LET'S EAT THE 1 THEN LET'S SEE THE TURKEY FOOTBALL GAME HE BOO TE l- " Education Is simply the encouragement of right habits--the fixing of good, habits until they become a part of one's nature, and arc exercised automatically. VOL. XVI ,THE BOOSTER, PITTSBURG, KANSAS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1930 No.8 MISS ELLIS SINGS FOIt GIRLS. BOYS CHOItUS PItACTICE Girl Reserves Weede Reviews The members of the girls glee club The boys met again in the audito­ recieved a very pleasant surprise last rium for pl'actice of the all-school Sports Ups and Friday at the fourth hour. Every Fri­ chorus. This week on Tucsday in­ Present Play day the club has a program, with stead of Friday wns the time of the different ones entertaining. Occasion­ meeting. Downs Friday alIy they are entertainel by outsiders, The boys were directed by Miss November 20 Miss Ellis sang a very charming Ellis on just three numbers, Miss "Play Is an Open Book to the French number for their last program, Ellis is trying to get the boys to Theme of Depth and Quality Character of Young Folk," It was a very pleasant surprise and learn their songs without theif books Stresses First Production - States Speaker the girls expressed hopes that it will of School Year For what have we to give thee thanks, ~ God? so they can watch her. happen more often in the future. Not Life. Millions of others 'neath a favored sky Parkin in Charge • Sip of its fullness, revel In its joys, "Goose Hangs High" Eat, and are merry, 'ere their turn to die. Novel Pep Chapel Follows Address; Not Happiness. Exuberance of youth Schmidt Gives Production Under Direction of Miss Students Portray Motion "Honor Bright" Has ,swayed their wills, and passions, in control Trimblc, Instructat in Picture Scene Have done their part; contrasting light and shade Journalism Have left their lasting i:npress on the soul. Armistice,Day Selected for Nor yet for Health we thanlt thee, Lord, today. A double-header assembly, inclu­ The first play of the 1930-'31 With alI it brings t() malte of us a manl school year, "The Goose Hangs ding an address by Dr. Weede, head Billions will claim Its treasures, and rejoice Address Here of the at.hletic department at tthe Hi-Y Program As everyone must do, so many can. High," sponsored by the Girl Res­ college, on the progress of play; and For Heritage we give tine thanks, sincere; Speaker Submit Prophecy of erves and coached by Miss Trimble, a pep chapel which portrayed brief Crews and Row Captured Leads j Higher than Life, or Happiness, or Health Materialization of Second was p,'esennted Thursday, Nevem­ scenes from recent photoplays was Cast Includes Six Girls We prize the courage that our fathers had, European War bel' 20, to an appreciative audience. held during the activit.y period Fri­ and Nine Boys And reckon large, its footed totals, wealth' The wO:'k of John Richard Shafer day. For what have we to give thee thanks, 0 GodP Boys Glee Club Sings as the father, who turned out to be For every sorrow that has wrought for good, a very string:'Jnt ex"cutive of the College Director Addresses "Bill" Row Coaches For every bead of man's perspiring blood As master of ceremonies, Louise, home, and the characterization of Spilled, which has proved our human brotherhoodl "Love Thy Ncighhor as Thyself; the gra IOlllolher by Nelva Hand Parkin announced, both phases of the Annual Project Sponsored by Boys «C), H~3'" \Vcslcrn Nowsvaver Union.) Love Even Thy Enemy," program. Devotions, led by Velma were indeeu cunilnel1l1able and hand­ Scheduled for Presentation Quotes Speaker Askins, opened the educational part I================'7================I led with unusual el iciency and tech- December 11 mque. l'Ifnr!l"olret CamplJell, as the wife of the chapel. Initial Girl's Drill "Because Europe, slowly but stead- l11~aJs, Dr. Weede, after an informal in­ ily, is preparing for another war- of IIIr. very eI lciently por- "Honor Bright," a comedy in three Team Appears Friday JUS viewed the progl'ess of sports and the Cawl that's why we want Armistice Day cl'lI:'''cd the }Jar'\. of tthe indulgent acts, to be coached by Mr. Row, new educational value in playas a whole. to be an inlcrnat'onal holiday," motller' of Joe Wilson as Hugh lng­ speech instructor, has been chosen as White Sweaters, Skirts, and Tams "It has been found," stated t.he stated Reverend Phillip Schmidt of als, the elul;s. son vf the faulIly, and the annual Hi-Y play that is to be Comprise Uniforms; Purple speaker, "that the Grecian games the St. John's Lutheran church in Trumbule and Mary Katherine Fen­ given December 11, in the high school Dragon Emblem UOSS·y were religious, taken with much dig­ • his addres given in the auditorium, imore as the the lugals twins. Bradley auditorium. The cast consists of six . Tuesday, Nov. 11. Lois, who have just retuurned from nity and pomp, and were regarder White sweaters, with a purple --- girls and nine boys, with two dis­ Ho! Ho! What's this we, heal' "We need world-wide peace and coliege for the Christ,mas vacation. as a necessity to long life. During dragon adorning the front of themj the dark ages play was almost ex­ tinct leads. about Vernie Covel, the dashing Ro­ understanding," he announced. The last three furnished many amus- Plot Involves Two Fiancees white skirts; and white tams symbol­ meo of the sophomore class who is TelIs of Relatives in War ing situntions for the benefit of the tinctj it was classed as an evil, in ize the g'irls drill team of Pittsburg The play centers around Honor trying to "vamp" with his manner­ Reverend Schmidt explained that he The paJ't of Dagmar Carroll, the short, it was its lowest, ebb." Senior high school. Bright, a young cooed who is sell­ isms several dignified senior maid­ was born and reared in Germany and fiancee of Hugh Ingals, was easily In closing, Dr. Weede left the The drill team made its first pUb­ ing reference books to help pay her ens? Well, since Vernie is a man of had, during. the war, five brothers carried by Frederica Theis. Jack Mc thought that the value of any sub­ lic appearance, Friday, November 14, way through college. genius who persists in accomplish­ fighting on the western front and al- Elroy's portmyal of Lea Day, a so­ ject in an educational system would at the Pithsburg Ft. Scott game On her first day of canvassing she ing tasks, we wish him luck for he'll so relatives in the Allies' trenches. cial-cliwbingn politician, who insists be in proportion to its contribution They formed the letters P. H. S. The strays into the Barrington home need it! He said letters from them alI cried Bernarllngals help to climb the lalder girls are practicing regularly to to the seven cardinal virtues of ed­ where the only son, Dick, in his de!!­ out how they hated war and wished to fame, brought up a rounl of apple ucation, and play comes up to par in paration, hits upon the plan of palm­ learn a new drill for the Thanksgiv-. it would stop. sauce as dil :i\1i1ton Zachrias character- all the seven cardinals. ing off the girl book-agent as 'his ing game. ", Mr. Hartford has bid good by to our school for a few days. Substi­ n:aving fought up to the last min- ization of Elliott Kimberly, the would- Pep Chapel Vcry Unique fiancee. Honor agrees to assume t.he Miss Brandenburg, girls physical tuting for him is Mr. Archibald Rus­ ute, the men on both sides be boss of Mr. Ingals. The members of the Pep Props and role of the chorus girl with the un­ education instructor, has practiced sell from the college. We hope he joyously embraced one another when A friend of the family, Noel Derby, Peppy Janes who took part in the derstanding that she is to remain faithfully with the girls, and de­ enjoys his little reign of being armstice proclaimed that the war was easily carried by Leonard Brown pep chapel were Jack McElroy, John only for dinner. This leads to com­ serves much of the credit for the girls good appearance. "school marster." was over, and peace had been just as Ellen Harper, disguised as Shafer, Claude McGrew, Warren plications which are enhanced by the achieved. maid of the family portrayed her Stehl, John Casterman, Doris Rogers, The following girls are members chorus girl's unexpected arrival. As "Love thy neighbors in war." Europe role.. Pat Kelley, Harold Albers, Jack Gal­ Richard is unequal to the delicate of the team. Gladys Baggerly. Hazel Yeah, wrong side out seems to be B. Bennet, Clelia Bosette, Hazel style. A great amount of our girls lost thirty-seven million men women I A umque display of how much tal­ braith, Constance Simion, Katherine task of presenting two fiancees, it be­ and. children during the ,:ar-{)vel~ leI' a so~ can be tlaan his mother was Prenk, and Mary Adele Brinn. comes necessary for Honor Bright Cardwell, Lorraine Curteman, Ruth are wearing their hose wrong side Evans, Celeste Eyestone, Mary Fran­ out. When accosted by a reporter, nine million were killed in action, and Ishown m Dudley Dlxvn and Clelia to remain until complications seem others died with influenza and other Bosette as they played the parts of BLIND OBEDIENCE to unravel somewhat.
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