Index The Horn Book Magazine Volume LXXV: January–December 1999 January/February, 1–112 March/April, 113–256 May/June, 257–384 July/August, 385–496 September/October, 497–656 November/December, 657–800 A Is for Aarrgh!, 607 Ant Bully, 54 Barrett, Tracy, 460 A Is for Amos, 185 Ant Plays Bear, 767 Barton, Jill, 767 Aardema, Verna, 153, 157 Applebee, Arthur, 171 Bascove, Barbara, il. by, 583 Abbs, Peter, 170 April Wilson’s Magpie Magic, 204 Basket Moon, 731 ABC and Things, 241 Ardley, Neil, 232 Baskin, Leonard, 620 ABC Bunny, 438 Arilla Sun Down, 174 Bastable Children, 532 ABC du Père Castor, il. from, 638 Arlene Alda’s 1 2 3, 24 Bat-Ami, Miriam, 460 ABC Pop!, 315 Arlene Sardine, 779-781 Batchelder, Mildred L., tribute to, 100-102 Abelove, Joan, 24; 605 Armourer’s House, 370 Bateman, Teresa, 766 Abigail Takes the Wheel, 206 Armstrong, Jennifer, 478, 486; 652 Bauer, Joan, 359, 361; 461 Abós, Elena, article by, 696-704 Armstrong, Judith, 168-169 Bear, 233 Absentminded Fellow, 198 Arnold, Tedd, 233; 789 Bearskin, 146-147 According to Mark, 166 Arnold of the Ducks, 724 Beautiful Losers, 361 Achingly Alice, 767 Around the World, 222 Beaver, 352 Across Five Aprils, 441 Art of the Story-Teller, 537, 539 Beavin, Kristi, articles by, 354-358; 762-765 “Across the Ages,” Betsy Hearne, 164-175 Arthur, 289 Bechard, Margaret, 461 Acrostic, 650-651; solution, 654 Arthur, High King of Britain, 763 Bechtel, Louise Seaman, 526-530, 548 Adams, Lauren, see Book Reviews Arthur’s Birthday Party, 63; il. from, 64 Bechtold, Lisze, 462 Adler, David A., 182, 219; 766 Arthur’s Computer Disaster, 766 Behind the Attic Wall, 441-442 Adopted by the Eagles, 235 “Artist at Work,” Feodor Rojankovsky, 636- Behind the Back of the Mountain, 157 Aesop, 546 639 Behind the Mask, 85 African-American children’s literature, arti- Asch, Frank, 162 Behind the Wheel, 755 cles about, 148-157, 176-181; 283-288 Ashabranner, Brent, 755 Beil, Karen Magnuson, 219 Agee, Jon, 183 Ashabranner, Jennifer, 755 Bell, Julia, il. by, 66 Ahlberg, Allan, 354 Ashanti to Zulu, 157 Bemelmans, Ludwig, 439; 546 Aiken, Joan, 57; 294-295 Ashwater Experiment, 468 Bendall-Brunello, John, 311 Akiak, 653 Ask the Bones, 344 Bennett, Cherie, 767 Alcott, Louisa May, 294; 546 At Her Majesty’s Request, 82 Bennett, Jill, 240 Alda, Arlene, 24 Athletic Shorts, 299 Bennett, John, 527 Alderson, Brian, 747; article by, 237-242 Auch, Mary Jane, 57; 234 Benny’s Had Enough!, 729; il. from, 730 Alexander, Lloyd, 205, 233; 354; 767 “Audiobook Reviews,” Kristi Beavin, 354- Bequest of Wings, 537, 539-540 Alexander, Martha, 157 358; 762-765 Berry, James, 215 Alexander Graham Bell, 481 Aunt Nancy and Cousin Lazybones, 55 Best, Cari, 727 Alice on the Outside, 471 Aunt Pitty Patty’s Piggy, 618 Better Brown Stories, 354 Alien for Rent, 58 Austin, Margot, 184 Beyer, Kerry, 358 Aliki, 348; 652; il. by, 391 Australian children’s literature, article Bial, Raymond, 768 Alison, Marielle, 381 about, 364-368 Bierhorst, John, 157 “Alive and Vigorous,” Martha V. Avi, 58; 206; 733 Biesty, Stephen, 716-720 Parravano, 434-444 Awards, 109; 252; 380; 493; 652; 789 Big Box, 598 All Alone in the Universe, 616 Awards in YA literature, editorial about, Big Cheese for the White House, 594 Allard, Harry, 162 117-118 “Big Nap,” Sarah Ellis, 243-244 Allen, Jonathan, 596 Aylesworth, Jim, 618 Bill Pickett, 767 Allen, Terry J., article by, 430-433 Azarian, Mary, 380; article by, 423-429; arti- Billingsley, Franny, 734 Allibone, Judith, 187 cle about, 430-433 Biography, article about, 705-715 Almond, David, 326 Birchbark House, 329 Always Inventing, 481 B Is for Bethlehem, 588 Bird, Bobby, 697-698, 704 Amazon Papers, 361 Babbitt, Natalie, 73; 441; acrostic by, 650- Birthday Room, 611 Amber Cat, 767 651 Bishop, Nic, 220; 485; 652 American Childhood, 174 Babe and I, 182 Bishop, Rudine Sims, article by, 176-181 American Girls Collection, editorial about, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, 623 Björk, Christina, 734 390; letters about, 660-662 Baby Duck and the Bad Eyeglasses, 767 Black, Irma Simonton, 231 Ample Field, 538-540 “Back from IBBY,” Katherine Paterson, 26- Black Cat, 199 Andersen, Hans Christian, 310; 539, 542, 30 Black Geese, 343 546, 552 Back of Beyond, 299 Black Hands, White Sails, 758 Anderson, Laurie Halse, 605 Backwater, 361; 461 Black Pearl, 441 Anderson, M. T., 732 Bad, 59 Black Pioneers, 484 Anderson, Maxwell, 543 Bader, Barbara, 435; 707; articles by, 4-6; Blackaby, Susan, letter from, 661-662 Andrews, Jane, 666 119-122; 262-264; 391-393; 524-531; 665- Blake, Quentin, 580 Andrews, Siri, 530 667 Blake, Robert J., 653 Angel Spreads Her Wings, 463 Baldwin, James, 151 Blegvad, Erik, 231; 347 Animal Alphabet, 163 Bambi, 527 Bless the Beasts and the Children, 568 Anna All Year Round, 465 Band of Angels, 190 Bloom, Lloyd, 338; 766 Anna of Byzantium, 460 Bandit’s Moon, 576 Bloom, Susan P., see Book Reviews Annie and the Old One, 438 Banished, 742 Blue Lawn, 339 Anno, Mitsumasa, 766; il. by, 387 Banks, Kate, 24; 733; article by, 42-44 Blue Moose, 582 Anno’s Magic Seeds, 766 Banner in the Sky, 443 Blumberg, Rhoda, 577, 585 Anno’s USA, 387 Bar Din, Anne, 701-702 Board books, 158-159 Another Here and Now Story Book, 529 Barbour, Karen, 452 Bobby, Anne, 762 Another Important Book, 593; il. from, 594 Barrel of Laughs, A Vale of Tears, 446 Bodecker, N. M., 231 Another Shore, 583 Barrett, Peter A., 294 Boggart and the Monster, 234 November/December 1999 793 Bolognese, Don, 206 Byars, Betsy, 439; 767 Codfish Musket, 441 Bond, Nancy, 583; 732, 789 Cody Unplugged, 328 Bone Dance, 767 Cabrera, Jane, 313 Cofer, Judith Ortiz, 294, 296 Bontemps, Arna, 152, 176-181, 207; 530 Calabro, Marian, 348 Coffin, Tom, 213 Boock, Paula, 606 Caldecott, Randolph, 535 Cole, Henry, 653 Book Caravan, 3; article about, 4-6 “Caldecott Medal Acceptance,” Mary Cole, Joanna, 480 Book of Changes, 297 Azarian, 423-429 Coleman, Evelyn, 78 Book of Flies Real or Otherwise, 620 Calhoun, Mary, letter from, 116 Colón, Raúl, 190; il. by, 296 Book of Negro Folklore, 176 Call It Courage, 437 Colum, Padraic, 527 Book of Three, 441 Cameron, Ann, 109; 234 Come On, Rain!, 454 “Book Reviews,” 53-89; 182-230; 310-353; Cameron, Eleanor, 392; article about, 564- Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun, 451-488; 593-627; 727-761 571 577, 585 Books, Children and Men, 531, 537, 539, 587 Campbell, Patty, 110; 546, 608, 652; articles Conferences, 109-110; 253; 381; 494; 653-654; Books for the Young, 548 by, 90-94; 359-363; 769-773 789-790 Bookshop for Boys and Girls, 4-6; article Can I Keep Him?, 162 Confessions of Nat Turner, 153 about, 524-531 Can of Worms, 334 Conford, Ellen, 234 Borges, Jorge Luis, 296 Canadian children’s literature, article Conly, Jane Leslie, 24; 767 Boss of the Plains, 25 about, 630-633 Cook-a-Doodle-Doo!, 324 Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards, Candy Corn, 478 Cool Melons—Turn to Frogs!, 25 announced 652-653; acceptances, 42-52 Card, Orson Scott, 449 Cooper, Elisha, 312 Bousquin, Marilyn, see Book Reviews Carlson, Laurie, 25 Cooper, Susan, 234; 355; 441; 634; 735 Bovetz, Marcie, letter from, 660-661 Cart, Michael, 359 Cooperative Children’s Book Center, 443; Bowden, Joan Chase, 578 Carter, Betty, 336, 380; 485, 493 770 Bowen, Betsy, 748 Carter, Dorothy, 185 Coretta Scott King Awards, 790 Boy, a Dog, and a Frog, 157 Case of the Mummified Pigs, 236 Corfield, Robin Bell, 217 Boy Who Loved to Draw, 622 Cassedy, Sylvia, 441 Cormier, Robert, 234; 608 Brabander, Jennifer M., see Book Reviews Castle, 717 Cornrows, 285 Brain, 768 Castro, Chava, 79 Cougar, 330 Brandenburg, Jim, 487 Castro, Nick, 79 Couloumbis, Audrey, 736 Branford, Henrietta, 355; 735 Cat Ate My Gymsuit, 362 Cousins, Lucy, 231; 291 Braun, Trudi, 311 Catcher in the Rye, 769 Cowley, Joy, 220; 652 Brave Bear, 597 Cathedral, 717-720 Coyote in Love with a Star, 213 Breaking Rank, 212 Cather, Willa, 300 Crampton, Patricia, 734 Breaking the Chains, 356 CCBC-Net listserv, 770-771 Crash, 789 Brenner, Barbara, 622 Cecil, Randy, 323 Crawford, Elisabeth D., 24, 70 Brewster, Patience, il. by, 209 Censorship, article about, 283-288 Creature Crossing, 331 Brian’s Return, 69 Centerburg Tales, 449 Cresswell, Helen, 580 Brian’s Winter, 493 Cepeda, Joe, 176-181, 196; 283-288 Crimi, Carolyn, 728 Bridge to Terabithia, 443 Certain, C. C., 556 Crocodiles, Camels and Dugout Canoes, 85 Briggs, Raymond, 233 Chaikin, Miriam, 25 Crooked, 743 British children’s literature, article about, Chandra, Deborah, 185 “Cross Purposes,” Christine Heppermann, 237-242 Chang, Heidi, 340 716-720 Bronze Bow, 437 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 392; article Crossley, Steven, 354; 765 Brooke, Leslie, 546 about, 564-571 Crossley-Holland, Kevin, 294 Brooke, William J., 607 Charlie Parker Played Be Bop, 780 Crummel, Susan Stevens, 324 Brooker, Kyrsten, 352; il. by, 299 Charlip, Remy, 578 Crush, 234 Brooks, Bruce, 327 Charlotte Zolotow Award, 443 Crutcher, Chris, 299 Brooks, Martha, 297; 767 Charlotte’s Web, 393; 550, 565, 571, 634 Cummings, Pat, 350 Brother Eagle, Sister Sky, 154 Cheripko, Jan, letter from, 116 Cure, 332 Brown, Marc, 578; 766 Child, Lauren, 312 Curlee, Lynn, 221 Brown, Marcia, 264 Children of the Gold Rush, 483 Curtis, Christopher Paul, 737 Brown, Margaret Wise, 24; 231; 439; 529, Children of the Wolf, 723 Cutler, Jane, 609 593; article about, 705-715 Children’s Book Week, 548 Cutting Loose, 613 Browne, Anthony, 24 Children’s Books from Other Countries, 86 Bruchac, Joseph, 109; 153, 236 Children’s books in the classroom, article Dahl, Roald, 393; article about, 564-571 “Brush Strokes with History,” Karen about, 774-781 Daisy and the Egg, 321 Jameyson, 364-368 Children’s Catalog, 548 Dale, Jim, 764 Bryan, Ashley, 619 Children’s librarianship, articles about, 536- Dalgliesh, Alice, 263 Bubber Goes to Heaven, 176-181, 207 558, 630-633 Daly, Niki, 453 Buck, Nola, 236 Children’s Literature Association, 443 Dance, 79; 652; photo from, 80 Buckley, Helen E., 451 Childress, Alice, 174 Dancer, 612 Bud, Not Buddy, 737; il.
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