Th ee Bi-MBi-Monthlyonthly MagMagazineazine ofof thethe PrPrayerayer BBookook SSocietyociety Volume 27, Numbers 2 &ANDAT 3 March / May 2004 MIN THIS ISSUE E Where can I fi nd a church that uses the 928 BCP? Page 2 Refl ections from the Editor’s desk. Th e New Leg of the PBS. Page 3 Fr. Wayland Coe – still on board Page 4 Th e American Religion, Gnosticism and Homo- sexuality Pages 5 & 6 Th e Civil War within Epis- copalianism Pages 7& 8 & 9 & 0 Is “Th e Network” building upon sand? Pages & 2 & 3 Th e new Irish “Book of Common Prayer” Page 4 Church profi le – from Tennessee Page 5 Th e 979 Prayer Book & Gene Robinson Page 6 Th e ECUSA Catechism Page 9 Th e Prayer(s) of Consecration Th e Disfi gured Face of Page 2 New Book: Neither Orthodoxy the American Church: nor a Formulary Page 22 Liturgy: Preservative or Self-Infl icted Pain Transformative? Page 23 Books, Booklets & CD’s 964–2004 from the PBS Page 24 Where can I fi nd a e list parishes using the Concerned Churchmen. Th is directory 928 BCP by state or area, does not tell what prayer book is used. church that their ecclesiastical jurisdic- You may order from the editor, Mrs. Jane uses the Wtion (Episcopal Church or “Continuing Nones, 4800 Dupont Avenue South, Min- Church”), and all of their services, if from neapolis, MN 55409, telephone: (62)824 928 Prayer the 928, or the ones that use the 928 3933. Book? BCP. Th e Reformed Episcopal Church Please let us know of other parishes uses a Prayer Book which includes both that use the 928 BCP. We are glad to the 662 (Church of England) and much know of them, and also that folks are from the 928. reading Mandate. Since we can only list An excellent reference is the Directory each parish once, it might be a good idea of Traditional Anglican and Episcopal to keep the issues of Mandate that have Parishes, published by the Fellowship of this column to use for future reference. New Hampshire Charlestown Laconia Area Church of the Good Shepherd (Anglican St. Michael’s Chaplaincy (Anglican Church in America) Church in America) 20 Sumner Street Winter Street (New Hampshire Veterans Mailing Address: P.O. Box 48 Home Building) Charlestown, NH 03603 • 603 826 40 Tifton, NH Sunday 0:00 am Holy Communion Mailing Address: Crawford Street (lst, 2nd, 4th) Plymouth, NH 03264 Morning Prayer (3rd) 603 536 794 Th e Rev. Brian R. Marsh, Rector Sunday: Call for information Please remember to Th e Rev. Dean Steward, Chaplain Conway be generous to the St. Margaret of Scotland Pro-Cathedral Manchester Area (Anglican Church in America) St. Luke’s (Anglican Church in America) Prayer Book 85 Pleasant Street (Route 53) 3 Limbo Lane Conway, NH 0388 • 603 447 2404 Amherst, NH Society in your Sunday 9:30 am Morning Prayer/Holy Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3 Communion Amherst, NH 0303-03 Christian giving Th e Rev. Jeff rey Swayze, Rector Sunday 0:00 am Holy Communion Th e Rev. Angelo D’Onofrio, Rector Emer- Th e Rev. Dean Steward, Rector and also to mention itus Th e Rev. William McGinnis, Assistant Th e Rev. Lawrence LaFleur, Deacon it in your will. Jeff erson Th e Rev. William Morrill, Deacon Mission of the North Country (Anglican Church in America) St. Agnes RC Church Building, Jeff erson Please write the Rev. Fr. David C. Mailing Address: P. O. Box 556 Kennedy, SSC, at 723 Hearth Stone Lancaster, NH 03584 • 603 788 4597 Ave., Boynton Beach, FL 33437-2920 Sunday 0:00 am Holy Communion if you know of parishes that use the (2nd - 4th) 928 BCP. Needless to say it will take Morning Prayer (st) a long time to list them all! Th e Rev. Curt Hanners Praise God for that!!! THE MANDATE March / May 2004 Volume 27 , Numbers 2 & 3 Editor: Th e Rev’d Dr.. Peter Toon • Design/Layout: Boldface Graphics Th e Offi cers for the Year 2004 are: President: Th e Rev. David Kennedy, SSC, of Florida • Vice-President: Th e Rev. Dr. Peter Toon of Tennessee and England Treasurer: Dr. T. Herbert Guerry III of Georgia • Secretary: Mrs. Miriam K. Stauff of Wisconsin MANDATE is published six times a year by the Prayer Book Society, a non-profi t organization serving the Church of God. All gifts to the P.B.S. are tax deductible. Recipients of Mandate are encouraged to send at least $28 each year to maintain the ministry. Editorial and all other correspondence: P.O. Box 35220, Philadelphia, PA 928. Phone -800-PBS-928. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the above address. ANDATANDAT Visit the websites of the Society: www.episcopalian.org/pbs928 & www.anglicanmarketplace.com. M PagePage 2 E Refl ections from the Editor’s Desk Th e Rev’d Dr. Peter ThToon M.A., e M.ThPBS ., D.Phil grows(Oxon) would a be sentNew in bulk LEG to the member churches ince 97 the Society for the Preservation of for internal distribution there. the Book of Common Prayer, now the Prayer Further explanation: It is expected that each Book Society of the U.S.A., has been a soci- parish or congregation will pay an annual mem- Sety of individual members with support also from bership fee and having paid this, will be eligible some churches. Th e prayerful and fi nancial sup- to send two representatives to the annual meet- port of individual persons has without any doubt ing of the Fellowship, where ways and means will been the backbone of the Society. Without in any be gradually developed for the administering and way losing this important LEG, the Board of Direc- growth of the Fellowship as need arises and oppor- tors has decided to grow a new Leg, in order to tunities came along. Th e actual annual fee has not meet the special needs of American Anglicanism yet been determined but it is probable that ini- at this time of crisis of identity and purpose. tially parishes of less than 50 members would pay I am very pleased and privileged to make the $00.00, more than 50 but less than 00, $200.00, following announcement: Th e Board of the Prayer 00-200, $300.00, and over 200, $400.00 a year. Book Society of the U.S.A. has resolved to seek For this they will receive bulk mailing of the news- by God’s help and guidance to bring into being: letter and the magazine. (Initially these publica- A FELLOWSHIP OF EPISCOPAL & ANGLI- tions will be subsidised by the Prayer Book Society CAN CHURCHES which use an edition of the for the membership fee will not cover the costs historic BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. while the Fellowship is small & growing.) May I quickly add and emphasize that there is How to express an interest: It is proposed that no intention whatsoever that this fellowship shall this Fellowship will be inaugurated by Whitsun- be a denomination or an ecclesial jurisdiction. tide/Pentecost of 2004 and that the fi rst annual Rather, the plan is that this fellowship promoted meeting of reps from member churches be in by the Prayer Book Society will be: A voluntary 2005. Please call -800-727-928 or 60-490- association of parish churches, congregations 0909 and leave your church name and number and mission stations that are committed to the and we will call you. Or write to the PBS secre- historic Anglican Way and united in using an tary via e-mail, [email protected] putting in the edition of the classic Book of Common Prayer: subject area, “Prayer Book Society Fellowship.” e.g., the 662 BCP, the 928 BCP, or the 962 Please bring this to the attention of your Rector Canadian BCP. It will be non-denominational and Vestry and let us cause this new LEG to grow and embrace the variety of Anglican groups. with strong muscles to serve the Lord with vigor. Th e purpose is: To create and to develop In closing let me make several announcements. a means of contact and fellowship between First of all, a sad word. Th e Rev. Wayland Coe, who churches from diff erent jurisdictions and has been our President for the last two years, has denominations in order primarily to encourage had to step down due to a medical condition which & support each other; and then, in fellowship, has restricted his sight. He remains a Director. Let as the Lord leads and enables, to fi nd, in prayer- us pray for him and his family. ful conversation and study, improved ways to In the second place, we intend to have a page serve the Lord in such areas as worship, teach- in this magazine devoted to Letters from Readers. ing, preaching, evangelism, church planting and Please send letters to me at [email protected]. music, and particularly how to commend the use co.uk or at the PBS address in Pennsylvania. of the classic BCP to others. Th irdly, please support the Society by buying How we hope it will work: Th e churches –big what we produce and make available. See page 6 and small, high and low, rich and poor – will be and then call 800 727 928! For example, new for held together by four means, by an annual meet- 2004 is the booklet, An Act of Piracy. Th e Truth ing of representatives, a website, a mailing of a behind the Episcopal Liturgy of 979, which will newsletter and a semi-annual magazine.
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