E LI ST OF MINIST RS. W I H E I R AD D RE S S E TH T S . This lis t give s th e n a m es of all m inisters in the U nita ria n Fellowship who are or have been settled e . 8 m as pastors of Unitarian church s The list contains 5 5 na es . Th e ins erti on of names in the list, as well as the withdrawal of any , is wholly in charge of th e Executive Com mittee of the National Conference Comm ittee o n Fellowship . Fo r th e statistics given with the nam es and th e form of their publication the editor o f the Year Book is alone responsible . Under the heading S ettled are given fo r convenience the dates at which a few who were no t duly inst alled began their present service,and also the dates at which a few whose work is closely akin t o pastoral service began their work . Th ose ministers fo r whom n o date stands under Settled were without settlement at the date of s th e preparation of thi list ( June , da in ed l d Or . S ett e . 1 86 Abbott , Andrew Jackson Ashland , Mass 7 s. I S Abbott, Edgar Cummins Boston , Mas 7 4 . V . uy e 8 S w fi . 1 1 0 Abbott , Mrs Eliza M Hickok , 9 9 b 3 3 m m 82 6 M a d s . I S Ada s , Willia Cushing assachusetts Ave , C m ri ge , Ma s 97 . m . 1 8 Aitken , Mrs Martha Chap an West Upton , Mass 94 1 86 Allen , Charles Adams Waverley , Mass . 5 I 1 8 Allen, Joseph Cady Walpole, Mass . 95 m D . 1 2 . I D . S t Ch S A es, Charles Gordon , Ch estnut , Boston , Mass ( Disciples) , 49 d Sh eed 2 6 A . I S An erson , George Dale venue, Gloucester, Mass 9S l Applebee, John Henry 7 Second Street , Attleboro , Mass . ( Pi grim Church) 1 894 Fitz G e ra ld . 18 8 Armington , George Beloit , Kan 9 Babcock , William Gustavus 7 5 Clarkson Street , Dorchester, Mass . r 1 . Backus , Wilson Ma vin 7 5 Dearborn Street , Chicago , Ill ( Secretary Western Unitarian Conference . ) 1 2 8 m . Bacon , Theodore Davenport Federal Street , Sale , Mass d 1 0 2 0 t h N . Ba ger, George H enry 4 East Street , New York, Y ' ( Secretary o f the Middle States Conference and Editor the Um ta r za n . ) Bailey, Alvin Freeman Barre . Mass . m . Bailey, Benj a in Holloway Westford , Mass Na m t led dd ss S e t . e. A r e . Box 6 C ol. Baker , Franklin 7 5 , C olorado Springs , 2 th N . Y . Baker, Harry Spencer 3 4 5 5 Street , Brooklyn , . c Ball, Clarence Leon Athol, Mass (Se ond Unitarian Society) Ba ltzl y, John Hudson , Mass . S a th em t . Bandy , Paul Salem, Ore Barber, H enry Hervey Meadville, Pa . ( Professor Emeritus Meadville Theological School . ) H N . Barker, John William Lebanon , Barnard, Miss Margaret Bowers Rowe, Mass . m 1 . Barnes , Willia Sullivan 4 Lorne Avenue , Montreal, Can r . Ba rett, Edward Hughes Buda, Ill a 0 8 . Barrow , Reuben Sh w 5 Fourth Street , Jackson , Mich D . D . 1 . 1 . Barrows, Samuel June , 3 5 E 5 th Street , New York , N Y . ( Corresponding S ecretary of Prison Association Of New York since 2 2 . Batchelor, George 7 Congress Street , Boston , Mass ( Editor C/zr zstza n Reg zster Beach , Seth Curtis , D . D . Wayland , Mass . Beals , Oliver Brainard Cedarville, N . Y . D . D . s . Beane, Samuel Collins, 43 East Haverhill Street , Lawrence , Ma s m . Beane , Sa uel Collins , Jr North Andover, Mass . 1 2 1 8 h Beers, Wayland Lewis Wick Avenue , Youngstown , O io l m 1 1 s . B el ows , John Ada s 5 Beacon Street, Boston , Ma s 2 i N . Y . Bellows , Russell Nevins 47 F fth Avenue , New York , 1 2 0 . Bennett , Frederick Marsh 9 Oread Avenue , Lawrence , Kan 2 Bidwell , John Belden 3 5 College Avenue , Elgin , Ill . a . Billings , Charles Towne 73 Mansur Street , Lowell, M ss l n Bi li gton , Frank Herbert Carlisle , Mass . 1 6 C . Birks , Alfred William 5 Hawthorne Avenue, Derby, onn D eerfi ld . Birks, Richa rd Elliott e , Mass D k Y. m Ph . 1 0 o . Bixby, Ja es Thompson , 5 Woodworth Avenue , Y n ers , N . 8 . Blackwell , Mrs Antoinette Brown 3 4 Bay Way , Elizabeth , N J t Blake , James Vila 37 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago , Ill . ( Socie y in Evanston) 1 1 . R u So Bodge , George Madison Meredith Street , W oxb ry , Mass ( c iet . yin Naples , Me ) ‘ . E a s t Brid ewa t er . Boivin , Bertram D g , Mass m . Boughter, Ja es Grant Forestville , Cal m 6 1 a . Bowen , Clayton Ray ond 7 Alden Street, Me dville, Pa (Assistant Professor Meadville Theological School . ) s . Bow er, Alexander Thomas S t Andrews , New Brunswick , Canada r 2 82 . Boyd, Nicholas Eme y 3 Garber Street , Berkeley , Cal 8 N . Y . Boynton , Richard Wilson 3 Ashland Avenue, Buffalo , ( First U nitarian Congregation al Society) a me . A ddr ess . Or da i ne d N . B 1 2 m . 1 randow , Melvin 5 C ourt Street , Ply outh , Mass 90 5 B . H 1 8 ranigan , William H enry Peterboro , N 85 s . 1 Brenan , Edward Henton Danvers , Ma s 898 B . rockway, Thomas Clinton Greeley , Col 1 896 . Bos tOn . 1 88 Brooks, Arthur Anderson 5 3 Mt Vernon Street , , Mass 5 n . 1 Brown , Alfred Hodgdo Newton Centre , Mass 894 Fa i rct 1 Brown , Carleton Bryn Mawr, Pa 893 Brown , Edwin G Presque Isle , Me . ( Societies in Presque Isle and Fort Fa irfi eld) . 1 90 7 c 2 2 O ak d . 1 8 6 Brown , Frederi Curtis Ri ge Avenue , Summit, N J 9 ’ B 2 . rown , Howard Nicholson 95 Beacon Street , Boston , Mass ( King s Chapel ) 187 2 B 1 0 . 1 8 2 rown , Thomas William 5 Trenton Street , Melrose,Mass 5 B . 186 rown, William Tyngsboro , Mass 3 B 2 1 8 rown , William Channing 5 Beacon Street , Boston , Mass 95 ( Field Secretary o f the Am erican U nitarian Association for New England . ) a 1 8 n 1888 Brown , Willi m Thurston 3 Seco d East Street , Salt Lake City , U tah , ( Field Secretary o f the Am erican Unitarian Association fo r the Rocky Mountain Department . ) N . Y 8 . Brundage, William Milton 7 7 Carroll S treet , Brooklyn , (Third Society) . 8 . Buck, Charles Wentworth Mason Street , Cambridge , Mass F 2 . Buck , Miss lorence 4 7 Congress Street , Kenosha, Wis m Buckingha , Merritt S cott Bernardston , Mass . Buckley, George Wright Battle Creek, Mich . Bu cksh orn N . H . , s 7 t , Loui Henry 3 North Spring S reet, Concord m 2 al . Bulkeley, Benj a in Reynolds 5 H e Street , Beverly, Mass m 8 . Butler, Ellery Char ing 3 Russell Park , Quincy, Mass ! ' V t . b Buzzell, Herbert Leslie Windsor, ( Societies in Windsor, Y , N . H . an d Cornish , ) m 2 0 . Bygrave , Hilary Oakley Road , Bel ont , Mass B 1 . yrnes, Thomas Patrick 7 4 West Ninth S treet , Erie, Pa al . 1 82 1 N. Y . C throp, Samuel Robert , L . H D . S . Salina Street , Syracuse , ‘ C a nfi eld 2 A . , Charles Taylor 9 Everett Street , Cambridge , Mass m Cantrell , Edward Ada s 0 2 . Carpenter, Carlos Clement 4 Williams S treet , Owasso , Mich 2 B . Casson , Charles Wesley 5 Beacon Street , oston , Mass (S ecretary Of the Publicity D epartm ent . ) H a sket m d . Catlin , D erby Northu berlan , Pa C h a fi i n m . , Willia Ladd North Easton , Mass h m . C aney, George Leonard Sale , Mass h ! C ase , Ernest Abbott Brewster, Mas s . a m e dd . r ess . l N A S ett ed . 6 6 N . Y . C hase , Joseph Aubrey 3 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn , N . H . Child , Dudley Richards Charlestown , , Cla flin . d m m d a . , Mrs A elaide Avery 59 Sacra ento Street , Ca bri ge , M ss 60 N . Y Clark , Albert Willard 9 Union S treet , Schenectady , i Clark , Charles Cl fton Fallston , Md . New Bri h n . tb . Clark , Hobart Clinton Avenue , g , S I N Y (Church of the Redeem er) 2 1 1 . C larke , Ward Robinson C entral Avenue , Dover, N H m 1886 . Clayton , Tho as Clayton Avenue , Allegheny, Pa ( North side Unitarian Church) ( Societies in P . a . 1 88 Allegheny , , and Wh eeling , W Va ) 5 6 Coar, Arthur Herbert Magnolia Avenue, Holyoke , Mass . ( Socie ties in Holyoke and A m herst) I S99 . 0 Cochrane, Mrs Cora Sexton Bolton , Mass 1 89 as . 1 Cochrane , Lorenzo Darwin Bolton , M s 889 . 1 2 Coil, E Alfred Marietta, Ohio 88 m . 0 . Bo x . 1 8 1 Cole , Willia Roswell P 5 5 5 , Cohasset , Mass 9 m . Cole an , Albert John Jacksonville, Fla I 897 Lit . D . 2 1 th 0 N . Y . Collyer, Robert , West 5 5 Street , New York , ( Church Of the Messiah) 1 85 9 G 1 8 2 Cooke , eorge Willis 4 9 Park Avenue , Wakefield , Mass . 7 m . 1 8 C ornish , Louis Craig Hingha , Mass ( First Parish) 99 m N . C . Cowan , Willia Edward Burgaw , (Circuit Work) 1 90 4 L a n in . Coyle, Francis g g Covington , La m u s in u t H .
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