St., a sophomore-at the at 10; the hours the next day Oooasotlewt Saak and Trust Manchester Orange will spon­ College of William and Mary, will be from 1 to 9 p.m. 8 Years in Prison Theft^ Death Oompoap on Main Street. Both sor a rummage sale Friday at' Williamsburg, Va., has been Jewelry, electrified oil lamps, doors are wide iqten to welcome • ;S0 a.m. at Orange Hall. Mem­ named to the dean’s list for the glassware, china, miniatures, Talk May Settle you and to serve you with ef- bers may bring articles to the first semester. ■raOMPSON (AP) — early lighting fixtures, pine fur­ CHATTANOOGA, Teiui. (A P )—Jsms8 R. Hoffa, lloteat banking servicea hall Thursday at 7 p.m. niture and clocks will be Just a Four W « b s t • r, Mass., Piimey-May Rift president of the Teamsters Union, was sentenced'today By Ohio River Floods Mrs. Col. William SpaUg of few o f the many items exhibit­ youths were charged with the Salvation Army spoke on the ed by 19 anUque fanciers. Those to eight years in prison and fined $10,000 on a charge murder early today after a Holy Land Monday night at a from this area who will be BRIDGEPORT (AP) — of trying to fix a federal court jury. meeUng of the Women’s Fel­ exhibiting will include In­ The'succesg or failure of ef­ He copld have received a^ $20 robbery in which a 57- Shop Pinehursf Thursday lowship of the Presbyterian grid Erb of Erb Antiques, Cov­ forts to settle the state Re­ maximum of 10 years in pri­ year-old service station Church. Her husband showed entry: Carol Smith of Oak Leaf Hoffa were sentenced to. three publican party leadership son, The $10,000 fine was the owner was battered with a Damage Seen color slides of Palestine. Mrs. Antiques; Hkirl and Wlllo Sur- maximum under the law. years each in prison. Tbqy Agnes Reneker and Mrs. Robert prenant of the Red House; and battle involving state chair­ could have been sentenced to hammer. h n b h u r s t o f f e r s a g r e a t s a v i n g o n U.8. Dlst. Judge Frank W. The four youths were ar­ Schettler were hostesses. Raymond R. Reid of Robert M man A. Searle Pinney of Wilson, who heard the trial, five years and fined $6,000 each In Millions; Reid and Son, all o f Manches The others convicted are raigned in Webeter District Brookfield and Ed^dn H. which reculted in Hoffa'e con- Court today as fugitives. Police DUNCAN HINES ter. vlctlcn, passed the sentence. Ewing King, former president Scoutarama Set Luncheon and supper facili­ May Jr. of Wether^ieldr of the Nashville Teamsters said they signed waivers of ex­ Judge Wilton told Hoffa: local; Larry Campbell, business tradition rtgnta, and were to be 9 Lives Lost ties will be provided on the former state chairman, "The feeling of the court la that By Area Scouts premises during the show under may be known Saturday, agent of the Detroit *reamstcrs turned over to Connecticut CAKE MIXES 3 for 89c the verdict is clearly supported lo I; and Thomas B. Parks, State Police for arraignment LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) the dlrecUon o f Mrs. Norman party leaders said today. by the evidence, and that you White, Tellow, Devils Food, Spice or Marble Campbell’s uncle and a Nash later in the day in court at —^The Ohio River applied A Scoutarama for all Minne- Congressman Abner W, Sibal knowingly and corruptly at­ ville man. All three professed Danielson. chaug District Girl Scouta and of Norwalk has called a second tempted to bribe a jury. their Innocence in court. Danielson police said Thur­ more pressure on Kentucky Shurfine Flour at 6 lbs. 49c, Shurfine Pineapple- adults will be held tomorrow "summit confershce’’ of party "You stand here con'vlcted of After the sentencing, the man Sharpies was found on the and Indiana today but slow­ Grapefruit Drink 3-46 oz. cans 89c and Bumble Bee from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Glaston­ leaders of the stats at tha Tale corrupting the administration of Judge read into the record a floor of hto service station on ly retreated in three other I. White Albacore Tuna 8 cans $1.00 will help your bury High School. Motor Inn, Wallingford, to con­ Justice, of having struck at tha criminal contempt citation R t 12 at 12:30 a.m. today by an states. sider the party warfare situa­ foundation of this nation. With­ budget Mias Wilma L«wis, who has against Jacques Schiffer, Parks unidentified ctutomer. Sharplee, The river and Its tributaries been chosen to participate in a tion. out fair, lawful administration New York attorney, The Judge suffering from eevere fractures light, bri<yht, right... At tbs meeting, a suboom have taken nine lives, left at “Traveling Troop in Europe,” of Justice, there would be no acciued Schiffer of delibBrate of the skull caused by repeated least 110,000 homeless, and run mUtM Of fiva named at the flret civilization in this country." See what you save at Plnehurst I wUl talk on the Juliette Low and wilful attempts to Interfere blowe with a hammer, died up a multi-milUon dollar total in World Friendship Fund. Tradl- meeting on Feb. 29 to setieduled Hoffa told newsmen that he with operation of the court, at about two hours later in an am­ property damages. 14 OZ. I tionally, troops contribute to to rsfKut. Hito group eonatots would appeal the sentence. tacks on the administration of bulance while en route to Hart­ BOTTLES Fed by heavy rains, toe SHURFINE CATSUP 5 $1M the fund on the organization’s of two msMbsm aslectod by "I have lived my life serving Justice and "an attempt to de ford Hospital. river stood at 46.9 feet in Louis­ anniversary, which is March 12. Pinney, two by May and the grade and debase this court’’ Taken Into custody in their Or buy the 20 oz. bottles of this fine eatsup at an man and the members of the ville, or 17.9 above flood stage, Miss Lewis and 31 other girls fifth bv Oongressman SHm I International union.
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