. earple i:seth-EL Broad~ Glenham Sts . Providence, n. I. List: of Cont:ribut:ions To The GJC 1945 Campaign THE JEWISH HERALD (.&low i~ a partial list of contributiona ovtT $10 made to the 1945 Campaign of the ~neral Jewieh CommitUe. Additional names ,n1] VOU... XX, NO. 45 PROVIDENCE, R. I. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1945 6 CENTS THE CO PY k printed in $Ub$,equent P.M·oe11 of the Herald. Campai1.n•Ofric.en c.all atUntion to the fact that contribotlona in 1945 ahoW" subsunlial in~ cuabetl over t.hOIU made in 19,'4. These inaeaAe& range from 25% to a.. mod . a8 fiOO ¾, over gift& Made laat 1ear. Jn Of'der to reach the Extend GJC Drive to Jan. 7 .-oal of $.'330,000, it iA a1Sential that thoee perMms who have not already fl"'e-11, tfobuantially inauee their ci;IU to 111eet the tragic need• of our Jewi!lh people o·n:r8eu who fa.u a vtty critical wintt:1'.) t 1750--Robfaon rfaayon Company (Raymond G. Franks, Miss Edith Cohen, Charles Colitz, Maurice· Senate Asks Open Door to Palestine s ) Cooper, Dr. Wi11iam Fain, lsadoTe p;;~l..eonard Levin. Gen.er, Shepley H. Gray, Jacob Passes Resolution UJA Asks for Coverage of $11 1 S dl Ph'!' Kotler badon, ShapiTo. ~wu~ .,.,. 1. on an, ll'p D T C ds Sl Weinstei n Family. $12.~Mi-lton J. Goldsmith, Hen- esp•te• rurnan, ar ower $10~Martin Sfl1reTStein. br~ie~·:~;,,::e·;;{, ~::a:k::~!o·:.·· Byrnes Ob1"ection 100 Million in '46 Than Anticipated: $?00--Harry Pinktnon. ~ ., u $60-Mnk Weisberg_ $10(';.....Maorice L. Fox. WASHINGTON - Alter nearly 800 Delegates Officcro of the General Jewioh, ~Wffiiam H . Han-fa, Albert $100----Ma-x Abrams, Walter Ad- flve hours' diecuuion of what to A d Co . Committee campaign have decided. ShoYe. !er, Samuel Bttrman, Edmund I. do next, the Senate laat week tten nventlon to extend the campaign period !or· S,lOO-Leo Grossman, Mr. and Blackman, Henry Brill, Everett and abruptly overrode proteet& by ATLANTIC CITY, N. J . another two weeks, until January Mrs. MoT1"18 Na-:rva. Morris Cowen, Moni9. Feinselber, Pruidept Truman and passed a More than 800 delegates to the 7, 10 that every Jewieh pereon in U~&njamln Roteman. Fredlt,y's, Gordon Service Station, ruolotion calling for the free en- National ·Conference of United the city will have an opportunity, $.100--Ererman Bernstei'n, Albert Hyman M. Jacobson, Samuel Ka· try of Jews into Palestine "to the Jewish Appeal voted last week un. t,, contTibute to this vital cause_ Go:nld , Milton Lea:nd, Scott FuT• gan. D-r. Herman A. Grouman, maximum of is agricu1tural and animously to launch a drive for a Because of the inclement weather rlen, Shu.et's Auto Su-pt)ly. 'R'iobin Halpert, Hope and Avon economic potentialitiea." relief ftind of $100,000,000 in 1946, and the approaching holidays, the l2.!S5--C. J. Fox Co. Theatre,., Carl Hyman, Morris H. · The resolution i:nstruda the ·described as the "createst peace- coverage of cards in the general 12r,t,-AlbeTt B. Glassman, Ale-x Hyman, JoHos J . Jacoby, Daniel President to ue bia good officu time campaigu of U.S. history." solicitations division has been Mad3 .ns·, John B. Olevson. Kapstein, Dr. S. G. · Lenzner, with Britain to open Paleatine for The program for large.scale re· slower than an-tieipated, and 1600 $2.10--Sa1nufA Wintma"fl. Loew's State Theatre, Samuel free entry of Jews. It adds that lief for homelese Jerwe was adopted potential contributors still remain S225,.-Vincent Sonentino. Lo-zow, Isadore Medofl' (G1oraine "there 1hal1 be full opportunity for after Earl G. Harrison, President to be seen. S2M--Ma1J'rlee Adelman, City Mills), Harry Mi shon, Mowry colonization and development, so Truman's special emiuary i&an in- Alvin A. Sopkin, chairman ot T\Tt: Cor, Leo Greenberg, badoTe Lowe, Mn. Minnie Nelson, Mem- that they may freely proceed with peotion of conditions o! the Jews in the campaign, etated uAll work- 8.a::nW"f~n1, Jodl'e a.nd Mrs. Philip OT'Y of S. Sadowick, A. M. Zerter. ~e opbuilding of Palestine as the Germany, told the conference th&t en on the campaign are urged to C. Joslin, Looi~ {Linder, Jos~h S7S--Bernard B . Abedon, Lest.el' Jewish National Home and, in ass~ convict.ion of Nazi ringleaders in use this extenaion period to cover Pe-nnae:c.bi:.a.,. EdwaTd Waldman, Cohen, Lonis H. Dreu, H&JTY Fain, ciation with an element.I of the war crimee ''doee not discharge our e\·ery outstanding card. It woulcl Geo-r-l't: WinJclff, I.rvtnr w. Wool1. Nathan Katz, rLlppi and David Lin.. t)OJ)ulatic.n, estahli&h Palestine u a re ponaibilities toward their vie- be a crime in this critical yeal'., Sl?S-DaTid Ja.golin:ur. deT, Monis R.atuah, Benjamin Tich- democratic commonwealth in which tim1." when ao much ia at stake for th& 116t-Robfn.ton and Robinson m-a:n. all men, recardlns of race or creed, The relief provam wu voted to J(IWieh people overaeaa who face a:n.d Jo:aepb E . Adelson. SM--Provide-nce Frate-rnal Asao. sh.all have equal right.I." finance aid to J~a in Europe, ex- a bitter winter, that any person ft~B' n:ai B'rith Roge,,- Wms. 164),_Joseph Epfltein, Louis Lip· CollMTiy Protectw pand settlement of Jf!'lfs in Pale!- 1hould fail to make a contribution U>dre,, Clr.a:fn Candy Store.a, Joseph ~on, Minyan Temp]e Beth Israel. Jo~t prior to pu1age of the reao- tine and aid in rehabilitation of. to thia campaign. tLet ue make SM---Martin Bernstein, Edward (Coattawecl on Pace 6) re!ogees in the U.S. A. the flnal effort neceHary to wind C. Fox, Dr. Benjamin Roualin. up · ith I · I •~~Norma-n vnaraot•k:,'. 1. \ i;;. J 1 ~ OUT campa1gn w a g orioua II ~Albert Alter, Joshua Bell, LUOavitclier Yeshiva' School vi-;;_~·~ W. iiJ., chairman of the, Samuel BeTditch, M'orri~ Berry, general solicitations divi1ion like- 11~ Morri• Bochner, Harry and David To Oipen Fund Drive SundO"' wioemmedtheirnportance~tthe Refugees Are B'razner, Samuel BrodAky, Cata- ____________J__ coverare of every outstandmg- Now Americans moT"e, Jewelry Co., Dr. Wm. B. Co. At the ftnt joint meeting of the , ,------------~ pledge card. He aaid that exper- Coocl._do-n. on. the e•ect that hen, Irwin Cort, The Farm, Inc., men's and women's associa~ions of M ) R ience in this campaign haa ahown ref•~ ha..-e had 011 ~ e,eo,.. Herman A. ~•hkoff, Martin Go!- the Loba1ritcher Y .. hiva Parochial ose Y esumes that people are ready and willing: Macie an:d IIIGC'ial life of thM den, Alfred T. Goodwin, Looi• School, held lut Monday In the Fascist Activities to gin and in practically every in- eomttry, u p11h1Wlh~ in a Jbook .. IGla.seT", Jo1e! P. Golds-tein, Harold Biltmore Hotel, Frank Swartz, LONDON - A British re- stance to subetantia11y increase ld. by M.aarice R.. Da•·ie a:nd Gordon, Benjamin M. Harriet, Ar- president of the organization, told poT"ter was .kicked and beaten their contribution and that t'hey- Saaoel K~ilt. who made a tho-r Henius., AbTaham Horvitz, the gathering that plans had been and a U. S. photographer and are waiting to be approached by nody &I nunt i1n• ig·ratiM\ .Jordan J . Kao1Jman, David Kotlen, completed for the maintenance and reporter were threatened With the campaign wor,ere. As a mat- fr01n Ea.,ope, malu it obvious ChaTles Lappin, Benj. LiebeTman building fund campaign of the violence while covering a meet- ter of fact, 11 evera1 persons have dlat rdarea, maJdnC' op only and Benj. Zeidel, John Luft, Albert school which is to begin i.his Sun- ing of lhe British Un.ion of Fa&- ca1lcd campaign headquarters, ln- •• f'Qil"l'll:fiieant p,erunta.,r:e of Makowsky, Meyer Albert, Dr. Na. day. cisUI in London recently. The dicating that they are ready to ~ i-.miarrant poo,aJation and an thaniel J . Mali'nou, Men's Club Irving Kof.fleT, campaign chair- meetin1 was addressed by Sir make their pledges and inquiring lltt.erly ne,rlirihle -prnp,ortion of Beth Jnael, Max Millman, Dr. Sam man, empha81zed the importance Q9wald Motdey who haa an- when workers will call upon them. tie tot.al P')i,-alation nf lhi• coun­ P'rt-s!man. o! the drive and urged each worker nounced he will again take up These were persons whose pl edge try, <0•Jd ha1'dly otrer Nrio'Ol!I s.-.o.-Dr. L. Regenstei'ner, Ben. to discharge his responsibility to hia fascist activitiew. cards are now in the hand!i of eoao,etition t.o A merica--n- or e_n,. jam-in Ri.ffidn, Simon Shat.kin, Stan- the school and to the community. workers, eo it is extremely impor­ da:ft•tt tJaetr •ay of life. ley Shein, John Silverman, J oseph The need of a Yeshiva in Provi­ tant that every person be seen im­ On the eontrary. th*' ha•e had Sindle, Herman H. Sohn, Samuel dence wae stressed by Rabbi Joeh- to be snccessfu1. mediately. a Madd.al fflflnn,ee Ul)t)fl thi8 Solinge-r, Mau-rice Stollerman, Ha-r- na Werner. He r ead a statement Rabbi badore Groner, executive ry St.utman, SunbeTTy Dre!s, Fred from the B'nai B'rith magazine, director of the achool, introduced «-n"lrf Mt '°'' pro,portion to tllefr •••htt.,.# 8.
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