Intracrustal detachment within zones of continental deformation B. C. Burchfiel Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Deng Quidong State Seismology Bureau, Beijing, China Peter Molnar, Leigh Royden Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Wang Yipeng State Seismology Bureau, Beijing, China Zhang Peizhen Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Zhang Weiqi Ningxia Seismological Bureau, Ningxia-Hui Autonomous Region, Yinchuan, China ABSTRACT lated by active faults and fault-bounded basins. Geologic mapping of active to recently active geologic structures in Panamint Valley From our mapping in the Death Valley region (western United States) and in the Haiyuan region and northern Tibetan plateau (China) we infer that most of these fragments are proba- suggests detachment in the middle and lower crust on a scale of tens of kilometres to at least bly detached from the underlying uppermost several hundred kilometres. Detachment occurs similarly in predominantly extensional (Pana- mantle. This can be illustrated by examining the mint Valley) and in predominantly compressional (China) environments. It involves structures evolution and structure of the north-trending with displacements of more than 10 km and displacement rates of more than 3 mm/yr, perhaps Panamint and Saline valleys (Fig. 1), which more than 10 mm/yr. The steeply dipping strike-slip faults present in all three areas (Hunter formed contemporaneously during extension Mountain fault, Haiyuan fault, and Altyn Tagh fault zone) terminate in zones of extension or that began about 3-4 Ma and continues at pres- compression, and geometric relations indicate that all structures (including strike-slip faults) ent (Burchfiel et al., 1987; Sternlof, 1988). are thin-skinned and restricted to the upper crust. In Panamint Valley and in the Haiyuan Geometric and kinematic relations among the region deformation within these systems can be reconstructed in three dimensions. Displace- faults in the Panamint Valley/Saline Valley area ment on the strike-slip faults is absorbed by extension or compression occurring at the termina- indicate that the two valleys are pull-apart ba- tion of the faults, so strike-slip displacement is roughly equal to and in the same direction as sins connected by the right-slip N60°W striking shortening or extension. We propose that left slip on the Altyn Tagh fault zone in northern Hunter Mountain fault zone (Fig. 1) (Burchfiel Tibet is similarly absorbed by shortening southeast of the fault zone within the Qaidam basin et al., 1987; M.I.T. Field Geophysics Course and and the Nan Shan. Biehler, 1987). The geometry of faulting throughout this area INTRODUCTION to 600 °C, whereas the continental crust is is consistent with northwest-southeast-directed Regions of intracontinental deformation are thought to yield by ductile flow at much lower extension. Active faults along the east and west characterized by broad zones of deformation. temperatures. The presence of a weak zone in side of northern Panamint Valley strike between Within these zones the upper crust is broken the middle to lower continental crust suggests north and N30°W, and active faults in the valley into fragments that move relative to one another that the upper continental crust can be detached show both normal and right-slip components. and are internally deformed. This style of crustal from the uppermost mantle in areas with ele- Normal faults in Saline Valley generally strike fragmentation and the marked spatial and tem- vated geothermal gradients or thick crust. This N20°-25°E and continue northward through poral variability of deformation along fragment image of a weak zone of detachment in the the Saline Range. Most of the Saline Range is boundaries contrast markedly with the simple lower continental crust invites the obvious ques- topographically lower than the surrounding behavior of oceanic lithosphere, which is de- tion of how the deformation of the upper crust mountain ranges and forms part of the northern scribed so well by classic plate-tectonics con- and the underlying uppermost mantle are linked. segment of the pull-apart structure. cepts. Evidence from rock mechanics (e.g., Before that question can be answered satisfactor- Dextral displacement of 8-10 km has been Brace and Kohlstedt, 1980) and seismicity (e.g., ily, we must document the magnitudes and rates documented on the Hunter Mountain fault zone Chen and Molnar, 1983) suggests that the dif- of displacements within the upper crust, the (Burchfiel et al., 1987). Almost pure strike-slip ferent behavior of oceanic and continental litho- presence of detachment within the crust, and the displacement is indicated by geomorphic sur- sphere may be partly explained by different kinematic histories of upper crustal fragments. faces in unextended parts of the Darwin Plateau strength profiles. Between about 10 and 40 km and Hunter Mountain, which are at the same depth, the oceanic lithosphere consists of up- CRUSTAL EXTENSION: BASIN AND elevation on both sides of the fault zone. Because permost mantle material and the continental RANGE PROVINCE the Hunter Mountain fault zone does not extend lithosphere consists of continental crust. At these Most of the ranges of the Basin and Range beyond the limits of Panamint and Saline val- depths, mande material is thought to remain rel- province in the western United States appear to leys, right slip on the Hunter Mountain fault atively strong up to temperatures of about 500 be composed of separate crustal fragments iso- appears to be absorbed entirely by extension in 748 GEOLOGY, v. 17, p. 448-452, August 1989 Downloaded from https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/17/8/748/3511606/i0091-7613-17-8-748.pdf?casa_token=uFZiW3AzhDYAAAAA:D0A9zELztvjsPK3vhgL-XhReNdWNWp4vjZHevu1ntiFdYO3LIJxKXghVObcr_ig0q2ZYk4iU by California Geological Survey, 19774 on 20 July 2019 Figure 1. Generalized map of Tertiary fault systems in Death Valley extended area showing location of features mentioned in text. the valleys. Sternlofs (1988) palinspastic recon- Geophysics Course and Biehler (1987) because is supported by seismic reflection studies which struction across the Saline Range and ranges to of the shallow depth to basement inferred from show that the Garlock fault does not offset mid- the east yields about 8-10 km of extension in the geophysical data. crustal reflectors (Cheadle et al., 1986; Lemizski northern pull-apart structure. Geophysical stud- Because the faults beneath Saline and Pana- and Brown, 1988). A similar zone of detach- ies of Panamint Valley show a very shallow mint valleys appear to be detached at shallow ment between the upper and lower crust in the depth to pre-Tertiary basement and the apparent crustal levels, and because the Hunter Mountain southern Death Valley region is also suggested absence of the strongly magnetized volcanic fault zone merges east and west with these nor- by seismic reflection studies which indicate that rock that abounds on the sides of the valley. mal fault systems, we infer that the Hunter shallow crustal faults can be traced to depths of These data suggest extension of Panamint Valley Mountain fault zone merges at depth with the about 15 km where they merge or are truncated by 6 to 9 km (M.I.T. Geophysics Field Camp gently west dipping normal fault that bounds by a broad zone of subhorizontal reflectors and Biehler, 1987). Thus, it appears that the Panamint Valley and with the shallow detach- (Serpa et al., 1984). geometry of this paired pull-apart system can be ment surface inferred by Sternlof (1988) to un- reconstructed in three dimensions, even though derlie Saline Valley. If the crustal fragments CRUSTAL SHORTENING: structures beneath northern Panamint Valley adjacent to the Hunter Mountain fault are de- WESTERN CHINA cannot be observed directly. tached within the crust, then their relative In the Haiyuan area of north-central China, The narrow (12-15 km) widths of the basins displacements may not reflect directly the kine- concurrent slip has occurred on a system of and the large amount of extension in Panamint matics of the lower crust and upper mantle. strike-slip faults and thrust faults that marks the Valley and Saline Valley prohibit a geometry All the Cenozoic extensional structures in the northeastern corner of the Tibetan plateau (Fig. in which range-bounding faults pass steeply Death Valley region may be similarly detached 2). Both the strike-slip and thrust faults have through the crust into the mantle beneath the within the crust. For example, the Garlock fault changed orientation through time, requiring a basins. The palinspastic restoration of the Saline of the Death Valley region separates an area of complicated history of displacement between Range by Steralof (1988) indicates that the late Cenozoic extension to the north from a re- crustal fragments. The geometry of the fault sys- normal faults in this area are detached at a shal- gion to the south that did not extend in late tem and the rapidity with which rates and direc- low crustal level. Palinspastic restoration of Cenozoic time. Extension north of the Garlock tions of displacement have changed along it northern Panamint Valley cannot be made from fault occurs partly on low-angle normal faults, strongly suggest that upper crustal fragments in surface geology because the valley is covered by and the structural relations between the normal this area are decoupled from the deeper crust and alluvium, but offset of piercing points on the faults and the Garlock fault are similar to those mantle. Hunter Mountain fault zone constrains the in the Saline Valley area (Davis and Burchfiel, Detailed mapping shows that 11-15 km of geometry of a cross section through northern 1973). The direct linking of strike-slip (transfer) late Pliocene(?)-Quaternary left slip has oc- Panamint Valley (Burchfiel et al., 1987).
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