SEIA NEWSLETTER On the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Number 190: July 31, 2011 Washington, DC The Eastern Orthodox Churches community with their special way of life, protect this place and to involve various diversity of monastic achievements, warm forces in Europe and the world in this hospitality towards pilgrims and strict endeavor’. CONFERENCE ON ‘THE CONTRI- internal silence’. Mr. Jan Figel, chairman of the Chris- BUTION OF MOUNT ATHOS TO Archimandrite Ephraim, abbot of the tian Democratic Movements in Slovakia EUROPE’S RELIGIOUS AND INTEL- A Vatopedi Monastery, one of the largest and former Euro-commissioner for sci- LECTUAL TRADITION’ WAS HELD ON JULY monasteries on Mount Athos, said in his ence, education and culture, said, ‘We [in 8-9, 2011, IN SALZBURG, AUSTRIA. It was organized by the Dialogue of Civilizations address that ‘the modern man, who has the European Union] have a common world public forum. Among the partici- made a great progress in technological market, a common currency but we still pants were Mr. Walter Schwimmer, for- and economic development, has failed to have failed to avoid a crisis… The im- mer general secretary of the Council of find an inner peace. That is the presence portance of Christianity in Europe is Europe, Princess Katarina of Serbia, Great of Christ in our hearts. The Holy Mount is enormous, and Christians have a clear Britain, Prince George Yourievsky of the a place of peace, repentance, humility and system of values. Europe will be beautiful Romanov Family, Switzerland, repre- joy as a special state of holiness, which is if the mosaic is united, not split into East sentatives of the Friends of Mount Athos, a fruit of the presence of the Holy Spirit. and West’. Oxford, the Institute for Orthodox Chris- People in the West often see in humility The director of the John XXIII Foun- tian Studies, Cambridge, the Amsterdam an inferiority complex, whereas it is the dation for Religious studies, Alberto Mel- Center for Eastern Orthodox Theology, alpha and omega of spiritual experience… loni, Italy, put forward a proposal that public and governmental bodies, the On the Holy Mount, one can meet truly Mount Athos become a training place for Catholic Church and the Church of Eng- humble monks and hear the Word given in a new generation of young scholars who land, business and scientific communities, experience’. could work in today’s ‘post-secular’ socie- as well as clergy from the Churches of The official opening of the confer- ty to preserve the sources of understand- Russia, Georgia, Greece and other Local ence, which took place at the palace of ing Christian life. Orthodox Churches and brethren from Prince Archbishops of Salzburg, included Mr. S. Scheblygin, president of the monasteries on the Holy Mount Athos. an exhibition of the 19th century photo- St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, The conference was opened by Mr. graphs from the album of Prince Constan- spoke about relations between Russia and V. Yakunin, president of the Dialogue of tine Constantinovich Romanov and to- Mount Athos through, among other things, Civilizations. day’s archives of the Vatopedi Monastery. bringing over its shrines, assistance in Rev. Andrey Yeliseyev, secretary of On Saturday, July 9, Archimandrite restoring the St. Panteleimon Monastery the Russian Orthodox Church representa- Ephraim celebrated the Divine Liturgy at and support for historical and art studies. tion to European international organiza- the Romanian Orthodox church in Salz- He said, ‘We believe that the development tions in Brussels, read out a message of burg according to the Athonite rite. of relations with Mount Athos as a center greetings from Metropolitan Hilarion, During plenary and section sessions, of religious, contemplative and spiritual head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s de- participants spoke in one voice for the life has a beneficial potential for the life of partment for external church relations, preservation of Mount Athos’s unique the whole Russian society. Indeed, Ortho- which reads in particular, ‘The existence status, the need for comprehensive legal dox Christianity in Russia has become a of the European civilization is due to defense of the principle of ‘avaton’ spiritual foundation for people’s life in the Christianity, as its basic values, mode of whereby women are not allowed to the vast lands from the Baltic Sea in the west thinking and moral law which has pre- peninsula, against turning the Holy Mount to the Pacific Ocean in the Far East’. vailed for centuries – all go back to the into a free tourist zone or a place of com- Mr. S. Khoruzhiy, senior researcher evangelical mission of the disciples of mercialization and pointed to the tendency at the Russian Academy of Sciences Insti- Jesus Christ, the mission which embraced of interference in the internal life of the tute of Philosophy said in his remarks that all the nations of the then oikoumene… monasteries. the old trends of secularism and driving The awareness of the contribution that Mr. Schwimmer, who is chairman of religion out of public life have encoun- Mount Athos has made in Europe’s reli- the international coordinating committee tered a new tendency of ‘post-secularism’ gious and moral tradition leads us to the of the Dialogue of Civilizations forum, with its return to religious values and de- important task to preserve the unique stated that ‘the Holy Mount Athos is im- sire of secular people and institutions to world of the Holy Mount for generations portant for the cultural heritage of the enter into dialogue with people of reli- to come. This world has been created by whole world but in the first place for the gious traditions. For this reason, today’s the hands of a multinational monastic spiritual and intellectual heritage of Eu- philosophers and anthropologists are seek- rope. For this reason it is necessary to ing new ways of understanding what is happening to man and society. And here crooked parts of the roof will also be re- trios publicly expressed his gratitude to the Athonite hesychasm as an inexhausti- newed." the Ecumenical Patriarch for having ac- ble source of not theoretical but empirical The same publication informs that the cepted the offering of the concert in His ‘theology of energies’ can offer much for restoration is scheduled to begin next All Holiness’ honor and for his support in the solution of this intellectual problem month and will cost TRL 2.5 M realizing the performance. and open new prospects for the under- The Bulgarian "Saint Stephen" “Music is the vocabulary of love and standing of the ‘synergetic’ nature of man Church, also known as the Bulgarian Iron is the way the heart communicates with as participant in the Divine energy. Church, is a Bulgarian Orthodox church in the Creator,” said the Ecumenical Patri- In summing up the discussions, Arch- Istanbul, Turkey, famous for being made arch addressing the children of the Choir, priest Anthony Ilyin, acting Russian Or- of cast iron. The parts were manufactured the delegation from the Greek Orthodox thodox Church representative to European in Vienna and then transported via the Archdiocese of America and the audience international organizations in Brussels, Danube River to Bulgaria and through the of the concert. His All Holiness praised proposed to create ‘a network community Black Sea to Istanbul. The Church was the musical performance of the Choir and for support of Mount Athos not only with- inaugurated in 1898 by Exarch Joseph and said that he had the opportunity to receive in the European Union but also in the marks the beginning of the Bulgarian ex- many expressions of love from the ortho- greater Europe’ as ‘a format for continued archate. dox faithful of America in the past, mani- contacts between analysts and experts and According to a legend, Sultan Abdul festations and expressions of love which for legal support of Mount Athos and as Azis was not inclined to let Bulgarians continue to this day with the presentation an internet portal’. have their own church, but yielded to the of this concert. “As in the past, these ex- In his closing remarks, Archimandrite pressure under one condition – for the pressions of your love towards me person- Ephraim invited the St. Andrew the First- church to be built only in a month. Bulgar- ally and towards the Mother Church are Called Foundation to cooperation in stud- ians found the solution by making the supporting us and strengthen us- and the ying and cataloguing Russian manuscripts church from cast iron. Mother Church is truly appreciative of this found in the monastery. He also called In the last few years, the Bulgarian love and support we receive,” said the upon them to use the spiritual fruits of State and the Istanbul City Hall have made Ecumenical Patriarch. Mount Athos, noting that there are spiritu- significant efforts to raise funds for the Tomorrow, Sunday July 3, His All al fathers who can give answers to the church's renovation and maintenance, but Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholo- most urgent questions of the modern man. those funds are still insufficient. The mew will preside at the Divine Liturgy in – Website of the Serbian Patriarchate, 110th anniversary of the iron church was the Church of the Holy Trinity of the July 13. celebrated at the end of 2008. – Sophia Monastery in the Theological School of News Agency, July 19. Halki. Archbishop Demetrios, the Archdi- .S. SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY ocesan Choir and others from the United CLINTON ON JULY 16 CALLED ON HE ARCHDIOCESAN YOUTH CHOIR States will attend the liturgy. – Press Re- U ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BAR- OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCH- lease, Greek Archdiocese, July 2.
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