TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES Vo1.2 No.2&3 1201 Taft Bldg •• Hollywood 28. Calif. Feb.&Mar.1946 FIRST ACADEMY RADIO BROADCAST Saturday - March 30th - ~:OO p.m. - KNX with the performance of JEZEBEL. have any part in the selection of either starring Bette Davis and Fay Bainter on personalities or properties to be used on Saturday afternoon, March 30th, at 4 p.m. the programs. Famous Artists Corporation {Pacific Standard Time}, the first In a will produce for the sponsor, and will series of weekly radio programs to be handle all negotiation~ for securing pro­ known as the "Academy Award Theatre- will perties and Dersonalities. be launChed. The program will be heard The Academy's contract specifically over station KNX and affiliated stations states that there shall be no violation of of the CBS Network. rules of the American Federation of Radio This radio series is the result of a Artists, and that customary fees shall be contract just conc.luded betwee~ ~he Aca­ paid for personal ities and properties demy and E. R. squibb & Sons, giving that used. company the use of the Academy name in All scripts must be approved by the the presentation of these programs. Academy before going on the air, and neither the Academ¥ nor talent on the The programs will be dramatic adapta­ shows will be asked In any way to endorse t ions of pictures that have either won the product of the sponsor or to take part Academy Awards or have been nominated for in any of the commercial announcements. them. In some instances the programs The Academy Committee to clear scripts will be built around individuals who have and advertising copy consists of Mary C. either been "Oscar" winners or nominees. McCall, Jr., William Dozier and John LeRoy These individuals may be players, writers, Johnston. Margaret Herrick, Academy Exe­ directors, composers or techn i c i ans. cutive Secretary, was named official Th e Academy will not particip'ate in 1 iaison between E. R. Squibb and Sons, the the production of the shows and will not sponsors, an d the Academy. TO p Row - l e tt t o ri gh t: Pat Geye r. Joseph Sistrom . Mary C. McCa ll, Jr., John LeRoy JOhnst on . Wi 11 i am Ooz i e r an d Thomas A. Me Av i ty. Bottom Row: C.H. Van Kirk , Ca rl e t on H. Pa l mer and Jean Hersholt. FIRST ACADEMY RADI~ BROADCAST Fay Bainter, in the role of Aunt Belle,· and Bette Davis, appearin~ as Julie, in JEZEBEL, a Warner Brothers First Na­ t ional Picture, inaugurate the weekly "Academy Award Theatre" program, sponsored by E. R. Squibb & Sons, on Saturday after­ noon, March 30th, at ~:oo p.m. over station KNX, For their outstanding performances in this picture Miss Davis and Miss Bainter won the 193B Academy. Awards for "best actress" and "best performance by an actress in a SJpporting role", Page 2 ACADEMY AWARD NIGHT HOLLYWOOD BOWL CONCERT AUGUST 17TH The 18th Annual Academy Awards Presen­ tation held on March 7th at Grauman's Chinese Theatre was the most outstanding Dedicated to the cause of "advancing the arts and sciences of motion ~ictures in the history of the Academy. and fostering cooperation among ItS cre­ Formal attire brouQht back the glamour ative leaders for cultural and educational that was absent during the war years. progress", the Academy is again joining The theatre was crowded with leaders of the Hollywood Bowl Association in sponsor­ the industry who came to pay tribute to i ng a Hollywood Bowl Concert on Saturday evening, Au~ust 17th, to be entirely de­ the outstandtnQ men and women who were voted to distinguished motion picture honored for their artistic and technical musi c. excellence in films released during 19~5. The success of the evening was due, not This will be one of the regular Sat~r­ only to the tireless efforts of our many day night concerts in the ·Symphonies committees and Academy members, but to the Under the Stars· ser I es. ent'ire Hollywood industry which gave its The Bowl Association has agreed to pay support to our 18th Awards Presentation, all expenses of the concert, includ_lng and to them we owe our gratitude for help­ fees to the artists who appear as soloists ing make March 7th a memorable occasion. and to the conductors for the evening. The Music Branch of the .Academy has a~ sumed responsibility for the program and its Committee on the Bowl Concert held its first meeting on March 25th. The Music Branch Committee for the Concert, under the chairmanship of Johnny Green, includes Adol ph Deutsch, Ray Hei ndorf, Edward B. powell, Morris Stoloff, Charles Wolcott RESEARCH COUNCIL and Victor Young. The Research Council Committee on Camera Crane Specifications, under the Chairmanship of Daniel B. Clark of 20th Centurx-Fox studio has just completed an extensive series of meetings during which the Committee has prepared specifications CALENDAR OF MEETINGS for a Camera Crane which will meet the production requirements of most of the Apr i 1 2. 19~6 •• Committee on By-Laws and stud ios. Awards Rul es Membership of the Committee, in addi­ Ap ri 1 ~. 19~6 •• University Training Com- tion to Chairman Clark consists of: John mittee. Arnold, will iam Egl inton, David Garber, Sol Halprin, Emil Oster, John Pond, Loren Ap ri 1 9. 1946 •• Mu sic Branch ExecutiVe Ryder, James Stewart and Fred Wilson. Committee Apr i 1 16. 1946 •• Board of Governors GIFT TO THE FILM LIBRARY PLAYERS DIRECTORY Issue No. ~3 of the Academy Players The Academy Film Library acknowledges Directory will be off the press this week. with thanks a generous gift of film from Containing the pictures and latest Librascope, Inc. to its archives. credits of more than 3,000 players, it is Included in the collection are several the largest directory issued since the be­ reels of 70 mm. sound prints used in the ginning of the quarterly. Roxy showings -curing the wide film promo­ This issue will be known as the special tion era in the late twenties, as well as "returned veterans· nUj11ber and wi 11 carry several hundred feet of a two-color devel­ the veteran emblem With Lthe pictures of opment, known as the MCFarland process, in all returned servicemen who have purchased use prior to 1928. space in the Dir.ectory. Page 3 ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL AWARDS Calendar ear 1945 Annual Awards Special Awards Scientific or Technical: Besl Picture: "THE LOST WEEKEND" - Paramount Actor: RAY MILLAND in "The Lost Weekend" - Paramount Hono,able Menlion: Actor (suppo"ing role): JAMES DUNN in "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - 20th.Fox LOREN RYDER, CHARLES R. DAILY and THE PARAMOUNT SOUND DEPARTMENT for the design, construction and use of the first dial controlled step.by.step sound channel Actress: JOAN CRAWFORD in "Mildred Pierce" - Warners lineup and test circuit. Act,ess (supporling role): ANNE REVERE in "National Velvet" - M·G·M MICHAEL S. LESHING, BENJAMIN C. ROBINSON, ARTHUR B. CHATELAIN and ROBERT Direction: BILLY WILDER, "The Lost Weekend" - Paramount C. STEVENS of 20th Century.Fox Studio, and JOHN G. CAPSTAFF of the Eastman Kodak Co., for the 20th Century.Fox Film Processing Machine. W,iling (screenplay): CHARLES BRACKETT and BILLY WILDER, "The Lost Weekend" - Paramaunt W,iling (original sc,eenplay): RICHARD SCHWEIZER, "Marie·Louise" - Praesens (Swiss) Special Award: Wriling (o,iginal slory): CHARLES G. BOOTH, "The House on 92nd Street" - 20th.Fox REPUBLIC STUDIO, DANIEL J. BLOOMBERG and THE REPUBLIC SOUND DEPARTMENT A" Di,ection (b/aclc.and·while): WIARD IHNEN, "Blood on the Sun" Cagney, U.A. for the building of on outstanding musical scoring auditorium which provides Arl Direction (colo,): HANS DREIER and ERNST FEGTE, "Frenchman's Creek" - Paramount optim um recording conditions and combines all elements of acoustic and engineer. ing design. Inlerio, Deco,alion (b/aclc·and·while): A. ROLAND FIELDS, "Blood on the Sun" - Cagney, U.A. 'nle,ior Deco,alion (colo,): SAM COMER, "Frenchman's Creek" - Paramount Documentary: Cinemalography (b/aclc.and·while): HARRY STRADLING, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - M.G.M Fealure: "THE TRUE GLORY" - Governments of Great Britain a nd the United States of America Cinemalog,aphy (colo,): LEON SHAMROY, "Leave Her to Heaven" - 20th.Fox Sho,t Subject: "HITLER LIVES?" - Warners, Gordon Hollingshead, Producer Sound Recording: STEPHEN DUNN, "The Bells of St. Mary's" - Rainbow, RKO Shorl Subjects (carloon): "QUIET, PLEASE," M.G·M - Frederic k Quimby, Producer Other Special Awards: Sho,' Subjects (one.,eel): "STAIRWAY TO LIGHT," M·G·M - Herbert Moulton, Producer; WALTER WANGER for his six years' service as President of the Academy Jerry Bresler, Executive Producer PEGGY ANN GARNER, Outstanding Child Actress of 1945 Sho,' Subjects (Iwo.reel): "STAR IN THE NIGHT," Warners - Gordon Hollingshead, Producer "THE HOUSE I LIVE IN," toleranc. short - RKO Film Ediling: ROBERT J. KERN, "Notional Velvet" - M·G·M Music (sco,ing musical pictu,e): GEORGIE STOLL, "Anchors Aweigh" - M·G·M Music (scoring d,amalic or comedy pictu,e): MIKLOS ROZSA, "Spellbound" - Selznick International Music (original song): "IT MIGHT AS WELL BE SPRING" from "State Fair" - 20th.Fox Music by Richard Rodgers, Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Special Effecls: JOHN FULTON, Photographic, ARTHUR W. JOHNS, Sound, "Wonder Man," Beverly, RKO THE ACADEMY LIBRARY - 10 Years of Service The Academy Library, located at 1455 be duplicated upon request for $1.00 per No. Gordon Street, celebrates its tenth copy. anniversary this year. Beginning with a few loose copies of the Hollywood dailies The War Clippin9s File, started on De­ and weekly Variety, the Library now con­ cember 8th, 1941, I S a careful record and tilins more than 3,000 books and bound ma9- analys·is of the motion picture industry azines, special production and biographI­ and the war.
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