Saturday, B6 February 27, 2021 The Eagle ● theeagle.com Saturday, February 27, 2021B7 INSTALL-MAINT-RPAIR TRANSPORTATION CAMPERS-TRAVEL TRLR TRCK-BUS-TRCT-TRAIL LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGAL NOTICE CONTAINER/COMPACTOR YARD HAND/LABORER REPAIR TECHNICIAN: NEEDED. Vacation /Insur- SKYLINE: 2009 Layton, 26ft, DODGE: 2012 Ram 1500 Hemi, Valid Texas driver license. ance &Uniforms. Apply at bumper pull, with many ex- Crew Cab, Lonestar Edition w/ Electrical and Hydraulic Boyd Ready Mix Inc. 2853 N. tras! Very Clean! Sleeps 6, cattle guard, 79,543 mi, great Notice is hereby given in accordance with knowledge, basic hand tools. Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, Bryan, superslide, cold a/c! $14,500. condition, clean title, black ex- the terms of the provisions of the Texas We offer excellent benefits in- or at boydreadymix.com. No Before 8PM979-775-7474. terior and black leather interi- cluding Health &Life insur- phone calls please. or. $19,000. Call (601)934-0775 Alcoholic Beverage Commission that ance, Profit Sharing 401(k), or email [email protected] Paid Vacation /Sick days, WANT TO BUY Kalcorp Enterprises, Inc. dba, Aggieland Paid Holidays, Uniforms pro- Travel trailer, RV or Pop-up FORD: 2005 F150 XL Ext vided Apply in person Texas REAL ESTATE Camper. If needs work okay! Cab, leather interior, Outfitters, has filed an application for an On- Commercial Waste 1820 N. Call John at 832-773-2657 170,000 miles, clean, $4950, Premise Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit. Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, Bryan, RENTALS 979-567-4606 Tx 77807 or email resume to: Said business is to be conducted at 208 tcwronsch@ hotmail.com APARTMENTS CAMPGROUNDS George Bush Dr, College Station, TX 77840 MEDIA-JRNLSM-PRNPUB in Brazos County. Owners are Fadi $199 deposit and Kalaouze, CEO, Hege Kalaouze, CFO/COO. ½free on 2nd month 1&2bdrms, $550-$625/mo. 2-26-21, 2-27-21 One year lease. Finfeather Apts. Call On-Line Real Estate Broker, 979-268-8620. RAM:2017 1500 Laramie Quad ANNOUNCER: Bryan Broad- cab, heated and ventilated casting is accepting applica- PRIVATE COUNTRY RV seats, heated steering wheel, tions for abilingual broadcast- BRYAN/CS: SPACE w/full hookups for rent 26,350 Miles, no past damage, ing announcer who is trained to HUGE INVENTORY monthly in SCollege Station. Navigation system, custom all English to Spanish translation. Of 1, 2, 3&4bdrms. Water and sanitary connection weather mats. $28,000. www.AggieSports.com Please reply to Careers@Bryan Many price ranges, incl. Lots of trees and peace Call 979-255-4444 Broadcasting.com with resume amenities &locations. and quiet. $350/mo. 979-676-1969 or links to samples. Please, no Broker -On-Line Real files >5M. EOE/MF Estate 979-268-8620 MOTORHOMES-RVS COMMERCIAL FLEETWOOD: 2002 Bounder, REAL ESTATE Cummings disel pusher, Class AMotorhome, good shape, 2 VIRTUAL RENTALS slides, 136,000 miles, $35,000 or PRODUCTION COORDINA- best offer, 936-825-4958 TOR: Bryan Broadcasting is hiring aProduction Coordina- OFFICE-WAREHOUSE tor for all our radio stations. JOB FAIR Expertise with Adobe Audition is required. Send alink to pro- BRYAN: Available in RVS-CAMPERSWNTD duction samples; please keep Carrabba Industrial Park FEBRUARY24TH –MARCH 7TH any files less than 5M. Apply 2400sqft to 8000 sqft. IBUY ALL TYPES of RV’s, to Careers@BryanBroadcastin (979)778-8850 Motorhomes, Travel Trailers, g.com. EOE/MF 5th Wheels, Horse Trailers, & more. $$Cash Paid$$. THIS COULD BRYAN: Available Now! Call or text 832-296-3066 5600 sqft offices /warehouse RESTAURANT-FOOD SRV space, fenced yard ,Hwy 6 frontage near Woodville Road BE YOU! (979)778-8850 AUTOMOTIVE OFFICE-DESK SPACE BE PART OF ANTIQUE-CLASSICVEHICLES SOMEONE’S TEAM. Immediate Openings for Front Line workers and Assistant Managers Flex schedules, paid vaca- tions, discounted foods. Smil- ing faces &outgoing personali- ties. Apply by texting JOBS2198 to 411669 COLLEGE STATION: Office space for lease, approx. 1000sqft, 1817 Brothers Blvd FORD: 1929 Model "A" Road- TRANSPORTATION Ste C, $1500 mo, For more info ster. Unrestored, mostly origi- call (979) 229-0800 nal. $24,750. For more infor- mation call 979-836-3350. RECREATIONAL BOATS ROLL OFF DRIVER: CDL re- quired. Home nights and FORD:1930 Model AGreat con- wknds, Uniform, Benefits, Va- dition. Aggie Maroon! $24,000 cation, 401K. 40+hours awk. (Firm). Contact Edward Lew- Work rain or Shine. Apply in is for more details (817-366-1134) person Texas Commercial Waste 1820 N. Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, Bryan, Tx 77807 or email resume to: tcwronsch@ hotmail.com TRCK-BUS-TRCT-TRAIL MAKO: 1987 211 T-Top 200 hp E-Tech H/O, less than 150 hrs, FORD:2008 F-150 Crew Cab alum Torsion Bar trailer, raw One owner, 210,000 miles, good water flush down, D/F VHF condition, new Michelin tires, www.BrazosSports.com radio, $23,975, 713-828-7615 $9500; (979)703-4509. SATURDAY EVENING A Suddenlink B DirecTV C Dish Network FEBRUARY 27, 2021 A B C 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 (2:00) More in Jeopardy!Inside Ed. News (N) 13 News Lawson Count- NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Brooklyn Nets Site: 13 News (:35) News Texans Wipeout "World Cup" Wipeout KTRK 3-- (13) Basketb. Common (N) at 6 (N) (N) down (L) Barclays Center -- Brooklyn, N.Y. (L) 'TVG' at 10 (N) (N) 360 'TVPG' Cook's It'sSew Quilting Newsho- The Parks and Bluegrass FDrake "Things Better Midsomer (:40) Midsomer "The Appear- Austin City "Vampire Bluegrass AChef's Nova "Looking forLife KAMU 415 12 (15) Country Easy Arts ur. (N) Bookmark Wildlife U "Lucero" Left Dead" 'TV14' Murders Flying Club" 'TVPG' ances Weekend"'TVPG' Under Life on Mars" 'TVG' (3:00) NCAA Basketball Floridaat Beautiful Weekend News 3at Bucket FBI "Salvation" 'TV14' FBI: MostWanted 48 Hours 'TVPG' News 3 (:35) The (:05) NCIS:NO "Dead (:05) Castle KBTX 5350 (3) Kentucky (L) 'TVG' Homes News (N) 6Sat. (N) List (N) "Ironbound"'TV14' (N) Song (N) ManCalling" 'TV14' "Watershed"'TVPG' Friends Friends Friends Mike& Mike & Twoand a Twoand a Superman ClarkKentand Lois Legacy- ABC 13 Eyewitness Amer.Ninja "Denver AmericanNinja "Las ABC 13 Eyewitness KIAH --- (39) Molly Molly Half Men Half Men Laneraise their twosons. 'TV14' OfHope (N) 'TVG' City Finals" 2/2 'TVPG' Vegas Finals"'TVPG' 'TVG' (1:30) Golf WGC:Mexico Texas- NBC News Paid Wheel of Young Kenan Weakest Link 'TVPG' Saturday Night Live AggieSp- Saturday Night Live (L) 'TV14' Paid Open KAGS 623 - (23) Championship (L) 'TVG' Reporter (N) Program Fortune Rock 'TV14' ortsShow Program House (3:00) FatalAttraction (‘87, Thril) Small TMZ Central Central Consumer Consumer Family Family Comedy.TV 'TVPG' Kickin'ItWith Byron Jewelry Television KYLE 11 - - <+++ (28) GlennClose, MichaelDouglas.'TVMA' Town (N) (N) Corner Corner Feud Feud Allen 'TVPG' 'TVG' (3.2) KBTXDT2 8-- (3:00) ET BroadwayGrill Last ManLastMan BigBang BigBang Superman &Lois 'TV14' Legacy FriendsFriends SeinfeldSeinfeldFam.Guy Fam.Guy BobBrgBobBrg (2:00) Paid Paid Paid News (N) News (N) Texas Count- NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Brooklyn Nets Site: 25 News (:35) WeatherGone (:35) In (:05) This (:35) Judy KRHD 940 - (40) Basketb. Program Program Program Voice's down (L) Barclays Center -- Brooklyn, N.Y. (L) 'TVG' KRHD (N) Viral 'TVPG' Depth (N) Minute (62) UNI 17 402 270 (2:55) Me Caigo de Risa :55 Vecinos :25 Notice :55 Corazón :25 Corazón (:55) MFL Fútbol Pach./Amer.(L) 'TVG' (:55) MFL Fútbol Cruz Azul at León (L) 'TVG' Guapos NoticieroMás Noche (3:00) Overcoming Anxiety 'TVG' Magic Moments Performers includeMel Dolly Parton/Friends Acelebration of the CountryMusic Explore styles that have Overcoming Anxiety Dr. DanielAmenshows KUHT 20 - - (8) Carter andthe Chordettes. 'TVG' legend's 50 yearsat the Opry. 'TVPG' defined country music. 'TVPG' how to tamethe hidden dragons.'TVG' KWKT/ Hoops NCAA Basketball Creighton at Xavier Site: Mom MomBoxing PremierChampionsSite: Shrine Fox 44 News at 9:00 ICan See Your Voice Modern Modern Two and a Two and a (44) 744 44 KYLE-DT2 Extra (L) Cintas Center -- Cincinnati,Ohio(L) 'TVG' Auditorium and Expo Hall (L) 'TV14' p.m. (N)'TVG' 'TVPG' Family Family Half Men Half Men WGN 85 307 239 3: BlueB. Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods "Identity" NewsNation (L) (N) NewsNation (L) (N) NewsNation (L) (N) NewsNation NewsNationNewsNation TELE 21 - 26 Movie < PassageWest (‘51) John Payne. <+ The Texican (‘66, West) 'TVPG' <++ Showdown (‘63,Act) 'TVPG' <++ The GunsofFort Petticoat 'TVPG' < Day of the Evil Gun USA 55 242 105 (:35) <++ Transformers:The Last Knight (‘17, Act) Anthony Hopkins, Laura <+++ Avengers: Age of Ultron (‘15, Act) Scarlett Johansson, <+++ Twister (‘96, Act) BillPaxton, Jami Gertz, Helen (:35) Boss Haddock, MarkWahlberg.'TVPG' ChrisHemsworth, Robert Downey Jr..'TV14' Hunt.Storm chasers pursueseveral tornadoes. 'TVPG' CNN 50 202 200 (3:) News CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) StanleyTucci Stanley Tucci "Rome" Lincoln: Divided Lincoln "Rising Star" CNN Newsroom (N) FSSW 38 - - (3:) MMA Mixed MartialArts Stars Pre-game NHL Hockey Dallas vsTampa Bay (L) 'TVG' Postgame Stars Texans Insider Waves NHL Hockey DallasvsTampa Bay'TVG' SEC Network 40 611 (2:30) NCAA Basketb. SEC Now NCAA Basketball Tex.A&M/Mo.(L) 'TVG' SECNow NCAA Basketball Ala./MSSt. (L) 'TVG' SEC Now (N) SEC Now SEC Now Basket. ESPN 35 206 140 (3:00) NCAA Basketball (L)'TVG' NCAA Basketball LouisvilleatDuke(L) 'TVG'NCAA Basketball Baylor at Kansas(L) 'TVG' NCAA Basketball (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN2 36 209 144 (3:00) NCAA Basketball (L)'TVG' NCAA Basketball (L) 'TVG' NCAA Basketball (L) 'TVG' NCAA Basketball (L) 'TVG' Basketb. UFC Arch UFC UFC E! 77 236 114 (:45) <+++ FiftyShades Darker (‘17, Rom) 'TVMA' (:15) <++ FiftyShades Freed (‘18, Dra) 'TVMA' (:45) <+++ TheVow (‘12, Dra) 'TV14' Modern ModernSex &City Sex &City LIFE 30 252 108 3: < Drew Peterson: Untouch..
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