696 ACTS, 1965. — CHAPS. 845, 846. SECTION 4. Section 1 of chapter 12 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out the second sentence, as most recently amended by section 6 of said chapter 744, and inserting in place thereof the fol­ lowing sentence: — The attorney general shall receive a salary of twenty- five thousand dollars. Approved January 4, 1966. Chap. 845. AN ACT INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF BONDS WHICH MAY BE ISSUED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS BUILD­ ING AUTHORITY. Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is, in part, to provide additional funds forthwith for urgently needed dormitory facilities for students at the University of Massachusetts, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Section 7 of chapter 773 of the acts of 1960, as most re­ cently amended by section 11 of chapter 684 of the acts of 1963, is hereby further amended by striking out the first paragraph and insert­ ing in place thereof the following paragraph: — The Authority is hereby authorized to provide by resolution at one time or from time to time for the issue of bonds of the Authority for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of a project or for the purpose of refunding outstanding indebtedness of the Authority incurred under this act or any other authority to finance or refinance a project; provided, that the Authority shall not issue bonds the principal amount of which, when added to the principal amount of bonds and notes theretofore issued hereunder, ex­ cluding bonds and notes previously refunded or being or to be refunded thereby, shall exceed sixty million dollars. SECTION 2. Section 10 of said chapter 773, as most recently amended by said section 11 of said chapter 684, is hereby further amended by striking out the third paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph: — The guaranty of the commonwealth provided pursuant to such con­ tract shall be of the payment of the principal of, and interest on, all such notes and bonds as the same become due and payable, and the full faith and credit of the commonwealth is hereby pledged for any such guaranty; provided, that the total amount of notes and bonds so guaranteed shall not exceed sixty million dollars in the aggregate for all projects of the Authority, exclusive of bonds and notes previously re­ funded or being or to be refunded thereby. Approved January 4, 1966. Chap. 846. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A SPECIAL CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM FOR THE COMMONWEALTH. Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to provide funds immediately for a special capital outlay program for the commonwealth, therefore it is hereby declared ACTS, 1965. — CHAP. 846. 697 to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. To provide for a special program of construction, recon­ struction, repair and improvement of the various properties of the commonwealth, for the purchase and installation of certain equipment and for certain other activities and projects, the sums set forth in section two of this act are hereby made available for the period ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, subject to the provisions of law regulating the disbursement of public funds and the approval thereof; provided, however, that appropriations made in this act shall not be construed to supersede appropriations made in chapter five hundred and twenty-two of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-three or chapter three hundred and ninety-eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-four, as provided in section fifteen of chapter twenty-nine of the General Laws, or to supplement such appropriations unless specific­ ally stated in section two of this act. Said amounts are based upon schedules approved by the joint committee on ways and means, a copy of which shall be deposited with the budget director and shall be ex­ pended according to the priority order of such schedules unless exceptions are approved by the budget director on written application of the head of the spending agency. SECTION 2. Legislature. Item 8166-01 For certain repairs and improvements, mcluding the legislative reference rooms, state library, to be expended with the approval of the sergeant- at-arms $14,751 Judiciary. 8166-02 For equipment, Massachusetts defenders committee . $3,850 8166-03 For equipment, administration of district courts . 1,000 8166-04 For equipment, administration of probate and insolvency courts 500 8166-05 For equipment, office of the commissioner of probation . 2,180 Executive. 8166-06 For equipment, civil defense agency . $12,600 8166-07 For the purchase and installation of certain equipment to be allocated to the state civil defense program; provided, that expenditures from this item shall be contingent upon the prior approval of the proper federal authorities and shall be expended with at least an equivalent amount of federal grants for the purposes of this item . 53,650 Military Division. 8166-08 For equipment, office of the adjutant general . $4,425 8166-09 For equipment, training camps ..... 1,000 8166-10 For certain repairs and painting, military reservation . 500 8166-11 For equipment, war records office ..... 900 8166-12 For equipment, state quartermaster .... 8,400 8166-13 For repairs and improvements, armories .... 200,000 8166-14 For equipment, armories ...... 1,700 8166-15 For repairs and improvements, Camp Curtis Guild . 3,500 8166-16 For repairs and improvements, storage and maintenance facilities 2,500 8166-17 For repairs and improvements, national guard aviation facilities 2,000 698 ACTS, 1965. — CHAP. 846. Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Item 8166-18 For equipment, office of the commissioner of administration $1,000 Fiscal Affairs Division. 8166-19 For equipment $5,000 8166-20 For equipment, bureau of hospital costs and finances . 400 Central Services Division. 8166-21 For equipment, bureau of building construction . $1,000 8166-22 For repairs and improvements, state house and Ford building 15,780 8166-23 For equipment, state house and Ford building . 3,600 8166-24 For certain renovations, governor's office .... '6,000 8166-25 For waterproofing exterior balconies, state house . 12,500 Comptroller's Division. 8166-26 For equipment $475 Purchasing Agent's Division. 8166-27 For equipment $2,000 The Group Insurance Commission. 8166-28 For equipment . $430 Other Boards and Commissions serving under Governor and Council. George Fingold Library. 8166-29 For repairs and improvements ..... $2,500 8166-30 For equipment 4,800 State Racing Commission. 8166-31 For equipment $300 Records Conservation Board. 8166-32 For equipment $150 Commission on Aging. 8166-33 For equipment $120 Metropolitan Area Planning Council. 8166-34 For equipment $2,000 Consumers' Council. 8166-35 For equipment $700 Medical, Dental and Nursing Scholarship Board. 8166-36 For equipment $120 Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts. 8166-37 For repairs and improvements ..... $42,100 8166-38 For equipment 16,000 8166-39 For certain X-ray equipment ..... 14,000 8166-40 For certain renovations to the canteen .... 10,000 ACTS, 1965.—CHAP. 846. 699 Soldiers' Home in Holyoke. 8166-41 For repairs and improvements $25,250 8166-42 For equipment 16,510 Commissioner of Veterans' Services. 8166-43 For equipment $500 Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission. 8166-44 For equipment $8,500 8166-45 For the installation and maintenance of air navigational facilities, to be available for matching federal funds .... 40,000 Secretary of the Commonwealth. 8166-46 For equipment $5,908 8166-47 For equipment, bureau of corporate organization 8,475 8166-48 For equipment, primary and other elections 300 8166-49 For equipment, Massachusetts historical commission , 700 Treasurer and Receiver-General. 8166-50 For equipment $7,645 8166-51 For equipment, office of the state board of retirement 2,740 Auditor of the Commonwealth. 8366-71 For equipment $1,360 Department of the Attorney General. 8166-52 For equipment ...... $5,015 Department of Agriculture. 8166-53 For equipment, division of poultry and poultry products . $1,800 8166-54 For equipment, division of dairying and animal husbandry. 5,400 8166-55 For equipment, milk control commission .... 2,100 8166-56 For equipment, division of livestock disease control . 2,175 Department of Natural Resources. 8166-57 For equipment, administration $27,200 8166-58 For equipment, state fire warden 80,000 8166-59 For equipment, forest fire patrol; provided, that fifty per cent of the cost of expenditures under this item shall be apportioned and assessed, as provided in section twenty-eight A of chapter forty-eight of the General Laws 8,000 8166-60 For equipment, development of state forests . 17,000 8166-61 For equipment, suppression of insect pests and shade tree diseases 5,500 8166-62 For equipment, federal-state co-operative forest management program 200 8166-63 For equipment, division of law enforcement; provided, that the comp­ troller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of six thousand five hundred dollars from the Inland Fisheries and Game Fund 25,000 8166-64 For equipment, division of water resources . 750 Department of Banking and Insurance. 8166-65 For equipment, division of banks $1,250 8166-66 For equipment, division of insurance .... 6,000 8166-67 For equipment, division of savings bank life insurance; provided, that the commonwealth shall be reimbursed for expenditures made from this item, as provided in section seventeen of chapter one hundred and seventy-eight of the General Laws .... 1,155 700 ACTS, 1965. — CHAP.
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