The Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China July 2016 HSTCC Newsletter #33 Dear HSTCC members, Warm greetings! Hope you are enjoying the summer. I am very pleased to announce the resumption of the circulation of our newsletter. Our newsletter coordinator, Dr. Miao FENG at the University of Wisconsin in Whitewater has helped compile and design this new issue. This issue features an update on the Historical Society of Twentieth-Century China (the Society, HSTCC) and its journal Twentieth-Century China, the current board of directors, the biennial conference together with the Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and member publications and professional activities. If you plan to make an HSTCC-sponsored panel/roundtable proposal at AAS 2017 Toronto, please contact Dr. Timothy Weston, HSTCC Conference Coordinator. Dr. Weston’s e-mail: [email protected]. For detailed panel or roundtable guidelines, please visit http://www.asian- studies.org/Conferences/AAS-Annual-Conference-2017. Our incoming board of director (2016-19) is in need of a vice president. Nominations are accepted from any member of the Society in good standing. Members in good standing may also self-nominate. Please send your nominations to Dr. Helen Schneider at [email protected] and me at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing many of you at our biennial conference in August. Dong WANG HSTCC President 1 HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR TWENTIETH-CENTURY CHINA The Historical Society for Twentieth-Century versity of Buffalo) at the helm, TCC publishes China (HSTCC) is the premier international pro- original work on all aspects of twentieth-century fessional organization promoting the study of Chinese history. the history of modern China. HSTCC serves Open to any person with an interest in China, as a bridge for communication among scholars HSTCC membership benefits include an auto- around the world. matic free subscription to Twentieth-Century Since its founding in 1983, HSTCC has China and eligibility for the biennial interna- hosted biennial conferences in Asia, Europe, and tional symposium. Members also have online North America—including in Hangzhou, Hon- access to the current TCC volume. The next olulu (Hawaii), Philadelphia (Pa.), Singapore, symposium will be co-organized with the Insti- Taipei, Venice, and Vienna—together with its tute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy worldwide partners. Affiliated with the Associ- of Social Sciences in Beijing in summer 2016. For ation for Asian Studies (AAS) and the Ameri- detail, please visit http://www.hstcconline.org/. can Historical Association (AHA), HSTCC also sponsors panels and open forums at the annual Membership dues are: (1) One-year regu- meetings of AAS and AHA to promote scholarly lar membership: US$65; (2) Three-year regular exchange. membership: $155; (3) One-year student mem- Twentieth-Century China (TCC, http://www. bership: $35; (4) Three-year student member- tandfonline.com/toc/ytcc20/current), the offi- ship: $90. Members have the option to pay mem- cial journal of HSTCC, is refereed and published bership dues by check, money order, or PayPal. three issues a year (January, May and October) For more information or to join HSTCC, con- by Taylor & Francis based in Britain and the tact Dr. Xiaoping CONG (Department of His- United States. With Dr. Kristin Stapleton (Uni- tory, University of Houston) at [email protected]. Biennial Conference together with the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Further preparations for our joint confer- tel in Beijing (北京世纪金源香山酒店), ence in Beijing, “Modern China in World Af- Five Stars. fairs: Interaction and Mutual Influence,” are go- Address: 59 North Zhenghuangqi (北正黄 ing smoothly. Here are some logistical informa- 旗 59号), Haidian District (海淀区), Bei- tion and important dates to remember. jing. Zip code: 100093. The hotel is right next to the East Gate of Full paper deadline: July 15, 2016. Please Xiangshan/Fragrance Hill Park (香山公园 e-mail your full paper to the symposium 东门). organizing committee at the following http://www.empark.com.cn/fragranthill. three addresses: [email protected], Tel.: +86-10-5989-8888. [email protected], and zwgx- Fax: +86-10-6259-5959. [email protected]. Preliminary program to be announced: How to get to the hotel: Public transporta- July 25, 2016 tion: Subway Line 4 Beigong Men (北 宫 门), transfer to Bus 563, 331, or Conference hotel: Fragrance Hill Empark Ho- 696 and get off at the terminal, Xiang- 2 shan/Fragrance Hill Park (香山公园) stop. 3:00-3:30pm, tea and coffee break A current map of the subway and air- 3:30-5pm, three parallel panels, 20 min- port express can be downloaded at utes/presentation http://www.ebeijing.gov.cn/feature_2/Bei 6:00-7:30pm, banquet jing Subway/. 7:30-8:30pm, HSTCC member business Taxi from the official taxi stands at Bei- meeting jing’s major airports and railway stations: approx. ¥150. Sunday, August 21 8:30-10am, three parallel panels, 20 min- Details: A block of standard rooms has been utes/presentation reserved for all conference participants. 10-10:30am, tea and coffee break In other words, you do not need to 10:30-noon, three parallel panels, 20 min- make a separate booking with the hotel. utes/presentation When you arrive in the conference ho- Noon-1:30pm, lunch break tel, please just come to our conference 1:30-3pm, two parallel panels, 20 min- registration/check-in desk in the lobby. utes/presentation We will take you from there. You will settle 3:00-3:30pm, tea and coffee break your bill on the spot with the hotel. Con- 3:30-4:30pm, reflection and closing cere- ference sponsored rate: ¥368/room per mony night for the nights of August 19-21. Meals will be provided for free during the con- Participants: All participants should be ac- ference with conference registration fees tive members of the Historical Society waived for HSTCC members. Participants for Twentieth-Century China (HSTCC, the will travel to the conference site at their Society). To join the Society or to check own expense, and cover their own hotel on the status of your membership, please room cost. Also please do not forget to contact HSTCC’s Secretary/Treasurer Dr. bring your electrical adapters. Xiaoping CONG (E-mail: [email protected]). Check-in and conference registration: Conference contact information: Mailing Starting from 12 o’clock (noon, 12:00pm) address: Zip code: 100006 on Friday, August 19. A printed copy of 中国北京市 the conference program and papers will be 王府井大街东厂胡同一号 handed to you upon arrival. 中国社会科学院近代 Check-out: Monday, August 22, before noon. 史研究所中外关系史研究室 Tel. (landline): +86-10-6527-0859 Schedule (Tentative): E-mail: [email protected], Saturday, August 20 [email protected], 9:00-10:00am, opening ceremony [email protected]. 10:00-10:30am, group photo Cell numbers: 10:30-noon, plenary presentations Dong WANG, +86-177-2137-3713, +49- noon-1:30pm, lunch break 151-7053-3784, +1-857-415-9560; 1:30-3:00pm, three parallel panels, 20 min- LI Shan 李珊 +86-134-6671-7518 utes/presentation GUO Yang 郭阳 +86-136-6101-8488 3 Board of Directors and Officers for The Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China President: Dong Wang Distinguished University Professor Board Member: Rebecca Nedostup Department of History Associate Professor College of Liberal Arts Department of History Shanghai University Brown University [email protected] [email protected] Vice President: Hellen Schneider Board Member/Secretary-Treasurer: Associate Professor Xiaoping Cong Department of History Associate Professor Virginia Tech University Department of History [email protected] University of Houston [email protected] Board Member, Chief Editor, Twentieth- Century China: Kristin Stapleton Board Member/Conference Coordinator: Associate Professor Timothy Weston Department of History Associate Professor University at Buffalo, SUNY Department of History kstaple@buffalo.edu University of Colorado at Boulder [email protected] Board Member: Robert Culp Associate Professor Newsletter Coordinator: Miao Feng Department of History Department of History Bard College University of Wisconsin at Whitewater [email protected] [email protected] 4 Member Publications and Professional Activities (since 2014) COBLE, Parks (University of Nebraska, Presentation: “Preserving Chinese Scholarly Lincoln, Department of History) Personnel: John King Fairbank and the Harvard-Yenching Institute’s Rescue Mis- • China’sWar Reporters: The Legacy of Re- sion in Wartime China,” at the Ameri- sistance against Japan (Cambridge: Har- can Historical Association’s Annual Con- vard University Press, 2015) ference, NYC, Jan. 2–6, 2015. • Shanghai ziben jia yu guomin zhengfu, Presentation (contributing a paper):“A 1927-1937 上海资本家与国民政府, trans- Golden Decade in China: The Harvard- lator 蔡静议. Beijing: Shijie tushu chuban Yenching Institute and Yenching Univer- she, 2015. Authorized Chinese edition of sity (1928-1937),” at ”Yenching University The Shangha Capitalists and the Nation- and Liberal Education in Modern China” alist Government, 1927-1937. International Conference, Peking (Beijing) University, Beijing, China, April 26–27, CONG, Xiaoping 2014. 1. 译著:《师范学校与中国的现代化:民族国 Publications: 家的形成与社会转型,1897-1937》,上海: 商务印书馆,2014. Book: The Harvard-Yenching Institute and Cultural Engineering; Remaking the Hu- 2. Article: “ ‘Ma Xiwu’s Way of Judging’: manities in China, 1924–1951 (Lexington Villages, the Masses, and the Legal Con- Books, Aug. 2014). struction in Revolutionary China of the 1940s,” The China Journal, no. 72 (July Article: “Preserving Chinese Scholarly Person- 2014): 29-52. nel: John King Fairbank and the Harvard– Yenching Institute’s Rescue Mission in 3. 文章:《从“婚姻自由”到“婚姻自主”:20 Wartime China,” American Review of 世纪 40 年代陕甘宁边区婚姻的重塑》,《开 China Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Spring 放时代》, 2014 年第5 期(2015年 10 月). 2015, coming out in November): 1-28. FAN, Shuhua (Associate Professor De- Reprint of Book Chapter: “The End of an partment of History, University of Scran- American Enterprise in China: The Har- ton) vard-Yenching Institute, 1949–1953,” in New Perspectives on Yenching University, Conference Presentations: 1916–1952: A Liberal Education for a Presentation: “Francis Knight, Charles Eliot, New China, ed.
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