To District Magistrate & District Election Officer, Hooghly — W- Addi. DGP, Law and Order, West Bengal-w- Police, West Bengal (.) From: SP, Hooghly Rural (.) Org. No. 394/Election Cell, Hooghly Rural DT: -18.03.202 1 (.) As desired, sending herewith the information regarding daily Route March/ CBM activities by CAPF on 18.03.2 1 of Hooghly Rural District in c/w ensuing Assembly Election 202 las per format for your kind perusal (.) Enclo: - As stated. Superit of Police Hooghly Rural S FORMAT 03 FORMAT FOR DAILY ROUTE MARCH / CBM ACTIVITY BY CAPF Date:- 18.03.2021 Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Diws Time Distance deployed Remarks,if any cipality Station by underRouteMarch bytheRoute March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.) Covered residential area of following Rowdies cum Troublemongers- 1)Sk Bhutta @ Firoj S/o-Lt. Sk. Imlak of Viii- (275/200 Ragpur Primary School Hyatpur, P.S.- Arambagh, Dist.- Hooghly. 2)5k Ibrahim 95 Choto Bapi S/o.Lt. Sk (Room-i) imlak, of Vill-Hiyatpur,P.S.-Arambagh, 01st. ii) 276/200 Ragpur Primary School Hooghly. (Room-2) 3t NoorAnirs/O-sk MosharafofVdl.- iii) 57/200 Ghargohal Mohamaya i.Ragpur Hiyatpur (Purbba), P.S.- Arambagh, 01st- Basu Vidyaniketan(R -1) 2.Raipur ' Hooghip Ragpur,Raipur, - h h h iv) 63/200 Moloypur High School 3.Ghorgohal Arambag 4)Arup Kumar Ghosh, sb- tiurupada 09.00 hrs Ghorgohal Rura Mazaffarpu 04 sec. (R-1) 4.Moloypur h PS Saraighat Kantaba Ghosh both of Viii.- Dakshin Rasulpar, P.S.- bag bag bag to 12.00 Ragpur ,Moioypur 10 KM CRPF hly 0 r C-64 Bn. v) 63A/200 Malayapur High Doluipara Hooghly a ni Aransbagh, 01st- Hooghly og hrs Doluipara,Sadhurmo 5)5k. Saiful, 3/0- Hazu Abdul sovan, of Vull.- Aram Aram Aram School (R2} 5.Sadhurmore Para Rural Ho re Para,Mazaffarpur vi) 47/199 Mazaffarpur Primary 6.Mazaffarpur Gopaidaha,P.S.- Arambagh, 01st- Hooghiy 6)Biswajit Roy (27) 5/0 Jaladhar Roy of School(R-l) 7.Ghosh Para Gopaldaha, PS Arambagh, Hooghly. vii) 47A /199 Mazaffarpur Primary 7)Bimal Santra S/o-Lt. Bishtu Santra of VIII- School (R-2) Ohargohal PS-Arambagh Dist-Hooghly 8)5k. iarnlr Hossain 95 Chandu, S/0- Lt. 5k. Kalam of viii.- 0holtajpuur, P.S.- Arambagh, 01st.- Hooghly 9)5k. Taibul All, 5/0- 5k. Hidayet All of viii.- Gholtajpur, P.S.- Arambagh, Bist.- Hooghly Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the i trict Election Officer Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route DiviS Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.) Covered residential area of following Rowdies curn Troublemongers- t)Santarra Porel w/o-Lt. Banannuli Porel of VIII- Gourhati, PS-Arambagh Dist-Hooghly. 2)Tapan Dolol S/o-Gobinda Dolui of Viii- Goorhati, PS-Arannbagh Dist-Hooghly. 315obhankor Maids S/o-Gohirda Malik of Vill- i)255/200 Gourhati GoorhaS, PS-Arannbagh Dist-Hooghly. 4lGup Santra Sb- Sonaton Santra Vdl- _____________________ - Brindabanbazar Primary School Suhhoypur, PS- Arambagh, 01st- Hooghly (Room-i) 5)Shibrarn Barui S/o-Raikunnar Barui of Viii- 11)256/ 200 Gourhati Goorhati, PS-Arambagh Dist-Hooghly. Brindabanbazar Primary School 6lRobln Saotra S/o-DuIaI Santra of Vilt- iJhalamala (Room-2) Gourhati. PS-Arambagh Diut-Hooghly 2.Mishra para l Jhalamala,Mishra iii)249/200 Jadabbati Primary 7lSuryaGavenS/0 00paIGayenofViII ra h h h Gourha 3.Gayenpara Arambag Gourhati, PS-Arambagh Dist-Hooghly. n.j 15.30 hrs para, Gayenpara, School Ru Gourhati 02 sec. 4.Hat Tala h PS Daharku Basontab bag ti 9)sourao Laga S/o-Raeskrishna Laga of Viii- -u bag bag to 18.30 Dulepara, 08KM CRPF iv)250/200Gourhati Durgadas m m m hly Brindab Bazar C-64 Rn. S.Dulepara Hooghly ndu ati Goorhati,PS-Arambagh Dist-Hooghly. hrs Bhattacharya balika vidyalaya (Room-i) Ara Ara S/u-It. Badrinath Garai of VilI- Ara anbazar 6.Bhattacharya para Rural tolDebu Garal Hoog para,Fate Chak v)251 /200 Gourhati Durgadas Goorhati, PS-Arambagh 0ist-fdooghly. 7.Fate Chak Balika Vidyalaya )Room-2) tt)Kinkar Laga S/o-Arup Laga of Vill-Gourhati, vi)248/200 Abhoy Hemangirni PS-Arannbagh Dist-Hooghly. Junior Basic School 12)sobash Malik S/o-Sarnar Malik of VIII- Gourhati, PS-Arambagh Dat-Hooghiy. vii)244/200 Gourhati Haradas l3loachhan Malik S/o-Sitai Malik of Vill- Institution (Room no-i) Gourhati, PS-Arambagh 0irt-Hooghly. 14)Atanu Laga S/o-Susanta Lagu of Vill- Gourhati, PS-Arambagh Dist-Hooghly. l5lSourao Dutta S/o-Pornirna Dotta of Vill- ttoorhati, PS-Arambagh Dist-Hooghly. ltlPalash Modi S/o-Mnityun1ay Modi of VIII- Gourhati, PS-Arannbagh Dist-Hooghly. l7lPatal Modi Sb-It. Alit Mudi of VIII- Gourhati, p5.Arambagh Olst-Hooghly. Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the Officer Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route 12ivis Time Distance deployed Remarks,if any cipality Station by underRouteMarch hytheRoute March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSFetc.) PS From To mentioni ngcoy and Bn.) (1) Sundarpur bayes Baburampur para Covered residential area of following = Digerpara, (1) 125 - Sundarpur Pry. School (2) Sundarpur Molla 09.00 hrs Babura Rowdies cum Troublemongers- Co Baburampur Sundarpur 02 sec. (2) 125A - Sundarpur Pry. School para Krishnag Selampu vu to 12.00 mpur 07 K.M CRPF Goghat (1) Kabbatulla Sk. Sb Imam Sk. of Vill.- vu 0 Bazarpara, Bayenpara C-64 Bn. (3) 126- Baburampur Flood Shelter (3) Baburarnpur anj Bazar 0 cc, hrs Bazar Ramanaridapur,Sundarpur, P.S.- cc, Sundarpur Digepara Goghat, Dist.- Hooghly Mollapara, (4) Baburampur Bazarpara Covered residential area of following Rowdies cam Troablemongers- (1) Dipankar Barui Sf0- Laxmikanta Barui of (1) 232- Mathura Prathamik Vill- Mathura, PS Goghat, Hooghly l Vidyalaya (Room No. 1) - 121 Subhankar Barui 5/0- Lanmikarita Bawl n.j h o (2) 232A - Mathura Prathamik olVill- Mathura, PSGoghat, Hooghly Rura (1) Mathura bag Vidyalaya )Auxilary Booth) (Room 131 Tirthankar Barui 5/0- Laomikanta Barui hly q Ghospara no No. 2) of Vill- Mathura, PS Goghat, Hooghly - Aram (2) Mathura 14) Barun Karrvakar s/c- Sunil Karmakar of Hoog (3) 236- Purbo - Amarpur Goylapara Vill- Mathura, PS Goghat, Hooghly Prathamik Vidyalaya 1 Mathura Ghoshpara, Purba (3) Purba Amarpur (5) Chandan Roy s/o- Samir Roy of Viii- t - 15.30 hrs Mathur (4) 237- Joykrishnapur Prathamik t Mathura Goylapara, Amarpur 04sec. Partditpara Gohalpar Mathura, PS Goghat, Hoogfrly ha ha to 18.30 a Bus 07 K.M CRPF Vidyalaya Goghat ;aora Baza Purba Amarpur Dakshinpar C-64 Rn. (4) Purba Amarpur a 161 Biswajit Barui sf0. Rabin Barui of Vill- Gog hrs Stand (5) 233- Dhulepur Prathamik Gog Panditpara, a Dakshinpara Mathura, PS Goghat, Hooghly Vidyalaya (5) Joykrishnapur (71 Sanjoy Barul sb Lt. Kanai Barui of Vill- (6) 233A - Dhulepur Prathamik Mathura, PS Goghat, Hooghly Rathtala Vidyalaya (Auxilary Booth) (8) Moyna Roy w/o Samir Roy of Vill- (6) Joykrishnapur (7) 238- Joykrishnapur Netaji High Mathura, PS Goghat, Hooghly Benepukur School IS) Monaoj Kumar Roy 5/0 Lt. Dilip Roy of (8) 238A - Joykrishnapur Netaji Vili- Joyknshnapur, P.0- 0hu1epur, P.5- Goghat, 01st- Hooghly High School (Auxilary Booth) (10) Rakesh Malik 5/0 Alit Malik. Vill- Joykrishnapur, P.0- Ohulepur, PS- Goghat, Dist- Hooghly Disttection Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature ofI Officer FORMAT 1)3 FORMAT FOR DAILY ROUTE MARCH / CBM ACTIVITY BY CAPF Date:- 18.03.2021 Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by underRoute March bythe Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.) 1. 203/Rautkhana Bhagirath Pry School 2. 204/Rautkhana Patrapara Pry School Covered residential area of following 3. 204A/Rautkhana Patrapara Rowdies cern Troublemongers- School 1. Arup Halt S/O Lt. Ranajit Halt of VIII - 4. 205/ioyrampur Panchanan Routhkhana, PS—Khanakul, 01st— ChakrabortyVidyapith Room No 1 Hooghly S. 205A/Joyrarnpur Panchanan 2. Rajkumar KoleyS/OArup Koleyof ChakrabortyVidyapith Room No 1 1. Routhkhana Vill —Jayrampur, PS — Khanakul, 01st — l 6. 206/Joyrampur Panchanan Chatterjeepara II l Hooghly 2 1 - l 09.00 hrs ioyrampur -Simchak Chakraborty Vidyapith Room No 2 2. Samantapara-3. ku Rura 20 Routhk 03 Sec. Khanakul Karnarsh 3. Raja Koley 5/0 oeboprosad Koley of ku to 12.00 - Bankanagar - Ketedal 10 KM ITBP 7 207/Simchak Pry School, Room Joyrampur Kolepara Khanakul hly 03 . hana 18/A Rn. PS al Joyrampur, PS — Khanakul, Dist — thana hrs Ganeshpur - Baligori No 1 4. Chakraborty para- I 18. Khana Hooghly Roog 8. 208/Simchak Pry School, Room 5. Simchak Mathpara 4. 8iswajit Das S/0 Gopal Das of VIII — No 2 6. Kotalpara Jayrampur, PS—Khanakul, Dist— 9. 216/Ketedal Purba Primary Hooghly School S.
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