Seminar on Nepal's Experience in Hill Agricultural Development Organized by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture His Majesty's Government of Nepal 30 March to 3 April 198 1 Draft Bibliography of Hill Agriculture of Nepal Agricultural Projects Service Centre Agricultural Documentation Centre March 1981 INTRODUCTION Tho Agricultural Documentation Centre is pleased to publish this draft biblic x-'phy o,. ill Ag2,iculture of Nepal as a oupport document !:r the seminar on Nep., ' Experience in Hill Agricultural Dvelopiiont or,'onized by th. Ministry of .'oo- arid Agriculture in ccoperati on with the Aricultural Development Council- It is based upon ite:in in -.1 collections whose selec­ tion was assisted by ,- computur pruintout from, the AGRIS Processing Unit, Vienna. The 212 i-,.s rarr'aniged by AGRIS subj(,ct categories and are supplemented by author, subjc_:t and geographical indexes. In many of the cntri<;s, the user will find square brackets. This indicates two things, First, when we have translated a title from Nepali into English, the English title will a.pear between square brackets. This is followed by a transLiteratio- of t1-2, orig-..nrl title,. Second, occasionally a title does not adequately exrposlc the subject matter of the document. In such cases, we have ,x[minied th, t,:xt a;.id add.d further descriptive word.ds to the title. Suc.i an 'nrichment' also appcrs between square brackets and is usually found at the end of the English title. We hope that thi.s bibliography is a valuable tool for the seminar participants. We also hope that in the not too distant future, a final version will appear in our Occasional Bibliography series for free distri­ bution, The Libreaian, APROSC, Agricultural Documentation Centre CONTENTS Entry number 1. AO0 AGRICULTURE GENERAL CONSIDERATION 1-16 2. A5O RESEARCH 17­ 3. COO EDUCATION, EXTENSION AND ADVISORY WORK 18-22 4. ElO ECONOMICS 23-37 5. E15 FARM ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMNT 38-57 60 E30 DEVElOPMENT AIMS, POLICIES, PROGRAMMES 58-87 7. E50 RURAL SOCIOLOGY 88-3.1 8. E70 DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING 102-110 9. FOO PLANT PRODUCTION 111-145 10. F25 SOIL FERTILITY; FERTILIZERS 146-147 11. F27 SOIL CULTIVATION AND CROPPING SYSTEMS 148-151 12. F28 SOIL EROSION AND RECLAMATION 152-157 13. F30 PLANT BREEDING 158-159 14. F70 PLANT TAXONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY 160-161 15. KOO FORESTRY 162-163 16. K10 FORESTRY PRODUCTION 164-168 17. K20 FOREST MAN,,AGEMENT 169­ 18. K5O WOOD TECHINOLOGY AND INDUSTRIES 170­ 19. LO0 ANIMAL PRODUCTION 11-188 20. L1O ANIMAL 3R EE)ING 189-190 21. L30 ANIMAL NUTRITION lO1­ 22. L32 FEED PRCCESSIN; 1'2­ 23. L72 PESTS "F ANIMALS 13-196 24. L73 ANIMAL DISEASES 1^7­ 25. PO0 NATURAL RESOURCES 198.. 26. P05 EN'RGY RESOURCES 1-9­ 27. P10 WATER RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT 2(o­ 28. P12 DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION 20-202 29. P20 LAND RESOURCES 20.-204 30. Q10 FOOD PROCESSING 2Cc-207 31. ROO HOME ECONOMICS, INDUSTRIES AND CRAFTS 26--10 32. SO0 HUMAN NUTRITION 2 .- 21E AO0 AGRICULTURE-G'.iETRAL CONSTDERPATIONS 1. Donner, 1')6819 Chanc::s for high altiurie tri­ cult".re in i' ))&:bs rvntions in the;'-ntorn :ountniiis.[Solu­ :humbu , T:ol-iha, Agr:icultural eurvr'y'I. Ka-fi.nr ndu. /21). 2. Donner, W. : 19)2),6c:'vatiois i:Liuz n: in the trans­ hie: 45P. yan p-r'f. of Neural. Kathmandu. 3. Gurung, C.B. 1949 Rcport on th- study of agricultural conditions :,f the eastern Nepal hills East no.l. Ilam. Kathmindu. 4 7-p. Acc .no.1931 4. Gurung, H.P. 1974. Hill agricull:ure survey report of Khot~rlg District. Kathmandu. 5p. Accono.855 5. Humphrey, C. 1980 Report on a field study in North Snnkhuwasabha Sep-Nov. 1979 [agri­ culi:uro, livestock, trade, mountain areall Iathmrndu, KHARDEP. 14 7p. (t1'ARDEP report no.7) Acc. no. ii36 6. Japan. Overseas Technical 1970 Report on tho Japanese agricultural Cooperation Agency. prolininory survey mission in Nepal. 8 Tokyo. 5p. tables, maps. Acc no.67 7. Kondo, T. 1978 Ramechh- District, a survey tour Shah, R.B. reporl, l February t,.) 1 iarch 1978 [lj.1 n11gricu.turu] Jannkpur, JT,DPo 27p. (Survey Rc.p .). - Janak­ pur e,oreo Agricult _11uralDevelopment Project no.1) Ac c.r o. 141, 8 8. Lohani, S.N. 1974 Reort on ar.ricultural survey Shah, B.B. in B! jl-ing F or- orcal crops ). Kathi-]i ndu o 6 p. Acc no. 91, 9. Pakhribas Agricultural 1975 Terathum a, ricultural Centre. survey [hill are ro Dl' nkuta, PAC. 2 3 p. Summ, ry (En). Acc.no. 940 [i-] 10. Pant, T.N° 1978 Agriculturn -rulcpr.,ni, in Jcal: probl-ms and prospects. Kathriar u, AP'?,OS-,; 1 6 p. -cc .no. 5*! 11. Pradhsnang, A,'. 1973 Report on a tr-p to T'uflingtar areaL (District: Sankhuwasabhn) to colib,ct informrtloi on hill ,:Lricul.huro. Acc.1o-.624 12. Rockefeller Foundation 1976 Study oL' hil' agricItltrrc in i>.pal. I> w Y-,.k. 1261p. 7 aUflxt. .,aps. Acc.no 201 13. Shahi, B.B. nd. Agricullural survey in Lhe Lukla arc ":. .athm--mdu. 6 p. Lcc .no.@ 53 14. Shakya, J.D. 1974 Proliminary studios on hill adaptive resoarch feasibility in Nepal [agri-­ culturr-l survcy, Ihumjung and Namche] Ace.no.915 15. Tsuboi, N. 1975 Hill agricnltw-o in n "opalTech­ nicnl reports, Jrnakpur, JADP. 1)K-i 05-­ Acc.no.l,0 16. Vreolnnd, C.Co 1974 Highland agriculture: when men and mountains eet. 1O5p. Thesis - B.A. - Godd,-'rd Colluge. hcc.no. :631.09143 VRE A50 RjSEARCH 17. APROSC 1977 Crop ciitting survey, Kathmandu Vn.!lL Frnmt'bdology and presentation ,fre.:its] ° athnandu. 26p. hcc.no. :83 COO EDUCATION, EXT7NsSII: AND ADVISORY 'WORT: 18. Chapagain, D.P. 1972 Deovelomncni-: of agricultural extension ..r. i- -!ei' al. Kathm ndu, Econonic Soalysis and Planning Division. 53p. EAPD staff paper no.11. AcCe.no.241 [ 2 19. Industrial Services 1L976 [Report on industrial feasibility Centre. study of Dolakha District [mountain area] Audhyogik sar.bhI',hyat­ adb1' nyan prntib:'d1nn Do!. khn jilla. Kathunandu° 1 6 1p. tables, Acc.no. N5 20. Jumla Agriculturcl nd [An introduction to the Jumla pgiri- Station. culture 3tation. [Agricultural ex­ tension, mountain aroas.]] Jurl1a Krishi Keiidra (!k parichaya. Junilao 60p. Acc.no. N24 21. Karmacharya, B.Lo 1978 Institutional requirements for an effective extension service in the hills. Lalitpur, 19p. (Paper for Workshop on Hill Agriculture, Lalit­ pur, J-nuary 1978), Acc~no, 1774 22. Pyakuryal, K.N. 1978 The rol) of junior technical assis­ tants and the role of the farmer in hill agriculture extension° Lalitpur. llpo (Paper for Workshop on Hill Agriculture, Lalitpur, January 1978). Acc no. 1784 EI0 ECONOMICS 23. APROSC 1978 Agrarian reform and rural development in Nepal:. country review paper. Kath­ mandu. 55p. tales° Acc no° 332 24. APROSC 1978 A study of agriculttu-iy credit in the Kusi hills. Kathmandu, APROSC. 14 4p. Acconoo 824 25. APROSC 1976 Tea development project, Mechi Anch-l [economic atppraisal of proposed tea estat,--s, hill are:., Kathmandu p. 43p, of thbles in Nepali;Summary (En). Accno 512 1 3J 26. Calkins, P.H. 1976 Shiva's trient: the impact e,) incume, employment, Land nutritior of duvel_­ ping horticultur,. in tLo frisuli Watershed Nepal. '7lp. Thcsi. PhoD. - CornclL University. Ac(;.no R'53,6lSnr CAL 27. FAO 1975 Selected papers presented at tho FAQ/ NORAD Seminar on agricultural planning for selected countries in Asia and Far East, Knthm ndu 16 i*ov - C Dc, 1974 182p. maps. Acc.no . 167 28. IBRD 1974 Nepal agricultural sector survuy. Washington. 3v. (519NFP) Accno. c'33 29. Industrial Services Centre 1977 [Report on industrial feasibility study of Deti District [hill area], Audhyo­ gik snmbhabyata adhyayan pratibedan Doti jilla. Kathmandu. ll3p. tables. Acc.o. 179 30. Industrial Sorvices Centre 1977 [Report on industrial feasibility study of Okhaldhunga District [hill area]]. Audhyogik siabhabyata adhyayar pratibe­ dan Okhaldhungra jilla° Kathmandu. 91p. tables. Acc.no N78 31. Industrial Services Centre 1976 [Report on industrial feasibility survey of Panchthcux district [hill area]]. Au­ dhyogik sambhabyata adhyayan pratibedan 8 Panchthar jilla 0 Kathmandu. 7 p. tables. Accono. N76 32. Ministry of Industry and 1972 [A report on industrial feasibility Commerce. Industrial survey in Mustang District [agricultural Services Section, industries]. Mustang jill!, ma grieko audhyogik sambhayat', sarbekshan ko adhar n- ta ar garieko pratibedan. Kathmandu. 7p. Acc~no N69 E 4] 33- Ministry of Tr-A.-wid .973 [A report on industrial feasibility Commerce. T~c.': ;r'1 survey in Bhojpur district [ogricul­ Services Sec<.c. tur-l industrics]]. Bhojpur jilla mn. garieko audhyofrik sam.bhabyntr, -rbeoshan ko adhar n.a tay-xr ,arieko prratibodi-. K- throndu. 7p. A .ec . no..',6 E 34. Nepal Rastra Bank. 1975 [.Pasi'ility survey report or improve­ rir:t of orrloymcnt and production in rural ar. of'Palp District [hill rc:-] o,' 3rnin kshctra na utpadan tath- rojgr, ri briddhi ko sarbhabtyata sarbeshan prat ivedan Palpa j illa. Kat hnnndu. 114p. table,-. Acc;no. N56 35- Okada, F. 1970 Prelininary repiort on regional dove­ lopmcnt areas in Nepal. Kathmandu, National Planning Commission. 125p. Acc .no.1072 36. Schroeder, M.C..-J 1971 The impact of t .e Sonauli-Pokhara Highway on the regional income and agricultural production of Pokhara Valley, Nepal. 23 4p. Thesis - Ph.D. - Cornell University. Acc.no. R338 .109n SCH 1 37. World Tnk. South Asia 1979 Nepal agricultural sector review. Project Dept. Washington. 105p. 2 maps. (Report no. 2205-NEP) Acc .no.1215o E15 FARM ORGANIZATION- AND MANAGEMENT 38. APROSC 1975 Evaluation of the Gandaki Anchal Agricultural Development Project.
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