6RIET]NG5, LTBNL 0dners, lrom the LtAgU[ 0FFICFt! At long lasr, here is the l99l LTBNL season !rap Up Nersteiterl (|lonths in the nakinql) 'rc- .1" 01o or oL, ood1.o , D"n \ 'eve,, [onsrer! Kdrnold llorledse " d creqoridn chd1.r. o h, rd . r&hel l" Pro d ila toa. I01 rd .o9r! oa'.gdo0i.rq00, h,"r.oo". The l:ever {nee D. lloore Bid Iruth ) and the Chance (nee 0ou9 1)urs'), storied fran.hises that date to the 1939 toundidg of lhe LIBNi, a.e _6/d,both rirsi tine nooey winners. Like our other m6ney winners, ile _t)e/.i" r r5d. " .d dddp ,.! o rtp i6jB., o -q.d1o qd ..o "i '\"dn "or \e Quaqily"r\..o Futhlet' Bdb"s o B\_ e n"- (oi cash in each of our three searons. '"nn Dan s Fever surviyed the loss 0l speed merchani 0iis Iixoi and rode ttrons second halr perlor ances lron Mii.h l,lilliams, steve Avery, Larry L,lrller, and John 5noltz to the Yoo Noo ShoNer. The Fever, vho fiiished vilh 35 of a possible 40 points in rhe bairinq categorjes, o" 0," q rq n top spot ior qood ri Lleet 2r "oo Tl , _,9 o p,obdol, d ro" " " ". 'te. .9q"0 S1 r ol / ,0 0.o ."r 1,". r. r.r, 1, " aitrjbuted Snoltz's second half ferfo.mance to his Nork !ith a sporls pyschologist, but LTBNL follovors kiok that the real reasoi for his raiarkable iurnaround !as laaving tho sinkiiq Quag shjD. Ch.ck oui li L 125.0 5 t0 4.90 t.416 3 1.0 t3 Perhari the Quaql4yef5 Nould have been better orf had pitcher the Fever iniiially insisted on, ttr, trank Vi lhe date of the Sooltz trade 0n, {ent 2 tO, !jih a 5. But did the Fever morr!raqe thejr furura ro rjn ihe ag? To qet 5moliz,'0" atr optioi year plaler, they had to sufreider rrsing star Fetix troB 0 ".;. '1,' 1! d 8 " , 8, .. .,0." t, il " ". " ri"'"." Younq rowns. The Fever's inexpticabte aftachmpnt to Dokns", (mat.ied d,b. ll,r o d0. ro 6.od rh!3o .o . .,",. i".e o" ..p. i t ' qo .,odno "o" o "odo.p ll.a, B\ ii'i nodor " ..0, lo"ldJgA 1cbl" o ldeo .o0. .d, y'. r '0'rtd 16 rd,g,.e 'o .1 ..q d 0,d , e o"..loilo " jn ddb'd oddoo ojo 1.iodd o. qanes lo be olayed. the standinos r.rp thtrsl " PT5 BEHINI] 63.0 MRNr]LD NONLIDOI 3 CREFN IIONSiERS 5S.0 I , enpo ,r' .do "d . \0 edqd ,d ,. .d o . .. -. d. 4d o I to iake second'noi 0lace, and lhe considerably larqer check. The edsed iho Novledqe iito third place ii ERA, 3.409 ro 3.443 l'1eankhrle, The Nowledge lost a point in baltjng avera!ej !hit Monsiers picked up half a poinl in dinqers. Hov did it happen? Quile simplJ, ife fonsters pit.hed ihejr anDte bults off, fininshinq with 35 points 0f a p0rsible 40 in the hurting cateqories, ln the last iro days, lhe Nonsters got shuto!ts from lerry Mulholland and Greq rladduxj 0lus sironq Deifdftan.es fron Anlh0ny YouIq, Crai9 Lefferts, and Stai Bel]nda. All in all, they 9oi '6 I r'9 o'o1c L o,L" p.l g0Jllr,. o,e. !." ,do. oq r.o. r.156 o r09 L4 ilod odqd , o,ed j, L r"o, 1.0,. o I :o . o od bort o,/gt,' o, .,i1o o"", ,o 1... Lpr 4 o o ,.r4 .. Hq'. 1 'qrdp.oL91. The N0wledqe hii onl] .203 (11 f0r 531 rith the Dressur. on in the l. ,0 d", o i o p,!d.oor 'q ard"D. o1 .d 'o ,L dtd.o td.6"o. td|od lo p!ll the onsters inio a tie for th d in lhat caieg0ry. ,,o b.e o 'tP Do. ayard o rte .99t ". o 1d 0d.e .'ar. .. d i1 1d ta!d o Adversity Arard qoes to ihe Monslers. Aleri readers nay remember ihat after rhe Reds' sh0.kiIq iour 9 e rveep of ihe miqhtJ Athtetics ii iIe 1990 l,iorld Series. stovari remarked that the A's vere b.y far the beiter team, aid thaL if lh0 Series had been best of 15 9anes, in5tead of besl of 7, lhs A'j kould have prevailed. A {orthJ suc.essor i0 Mr. Stekart'r displa, of sporlsmanshipj !he Monsters, ovner flaily stated ihai if there had been one nore leek ir rhe seasoni by qolly, he would have.auqht the Fever. Greqorian l]hance nade a !azillion noves in an atrenpi ro fiijsh higher in the money, but vound up: disappointing (at lerst td them) fourth. In a desperaie attarpt to 9ai0 a p0int or tko in the tighi !ins cateqory, they add0d pii.heri Larry Andersen, Darryt Kjte, and Tin D" r'PJ1 .o Pl!d dd pd, d o oi t o-tp .ed.o v. t. u oopr19 .io,. I,d d,.1 ,d 1,tc I aciiv. pil.hcrs. The net result: Ths Chan.e were iot able to gain even a point in !ins. and in faci, lost a p0ini in RaLio. The Chance did, hoHevf, lead the LTBNL in oie very inportant cateqorJ: lransa.tioi Fees. They sinqle haidedly are resDo0sible ror the infusion of ai araziig 5121.23 inio the L.TBNL Prize Poo , and th!j recerve tho lgqt Trader Jack |lcKo0i Akard for [osi Dollars Laasi hich briiqs lo niid the somewhai paliful s!bject of the t9Sl LTBNL Finaicjal Report, vhicb you vrll lind attached. Ptease revje! bollom line, afd if you oye, 5end your che.k lo the LTB t offj once. (El0EPTI0Ni lf Jou a.e a nonpJ rjfier, ,oI may choose Jour lees and kin.ings. And if you o!e only a t.n dottarJj i. or less, don'r boiherr re'll carrJ t over io trexr year.) once a]l or,d, \o.d o. {"0 Lp,t. ,. .oL d o. .o03 p ,o ; .o .- o. .| o,o: ".,." e/rp. "," , Io" * Poslaqe of S49.15, .harced only to ihose League 0wtrers kho received their keekly reports via nail. 0n lino charqes of 960.00 (510 per monlh aor 6 nonrhj). As you know, Ne receive our statistjcr rro the USA Today sportsCedier, .onp ". ot " o. odpc d1o r .v p. .ic, ribbon, rt ! rotdl .ost of iO0ro,rmatety $25 l0 P.:t- . L d ,..t od. oo. d 'oleN."d .,. ro .tB\ Lo L{L \ ld lao,d d " 91bo lood o .-50 ro o" o ,td, d... d oL'1 5, .r0." o ..d.dlc.. st8..0 ( <rr o .." ro . ". $1 .r0 .f.r ro. ,te \0, 609" . d s3, t0. o .1" 1. ".) 0 .or' " rl., d ", b" oo "o oL ,nr L ome_ in f.om lp 1".d..0".". t1p tcoole 0 r. 4 L,q" ro o pa) + t )a d.i1rF, .d, d d ." 1.. d.o .ie Not Ne move on to a topic only sljqhtl, lesr terrjfyjng than Leaque rcd. !. dl .,oL,d' ,o ,e ..p0 ,d 99 I Bfir .q0 t"doF " , dt ".J." d S. (. .. "t) . 99 r, o D,"r.br 'oh q "1J Ho ro d" .pDe dd \dd d I0,1", rILi,rr ''d ?) d o'o, e.p, t0qether lhat faleful day in ea.l] April, and made an] transaclions all seasoi lon9. Each ovierir d.aft^ot day tineup of 23 active players aas enlored into the computer, and rhe standings Here r!n usjn9 end of seasoi statrstics. 0bviously, lhe quality of owners freeze lists enter5 inio the equatioij and il's clearly not reali5tic to intjnate thai any owner should stick vith dralled playors like Danny Jackson, ShaM ibier, or Paul Faries for a0y ertended length ot time, ter alone the whote season. By and large, however, jt seeds safe to guess that the Hy0otheiical Leaguo cofectly indicares thrt the Nonsters had ihe best d.. b1 c' L" d,d pb ed -." .0, d p41,b.. o, o ,lq.t,dro ' I oJq oold '.d"d r'" o .1",.. d ijpd d'Hd oo,'rb?o iitp standrnqs ro'ry, but tha l'!th 5o etr a\ hurt, .a 0 "| 0p rto L4,d o drd.,-po. .drre hilters of l99l? SurprisinqlJ, ihis is not an etriirety q.P ror. it,,, d I t" ... , d1 4'.pj'l ,oq,.0r'dL ooIoo" R.,L , .. i ".et 0"d b".d .oo, rtF Dot 01 s, r e.. d .dr'oDld d.dii. qnr rhe ."oL.0l,l share them for the price oi ihis ne,sletler, The Pailon systen atrem0t5 to evatuaie ihe,'!orth (or every Roirsserie pilcher aid hitter in terns ol dotlar5 how mtr.h lhe player's stalrstics would have helped (or all kno{ thal hrvjnq a top bas€-steal€r lile flr.qui3 Crisson {inttead of having an average b.se-stenler) tuves a tean upxard in the standinqs for stolen bases, and thus adds points to a Rotiss€rie teah's final poini toial. The Pation syst€n assumes tha! if a tean had 14 average base stealers, it wo!ld finlsh in lhe niddle of the stolen base pack, (lf the tean had 14 arquis Grissons, it would, obviously, finjsh at lhe top). PlaJe.s are ranked by ho* nuch they exceeded (or tell belov) ih€ average pl.rer in each of the categorlet.
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