The Undergraduate Publication of ~rinitp t ~oUtge Volume XXII HARTFORD, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 Nwnber4 REINSTATE EDITOR, Editor ofTripod is FACULTY IS ASKED Trinity Downs "Undergraduates Unanimously Peti­ Suspended for Month tion for Revocation of Suspension. Wesleyan 6 to 0 "DEFEND PUBLISHED CRITICISM OF DEAN. Malcolm L. Stephenson Suspended by Dean Troxell for "Want Permission to Express Disap­ STEWART DASHES FOR LONE Comment on Dean's Chapel Address proval of Trinity College Policy. TOUCHDOWN (Hartford Courant, Nov. 4.) "A meeting of the student body of The triumphant cheers of the alum­ their goal line. was in .danger. The Trinity College yesterday adopted ni and undergraduates rang out across unanimously a resolution petitioning great defensive play of Captain Noble, (Hartford Times, Nov. 2.) recently-revived 'Tripod' published by the faculty to revoke the suspension Andrus Field last Saturday as O'Brien and Burr marked the Trinity "For criticising Dean Edward Lef- the undergraduates, was yesterday of Malcolm · Stephenson, editor of "Chuck" Stewart, scrappy halfback showing in this half. fingwell Troxwell's recent Trinity suspended from college for one month 'The Tripod ' by Dean Edward L. of "Eskie" Clark's band of gridiron chapel address, in which the Dean by Dean Edward L. Troxell for pub­ 1 Second Half. Troxell. The motion was introduced gladiators, snared one of Holden's was quoted as saying that, 'It is our lication of editorial comment on a re­ by Frank Shields, '26, of Malden, duty in college to disregard the cent address in the chapel by the lofty boots at midfield and weaved In the second half the locals came Mass., chairman of the student com­ back strong. After kicking off individual and to turn out a Trinity Dean. mittee, who explained the chief points and twisted his torturous course to the t~ type," Malcolm Stephenson, editor of "Resolutions asking the faculty to of the controversy and of the resolu­ Wesleyan, they held them for downs, 'The Tripod,' the weekly college pa- r8instate Stephenson, asserting that Wesleyan goal line for the lone score tion. James Kenna of Hartford, pre­ of the game. and Holden dropped back to kick. The per, has been suspended from Trinity he was upholding a tradition of the sided. for one month. college against an attempt to tear it ball boomed from the mammoth tack­ "Want Quality, Not Quantity. This was the high-water mark. of "In commenting in a footnote on a down, were drafted at a meeting of one of the most fiercely fought and le's toe to midfield and the waiting letter published in 'The Tripod,' in about fifteen undergraduates last "The motion was: hands of "Chuck" Stewart. He start­ "To the Secretary of the Faculty, thrilling games ever seen on Andrus which Dean Troxell's statement was night at the Delta Kappa Epsilon ira­ ed for the wesleyan goal line and, criticised, the editor stated that 'Better ternity house and will be presented "Trinity College, Field, and marked the reopening of a radical with a beard and a bomb before a meeting of the student body "Hartford, Conn. relations between Trinity and W es­ aided by his own running and the than a type--a goose-stepper-a man at 1 o'clock today. If ratified by the "We believe that Trinity College leyan after a-break of four years' du­ beautifully formed interference of aims not at quantitative, but at qual­ without brains enough or courage student body, the resolutions will be ration. The final score was 6 to 0 Noble, O'Brien and Burr, was soon enough to declare himself'." forwarded to the faculty. itative results in education: that if free and, after a short dash, placed The letter follows: "Neither Dean Troxell or President frowns on the transference to educa­ and indicates the fierce battle that "To the Editor of 'The Tripod': Ogilby would comment on the episode tion of the industrial methods of mass was waged. the ball behind the Wesleyan goal "I am rather painfully surprised to last night, Faculty members, whom production and standardization; and Trinity Misses Chances to Score. line. By the time Stewart reached that it aims at the fullest development note that your paper is fully aware students said had asked a special The locals had two other chances the goal line, there were. but three of the 'side its bread is buttered on.' meeting of the faculty on the suspen­ of the .individual. We feel that this Wesleyan men threatening him. Coach If you are to run a newspaper, do it sion of the editor last night, denied development is impossible unless there to score touchdowns, but did not avail without regard of personalities. , The any part in such a movement and ex­ is the fullest scope for the individual themselves of their opportunity. Clark's system of team-work inter­ only legitimate way for people to pre- pressed the opinion that the incident expression of unfettered and intelli­ "Dud" Burr kicked a field goal from ference had laid some Wesleyan men gent criticism. The undergraduates vent the publication of stories unfav- was closed. the forty-yard mark that was good, on their backs before the play was orable to them is to make sure that "At a meeting last night it was de­ believe that the tendency of that completed. Burr missed the try for there shall be no basis for the stories. cided that the resolutions to be pre­ criticism is to bring out clearly and but the officials thought otherwise. the extra point. In one special instance your paper has sented to the student body today will definitely the previously hazy and ill Wesleyan at no time made any grea~ dodged the issue and has made no include the following statements: determined ideas and opinions of the threat. They had the ball in Trinity Wesleyan Opens Aerial Attack. comment upon a subject which I am "That Dean Troxell is taking t0o undergraduate body. Any curtailment sure could not have escaped your at- much power, power that does and of the reasonable exercise of this right territory several times during the first wesleyan opened up a desperat(l tention-if not your pr<_>found amaze- should remain with the faculty. of criticism makes for less perfect half, but the locals always braced and long range aerial attack in the last ment. "That the article in 'The Tripod' is crystallization of the student opinion. held them for downs when danger period, but this was broken up by the Several weeks ago, Dean Troxell a fair criticism of Dean Troxell's Trinity is a personal college and the spoke in the W<>ilnesd'ly ('hapel ser- speech and a correct quotation. essence of a personal relation between threate~e~·_ , ' ·~ -. r ...,. ,, ·IBlue and Gold seco~dary . ~he game vice. In the course of his talk he "·that the development of the indi­ students and faculty is an understand­ ,'1 e , .~~ ~n L .. _!,s ~ 1g •. t. was soon over ... .u.:. the ~>uls.l}Jhuni. made the statement, 'Our duty in col- vidual can be brought about only by ing between the two groups. Censor­ Wesleyan had a better team so .far Trinity rooters swarmed upon the lege is to disregard the individual and uncensored criticism in 'The Tripod.' ship of any reasonable ~xpression of as football goes, but they lacked that field. They raised the happy Noble to turn out a Trinity type.' Mind "That the writing in question was student opinion prevents that under­ you, I am quoting his exact words. an attempt by 'The Tripod' to criticise standing and so frustrates the gridiron essential-fight. Trinity had and Stewart to their shoulders and Could any sentence be more contradic- constructively the attitude of the achievement of those ends at which this quality and showed it. Led by carried them to the gym. tory of the basic principle of any col- Dean, and is an argument for the in­ the college aims-the personal rela­ the indomitable Noble, great Blue and No one man starred individually for lege? dividual, for which the Dean and tion between students and faculty, the Gold leader, they put up one of the Trinity. Every player was in there "The word 'edueate' is derived from Faculty are supposedly working. understanding which makes coopera­ greatest stands ever displayed by a the Latin 'educe' which means to lead "Among those taking part in the tion possible and the spontaneous and fighting and contending fier.cely for out. If colleges are meant to educate meeting which drafted the resolutions full development of the individual. Trinity team, and they certainly de­ every inch of ground gained. Stewart the stadents, their function should be last night were: Robert Sheehan, sec­ "Desire Right to Criticise. served to win. was the hero with his great run and to lead out the latent possibilities- retary-treasurer of the senior class "The students have neither the tal­ First Half. defensive play. the capabilities of the young men. an.d an associate editor of 'The Tri­ ent to grasp or the ambition to inter­ The first half found Wesleyan su­ This seems to be a problem of culti- pod'; Francis Shields, member of the fere with policies of collegiate admin­ Captain Noble was an ideal leader vating individuals-not grinding out senior honorary society; Richard No­ istration. But the student body does perior on offense and defense. Trin­ and his great playing stamps him as a type. We have in America too ble, football captain; Walter Jennings, not feel that it should be deprived of ity, however, was scrappy at all times, one of Trinity's -immortals.
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