Begins Pre·Sehoo' 3Rd Place II J•D&Il& Co1test At· Ptaiawiew

Begins Pre·Sehoo' 3Rd Place II J•D&Il& Co1test At· Ptaiawiew

Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Cocke were at City and other points In that state Tuesday, returning Wednesday about noon. T. A. llf&ll atter I!Ome real eatate Loal fJ.A. Takes 3rd Place II J•d&il& Co1test At· Ptaiawiew Eoster Holidays, · Alma Mayo Hall Are An.nounced By To Be Qedicated Local Schools nday; April 4th '.the new euucational unl~ <» tile Church o! tile .Na:tarene IU l'eter~:~· burg 111 being compl~;~ted thie week. t .be church schoo! bOard voted Wl· auunoualy 1n a recent weetlng to name the uait .A.LJ4A MAk'O HAL.L ln honor or Mrs. Alma Mayo. Mrs. Mayo will be presented with ;a key to the bUilding ln the formal o,P®· lng servJ.qe ot the unit at 2:30· tlli!l Sunclay afternoon. ·· Sveclal services are belnf plan­ ,, ned tor Sunday .with Rev. D. M. !c ~ JJulr.e of Ctaco, Texas as the tPeolal 1i speuller. The Rev. Mr. I>uk& IIJ .Uis· trlct Cbalrman of Sunday sclioola w-.~ '' r. In the Abilene I>Jatrlet of . the . ·~ Church of the Nanrl!qe.. He •Is a for·mer pastor or the, OhtWeh ot the Na:r.arene at Abernathy, 'TexaS'. 'fhtt schedule or 1ervlcea and Pete~sburg School actlvlttee for the day Ia as follows: · < j Sunday school 9: 45 a. m. ( Clll.a• Jntroductlon ot mother• and guests •e• will 1\l&e( in the new unit). Begins Pre·Sehoo' by Jl'. H. A. memben; Solo "l:!wJn&· Morning Wo.rllblp 10:45 a. m., lng on a Star" b)' .Miss Joyce Sand- Rev. U. M. I>uke will preach. Check-Up On Pupils lfn; .Poew, ''Mother", Miaa Ch!lr- IJlbuer on the rround U:OI} nc)Qn. lotte Nels; Gutlllt Spe~e1·, Mlu All tamUie.s ,.,w.JU br1ni their own Tlto Ptltllt'sburg Pu1,1IIJ;Sclfool be Zlt~man; .Poem, "Al·O·T·H·" Mlsa ba&k&t lunch, llll.d then all will gan itt! PhHICbool check-u~. of be· Nora Boyd; solo, "rt" by Milia Joy· ~>Pread tnelt luncb toJether ln tht~ glnnmg puplla March 30. 'l'hls pro. ce Sandlin accompanied at the ole fashioned war. · · f,Nllll cOnUttue will through April chrck·Ull ot' roundup baa aiJ Ita put· plano by Miss Cat·ole Ellison; and Detllcatlon service for new bufld- Utl.l. r,oso: 'l'o nglster as many or the ill<Dt>dl(1tlOn, .Misa Sherry Ramsey. 1111.1 2:30 p. :m. in the new unit. A group 111 scheduled to come to lllCOtulng pupils aa posalble; to Gifts were 1Jresented to tbel.r Open House 3:()0 to 5:00 p. m. tiH' ~chool el\ch Tuesday and Frl· cbeck on the physical condition of liJ)(lnsor. .M!ea lJQrls Elkins· their During thea~ two bollril everyone day until that tlwe. The pre-school lhl.'fle pupils; to encourage getting I;IUb rather, Bill Schooler; atid their Ja Invited to vlalt th~ new bUilding. lmmunl:&atlons before entering l'lub beau, Jimmy 'Fulllnglm. · The, buJiding committee, 0. D. ~ lon11 .und calllqg for one gallon or S(~hool. It Is much eaaler on all per­ 'l'ht' tnenu of Melon Ball Delight Ithott.ea, Cbalrman . A.· H. Puron, guH and going to lube distilling sons (lOn<'erned t-o do thlll when you Chlrken Fried !Steak, Mashed Pot! and Woodle Lie abodes, will aerve 111ants und 'buying re-distilled lube nt'll not rushed. ntot!s, Qnvy, Stutffld. Celery, Brlls· It! ush,era to stiow pMple through o•l ,'tot· th!l <<ar. Workers drawing I.etter• are being mailed to all 1'<'1 Sprout11. TO~I!Eld Vegetable Sal· the J,uildlnp;, . , $1.50 u !lay and trylt1g to tend a known pupils who will enter arhool f'tl, i;l\erry Coble+, ,rce cream. ('.ot Ym1~g ptl'()ple and l'hlldren 8 mNlt. wlf& nn!U ~~~couple or r.blldrM. oe~t se.ptember,' gl"lng to eacn ere and Iced Tea were ~l!rved by ln!fa 6.45 ll· m. Jlunl(a ntui bu~fnell!l !l!)nCCt'lill go• l'hlld t·he date nnd time th(ly, arll l"\ }<', A. lll¥Jbf'l'~t'Sam 1\fayd, ,Jal'k• .·· P.vllflgellsttc «er,•lre 7:30 p. m. lug brake all ·ovN' 1111!. ootmtry, to ron1e to the school. lt you know Is ''nttnll;, Mld;ev Madow11, Oua ltl'v. D. M. Ouke will brl!ll hilS dol!• Mortgllpll bt>lng toreclo~<ed on or 110m& i:blld who baa mov~ In~ Tltown. Tpmmv .1\fnr~bsll. RRmn1r lnJ!. meeaat~:e. '""""' ani! r,Jb· llomes, pllople \Wlflt to thl' ac.hool dlatr!et s!l\l'll .Januarv ~et>.~on, Ray nott, and J. w. War· T·.t'Pryone Is ~rtv!ted to A.ttena na: tbe barlt alley !!'lltbue t'fllil! t&; l9Si, plflaee nCitlfJ thR :MI'hool. thnn., th""• anerllll Af'l'VIrP!I, •Y'"~: to flnl! 11 few 1tem11 thy"'"' It '11 ~tble that w11; did not ~r~>t I f'~" 1111'""" '"1"1"Tl'l1""~ · ,...11.., ""' _ ..........}·"man P. 'VoM, P111<tor. '~ _, ...... l'l!.t No ~onny hov Wf! do not "-""*' th'll l'htid'll nttml'. 11n th" !llmllv r•n f":rt"'llP)1f,aA h~St" ,..,.,nthp..:· lit,.."" ,,.,..q., 11 ~en~~11'nr1 •.ru~t A ·,,.,., 11Ryll .of . ~'" II! ken d11rlng the month or D'an IIP>n~ Bi>ff ht!l' JI!W>r. ]fl•1 ~·.~~man, '•"·"'!'llt-tf\Jit!J.~ In the l.'. s. 111 Ute bad bllllhif!llll now and then, IIRr)', '41'11~ 11 ltlf>Mt at the ban.,nrt, ll'l'f"nlor. .llllfllll, ,..,..,,., ,,_., """'·I, '"' NliiB :lllr. and 14111· JD, X.. 'SuUll4in. 81lll I •t· u4 Ml'l. c. 1\, .Coll. A1 daY for )llontua. Tlielr rrand dan• 0111 apetrt :111Yeek ''ma'nder Of A"'er:..anIll "' ?~":'~~:~..-~~~:~:8ABERNATHV , lflll~'>r 1a JerloUill1 Ill wltb a ltlilnfl1 .saurbtar, t. aM M,ri~. M . .A~EUNATI{\' -Lon Cartqlckle allm~tlt. "nd tbe)' will vlll!t ber. 1111 on. , O.I(JVIHN 1'.H.)G.A•~·ltbi· • otbla ' , To Speak ralal- ~rowntield pu~baaeder Harold th,e)nter8lltlllldl!e~. In Q andparte; "" REIPJtPrlilN'l'J~(l• .. RANC& CO .. PA"' cteallere bev~. Firm name has been ~tJaiCAit~ \.IP'• IN•U "' ,..,. li'IJ\JY LlAUA., 'l'l!l'XAI:$ J.eliOII' DR6WNFJELD, APril l,..... Tb.e c_bllll_ged to LOn Cleanera. .,F. ARM LOANs )latlonaldill Leeton comwan Arthur.der o!J, theConnell AID~fl· of Actual' East•rto Date Mr. llDd l\fra. Paul Turner apent '!lloldletowp: COtlJ18Ct!cut, will be Could Vary By sundaY v!bltlnr with )II. mother. D1ilST· LOAMI! AT LOWES'I' PRIC l'!lJ giiPat ot honor Mre. foflnnte at PlainvieW , and prJn~lp&l s~alt ~llll 8 s~ US .I"JRST at'the annu~l American!Qn and with reln\lvea in LOCll.P Y· & 01lllth Di.8tr}ct convention Thl"rty .ra've n-ys - J "Sons ,.~:eb wUl be S(lrlnil~b&ld here Satu..Y,:r •r .,. '· , 1111·. tnd l\4r~. c. A. Jo)lnson and • w. • "R~ .... ,... ' ,attd ~unda.y, April ff l\lld -4, a.ccor4· · '!'he actual date of Easter vartea dAnghters ()t Odlli!IR vlalted Suntfl\y LtllJBO!~ll:, 'l'lilJ.AS lng to :H!Iton ' Umhert o! $nyde\', f~om btltwee~r Match 2! to APl'il j.'~:n.~UJ.~• ~~:h:o!m~ejo~[~h~la~~pa~r:ru:lt:s~. :'M;r~.ii:n:d ~;;;;:=;!E::::=======-~==~~= 19th dllltrl<>t commander. 25lb overn per:od or Bli . Q.ayt. Mrs. W. H;- ~<)i)naon. · - ~ :t'at.ional. QOlJlmander Connell About a. d. 32G, · the Council of will com& Into Te:o:as, Mcom~nled Clrrl~Uan churches at .Nice& In bY Department Adjutant Moody, ASia drew up the Nlcene i'J re~d f 1 rrom an ort~Qlal tour o.[ New Mex· and detlded IJJ~t Ea%ter shall W We Are Now loO. He will apeak bere Sunday lll• fl(sl 'sunday foUow!ng the mol'n!ng at a joint session of tbe l':>scbal Full Moon, whlc)l happens ,Autriqan Legion and Ausliiary u~n · or ~. ext a(tj!r , Murch 21. Tbe From )!ere be wffi ~o to Houston "" " \ ld where be .,..m !\Peak 'MondaY noon. reason for th a ruling, It was 8!' , Dlstrib,Utor$ Tlit aoulltOn and Brown~Ield vis· was tl!at the Pilgrims needed JliOOll !ta will be the only 11PDearan<:~ ll!fbt to travel on their \\•ay to the or commander conMll upon. -this gr~at yearly Easter festivities. " .For tour. - An ouutandlng entet'talnment A. 0 . FULTZ NAME,O ACTING program bas been arrangegd _by POSTMASTE,R A'r FLOPDAOA Utt local AJ11er!ean . i.A!S\On , Post commanded b:t ·G. :r,. Nelson. Tbe FLOYDADA, A1>rH 1 -~"JOydadn soml·anl'lual dlttl'lot' memorial ser· has bad two acting postmastera' vice will be conducted Sunday sl n ~e the reslgnt\llon of l\lFS. ll~r·. ·AmcJiie Oil ruort~lng bY Renrf QwsleY ot Lub- bna B. Sm1tb OlD Jan\uul' 1, 1953, bOCk- • nnd com6 April 1 Js due to have ;:.:.;.:;.----------~1-anotber. ', · This Area ,.,_ Turll Itt v- N- tu•• .A , D. FU1tz1 prlnclpa.l of lt.ndr~ws ' Fo~ •• 1'1141 At Tile Joum&l. ward school since 1945, will b~ tile 11 ew acting postmaster and II! due to be given a pel'ill3nent appo!nt• ment, }{e said 1aat week he had PetuUUJ1J Muonlo blll)n advised tba.t he bad 'been W'holesale Prices· chosen to succeed James s.

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