599 SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE, 11, Chandos- street, Cavendish-square, W. EDITORIAL NOTICES. FRIDAY.-5.30 P.M., Paper:—Captain H. J. McGrigor, R.A.M.C.: IT is most important that communications relating to the Some Experiences in the Treatment of Syphilis in the Army, Editorial business of THE LANCET should be addressed with Special Reference to the Administration of "606" in Con- centrated Solutions.-Dr. H. Bayon : Short Demonstration of exclusively "To THE EDITOR," and not in any case to any Sections and Cultures of Skin Diseases. with some Remarks on gentleman who may be supposed to be connected with the the Treatment of Syphilis in African Native Tribes and among Editorial staff. It is that attention should the Workers in the Rand Gold Mines. urgently necessary be given to this notice. - LBCTURES, ADDRESSES. DEMONSTRATIONS. &c I ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON, Pall Mall East. 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Dr. Pernet: Diseases of the Skin. departments ot THE LANCET should be addressed " To the WEDENSDAY.-1O A.M., Dr. Saunders : Diseases of Children. Dr. Banks " Davis: Operations of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. 2 P.M., Medical Manager. and Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr. Pardoe: Operations. Dr. We oannot undertake to return MSS. not used Simson: Diseases of Women. THURSDAY.-2 P.M., Medical and Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr. Gray : Operations. Mr. B. Harman : Diseases of the Eye. MANAGER’S NOTICES. FRIDAY.-10 A.M., Dr. Simson: Gynaecological Operations. 2 P.M., THE INDEX TO THE LANCET. Medical and Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr. Addison: Opera- tions. Dr. Banks Davis: Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. THE Index and Title-page to Vol. II. of 1915 were given. Dr. Pernet : Diseases of the Skin. in THE LANCET of Dec. 25th. 1915. SATURDAY.-10 A.M., Dr. Saunders: Diseases of Children. Dr. Banks Davis. Operations of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. Mr. B. 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