' of . N ■. * SATURDAY, M AY 19,1945 Averse# IM Ily, CIreiilatlon The Westher fltSS TWfiLTli Manchester Eventing Far Om irf April, 1945 . Forneaat oi L. 9. Weather BtM sa saw the incident were ready to ap­ driver who wanted Fair and continued mild to n lg )^ plaud him for it. \' . truck moved so s 9,195 Tuesday Increasing cloudlnrae fs d • Joins Wonian^g < 1 Mdi^e Seeking Oil Burners H-armer. ^ About Tow n past. A t the garag; Member of the Audit / Heard Along Main Street A woinaif who was atrotling tee and McKee , Ariiiy .Coriis! mni Buienu s f CIrimIstlons ;■ &■ , • •• / V ' . \ along Main atrd(t one day this thla week two Are _ _ ' ■ ■» Ifo K tep Hen^^ „ Manchekter-^A City of ytllage Charm ’ / > * V. ' . nrrt Ututenant - Walter And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets, Too hmek was mor tilled to the point parked close/togeUier. T e Furnaces -------- ........................ ....... - ... Orunder, navlfator bn a B-17 of hyeterics. She chanced to he lights atop/the trucks wen i going'-past a women's wear shop Ing but.^at didn’t make A Few StlB Available. (T W E L y E PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Bombar, haa returned from Italy. Raising of x Poultry (Otaestted AdverttUag ea Poffe 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 21, 19l5 y' ■ * ^ some drivers df tars on enter- • Court. HU plea of guilty was nOt when a struck stopped. The d iffe r e d to the woman i VOL. Lxrv„ NO. 196 'S- Uaut. Grunder la home on fur- In gTA in thurouphfare.s think they i accepted and a plea of not ^ i l t y RACKMFFE OtL CO. T" loujfh from the England General tnick driver lifted something from She simply called to men atamr Principal Bligifieps Be­ ^ obetdne the “stop” aigrts when entered for him and he was bound the rear of the vehicle and start­ neh-rhy and asked them to plea 18 Maple Avenoe -• HartfeM hoapiUl In Atlantic City, N. J. are r r null c W r across the pedes-1 over for trial In Superior Court ed aorosa the sidewalk. hkve tliat truck moved. O f eours* fore Zoning Boari^ y TeL Hvtfota 1 -atai Hla brother. Pvt. WUllam Grun­ trian^croaV-WtUk and etart ^ g in g j without ball, der, la alao home_pn rtrlough from The woman let''out a sogeam. It would be a woman driver. Steel ^ ^rk s at Kobe Bi^mbedT^ the Newton D. Baker hoapltal In into traffic. They 1 His trial in Superior Court be She saw. the tnicknlmn c a i^ h g App]ications. .for permission tO' realise that "atopX signs are pine- pgj,t Tuesday. May 15. at Preparing to Hit Weat Virginia. the naked to'rso o f whiCt- was eVi; About the last place you would keep Chickens continue to b e . t ^ Marines Gaip Ridge ed at street inters^tlonafctlons to*- pro- o'clock.................. Inithc afternotpn. dently a Woman, W htq the expect to find a mouse is: a rail­ principal bualness brought before aa Sveil>. s, ^ ' V:* The, regular meeting df the Ep- tect pedeatrlftni Peterson ^w'ss found guilty and truckman' turned around' UTOn road pa.saenger car. You might i the Zoning Board of Appeals, It worth League of Smith Methodist prevent adcldents with, o tb «. ca^. electric hearing her scream *he saw that wolMer, how a mouse could board developed today with announce­ church will bp ontltled tomorrow judges who >e was carrying a window dis­ a train. It's hard enough for the ment' of hearings scheduled for Japan With Still ness “sMtloH "this is p arU ^U rly ‘ Ij! due to the evening musical service. ness section this is partic t sat. on the case gave their verdict play dummy. wfien She realized average man or woman to step up Thursday, May 24. The hearings iFILMS However, membeia are requested noticeable. We taw an Oak sti at 2:15 yesterday aftemoo^ May What'a mistake she had made she onto the car platform. How could will be held at eight o’clock that DEVEI.OPED AND to meet In the/church parlor for a man -pull deliberately in front started to laugh and the laugh a little mouse accomplish such a night In the Municipal building. PRINTED feat? And what would a mouse brief .buslneBa/meetlng Immediate­ pedestrians about to cross 0 » “ ,, .... turned. Into hysterics. It took Tbe hearings are on the follow­ street at Main the other day. He ^ a f g exactly 11, weeks shd want on a railroad car anyway'. Stroiiger Power ly following/the morning worship ing requAts for exceptions to the 24-HOUR SERVICE I didn’t halt at the "stop" sign but two ,days from the time the mur- some time to calm her. What could he find to eat in these [/ f. der wnycommtUed until the v m - ’ Which all goes to prove that existing zoning regulations: puUed across the walk wailing for modem, stream-lined all ate: To keep chickens: Film Deposit Box a chance to drive on to Main diet was ^rendered. everything can’t be Judged by cars? And where would the IjHle ortar ^'ire T Frederick LaFIash, 104 W ut At Store Entrance<' street. Thereby he made several That rejk>rd speaks mighty fine appearances. t ■ . mickey be going? "s. Center street. Zone A.; William xrumiin Aw«^» ,co";l No Ind icatio n pedestrians wmt . until he got Into, fo r the StateU Attorney’s han­ Well, despite the oddity/^f' It, Brimble, 51 Jarvis road. Zone A ; traffic. •• He couldn't take the time dling of the c«ie^ln which Assist­ I f we *sre to take the report there was a moiise on SK railroad gressional Medal of . R. E. Cooper, 115 Hilliard street. Elaborate Japanese Hill* ECLERC to wait to let the. pedestrians get ant State’s A tt^ey Charles S. of an out-of-town paper literally car that was part of srlra'm, stop­ Zone B; Gustave Ulrich, 57 Doane KEMP'! Hofiorto Tech. Sergt. O f P atrO liage FUNERAL HOME past. He had to play whole-hog House of this town had no little we wonder what happened to that ping here the other/hlght. Passen­ sifle Defenses Cleak'ed and .gfet along regardless of the part. We have been told by those last-ipHd o f tin cans that was .sent gers amused themsej.ves watching street. Zone A; Leonard Gigllo, 10 xJske W. Lindsay at “ Chinese Retake .a Ridzoa Olcott Street, Zone C; Raymond Main Street rights of others. qnallfled'to know that AtV^rney from here' to New Jersey. The the little fc lli^ s c u r r y back and y ^ Flame • Throwing George, 82 'rurnbull road. Zone A. Sttn' This happens quite frequently at House's opening argument fjjr the article in the out-of-town newTi- forth In under the seats. N o one Gf^r^mony in Capitol Being Solved Phone Miss. Susan Rk^zon, of 32 Scar Other requests: mtim ^ a n k s and Weary Ifi- Main street business corners. A state was a masterpiece of pres­ paper said that the tin cans coir' seemed to^,hother much. The wom­ As Cougress nW atchra. • ■ . ' ' T few tags might bring some of entation. ' ' lected here were loaded on to flat en folks/who are usually pictured boroiighVoad, daii. - o f Mr. and Philip Farr, 127 Charter Oak in flemen; Battle ' Turns ♦hese cross-walk sneakers to their cars for dlapatph, lo the collection as squ^ling and Shrieking at the Mrs. Andrew Jr., o f Tol- street, to convert a two-family VIN CEN T Proposal for Annual senses. --------- ----------------- - Pow are the automobilw drivers depot-In New Jersey.------------------ aightot Ajriousc only laughed at land,~has enlisted le Woman's house ,.et „408 .North Mein street Washington;^ -^lay 2l>— Into Hand • to. • Hand- tbeldea of a mouse on a train and into e- three-femily house In e Legislative Sessions Is Q i^itr Garden FeHWnf who haven’t been given a tongue NoV. from What we have seen Arm y Corps and lei' here Mon- .— President s 'rrti^man told lashing by a traffic policeman for of flat cara—that is railroad flat uined In'the. game o f . hide-and- Residence B zone. ' Single Plane Struggle When Arinor $2.25 per 100 pounds Tdu hear a lot about Jersey Jui Iowa, MARGIN Congress today\ that Amerir Among Important Bus* not obeying a signal. Mady times cars- most of those .tin cans wou)<i seek the little f€llqw.^was seeming­ day, morning f6r ,Des Oenlel Provan, 029 kUddle turn­ Coast xind ReacK Vt~ ” tlce and bow swift a criminal is [listed at Unable to Go Farther. "At the Farm. the drlverbhonestly misunderstand have fallen off long before ^ e y ly playing. • to hegiir tratnjrig. SI pike, east, to'u se a baseihCnt as PLUMBING ft HEATING can forces were preparing brought to trial and ^ven ■ his Sergt. iness Before Assembly. the '^Officer's signal, but that reached New ‘Haven. W e/irust 'ITic conductor on the train told tha local pqst office i a small machine .shop in a R ^ : to striK?" the Japanese with ‘ ciniiy ()j Wreeks Five Just dus la that state. W e are Beatrice''Buckley and rgt. Lee 2 doesn^save them from a bawling that the local tin 'can f le c t io n some of the passengers that ones den’ce B zohe. All Kinds of New V. W ILLIAMS <rften told of the speedy trials and recrult- ■‘overwhelming” power.
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