THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港大學 PUBLIC OPINION PROGRAMME 民意研究計劃 Tel 電話: (852) 3917 7700 Fax 傳真: (852) 2546 0561 Website 網址: http://hkupop.hku.hk Address: Room 706, 7/F, The Jockey Club Tower, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong 地址: 香港薄扶林香港大學賽馬會教學樓 7 樓 706 室 Public Opinion Programme The University of Hong Kong 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire August 2016 The Public Opinion Programme (POP) was established in June 1991 at the Social Sciences Research Centre under the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Hong Kong. It was transferred to the Journalism and Media Studies Centre of the University of Hong Kong in May 2000, and then back to the Faculty of Social Sciences in January 2002. 香港大學民意研究計劃在一九九一年六月成立,初時隸屬香港大學社會科學學院的社會科學研究中心, 二零零零年五月轉往香港大學新聞及傳媒研究中心,二零零二年一月再轉回香港大學社會科學學院管轄。 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire Part I Introduction Good evening, sir/miss/madam, this is Mr/Ms X, I am an interviewer from the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at The University of Hong Kong. We would like to ask for your opinion regarding the 2016 Legislative Council Election, which would take you a couple of minutes. Please rest assured that your number was randomly selected by our computer and your responses will be kept strictly confidential and used for aggregate analysis only. If you have any questions about the research, you can call xxxx-xxxx to talk to our supervisors. If you want to know more about the rights as a participant, please contact The University of Hong Kong (full name: Human Research Ethics Committee of The University of Hong Kong) at xxxx-xxxx during office hours. For quality control purpose, our conversation may be recorded and kept for 6 months at most which will be destroyed after our quality control process is complete. Is it okay for us to start this survey? Yes No (Interview ends) [S1] Is your telephone number xxxx xxxx? Yes No (skip to end) [S1a] How many people are currently living in your household? ___ Refuse to answer (skip to end) Part II Selection of Respondents [S2] Are there any Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong registered voters aged 18 or above in your household? If there are more than one, for random sampling purpose, please invite the one who will have his / her birthday next to answer the call. (Interviewer can ask: “Is there anyone whose birthday is in August or the coming three months?”) [If there are no eligible respondent in the household, interview ends; thank you for your cooperation, bye-bye] Yes No Interview ends, thank you for your cooperation, bye-bye (skip to end) Refuse to answer (skip to end) 2 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire [S3] Which district are you living in? Wan Chai (Hong Kong Island) Sai Kung (New Territories East) Eastern (Hong Kong Island) Sha Tin (New Territories East) Central & Western (Hong Kong Island) Islands (New Territories West) Southern (Hong Kong Island) Tsuen Wan (New Territories West) Kwun Tong (Kowloon East) Kwai Tsing (New Territories West) Kowloon City (Kowloon West) Tuen Mun (New Territories West) Wong Tai Sin (Kowloon East) Yuen Long (New Territories West) Mong Kok (Kowloon West) North (New Territories East) Sham Shui Po (Kowloon West) Tai Po (New Territories East) Yau Tsim (Kowloon West) Refuse to answer (Skip to end) [S4] Are you a registered voter of XXX (according to the answer of S3) district? [If yes, press next question] If not, which district do you belong to? [Read out the other four options, choose another one] Hong Kong Island Kowloon West Kowloon East New Territories West New Territories East Refuse to answer (skip to end) 3 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire Part III Opinion Questions [R1] Will you vote in the coming Legislative Council Election on September 4? [Interviewer to probe intensity] Definitely will Most likely will Most likely won’t Definitely won’t Not yet decide (ask “Most likely will or most likely won’t?” first) Don’t know / Hard to say Refuse to answer Based on answer of S4, “Hong Kong Island” voter R2 only, then skip to R7 Based on answer of S4, “Kowloon West” voter R3 only, then skip to R7 Based on answer of S4, “Kowloon East” voter R4 only, then skip to R7 Based on answer of S4, “New Territories West” voter R5 only, then skip to R7 Based on answer of S4, “New Territories East” voter R6 only, then go on to R7 4 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire Only ask registered voters of Hong Kong Island [R2] In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, there are several nomination lists as follows. Which list do you intend to support? (Interviewer to read out all 15 candidate lists, only read out the first two names of each list) Hong Kong Island candidate lists No. 1 List of Wong Chi-him, Gary of Path of Democracy No. 2 List of LAU Gar-hung, Christopher, YUEN Mi-ming, Erica of People Power No. 3 List of IP LAU Suk-yee, Regina, CHAN Judy Kapui of New People’s Party No. 4 List of HO Sau-lan, Cyd, MAK Tak-ching of Labour Party No. 5 List of CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, CHUNG Shu-kun, Christopher of DAB No. 6 List of Independent candidate CHIM Pui-Chung No. 7 List of CHENG Kam-mun, CHUNG Yuen-wun, Bonix of Civic Passion No. 8 List of LAW Kwun-chung, Nathan of Demosistō No. 9 List of Independent candidate SHUM Chee Chiu No. 10 List of Independent candidate WONG Wai-kay, Ricky No. 11 List of Independent candidate CHUI Chi-kin No. 12 List of Independent candidate ZIMMERMAN Paulus Johannes No. 13 List of HUI Chi-fung, SIN Chung-kai of The Democratic Party No. 14 List of CHAN Tanya, CHENG Tat-hung of Civic Party No. 15 List of KWOK Wai-keung, NG Chau-pei of HKFTU Will not vote Will not support any party or candidate / cast a blank vote Not yet decide / Don’t know / Hard to say Refuse to answer 5 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire Only ask registered voters of Kowloon West [R3] In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, there are several nomination lists as follows. Which list do you intend to support? (Interviewer to read out all 15 candidate lists, only read out the first two names of each list) Kowloon West candidate lists No. 1 List of NG Man-yuen, Avery of League of Social Democrats No. 2 List of HO Chi-kwong, Jonathan of Hong Kong Localism Power/ Democratic Progressive Party of Hong Kong No. 3 List of MO Man-ching, Claudia, LI Chun-hei, Joshua of Civic Party No. 4 List of LEUNG Mei-fun, LEUNG Man-kwong of BPA No. 5 List of TAM Kwok-kiu, YEUNG Yuk of HK Association for Democracy and People’s Livelihood No. 6 List of CHU Siu-hung of Pioneer of Victoria Park No. 7 List of WONG Yuk-man, MA Yu-sang of Proletariat Political Institute No. 8 List of WONG Pik-wan, YUEN Hoi-man of The Democratic Party No. 9 List of Independent candidate LAM Yi-lai, AU Wing-ho No. 10 List of CHIANG Lai-wan, Ann, IP Ngo Tung, Chris of DAB No. 11 List of KWAN San-wai, KO Chi-keung of Politihk Social Strategic No. 12 List of LAU Siu-lai of Democracy Groundwork No. 13 List of YAU Wai-ching of Youngspiration No. 14 List of Independent candidate LEE Wing-hon, Augustine, FOO Wai-lok No. 15 List of TIK Chi-Yuen, WONG Chun-long of Third Side Will not vote Will not support any party or candidate / cast a blank vote Not yet decide / Don’t know / Hard to say Refuse to answer 6 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire Only ask registered voters of Kowloon East [R4] In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, there are several nomination lists as follows. Which list do you intend to support? (Interviewer to read out all 12 candidate lists, only read out the first two names of each list) Kowloon East candidate lists No. 1 List of WONG Kwok-kin, CHOW Luen-Kiu of HKFTU No. 2 List of WU Sui-shan, CHIU Shi-shun of Labour Party No. 3 List of KO Tat-pun, Patrick of Voice of Loving Hong Kong No. 4 List of TAM Heung-man of The Frontier No. 5 List of Independent candidate TSE Wai-chun, Paul No. 6 List of OR Chong-shing, Wilson, LAI Wing-ho, Joe of DAB No. 7 List of Independent candidate LUI Wing-kei No. 8 List of WU Chi-wai, MOK Kin-shing of The Democratic Party No. 9 List of TAM Man-ho, Jeremy, LEONG Kah-kit, Alan of Civic Party No. 10 List of WONG Yeung-tat of Civic Passion No. 11 List of CHAN Chak-to of Kowloon East Community No. 12 List of TAM Tak-chi of People Power Will not vote Will not support any party or candidate / cast a blank vote Not yet decide / Don’t know / Hard to say Refuse to answer 7 2016 Legislative Council Election Rolling Survey Questionnaire Only ask registered voters of New Territories West [R5] In the forthcoming Legislative Council direct election, there are several nomination lists as follows. Which list do you intend to support? (Interviewer to read out all 20 candidate lists, only read out the first two names of each list) New Territories West candidate lists No. 1 List of WONG Yun-tat, LEUNG Ching-shan of Neighbourhood and Worker’s Services Centre No. 2 List of WAN Siu-kin, Andrew, HO Chun-yan of The Democratic Party No.
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