CENSUS OF INDIA 1951 VOLUME VI-PART IV TH~ CALCUTTA INDUSTRIAL REGION TABLES A. MITRA Of the Indian Civil Service, Superintendent of Census Operations and Joint Development Commissioner, West Bengal THE CENSUS PUBLICATIONS THE CENSUS PuBLICATIONS for West Bengal, Sikkim and Chandernagore will consist of the following volumes. All volumes will be of uniform size, demy quarto 8f" X IIi" :- Part lA-General Report by A. Mitra containing the first five chapters of the Report in addition to a Preface, an Introduction, and a Bibliography. 587 pages. Part IS-Vital Statistics, West Bengal, 1941-50 by A. Mitra and P.G. Choudhury, containing a Preface, I 60 tables, and several appendices. 75 pages. Part IC-General Report by A. Mitra containing the Subsidiary tables of 1951 and the sixth chapter of the Report and a note on a Fertility Inquiry conducted in 1950. Several appendices. A report on the natural resources, trades and industries of the State with a bibliography by Chanchal Kumar Chatterjee and Kamli'l Majumdar. 517 pages. Part II-Union and State Census Tables of West Bengal, Sikkim and Chandernagore by A. Mitra. S35 pages. Part III-Report on Calcutta City by A. Mitra. About 500 pages. Part IV-Tables of the Calcutta Industrial Region (the present volume). Part V-Administrative Report of the Census Operations of West Bengal, Sikkim, Chandernagore and Calcutta City: Enumeration. : by A. Mitra. 96 pages . The Tribes and Castes of West Bengal-edited by A. Mitra, containing 1951 tables of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in West Bengal. A monograph on the Origin of Caste by Sailendra­ nath Sengupta, a monograph on several artisan castes and tribes by Sudhansu Kumar Ray, an article by Professor Kshitishprasad Chattopadhyay, an article on Dharmapuja by Sri Asutosh Bhattacharyya. Appendices of Selections from old authorities like Sherring, Dalton, Risley, Gait and O'Malley. An Introduction. 414 pages and eighteen plates. An Account of Land Management in West Bengal, 1872-1952, by A. Mitra, containing extracts, accounts, and statistics over the 80-year period and agricultllral statistics compiled at the Census of 1951, with an Introduction. 312 pages. Fairs and Festivals in West Bengal by A. Mitra, containing an account of fairs and festivals classi­ fied by villages, unions, thanas and districts. With a foreword and extracts from the laws on the regulation of fairs and festivals. 41 pages. District Handbooks for each West Bengal District by A. Mitra. Each volume contains an Introductory essay, bringing the old Gazetteer up to date, several important appendices, and about 82 tables, together with a list of ancient monuments in each district. Contains also a village directory where the J. L. No. of every village, its name, area, total population, number of houses, number of literates and population classified into eight livelihood classes are tabulated. The Whole series is expected to be complete by February 1954. Each volume will contain about 300 pages (14 volumes). A catalogue of the better known ancient monuments of West Bengal by A. Mitra. Will contain brief descriptions of extant ancient monuments in each district of the State, dating up to 1800, with exact location and present state. Translations of all inscriptions found in West Bengal and an account of all invasions or conquests of Bengal mentioned in inscriptions. With many plates. About 600 pages. iii CONTENTS GENERAL POPULATION TABLES NOTE POPULATION TABLES A I Area. HOUB6tI anu Population 1 A II Variation in }'opulation during fifty years 2 A IV Towns Classified by Population with Variations .inee 1901 2 LIVELIHOOD'TABLES A V Townll Armnged Tcrrituriltlly with Pupulation hy Livelihood Cla.." 8 E Summary of Livelihoou OlulI8ea and Variationll in Population 10 B I Livolihood ClaS8l'll and SubclallBes of the Population • 13 B II Seeond.lry Meanl! of Livelih()ud of Self-Supporting Pel'llOnll and Earning Dependant. 26 B HI Solf-Supporting l'orl!!)]J8 Classified &S Emp)oycrH, Employell8, and Independent Work en in Industrie8 and Serviclls by Dh'i.~ilJns and Subdivillioll8. • • 30 Abstrll()t of Pcr80ns Subsisting on Non·Productive Activity 122 Livelihood Divisions, SubdiviHions and Groups . 124 C II Livelihood Cla8sos by Ago Gruups for Sample Poplllat,ion 131 D VB Livtllihuod ClasBeJ'l by Edueatiolla.1 Standards 133 AGE TABLES C III Age and Civil Condition for Sample Population 178 C IV Age and Literacy for Sample PopUlation 191 C V Single Yea.r Age Returns fUI" Sample Population 205 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES GI Size a.nd Composition of Houllehold. 208 D I Languages (i) Mother Tongue 212 (ii) Bilingua.li8m 227 D II Religion 25fS Abstraot for other Religions 259 D III (i) Sohoduled Caste~ Bond Soheduled Tribel 261 (iI) Non-Baokwa.rd CI_ a.ud CIIWIII6II whioh a.re neither Soheduled nor Non·Baokward 262 (iii) Abstraot of Anglo-India.ns 263 D IV Birthplace 264. Supplement oontainiDg Details of BetUl'Dl no~ I8paratel,ahown in Ta.ble D IV 27' Subsidiary Table- Pamna Born in Other States of India but En:unuated in Wilt BengaL.(iDoJuding C~anderna8ore) Cn..i.fied by Livelihood 0I&II8I 276 NATIONALITY TABLE D VI Non.India.n Nr.tionr.ll 291 .. DISPLACED POPULATION TABLES POPULATION TABLE D V Displaced Persons by District of Origin ud Date of Anini in India. .. 303 LIVELmOOD TABLES B I l.ivelihood Cla_s loud Subcla_ of the Population 311 B Il Seoonua.ry Means of Livelihood of Self.Supporting Persons and Earning llependants 323 B III Self. Supporting Perllons Clllllflifiod as Employers, Employee8 and Independent Workera in InduBtriea and Servioee by I>ivisionll and Subdivisions • . • 327 Abatract of Pel'tlOns Subaisting on Non·Produotive Activity .00 LivIIlihood Divisions, Subdivi8ions and Groupe 402 C II Livelihood Clalll!e8 by Age Groups HO AGE TABLES C III Age and Civil Condition C IV Age and Litera.oy MAPS 1 Tbe Hooghly Basin Facing viii 2 The Hooghly Indu'Itru.1 Regiun 3 Industrial C.Ioutta. Rond Howrah .. viii NOTE The tables in this Volume are intended to recognise a fact, which is that the Calcutta Industrial Region on the Hooghlyside is one demographic unit. This has been hinted at in 1921, 31 and 41 but never expressly avowed. The area treated in this Volume represents the extent of conurbation of Calcutta City. It has a certain demographic, economic, industrial and geographical unity the study of which will f>e facilitated by the way census statistics have been presented in this part of the Report for West Bengal, Sikkim and Chandernagore. All areas here considered are urban and study of the interstitial spaces between the administrative boundaries in which the towns and cities are located and the urban areas themselves can be undertaken with the help of Census of India Vol. VI. Part II-Tables for West Bengal, Sikkirn and Chandernagore and the District Handbooks for Hooghly, Howrah and 24-Parganas. The Report for Calcutta city proper will be available in Part III of Census of India Volume VI, shortly to be published. A. MITRA vii ..' THE HOOG HLY BASIN Sc&I. ·~='==i·====~'~6==~'4M 2"" " It" : .... y , CD ~ " JI o ItS c: , . 2 I i \ 5.S,['IIANIPUR 7 "T,T"I"R B A Y (I," 8 E Ii G A L e .lIItTI"(:\URUJ 1l.8tIlAL" e. all ,i) To FACe PAGE viii THEHDDGHLY INDUSTRIAL REGION o ~!Cr ~ILl~, 0 CtiFMICALS • .JUTE MILL.~; OIRONLSTHLRDL.UNG o JUT[ PRfr{) 0 PAPER ~ILJ...S o cor fON 0 Gl A.SS ({oj "GINNINGtoElALLING €I RuBBER iW FLOU~MILL~) e MATCHES • TOf)A.ccO (l OIL ~ILLS () SOAP e li051 [~y (') f"!\INT 0 SILl( ill POTTERyr.C[MfNT (i,) SAWMILLS • ARICK f IlLDS 0 L[ATHUU,!">HO[ III PRrNTIN<..i 0 TANf"trr~I[S • DOCII;S ~ G(NlRAL:- • ',H(L L FAC10RY -[NQINf[RINO • RAJLWAY WORto<SHOP • POWlR G( N£:RATtNG ~ WATfR SUPPLINGSTA1ICNS Eo. .~ c. ) ,I , -J (ii) To FACE PAGE viii Industraal CALCUTTA &HOWRAH • ~IC( ""ILLS Q CrtfPlA1CAL'; • JUT( "'llLS o IRON .. Sl [f l HUt..lINU o JUTE: PR[ ~.s OP.APln ~llL'~ o COTTON GGLA.SS • .. GIN"'IINb& BALING ~ RuB~[R ~F"lOUR MILt.S e~ATCHLS • fOSA,CC,(J (lOIt..MrU.:; ()SOAP e ... O~;llR'Y OPA/NT e5JL)( • PoTTERY .Cr,.IlNT \WSAW M1LlS .8RICI"JIELD8 .LlATt~(I"I.Sf'DE !l> P'J:lIN1'ING (J TANN[~I£S • OOCK,9 QlG[NERAl. • • SHELL rAe" 010'=1'( [NeiINEr-RING • IU-.IL WA..Y WORK SHOP .powO~ C.I::N[ RATI~G 00 " ,". (iii) To FACE PAGE viii A I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Population Region, Diltriot, City, Town Aream Occupied a.nd Traot aq, 1Ilil811 TowlllI Houses P6rson~ Males Females 2 3 4, 5 6 7 CALCUTTA INDUSTRIAL REGION 114-03 38 1,010,217 ..,827,110 2,885,582 1,742,4t 8 Total Of City Tradl 70-01 8 81&,138 3,480,25& 2,188,143 1,292,112 Total 0' Town Tracts 13'91 30 28&,078 1,147,72& 887,411 4&0,308 HOOGHLY 28 .. 10 7',375 333,470 191,287 1~173 U-1O {HooghIY:Chinlurah 6'0 1 9,594 56,805 30,683 26,122 Baneberl& ' 3'5 1 7,839 30,622 18,989 11,633 ( Serampur 1'3 1 16,481 74,324 45,306 20,018 r-12 ~ B~dyabati 3'5 1 6,207 24,883 14,293 10,.590 R18hra 2'4, 1 6,588 27,465 17,598 9,867 l Konnagar 2-l 1 4,996 20,233 12,549 7,684 0'8 1 2,418 ]7,126 9,041 8,085 ~ 2'0 1 2,162 14,177 8,436 5,741 U-13 r~~trun!....amp anI .
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