AA-183 Belvoir, (Scott's Plantation, Bellevoir, Belle Voir) Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 06-11-2004 {'ck~ \'l~ ~ . HT F 882 Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR f .'iTATE: (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Maryland COUNTY: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Anne Arundel INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER I DATE (Type all entries - complete applicable sections) I : D· NAME : COMMON: Belvoir ~---- -- ' --·--------·ANO/OR HISTORIC: Scott's Plantation; Bellevoir; Delle Voir -· • 12. LOCATION STREET ANC' NUMBER: Maryland Route 178 CITY OR TOWN: Crownsville STATE I CODE !COUNTY: I CODE Maryland 24 I Anne Arundel 003 I ·. I : 13~ CLASSfFICATION .. CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE OWNl'RSHIP STATUS (Check One) TO THE PUBLIC z Yes: 0 Qjstricf ~Building 0 Public Public Acquisition: ~Occupied 0 Restricted 0 Site 0 Structure ex Private 0 In Process D Unoccupied 0 Unrestricted Object 0 Both 0 Being Considered 0 Preservation work 0 0 ; t­ in progress [X No u ....PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) :::> '[JC Agricultural 0 Government 0 Park 0 Transportation 0 Comments 0:::: 0 Cammercial 0 Industrial ~ Private Residence 0 Other (Specify) t- 0 Educational 0 Military 0 Religious 0 Entertainment 0 Museum 0 Scientific PROPERTY : z f 4. OWNER OF : OWNER'S NAME: .. ~-I Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Coleman Rogers pi > STREET ANO NUMBER: Ii ~ w ~" Belvoir I-' w pi Cl TY OR TOWN: STATE: CODE ::i p.. Crownsville Maryland 24 (S:-tocATtoNOF t.EGALDESCRtPTION COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC: n Anne Arundel County Courthouse ~ ~ ::lz STREET ANO NUMBER: s:: ::l-1 ::s CD:' I Church Circle 0 Cl TY OR TOWN: STATE \~ CODE I-' / Annapolis Maryland 24 j6. Rf PRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS TITLE OF SURVEY: "'z Historic American Building Survey -I :n -n -< 0 DATE 0"' SURVEY: rn Federal State ~ County [Ji: Local 1 CH:;g 0 :/: ~ DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: c z ;: "U Library of Congress <D V> c STREET AND NUMBER: :n"' V> m a --- z STATE: r CITY OR TOWN: CODE >--->-- -< Dist. of Columbia 0 Washington 11 > -1 "' AA-183 (Check One) D Excellent IKJ Good LJ Fair LJ Deteriorated LJ Rulna CONDITION (Check One) (Check One) 0 Altered ~ Unaltered 0 Moved rn Original Site DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (If known) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The entrance to Belvoir is on the east side of Maryland Route 178, approximately half way between Crownsville and the intersection of the south end of Old River Road and Maryland Route 178. The house is at the cast s.ic'le of a 0.5 mile private lane. The architectural evolution of Belvoir illustrates the development of an early Maryland manor-type house of the late seventeenth century into a mid-eighteenth-century house. The early section with its unsophisticated stonework, and probable wooden chimney, was incorporated into an early Georgian garnbrel­ roof. This, in turn, was raised, expanded and remodeled into a mid-Georgian structure. The brick-block, as it stands (1970), is an example· of mid-eighteenth-century Maryland architecture; meanwhile the whole house shows constructional changes and m growth and reflects the stylistic changes imposed by its successive owners. m Belvoir, high above t~e Severn River, is a two-story z house built in the shape of a "squat T." The shank of the "T" is the earlier part and is a steep gambrel-roof structure, built of fieldstone with a Flemish bond brick end-wall and -i exterior chimney, Both brick-end and fieldstone have a slightl} ;;a projecting water table. The four windows in the end wall have c: segmental brick arches. There are two peaked dormers on each n side of the roof. The main portion of the house is all brick and incorporates that part of the earlier section which extends -i into the top of the "T". The bonding on the first story is English, while it is Flemish above the belt course. The second story has been added. The brickwork also shows that the south z section was added after the central portion; this is pointed to by the chimneys in each portion of the brick part. The older one is chunkier and more massive and at one time was partially an exterior chimney. The entrance porch is similar to that at Gunston Hall, Lorton, Virginia, with its English Baroque pediment with four columns and four pilasters. Resting on a c. 1920 base, the porch CTay be of that vintage. In 1920 a wooden, gambrel-roof wing was added at the west end. The cellar ceiling has been lowered and there are early fieldstone foundations. The interior radiates from an almost square central hall­ way which runs the width of the brick section whjqh is actually part of earlier house. The staircase ascends the south wall, turning back at a landing at the level of the middle of the entrance hall window thus making it a probably later addition. There is a room on either side of the entrance hall. Each is the width of the house and the room to the south is in the older section. (see continuation sheet) ~----- AA-183 [8. SIGNIFICANCE PERIOD (Checlr One or More aa Appropriate) 0 Pre-Columbion i 0 16th Century XJ 18th Century 0 20th Century 0 15th Century SQ 17th Century 0 19th Century SPECIFIC DATEISI (II Applicable and Known) AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Aboriginal 0 Education El Political D Urban Planning 0 Prehi&toric \J Engineering fl Religion/Phi- l-1 Other (SpedfvJ Ll Hi&torlc [_J lnduslry la•ophy D Agriculture 0 Invention Ll Science tzl Architecture 0 Londscape 0 Sculpture 0 Art Architecture D Socia I/Human- D Commerce 0 Literature itorian 0 Communications 0 Military D Theater 0 Conservation 0 Music D Transportation STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Belvoir's illustrious history includes General Rochambeau, Francis Scott Key, John Ross, Dr, Upton Scott, Colonel ~ayna­ dier and the Marquis de Lafayette; the Worthingtons, Fitzhughs and the Lees; the long·-gone Baltimore newspaper the Federal z Republican and a well-known contemporary (1970) Maryland architectural planner. 0 Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de Rochambeau (1725-1807), the famous general in the French Army, camped with his troops at Belvoir on Seotember 16 and 17, 1781. The army was en route to join George Washington in Yorktown, Virginia, for the final campaign of the American Revolution. Francis Scott Key, the author of "The Star-Spangled Banner," visited Belvoir in 1789, while a student at St. John's z College, Annapolis. Belvoir was the home of his great-grand­ father, John Ross (c. 1695-1766), Clerk of the Governor ls w Council. w Ann Arnold Ross Key, grandmother of Francis Scott Key, and his aunt, Elizabeth Ross Key Maynadier, are buried in the graveyard at Belvoir. The Maryland Chapter of the Colonial Dames have preserved these tombstones. John Ross (c .. 1695-1766) was the Clerk of the Governor's Council from 1729 until 1764, Deputy Agent for the Sixth Lord Baltimore, and an alderman for the city of Annapolis. In 1732 Richard Le\·.;ris, a Maryland schoolmaster, composed a poem which consoled .John Ross for the loss of Governor Benedict Leonard Calvert. In the mid 1730 1.s John Ross began buying large tracts of land surrounding the gambrel-roof 1690 house (in 1970 it is a wing of Belvoir). That portion forms the shank of the 1970 "T" shaped structure. Ross' principal land purchases for 1735 to 1736 included tracts patented during 1662-1663 to Nicholas Wyatt ( -1673), a 1649 emigrant from Virginia and a prom- inent Anne Arundel County Quaker. (see continuation sheet) AA-183 .J 9. MAJOR BlBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Mrs. Archibald Rogers, Belvoir, Anne Arundel County, Maryland documents and manuscripts. ~ecorders: William D. ~organ, Field Surveyor, and Nancy Miller, Historian, Maryland Historical Trust, P. O. Box 1704, Annapolis, Marylan<l 21404. 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