Brailovsky & Cervantes: New Species of Acroleucus 49 TWO NEW SPECIES AND DISTRIBUTION RECORDS OF THE GENUS ACROLEUCUS IN MEXICO (HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA: LYGAEIDAE: LYGAEINAE) HARRY BRAILOVSKY1 AND LUIS CERVANTES2 1Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo Postal 70153, México D.F., 04510 2Departamento de Entomologia, Instituto de Ecología, Jalapa, Veracruz, México ABSTRACT The genus Acroleucus Stål from México is revised. Two new species A. calvatus and A. tensus are described and illustrated. New distribution records are presented, as well as comments on the host plants for some of the species. A revised key to Mexican species is included. Key Words: Heteroptera, Lygaeidae, Lygaeinae, Acroleucus, new species, Mexico RESUMEN Se revisa el género Acroleucus Stål para México. Dos nuevas especies, A. calvatus y A. tensus, son descritas e ilustradas. Nuevos datos de distribución son presentados así como comenta- rios sobre las plantas hospederas para algunas de sus especies. Se incluye una clave para re- conocer las especies mexicanas. Translation provided by the authors. The genus Acroleucus Stål, 1874, belonging to Acroleucus brevicollis (Stål) the subfamily Lygaeinae (Heteroptera: Lygaei- dae), contains 40 species (Brailovsky 1977, 1980, Lygaeus brevicollis Stål 1862: 311 1984; Brailovsky & Barrera 1984; Slater 1992). It is a Neotropical genus ranging from Mexico to Ar- This species is distinguished from other mem- gentina, and is characterized by having the callus bers of Acroleucus by a combination of the follow- of the anterior pronotal lobe interrupted by longi- ing characters: coxae yellow with basal third tudinal depressions flanking a distinct median ca- brownish hazel, trochanters and bucculae yellow, rina. In México 5 species have been recorded. In head dorsally and antennal segment IV black to this paper we add 2 new species, include a synop- reddish brown, hemelytral membrane dark tic treatment for previously known taxa, and pro- brown with apical margin widely hyaline, and vide new distribution and host plants records for pronotum dark brown with anterior, lateral, and some species. posterior margin widely yellowish orange. Habitat.—Very little is known about the habi- Distribution.—Recorded from México, San Sal- tat requirements of the species of Acroleucus. vador, Costa Rica, and Panamá. México: Chiapas: Some species are collected on the foliage of La Trinitaria, Comitan, Ocozocoautla and Ixhua- Solanum nigrum L., and Solanum nudum H. B. tán. Estado de México: Real de Arriba (Temas- M. (Solanaceae), on Ipomoea sp. (Convolvu- caltepec), and Malinalco. Morelos: Cuernavaca. laceae), and Camellias (Theaceae), while others Nuevo León: Chipinque. Veracruz: Orizaba are associated with Tillandsia dasyliriifolia (Brailovsky 1977, 1980). Baker, Tillandsia violacea (Baker), Tillandsia New Records.—México: 1 male, 1 female: oaxacana L. B. Sm., and Hechtia podantha Mez Hidalgo, Hwy 105, 2.4 mi N Tlanchinol, Aug 1982, (Bromeliaceae). C. W. O’Brien and G. Wibmer. 1 female: Oaxaca, All measurements are given in mm. Reposito- Valle Nacional, Rancho Grande, 900 m, 13 Mar ries for specimens and abbreviations given in the 1989, A. Cadena and L. Cervantes. 1 male: Oax- text are as follows: Colección Entomológica del In- aca, km 58 Tuxtepec-Oaxaca, 28 May 1987, L. stituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Au- Cervantes. 1 female: Puebla, Xicotepec de Juárez, tónoma de México, México, D.F. (UNAM), Colec- 13 Jul 1980, H. Brailovsky. 1 female: San Luis Po- ción Entomológica del Instituto de Ecología A.C., tosí, Tamazunchale, 10 Apr 1980, H. Brailovsky. 1 Jalapa, Veracruz (IEXA), and Texas A&M Univer- female: Tamaulipas, Gomez Farias, Joya de sity, Collage Station, TX (TAMU). Manantiales, 13 Mar 2002, I. Pacheco, A. 50 Florida Entomologist 91(1) March 2008 Sanchez, and L. Cervantes. 1 male, 1 female: Ver- Description.—Female (holotype). Dorsal color- acruz, Fortín de Las Flores (Estación de Microon- ation: Head yellowish hazel except for 2 short red- das), 10 Aug 1980, E. Barrera. 2 males, 1 female: dish brown irregular transverse marks restricted Veracruz, Jalapa, 22 May 1982, E. Aranda. All the to the interocellar space; antennal segments I to specimens deposited in UNAM. IV reddish brown; pronotum yellowish orange Host Plants.—Collected on Solanum nigrum L. with 2 large, irregular pale to dark brown spots at (Solanaceae), Ipomoea sp., (Convolvulaceae), and posterior lobe and transverse line; scutellum red- Camellias (Theaceae). dish brown to dark brown, middle third of apical half yellowish orange; clavus dark brown, claval Acroleucus bromelicola Brailovsky commissure yellow; corium dark brown, costal margin and apical angle yellow; hemelytral mem- Acroleucus bromelicola Brailovsky 1977: 124-126 brane ocher, and apical margin widely hyaline. (Figs. 1, 3) Ventral coloration: Head including the bucculae pale yellowish orange; juga and rostral segments This species is recognized by having the coxae, I, III and IV dark orange hazel; rostral segment II trochanters, basal third of femora, head dorsally, yellowish hazel; propleura shiny orange with pale and bucculae yellow, antennal segment IV dark brown spot near middle third; prosternum yellow- brown, and hemelytral membrane dark brown ish white; mesopleura pale to dark brown, with with hyaline apex digitiform, extending toward anterior margin, posterior margin and acetabu- the center of the membrane. Genital capsule. Cir- lum dark to pale yellowish white; mesosternum cular in cross section; inner space with lateral dark yellowish white, and transverse line pale to arms subtruncated; space between arms with dark brown; metapleura pale to dark brown, deep “V” concavity (Fig. 1). Paramere. Shaft ro- tinged with orange hazel marks, and anterior bust; posterior projection broad, hemispheric; an- margin, posterior margin, and acetabulum pale to terior projection elongate, slender; spur apically dark yellowish white; metasternum reddish or- acute, weakly directed upward (Fig. 3). ange; ostiolar peritreme yellowish white; coxae, Distribution.—Only known from México. Méx- and trochanters yellow; femora pale brown, ico: Puebla: Xicotepec de Juárez and Tehuacan; and tinged with orange hazel, and basally yellow; tib- San Luís Potosí: Tamazunchale (Brailovsky 1977, iae and tarsi reddish brown; abdominal sterna 1980). The records given by Brailovsky (1977, and genital plates pale brown, except middle 1980) from Sonora (Alamos and Nogales) are erro- third of sterna, posterior margin of sterna VI and neous and belong to the new species A. tensus. VII, and pleural margins yellow. New Records.—México: 1 male, 1 female: Oax- Structure.—Rostrum reaching posterior mar- aca, Ayautla, 700 m, 17 Mar 1989, A. Cadena and gin of abdominal sternite III; rostral segment I Cervantes. 2 females: km 55 Oaxaca-Tehuante- reaching anterior margin of prosternum. pec, 1950 m, 5 Sep 1979, E. Barrera. 3 males, 3 fe- Variation.—(1) Fore femur entirely pale males: Puebla, Cuetzalan, Santiago Yacuncual- brown, tinged with orange hazel. (2) Mesoster- pan (Cuautanapaluyan), 940 m, 19 May 1995, E. num brown, anterior and posterior margins yel- Barrera and G. Ortega-León. 2 females: km 6.5 low, and transverse line black. (3) Metasternum Breca-Huazor, nr Tilazo, 26 Apr 1998, E. Barrera brown, with posterior margin yellow. (4) Posterior and C. Mayorga. 1 female: Veracruz, Municipio margin of abdominal sterna III to V yellow. Buena Vista, Iztaczoquitlan, 1000 m, 28 Jul 2000, Male—Unknown. E. Barrera and A. Ibarra. 2 females: Tamaulipas, Measurements (n = 1).—Female. Head length Gómez Farias, Camino del Ejido El Azteca, 18 1.05; width across eyes 1.60; interocular space Sept 2003, Q. Santiago and Luis Cervantes. 1 fe- 0.95. Length of antennal segments: I, 0.45; II, male: Tamaulipas, Gómez Farias, El Cielo, 14 1.25; III, 1.15; IV, 1.40. Pronotum: Total length April 2003, I. Pacheco and Luis Cervantes. 1 fe- 1.25; maximum width across anterior lobe 1.50; male: Veracruz, km 13 Coatepec-Huatusco, 600 maximum width across posterior lobe 2.50. Scutel- m, 12 Mar 1989, A. Cadena and L. Cervantes. The lar length 1.00; width 1.27. Total body length 8.18. specimens are deposited in IEXA and UNAM. Discussion.—This new species is related to A. Host Plant.—Collected on Tillandsia dasylirii- orinocoensis Brailovsky, in having the coxae and folia Baker (Bromeliaceae). trochanters yellow, hemelytral membrane ocher, with apical margin widely hyaline, head dorsally Acroleucus calvatus Brailovsky and Cervantes yellow with reddish brown to pale brown marks, NEW SPECIES (Fig. 6) restricted to the interocellar space and transverse line, and antennal segment IV black to reddish Types.—Holotype female: México: Chiapas, 31 brown. In A. orinocoensis the pronotum, clavus, mi SE Comitan, 18-19 Jun 1965, H. R. Burke, corium, prothorax, and metathorax are entirely J. R. Meyer, and J. C. Schaffner (TAMU). yellow and the antenniferous tubercle dark brown Paratypes: 2 females: same data as holotype to black. In A. calvatus the pronotum, clavus, co- (TAMU, UNAM). rium, prothorax, and mesothorax are not entirely Brailovsky & Cervantes: New Species of Acroleucus 51 yellow, and the antenniferous tubercles are yel- brown to ocher with contrasting dark brown veins, lowish orange. and apical margin widely hyaline; head dorsally Etymology.—From the Latin, calvata, meaning yellowish orange with distinct black median lon- smooth. gitudinal stripe, antennal segment IV black to reddish brown, and pronotum, corium, femora, Acroleucus
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