SUPPLEMENT No. 3 TO THE CYPRUS GAZETTE No. 3954 OF ZIST JUNE, 1956. SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION. No0 549. THE COURTS OF JUSTICE LAWS, 1953 AND 1955 (Section 78) THE ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN LAW, 1955. (Section IS) RULESOF COURT. JOHNHARDING, Governor. In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 78 of the Courts of 40 of 1953 Justice Laws, 1953 and 195s and section of the Illegitimate Children 66of1955 Law, 1955, I, the Governor, with the adviceIS and assistance of the Chief 15 of 1955. Justice, do hereby make the following Rules :- I. These Rules may be cited as the Civil Procedure Rules (No. I) 1956, S.L. Vol. 11, and shall be read as one with the Civil Procedure Rules (hereinafter referred p. 124* Gazette : to as “ the principal Rules ”). 2. Order 40 of the principal Rules is hereby amended by the insertion ~~~ment therein immediately after Rule 17 of the following Rule :- 20.5.1954. ‘‘ 18. Where any sums payable under- (a) a maintenance order made under the provisions of 40 of 1953 section 44 of the Courts of Justice Laws, 1953 and 66 of 1955. 1955, or (b) a contribution order made under the provisions of Cap. 19. section 16 of the Juvenile Offenders Law on the 49 of 1954. complaint or application of the person to whose care the child or young person is for the time being committed, or (c) an affiliation order made under the provisions of section 9 15 of 1955. of the Illegitimate Children Law, 1955, are in arrear, the Registrar shall, if the person for whose benefit the payment should have been made so requests in writing, and subject to any directions that may be given by the Court or a Judge, take all such proceedings as may be necessary to enforce payment of any money due as aforesaid, and he shall pay the money when so collected to such person: Provided that the said person shall have the same liability for all the costs properly incurred in the proceedings as if the proceedings had been taken by him.” Given under the hand and official seal of the Governor and the hand of the Chief Justice, at Nicosia, this 30th day of May, 1956. ERICHALLINAN, (M.P. 1280/49/3.) Chief jksfice, (4931 492 NO. 550. THE TURKISH FAMILY COURTS LAW, 1954. -- RULESMADE UNDER SECTION19. JOHNHARDING, Governor. In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 19 of the Turkish 42 of 1954. Family Courts Law, 1954, and with the advice and assistance of the Chief Justice, I, the Governor, do hereby make the following Rules :- I. These Rules may be cited as the Turkish Family Courts (Amendment) Gazette : Rules, 1956, and shall be read as one with the Turkish Family Courts Rules, Supplement 1955 (hereinafter referred to as “ the principal Rules ”), and the principal No. 3: 6.1.1955. Rules and these Rules may together be cited as the Turkish Family Courts Rules, 1955 and 1956. 2. The principal Rules are hereby amended by the insertion therein immediately after Rule 19 of the following Rule :- “ 20. Where any sums payable under a maintenance order made under the provisions of section 33 of the Turkish Family 4 of 1951 (Marriage and Divorce) Laws, 1951 and 1954, are in arrear, the 63 (If 1954 Registrar shall, if the person for whose benefit the payment should have been made so requests in writing, and subject to any directions that may be given by a Judge, take all such pro- ceedings as may be necessary to enforce payment of any money due as aforesaid, and he shall pay the money when so collected to such person : Provided that the said person shall have the same liability for all the costs properly incurred in the proceedings as if the proceedings had been taken by him.” Given under the hand and official seal of the Governor and the hand of the Chief Justice, at Nicosia, this 30th day of May, 1956. ERIC HALLINAN, (M.P. 1280/49/3.) Chief Justice. NO. 551. THE MAINTENANCE ORDERS (FACILITIES FOR ENFORCEMENT) LAW. CAP. 22. PROCLAMATIONUNDER SECTIONI I. G. E. SINCLAIR, Governor’s Deputy. Whereas by section 11 of the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for En- forcement) Law it is provided that where the Governor is satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made by the Legislature of any British possession or any territory under Her Majesty’s protection for the enforce- ment within such possession or territory of maintenance orders made by Courts in Cyprus, the Gavernor may by proclamation extend the said Law to such possession or territory: And whereas I am satisfied reciprocal provisions have been made by the Legislature of the Island of Guernsey for the enforcement within the 493 Islands of Guernsey, Alderney and Sark of maintenance orders made by Courts in Cyprus : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in the Governor by the said section I I of the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Law, and of every other power and authority enabling me in that behalf, I, the Governor’s Deputy, do hereby order and proclaim that the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Law shall extend to the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney and Sark as from the 7th day of March, 1956. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Colony at Nicosia, this 15th day of June, 1956. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. (M.P. 1280/49/3.) NO. 552. THE PUBLIC HEALTH (VILLAGES) LAW. CAP. 142. ORDER IN COUNCIL No. 2840 MADE UNDER SECTIONIO. Authority to the Village Health Commission of Kridhia (Famagusta District) to contract a loan. In exercise of the powers vested in him by section IO of the Public Health (Villages) Law, the Governor’s Deputy, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order as follows :- I. The Village Health Commission of Kridhia (Famagusta District) (hereinafter referred to as “ the Village Health Commission ”) shall be at liberty to borrow from the Loan Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as “ the Lender ”) the sum of two hundred and seventy pounds (E270) at a rate of interest not exceeding three and a half per centum (34%) per annum, subject to the following terms and conditions, that is to say :- (a) the sum borrowed shall be repayable by the Village Health Commission to the Lender in five equal annual instalments (comprising sinking fund and interest); (b) the Village Hqalth Commission shall, in each year and until final repayment of the sum borrowed, insert in the annual estimates as a charge on its revenues the annual instalment payable in the year to which such estimates relate ; (c) the sum borrowed shall be utilized by the Village Health Commission for the repair of the street leading to the village cemetery. 2. For the purposes of securing the repayment of the sum due under the loan the Village Health Commission is hereby authorized, subject to any prior mortgage thereon, to mortgage to the Lender all the fees, charges and rates now payable or hereafter to become payable to the Village Health Commission under the provisions of the Public Health (Villages) Law. Ordered this 10th day of June, 1956. By Command of the Governor’s Deputy, R. G. SHERIDAN, (M.P. 1266/50/116.) Clerk of the Executive Council. 494 No. 553. THE BOMBARDMENT RANGE AREAS LAW. CAP. 222 AND LAW23 OF 1951. ORDERUNDER SECTION2. Akamas Whereas in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 2 of the Morphou Bombardment Range Areas Law, His Excellency the Governor, by notice Bay Areas. published under Notification No. 295 in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 11th August, 1949 (hereinafter referred to as “ the principal Notifi- cation ”) had declared the areas therein enumerated, to be Bombardment Range Areas for the purposes of the aforesaid law for a period of twelve months, which period was later extended until the 31st of May, 1956, by virtue of Notification No. 56 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of 28th January, 1954, and Notification No. 60 published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of 28th January, 1955. And whereas it is desirable that, except in respect of the area described in the Schedule hereto, the said period should be extended for a further period of twelve months. Now this is to declare that the principal Notification shall, except in respect of the area described in the Schedule hereto, be in full force and effect for a further period of twelve months as from the 1st day of June, 1956. SCHEDULE. The Kokkini Trimithia-Dhenia Bombardment Range Area. The boundary is a circle, the centre of which is situated 8,000 feet east of the village of Dhenia, 9,000 feet west-south-west of the village of Mam- mari and 9,500 feet north-west of the village of Kokkini Trimithia and the radius of which is 3,000 feet. The area enclosed by this circle is in the village of Kokkini Trimithia and includes the localities “ Kommorotsos ”, ‘I Kokkinospitin ”, “ Koklrinon Spiti ”, ‘I Plakorotsos l’, “ Kato Kaphkalla ” and part of the locality “ Muttoes tis Dhenias ”. All which said boundary is marked more particularly on the ground by Danger Boards sited every 1,570 feet and on the map I : 50,000 Cyprus Sheet 8, Nicosia, by a circle, centre Map Reference 869683, passing through the points Map Reference S62690, 870693, 875690,877680, 870674 and 860680. Made this 12th day of June, 1956. By Command of His Excellency the Governor, J. w.SYKES, Administrative Secretary. No. 554. THE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES (TRANSITIONAL POWERS) (CYPRUS) ORDER, 1946.
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