Battle for Syria: What has a USyd academic got to do with Bashar al-Assad? / p. 19 Double page full colour Life on Manus Island: Four Sydney Writers’ Festival: pull-out poster: Risako birthdays in detention and a Rupi Kaur, John Safran and Katsumata’s artwork / p. 16 movie filmed in secret / p. 10 Melina Marchetta / p. 13 S1W13 / FIRST PUBLISHED 1929 S1W13 / FIRST HONI SOIT LETTERS SciSoc’s Final BBQ SUDS Presents: The Normal Heart Acknowledgement of Country When: Wednesday, June 7, 12:00pm- When: Wednesday, June 7 - Saturday, What’s on Women2:00pm in Science: Talks #4 WomenJune 10, in7:30pm Science: (7:00pm Talks Saturday)#4 We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. The University of Sydney – where we write, publish and distribute When:Where: Wednesday School of Chemistry, April 26, 4-5pm USyd- When:Where: Wednesday The Actor’s AprilPulse, 26, Redfern 4-5pm Honi Soit – is on the sovereign land of these people. As students and journalists, we recognise our complicity in the ongoing colonisation of Indigenous land. In Where:Price: FREE New with Law aAnnex 2017 SciSocRoom 428T-shirt / Where:Price: TBA New Law Annex Room 428 HowAccess much: $2 /Free Non-Access $6 How much: Free recognition of our privilege, we vow to not only include, but to prioritise and centre the experiences of Indigenous people, and to be reflective when we fail to. We Did you see that article? So awful recognise our duty to be a counterpoint to the racism that plagues the mainstream media, and to adequately represent the perspectives of Indigenous students at this week Honey, we should get lunch together I’m so happy Women in Science I’mhow sothe happy ceiling Womenfell down in inScience that lit - our University. We also wholeheartedly thank our Indigenous reporters for the continuing contribution of their labour to our learning. USydon campus are organizingthis week. I’vethis! got It’s a break an USydtle cellar are whereorganizing they werethis! planningIt’s an afternoonat midday ofand talks I know by prominent your tute fefin- - afternoonto stage this. of talksBut they’reby prominent back! I fesaw- According to your maleishes scientistsat 1 — yes, about you their told research, me, plus maleyou clickscientists going about on theirthe research,Facebook Who made this withyour discussiontimetable isand printed snacks out after and- withevent discussionand I thought and wesnacks could aftergo to- - Editorial Contents mature age student wards.stuck to I’m the actually fridge — super and thisinterested is so af - wards.gether. I’mYou actually know how super I love interested theatre. infordable the work it’d bescientists silly not do, to. andI’ve I’meven inI was the even work in scientistsa few plays do, back and when I’m I One of the perks of spending hours in the Honi office Letters / 2 edition happen? completelygot a shirt soamazed it’s free by for how me! science I think completelydid my first amazed undergrad. by how We sciencegot up to this year has been browsing the piles of dusty and de- mum who wants to hasthe changedshirt is cool. the worldDon’t aroundyou think us. it’sI hassome changed real mischief. the world Anyway, around it sounds us. I caying Honis from years gone by. 1998 is my favourite News and Analysis / 4 Editor-in-Chief: Natassia Chrysanthos mean,cool? Tellall the you time what now — II’ll find even myself wait mean,like a greatall the play time — now really I find interesting myself year to date and, 19 years later, I’m consistently struck readingaround afterthese class fascinating and give youarticles a lift reading— all about these a fascinatingwriter and aarticles doctor Editors hang out. by how similar their content is to our own. So many Opinion / 8 senthome. to I’llme use by the my extra doof time family to doon a sentgoing to through me by themy AIDSdoof epidemicfamily on in of the questions students posed then — Can men call Nick Bonyhady Kishor Napier-Raman facebookbit of extra about reading. disease and the hu- facebookNew York aboutin the disease80s. and the hu- themselves feminists? Should Australia become a re- Long Read / 10 Jayce Carrano Siobhan Ryan man body. Hey, want a sweet health man body. Hey, want a sweet health public? Why isn’t abortion legal yet? How on earth Ann Ding Michael Sun tip? Just don’t get vaccinated! tip? Just don’t get vaccinated! is Pauline Hanson in parliament? — could be pasted Perspective / 12 Justine Landis-Hanley Maani Truu seamlessly into any Honi from 2017. Aidan Molins The other thing I’ve loved is how each Honi is a Culture / 12 wormhole into the social issues and political dilemmas Contributors of its era, and the way students thought about them. Poster / 16 Elijah Abraham, Sam Bird, Annagh Cielak, Sean I think this bumper issue fits such a purpose aptly. Coogan, Bianca Davino, Nina Dillon Britton, Zac The war in Syria, the plight of refugees, and Austral- Creative / 18 Gillies-Palmer, Cameron Gooley, Nick Harriott, ia’s punitive offshore detention regime are some of Tom Joyner, Imran Mohammad, Bridget Neave, the horrors that have dominated our global mindset Feature / 19 Nicolette PT, Tilini Rajapaksa, Zoe Stojanovic-Hill, for the last few years. Amongst all this, we have also Latifa Tasipale, and Courtney Thompson. Therapaws Dog Therapy Manning Theatresports: Old School had a privilege that can often feel perverse: the ability Tech / 22 WomenWhen: Thursday, in Science: June Talks 8, 2:00pm- #4 Womenvs. New inSchool Science: Talks #4 to slide into the comfort of popular culture — writing Artists When:3:30pm Wednesday April 26, 4-5pm When: WednesdayThursday, June April 8, 26, 7:00pm 4-5pm think pieces on pop music and video games, penning SRC Reports / 23 Maxim Adams, Deepa Alam, Garnet Chan, Grace Where: NewEastern Law Avenue Annex Room 428 Where: NewManning Law BarAnnex Room 428 self-referential editorials — and remain somewhat Franki, Risako Katsumata, Rebekah Mazzocato, and HowPrice: much: Free Free HowPrice: much: Free Free unaffected by it all. Angelica Owczarek. Oh, now this is fun. Back when I was SUPRA / 26 I’m so happy Women in Science So despite sounding quite lame, I will say that I I’mdoing so my happy first Womendegree inin the Science 90s we Oh, when I did my first undergrad USyd are organizing this! It’s an hope this small editorial can function as an obtuse USyddidn’t haveare organizingtherapy dogs this! on campus!It’s an there used to be these hip cool dudes Puzzles / 28 afternoon of talks by prominent fe- time capsule of sorts. If student print media is still afternoonYou lucky ducks.of talks You by know,prominent I’m more fe- doing improv comedy at Manning male scientists about their research, around in another 19 years’ time and this copy of maleof a catscientists fan myself, about buttheir I research,know you all the time. Some of them are even Regulars / 29 with discussion and snacks after- Honi has joined the rest in collecting dust on office withlike dogs discussion a lot. Thisand mightsnacks be aftera nice- famous nowadays. I don’t think they wards. I’m actually super interested shelves, hello to the students sitting on the floor at wards.way to I’mspend actually a bit superof time interested on cam - had this when I was here, though: The Garter Press / 30 in the work scientists do, and I’m 4am on Monday morning wondering why it all went inpus the together! work scientists They even do, have and studyI’m they get old USyd comedy alumni completely amazed by how science wrong. I hope these papers can offer you a glimpse completelytips and exam amazed prep, andby how you canscience even to come back and play against new has changed the world around us. I into the mood at USyd in 2017. And I hope we’ll have Cover image by Maani Truu and additional hastake changed photos with the worldthe dogs! around Come us. on, I teams of current students. I should mean, all the time now I find myself moved past the impasses that motivate some of the photography Nick Bonyhady. mean,sweetie, all it’ll the be time great. now And I find how myselfabout really start prepping for exams ... but reading these fascinating articles articles you’ll find in here.NC Honi Soit, Week 13 Edition, Semester 1, 2017. readingwe get coffeethese afterwards?fascinating articlesAnd we it sounds like a blast! And it’s free! sent to me by my doof family on sentcould to even me goby and my studydoof togetherfamily on for Not that you’d have had to to worry facebook about disease and the hu- facebookabout that about — your disease old andmum’ll the shouthu- Disclaimer: Honi Soit is published by the Students’ Representative Council, University of Sydney, Level 1 Wentworth Building, City Road, University of Sydney NSW 2006. The a bit... man body. Hey, want a sweet health manyou anytime.body. Hey, I mightwant aeven sweet be health cheeky SRC’s operation costs, space and administrative support are financed by the University of Sydney. Honi Soit is printed under the auspices of the SRC’s directors of student tip? Just don’t get vaccinated! tip?and Justget a don’t beer! get vaccinated! publications: Nina Dillon-Britton, Pranay Jha, Isabella Pytka, Katie Thorburn, and Adam Ursino. All expressions are published on the basis that they are not to be regarded as the opinions of the SRC unless specifically stated. The Council accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions or information contained within this news- paper, nor does it endorse any of the advertisements and insertions.
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