/ -.3 !J'- Serving the Town Since 1890 • ltfTtii YEAR - ISSUE NO, 6-97 LISPS ana Thursday, February 6,1997 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS - PvrtHp PlM •! Wdtftetd, NJ. E»*r> Tfcumia^ FINALLONi fITTEE PROPOSAL EXPEi Standing-Room Only Crowd Attends First Meeting Regarding Redistricting of Elementary Schools; Some 88 Kids to Move From Franklin to Wilson By ANNA MURRAY under consideration for redistricting hold in the district by street. Included with 23 rooms available, and 23 in SprriaUy Wri$up jarnt Writfltld Uxttt would be reviewed and feedback from in the map key was the grade status of use. This does not count the extra The Long Range Planning Com- elementary school representatives each child. rooms needed to accommodate the mittee held its first public working exchanged. incoming Kindergarten classes. At meeting on redistricting with Parent- Toaddressthedistrict'sovercrdwd- As Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Jefferson Schooj there are 23 rooms Teacher Committee representatives ing problem, 12 new classrooms are William J. Foley, commandeered the available and 17 in use. Children who from each district elementary school 'being constructed; six at Wilson El- computer mouse, the audience toured reside in the neighborhood bordering providing input on the potential trans- ementary School on the north side of the district neighborhoods. Dr. Foley, Summit Court up through Clifton fer of students. town and six at Jefferson Elementary commented on the accuracy of the Street currently attend Tamaques. Thomas P. Madaras, Chairman of School on the town's south side. The . computer map in pulling up the They would be moved to Jefferson the committee, stressed that the meet- classrooms will be student-ready in district's Kindergarten through fifth- School under the committee's pro- JJRIO MONTH...Wcstfleld Mayor Thomas C. Jardim signs n proclama- ing was not a public hearing, but a Septembcrand the conundrum of who grade student enrollment. "Accuracy . posal. Some specific streets encom- *tioa designating the month of February as National American History Month forum where preliminary background will fill them, solved through the was at 99 percent as of December passed by the division are: Summit 'presented to him by Jane Stoner or the Westfleld Chapter of the National Society work done by the committee would study of student population numbers 30," said Dr. Foley. Avenue, Sandy Hill Road.TicePlace. Daughters of the American Revolution. be shared, possible areas presently by neighborhood, and neighborhood Presently, Franklin and Tamaques Cottage Place, Genresee Trail and proximity to the receiving school. suffer the highest class sizes in the Montauk Drive. Students entering the fifth grade in district. At Franklin, where class sizes The outcome of thai move would September will be exempted from average 24 students, there are 24 result in 20 classrooms in use at Anthony M, LaPorta Named In Place transfer, but so far, their siblings in rooms available and 24 in use. This Jefferson and 21 being used at lower grades will not be given spe- does not include the four incoming Tamaques. cial consideration. Kindergarten classes, which would Because September's incoming k Of Mr. Brennan to Planning Board The Long Range Planning Com- leave Franklin shV two classrooms. Kindergarten numbers arc as yet un- By PAUL J. PEYTON At Wilson the September logistics known and first-grade numbers his- But the Democrats remained firm Given the politics played- out by mittee, whose members include Gin- fy that they wanted Ms. Mogielnicki in ger L, Hardwick, Susan Jacobson, present 24 rooms avail able w ith 19 in torically spike upward, due to stu- was in. Then he was out. the two sides on the council last Mr. Madaras, and Annmarie Puleio, use. Class size at Wilson averages 21 h<S is back in. That is the roller the post and refused to budge as did month, Mayor Jardim said he real- students per class. the Republicans in regard to Mr. are using three guiding factors to iter ride Anthony M. LaPorta has ized the appointment of Mr. LaPorta structure a redistricting plan: Where The recommendation from the en the past month. Mr. LaPorta, a LaPorta's appointment. Republicans, was a "delicate situation." given the however, did not fight the appoint- the children presently live, safety, Long Range Planning Committee is ier Democratic Mayoral con- -agreement between the two sides on and the overall cost to the taxpayers. • to move the students who reside in Mr. Madaras ' and First Ward Councilman, ment of William J. Brennan to the his other appointments. ^ • the neighborhood commonly known Planning Board. The committee hopes to submit a as appointed to the Planning Board The Mayor said he believes Mr. proposal to the full Board of Educa- as "The Gardens," from Franklin itesday night by Democratic Mayor Mr. Brennan ran unsuccessfully tion as early as March, 1997, so School to Wilson School. The exiling Not Seeking against Gail S. Vcrnick in 1994 for Brennan will be one of his choices to ^Jwntas C. Jardim. He replaces Wil- serve on the Westfjeld Expenditure present board members will be re- student population numbers 88 chil- Mtta L. Brennan, who declined the the First Ward seat vacated by Mr. sponsible for the decision, and stu- dren. The boundary lines for the po- LaPorta. He is also a former and Review Commission Which will post look into the municipal budget and dentfand parents can acclimate them- tential move are Mountain Avenue Second Term ' Mfc LaPorta w^us dropped from the Rutherford councilman. selves to their new schools as soon as over to Highland and northward When reached by The Leader at provide recommendations on spend- By PAUL J.PEYTON Hit of proposed appointments by ing cuts and streamlining govern- possible. through Mountainvicw Circle. Sp,d*li> Wrintnjbr Vu WutftM Uaitr jMayox Jardim and Town Council home following the meeting, Mr. At the meeting's onset there was a The result would be 21 classrooms "LaPorta said he was "delighted by mental operations. Westfield Board of Education democrats in an effort to gain Re- Mn Brennan, a practicing attorney, standing-room-only crowd. The fo- used at Wilson, and 21 used at member Thomas P. Madam told The ubUcan support for the appointment the decision," admitting that he was cus of those in attendance was imme- Franklin with class sizes averaging Westfield Leader Tuesday night that surprised when Mayor Jardim con- has also been considered for coordi- " " " Democrat Marion nating iha afiorte of the budge* re- diately directed to a screen where a 21 students. he would not seek re-election to a tacted hjim last-week tosee If he was Qatbe^omh jide? of town., second term * Heis the second of three stilHntefcsted injoining the board. view group MM , ter generated map* provided the student population of every house- Tnmnquti School is near capacity incumbents up this year to decide not ('governing body. Mr. LaPorta, who served one term run this year. on the council, is employed as the Mr. Madaras was elected to his ' The Judge is one of the official Eastern Regional Underwriting Man- first three-year term on the board in appointments which is made by the ager for the Saint Paul Fire and Ma- Edward J. Hobbie Recalls Past 12 1994. He currently is Chairman of Mayor but requires council consent. rine Insurance Company in New York the board's Long Rffttge Committee. Planning Board appointments, how- City. He joins board Vice Chairman John ever.do not require council approval. Prior to joining thecouncil in 1993, M. Toricllo who also decided not to Mr, LaPorta was removed at the he served on the Mayor's Insurance Years as Municipal Court Judge run for another three-year term. hurt minute from the' list of proposed Review Committee after being ap- By ALEXANDRAJELKES then Mayor Ronald J. Frigerio. After his siblings. Today, Mr. Hobbie sees The other board seat up this year is Mayoral appointments on January 13 pointed by former Mayor and current Sptdatfy Wrlttm/br Tt* WntfliU U*t.r the first three years were up, he was them in town and enjoys hearing about that of Dr. B. Carol Molnar.She will j$i the Democrats after the Republi- State Assemblyman Richard H. Bag- Edward J. Hobbie, former Munici- reappointed by then Mayor Raymond the progress in their lives. becomplcting her third term and ninth cans demanded that his name be re- ger. He later created the Citizens' pal Court Judge of Wcstficld, recently W, Stone and after that by Mayor year on the board.The deadline to file movedaaatradeofffortherernaining Insurance Review Committee. gave The Westfleld Leader ttn exclu- Richard H. Bagger, a current Assem- petitions for the Tuesday, April 15, appointments. Republicans had Mayor Jardim said he had told, his sive interview regarding his 12-year blyman. His last three-year appoint- school hoard election is Monday, hoped to keep Edward J.. Hobbic on council colleagues that Mr. LaPorta tenure. ment came from Mayor Garland C. February 24. A spokeswoman for the 'fbr a t3th consecutive year as Mu- was his first choice to serve on the Mr. Hobbie was first appointed "Bud" Booth. Jr.. school district said no petitions had Wtipat Court Judge. board if a vacancy became available. Judge in 1985, for three years, l>y During his tenure, the Public been Hied with the board secretary as Defender's Program was introduced of yesterday morning. in Westfield, whereby the town paid During its meeting Tuesday night, • the Public Defender to represent the board approved the final reading vMilt Faith Celebrates 30th Year indigents In serious cases. These cases of the revised science curriculum for ranged frqnl shoplifting, driving un- grades 6 through 8.
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