WOODHAM FERRERS & BICKNACRE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Tuesday 4th MAY 2021 @ 7.30PM Meeting was held via Zoom = Expenditure decision = A resolution made THE CHAIRMAN REQUESTED MOBILE PHONES ARE SWITCHED OFF & REMOTE MEETING POLICY ADHERED TO In Attendance: Cllr. J. Saltmarsh (Chairman) Cllr. M. Shay Cllr. L. White (Vice Chairman) Cllr. J. Robins Cllr. C. Amos Clerk of the Council, K. Kuderovitch Cllr. R. Poulter (CCC) 72/21. Election of Chairman (vote to be taken) The current Chairman opened the Meeting and declared that she was happy to continue in the role. It was resolved unanimously for Cllr. June Saltmarsh to be elected as Chairman. The Chairman to sign the Declaration of Office (to be sent by the Clerk) and took the Chairman’s position immediately. 73/21. Declaration of Interests/Recording of Meetings All Members were reminded that they must disclose any interests they know they have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda and that they must do so at this point on the agenda or as soon as they become aware of the interest. They are also obliged to notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the meeting, if they have not previously notified her about it. The Clerk to offer members the opportunity to declare any interests and note them. Councillors/Members of the Public to declare their intention to record the Meeting. None declared. 74/21. Apologies Cllr. S. Sinclair – unwell, Cllr. K. Wilkin – unwell, Cllr. A. Mair – no apologies received, Cllr. P. Brown – family commitments. It was resolved unanimously to accept the apologies & the reasons submitted. 75/21. Election of Vice-Chairman (vote to be taken) Cllr. L. White declared she was happy to continue in the role. It was resolved unanimously for Cllr.White to be re-elected. 76/21. Minutes/Public Forum The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 6th April 2021 were approved. On the motion of the Chairman the meeting was adjourned for 15 minutes for members of the public/press to address the Council (extendable by the Chairman). None present. 77/21. Appointment of Parish Council Representatives: Clerk Mrs Karen Kuderovitch, CICLA White Elm Garden Centre, White Elm Road, Bicknacre, Essex CM34LR Tel: 07931 558125 e-mail [email protected] www.wfandbpc.org.uk It was resolved unanimously for the following representative to be appointed: • Personnel Committee – Cllr. Saltmarsh (Chair), Cllr. White, Cllr. Sinclair, Cllr. Wilkin. Cllr. Shay indicated she would like to join – terms of reference to be adjusted for the June meeting to allow an additional member to be appointed. • Events Committee – Clerk, Cllr. L. White, Cllr. J. Robins (standing in for Cllr. P. Brown), Cllr. C. Amos (guest for specific event). Cllr. S. Sinclair to be contacted to request she remains as the Chair. • Play area reps (Lodge Road – Cllr. P. Brown, The Hooe – Cllr. K. Wilkin, Bicknacre Playing Fields – Cllr. M. Shay) • Planning Representatives – Cllr. J. Saltmarsh & Cllr. J. Robins • Friends of Priory Fields – Cllr. M Shay • Press Officer - Clerk • Footpaths & Open Spaces – Cllr. M. Shay & Cllr. C. Amos • Woodham Ferrers Village Hall Committee – Cllr. L. White • Bicknacre Village Hall Committee – Cllr. J. Saltmarsh • Covid-19 Support Representative - Clerk • Health & Well Being Representative – Clerk & Cllr. C. Amos • Climate Change Working Party – Cllr. June Saltmarsh/contact to Cllr. S. Sinclair verify • Youth Engagement Representatives – Clerk & a resident to be approached 78/21. Planning 21/00394/FUL Address: Land East and West Of A130, North And South Of Canon Barns Road East Hanningfield Chelmsford Essex Description of works: Installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) park generating up to 49.9 MW of electricity spread over three sites (sited either side of the A130/Canons Barn Road), comprising of ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays, battery-based electricity storage containers, and One Point of Connection (POC) mast of up to 35m in height on Church Road (junction with Link House Farm), together with inverters/transformer stations, Distribution Network Operator (DNO) Substation, access and cable connection to POC mast to connect to 132 kV power line, customer substation/switchgear and meter kiosk, batteries, internal buried cabling and grid connection cables, internal access tracks, security fencing and gates and CCTV cameras, other ancillary infrastructure, landscaping and biodiversity enhancements. PC Comments: Strongly object to the application: The effect on the landscape and neighbouring properties, risk to greenbelt land & wildlife 21/00555/FUL - Land West Of Hill Farm, Pan Lane, East Hanningfield, Chelmsford, PC Comments: Strongly objects to this application – loss of greenbelt land. Contact to be made with West Hanningfield Parish Council to relay the decisions. 21/00017/REM Oak House Bicknacre Road Danbury Chelmsford Essex CM3 4ES Proposal Application for the approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, with the exception of those relating to Condition No.6 SuDs) in respect of outline permission 19/02037/OUT, for the demolition of the existing dwelling house and outbuildings and the construction of 9 new dwellings PC Comments: The PC acknowledges the changes but the design is not in keeping with the village and adding cladding is not sympathetic to surrounding properties. 21/00740/FUL 47 Peartree Lane Bicknacre Chelmsford Essex CM3 4LS Proposal Demolish existing garage, construction of replacement garage. Construction of part single, part two storey front, rear and side extensions PC Comments: Supported 21/00424/FUL Banfield Paddock Main Road Bicknacre Chelmsford 2 WOODHAM FERRERS & BICKNACRE PARISH COUNCIL Demolish existing dwelling and construct new bungalow with associated external works. PC Comments: Supported 79 & 85/21. Finance a) Council approved the Finance Report for 2020/2021, previously sent by the Clerk (includes all transactions for the finance year 2020/2021). Clerk to send queries raised to Cllr. Shay. The Clerk was appointed as the RFO. b) Councillors reviewed & agreed Action Plan & Project Allocations for 2021/2022 (£25,515). c) Clerk confirmed Internal Audit to be collected on 21st May 2021, with a 2 week turnaround. d) Council reviewed 2 quotations for floor pads at Lodge Road Table Tennis Table. It was resolved unanimously to accept the quotation from Sovereign @ £1,499.65 & VAT. The Clerk reported an anonymous donation from a Woodham Ferrers resident of £500. The Clerk to send thanks. e) Chairman to agree Unity Bank Statements and monthly bank reconciliation for April. f) Unity – a new bank signatory to be appointed. Update on Cllr. Sinclair paperwork for addition as a bank signatory - update. Deferred. g) Council to reviewed 3 quotations & agreed to appoint a contractor for works to the bridge. It was resolved unanimously to appoint MJB Contracts @ £10,300 no VAT. h) It was resolved unanimously to appoint Heelis & Lodge as the Internal Auditor for the financial year 20-21. i) Clerk reported a VAT claim would be prepared for £2,348.53 for 20-21. Council noted payments made & agreed payment schedule: Unity Main Account 20213577 Date Payable to Purpose Amount VAT 1.4.21 E-On Electricity 18.00 0.90 14.4.21 CCC Lodge Rd Lease 10.00 14.4.21 Covid Volunteer Shopping 24.04 14.2.21 Mrs K Kuderovitch Flowers resident 10.00 14.4.21 Mrs K Kuderovitch Condolence Books x 2 33.98 20.4.21 CCC The Hooe Lease 10.00 20.4.21 White Elm Garden Parish Office Rent April 300.00 Centre 20.4.21 Mrs K Kuderovitch Covid shopping 6.15 20/21/24.4.21 Salaries/Pension April confidential 22.4.21 E-On Electricity 30.00 1.43 28.4.21 Top to Toe Maintenance 405.00 Unity No 2 Account 20363578 31.3.21 Unity Trust Service Charge 18.00 7.4.21 Four Seasons Gardening 180.00 14.4.21 Aquila Catering Cream Tea Project 525.00 20.4.21 The Hooe WorkingParty Expenses 40.02 Clerk Mrs Karen Kuderovitch, CICLA White Elm Garden Centre, White Elm Road, Bicknacre, Essex CM34LR Tel: 07931 558125 e-mail [email protected] www.wfandbpc.org.uk 20.4.21 The Hooe Working Party Exp 412.88 28.4.21 Four Seasons Gardening 345.00 Income Unity Main Account 20213577 20.4.21 Essex County Council The Hooe Trails 2000.00 Project Grant Income Unity Main Account 20363578 Essex County Council The Hooe Trails 2000.00 Project Grant Bank Transfers From To Amount 14.4.21 Unity No 2 Unity Main 3,000.00 Unity Bank Balance (Main) as at 30th April 2021 £42,308.60 Unity Bank Balance (No 2) as at 30th April 2021 £13,657.38 80/21. Parish Allotments (Small Holdings & Allotments Act 1908) Clerk reported no land had been identified. Clerk to place an article in June newsletter 81/21. Friends of Priory Fields The Clerk reported the group had returned to working parties (maximum of 6 people). Clerk to advise FOPF of the new representative. 82/21. Events Committee Clerk gave a brief update on the 4th July Summer Fayre & event. Cllr. Amos reported no interest in a farmers market by outside providers. 83/21. CCTV/ANPR project After discussion, it was resolved to add this as an agenda item for September 2021, when it was hoped open public meetings may be able to take place. 84/21. June Annual Report/Health & Well Being The Clerk reported: • Grow your own project had been a great success with 250 children & residents receiving packs funded by the EALC. • Cream Teas had been delivered to selected residents in Woodham Ferrers & Bicknacre – funded by the EALC (£480) & PC funded (£45) • Various initiatives had been completed – a full report to be incorporated with the June Annual Report (2nd week of June 2021).
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