THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER. ESTABLISHED IN 1828 THE CHURCHOF ENGLAND Newspaper International aid: What is being done in Syria College Street: and Iraq? p10,11 NOW AVAILABLE ON NEWSSTAND FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2014 No: 6234 How to get a job Women Bishops: July vote ‘will be most important for 20 years’, Church official says Critical vote for Synod looms By Amaris Cole years ago ‘would be nothing to opposed to women bishops Other business that is likely The President of the newly what would be seen this time’, away from repeating the crush- to attract attention is the simpli- established Churches’ Mutual THE JULY General Synod will he warned, saying the Church ing defeat of 2012. fication of the baptism service, Credit Union will also give a be the ‘most important for 20 would be in ‘new and unchar- If the legislation is carried and which will no longer include presentation to the Synod, years’. tered territory’. the Canon passed, it will be sent mention of the Devil, if it passes speaking of the aims of the new Not since 11 November 1992 Numerically, the House of to the Ecclesiastical Committee First Consideration by Synod scheme which is currently has the future of the Church of Laity is likely to see the tightest of the two Houses of Parliament (see below). being trialed. England turned so sharply on a vote in the Synod, although to be given approval. Safeguarding will also be The Rev Jim Wallis, US writer significant vote, General Sec- many of those who hold theo- The General Synod must then debated with the First Consider- and theologian, has been invited tary William Fittall told a press logical objections to women promulge the Canon to make it ation of the Safeguarding and by the Archbishop of Canter- briefing last week. bishops are expected to abstain law, and the earliest this could Clergy Discipline Measure and bury to address Synod on the While Mr Fittall said it wasn’t from voting. be is the November group of the associated Amending Canon subject of ‘The (Un)Common for him to make predictions, the Conservative Evangelicals sessions, if Parliament has in response to the Chichester Good’, who will then lead Synod expectation is that this time the have been promised that a bish- processed it quickly, as it is commissionaries. into small group work, as is vote on whether women can be op of their theological convic- expected to do. Members of abuse survivor becoming tradition at Synod ordained to the episcopate will tions will be elected soon in From that day any Crown groups have been invited to sessions. be successful. order to ‘maintain the wide Nomination Committee would attend this session on the Fri- The July General Synod The 14 July vote will be the breadth’ of the Church. be able to choose female candi- day. begins on the afternoon of Fri- completion of a 50-year process Safeguards in place also dates for the numerous vacan- Changes will include making day 11 July. for those working towards include the ‘ombudsman’ cies currently being considered, it easier to suspend clergy or You can keep up to date with women bishops. offered in the new legislation, including Oxford and Newcas- bring complaints against them all the developments at If it fails, the reaction seen two which is hoped to tempt those tle. when abuse is alleged. www.churchnewspaper.com. EW TEXTS for a Baptism serv- some amendments to the House of Meriam Ibrahim was released Nice in accessible language will Bishops. In the new draft to be pre- from prison this week after an be debated by General Synod at its sented to synod candidates, parents international outcry over the July meeting. They have been drawn and godparents will be asked if they death sentence that was up by the Liturgical Commission turn away from sin and reject evil imposed because of her and passed to the Synod for First but there is no mention of the Devil. Christian faith. Consideration. Later reference to ‘submitting to Her death penalty was A first draft of the new service pro- Christ’ has been removed. overturned on Monday by an voked widespread opposition when Provision is made for the use of oil appeal court, the official Suna it was first published. References to in making the sign of the cross. news agency reported. the Devil and such phrases as ‘the Immediately after baptism the candi- However, there was initial deceit and corruption of evil’ had date can be wrapped in a white scarf confusion because her been removed and Bishop Michael or shawl ‘symbolic of being clothed husband said he had not been Nazir-Ali claimed the Church was with Christ’. informed of the development. dumbing down. In responses to the new service Mrs Ibrahim is married to a The new texts were sent out to received by the Liturgical Commis- Christian man and was 510 parishes selected by the bishops sion many praised the ‘unchurchy Free sentenced to hang for apostasy for experimental use until Easter language’ and said it was easier to in May by a Sharia court after Sunday of this year. get people to engage with what was refusing to renounce The Liturgical Commission met in happening but some echoed Bishop Christianity. May to consider responses to this Nazir-Ali’s criticism and said the Her death sentence sparked experimental use and submitted service was too bland. at last international outrage. [email protected] facebook.com/churchnewspaper @churchnewspaper i2 www.churchnewspaper.com Friday June 27, 2014 News Open admissions Archbishop’s Living Wage call policies affirmed By Amaris Cole has been a beacon of hope for the mil- banking and construction industries lions of workers on low wages strug- have a further 75,000. Boosting their THE NEW Chief Edu- “They have been OVER ONE MILLION people living gling to make ends meet. If the income to the Living Wage would cation Officer for the built for that particular in ‘working poverty’ could be lifted government now commits to making increase their wage bills by less than Church of England, purpose.” out of low pay employment by 2020, this hope a reality, we can take a 0.5 per cent. the Rev Nigel Gen- He said that pres- thanks to the economic recovery. major step towards ending the strain However, the extension of the Liv- ders, has repeated the sure on pupil places An independent report by the Liv- on all of our consciences. Low wages ing Wage to at least one million more commitment to open and a need to serve ing Wage Commission, chaired by the equals living in poverty.” employees by 2020 depends on the admissions policies for local areas meant it Archbishop of York, found that the The report follows the most com- government pushing for the volun- church schools with was ‘no surprise’ that number of people who are not paid a prehensive analysis of low pay, con- tary adoption of this standard. no places reserved for admissions policies sufficient wage can be slashed with ducted over 12 months by leading Requiring all publicly listed compa- practising Anglicans were becoming more the implementation of a ‘series of figures from business, trades unions, nies to publish the number of people and other Christians. open. But he affirmed pragmatic low-cost measures’. academia and civil society. paid below the Living Wage is one Mr Genders is cur- that church schools However, it warns if the govern- The ‘Work that Pays’ report found way the report nominates for encour- rently head of schools will still be ‘rooted in ment does not support the measures, no adverse economic consequences aging its adoption. policy but takes over Christian heritage’. namely the voluntary extension of the would be felt by lifting over one mil- The report does not recommend from the Rev Jan Although ‘open Living Wage, families will continue to lion people from low pay in the next the introduction of a compulsory Liv- Ainsworth in Septem- admissions’ is official rely on food banks and unsustainable six years. ing Wage, recognising the increased ber. In an interview policy, many schools debt. The cost of lifting nearly 500,000 wage bill would not be affordable for with the Daily Tele- are continuing to use Currently, 5.2 million people earn public sector employees to the Living some firms in sectors such as retail, graph he pointed out church attendance as less than the Living Wage. Wage could be more than met by hospitality and other small firms. that four new schools an admissions criteria. The Archbishop of York, Dr John higher tax revenues and reduced in- Dr Adam Marshall, Director of Poli- have just opened in They are able to do Sentamu, Chair of the Living Wage work benefits from over 600,000 pri- cy and External Affairs at the British London with a 100 per this because they are Commission, said: “Working, and still vate sector employees also brought Chambers of Commerce, said: “The cent open admission often oversubscribed. living in poverty, is a national scandal. up to the Living Wage, the report return to economic growth means policy. Around 3,000 extra For the first time, the majority of peo- claims. that many employers are now looking More are due to places have been cre- ple in poverty in the UK are now in Accountancy, consultancy and other again at increasing levels of pay for open in September. ated in Church of Eng- working households. professional service firms have nearly their employees after a tough period “In practice most land schools in the last “The campaign for a Living Wage 300,000 low-wage employees and the for business.” new schools that the two years, either by Church of England extending existing has provided over schools or by opening recent years all have free schools.
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