Volume 60 July 1993 of Washington A semiannual /ourncr/ of research devoted to Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology " x .'. y ~ / ^ '•".'"•' _,- ^ Supported in part by the -^"\~ .~^. ~ - Brayfon H: Ransom Memorial Jrust Fund •HOBERG, E. P., J. R. LICHTENFELS, AND P. A. PiLiTT. Synlophe of Cooperia neitzi (Trichostrongylidae: Cooperiinae) with Comments on'Viilval'inflations and Hy- •: --'-pa-trophy of Cuticiilar Ridges ambng the Triehostrorigylids ..... 1... .,..„•.........:.... 153 VILLARREAL, L. A. AND^M. D. \DAILEV. Synco&lium regaled sp. n. (Digenea: Syn- coeliidae) from the Branchial Cavity of the Oarfish (Regalecus glesne) .......-...i 162 GoLDBERG.cS. R., C. R. BuRSEY, AND R. L. JBEZY. Gastrointestinal Helminths of- Night Lizards, Genus Xantusia (Xantusiidae) .....i. ......; ,...,. 1^55 MeCALLiSTER, G. L. The%ffect of Temperature, pH, Sodium^Chloride, and Glucose x -on the Survival of Femaje Thelastoma bulhoesi (Nematoda; Oxyurata)..:. .--1 ^170 .;ELS, H. J^AND R. C. iKRECEK. ^Deyelppmentar Stages of a Smooth-Walled Filamentous Bacterium Associated \vith Equine Cyathostomes .^ ;..;™v............™......;.......i^ )174 BOWMAN, D. D., J. A. OAKS, AND R. B. GRIEVE. tJltrastructure of the infective-Stage Larva of Toxocarapanis (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea).....:;.!.,.. L...^..... L83 ^HOBERG, E. P., P.-Y. DAOUST, AND S. MCBURNEY. Bolbosoma capitaiuifir and Bol- -?. ' BosoiTfia sp. v(Acanthocephala) from Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) ( Stranded on Prince Edward Island, Canada ;.rl.:.....u 205' ABDUL-SALAM, J..AND B.'S. SREELATHA. Description, ahd^jSurface Topography of a. "~ Larval Didymozoid (Trematoda)"from Apogon.uninotatus (Aptigomdae) in Ku- wait Bay . .,,,..........,...^...~..^:......^..... .-j .•;- :'.. .^..-.. r\1 WARDLE, W. J. A New Zoogonid Cercarja (Trematoda: Digenea) from the Florida- Horse Conch, Pleuroploca gigantea, in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico ;......, 21;6 HOBERG, E. P., J. R. LICHTENFELS, AND P,~A. PILITT. Affiliation ~of Hyostrongylns rubidus (Nematodai Trichostrongylidae) with the Ostertagiinae, and Evaluation , , -; of the Synlophe and Other Structural Characters .,..:...,..... : J^uL -= 219 {Continued on Outside Back Cover) Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington J , ^ THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON x THE SOCIETY meets once a month from October through May for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasilology or related sciences. All interested persons are invited to attend. J- ^-- £ • Tefsons interested iii membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain application blanks in recentissues of THE JOURNAL. A year's subscription to the Journal is-included in the;annual dues. , _. y - ^ ^ \-'f • OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1993 President: RUTH M. KULSTAD " ,•"?--" Vice-President: MARK C. JENKINS Corresponding Secretary- Treasurer: . JOAN E. JACKSON /L Recording Secretary: EILEEN D. 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The original and two copies are required. Photocopies of drawings -may be submitted for review purposes but glossy prints of halftones are required; originals will be requested after acceptance of the manuscript. Papers are accepted with the understanding that they will he-published only in the Journal. 1 PREPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at the same time the corrected proof is returned to the EDITOR. ; /'„ :~1 '••- ~, -• -. ';;.• " •-.. J '• ,-• ^ i > AUTHORS'-CONTRIBUTIONS to publication costs ^(currently $40/pg for members, actual ^cost/ pg currentlyx$80, for non-members) will be billed by Allen Press and are payable to the SOCIETY. BACK VOLUMES ofjhe Journal are available. Inquiries concerning back lyolumes and current subscriptions should be directed to the business office. - ;; •_•. - ''< ''"";- - BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions -t>r back issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, % Allen Press, inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66D44, U.S.A. r, - \' ; •"'. EDITORIAL BOARD RALPH P. ECKERLIN, Edi|or V. ' 1993 1994 i ^ . ^' f- ' 1995 DWIGHT D. BOWMAN : /' ROY C. ANDERSON J: ,- DANIEL R. BROOKS RAYMOND H. FETTERER RAYMOND M. CABLE ,: v ERIC P. HOBERG WILLIAM F,-FONT~ RONALD PAYER , -; ROBIN M. OVERSTREET JOHN C. HOLMES A. MORGAN GOLDEN '.':, ! MARY H. PRITCHARD J. RALPH LICHTENFELS SHERMAN S. HENDRIX ROBERT L. RAUSCH JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ ROBIN N. HUETTEL HARLEY GrSHEFFIELD BRENT B.NICKOL - DANNY B. PENCE - DENNIS A. THONEY VASSILIOS THEODORIDES JOSEPH F. URBAN _ , : STEVE J. UPTON <, The Helminthological Society of Washington 1993-.f ISSN/1049-233X THIS PUBLICATION IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER, Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 60(2), 1993, pp. 153-161 Synlophe of Cooperia neitzi (Trichostrongylidae: Cooperiinae) with Comments on Vulval Inflations and Hypertrophy of Cuticular Ridges among the Trichostrongylids ERIC P. HOBERG, J. R. LlCHTENFELS, AND P. A. PlLITT United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Biosystematic Parasitology Laboratory, BARC East, Building 1180, 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 ABSTRACT: The synlophe of Cooperia neitzi is characterized by a closed pattern in the cervical region (most similar to C. punctata and C. pectinatd), a minuscule lateralmost ridge, 20 ridges at the level of the excretory pore and cervical papillae in males and females, and sequential addition of ridges laterally starting near the midbody (20 and 24 ridges at the midbody of males and females, respectively, with a maximum of approximately 32 adjacent to the copulatory bursa and vulva). The characteristic bilateral vulval fan in females has a consistent structure, being supported by a pair of hypertrophied ridges in each subdorsal field adjacent to the lateralmost ridge. Three species typical of bovids in sub-Saharan Africa (C. neitzi, C. verrucosa, and C. okapi) share the characters of minuscule lateralmost ridges, a closed cervical synlophe, and cuticular inflations at the level of vulva. Comparisons to other species of Cooperiinae (Parostertagia heterospiculum, Cooperia verrucosa, and Cooperia okapi) indicate homology in the bilateral and symmetrical structure of the vulval fans recognized in species of the subfamily. In contrast, it appears that the irregular and asymmetrical cuticular inflations reported or observed at the level of the vulva among certain Ostertagiinae (Longistrongylus spp., Mazamastrongylus spp., and Camelostrongylus mentulatus) have a fundamentally different configuration. It is suggested that vulval inflations in the Cooperiinae and Ostertagiinae had independent origins and thus are convergent. KEY WORDS: Cooperia spp., Cooperiinae, Ostertagiinae, Trichostrongylidae, synlophe, morphology. Cooperia neitzi Monnig, 1932, was described 1933; Gibbons, 1977, 1981; Hoberg and Lich- from kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros (Pallas)) in tenfels, 1992; Lichtenfels et al., 1993). Specifi- the Transvaal, South Africa (Monnig, 1932, cally, a requisite for the phylogenetic analysis of 1933). Travassos (1937) and Skrjabin et al. (1954) the trichostrongylids resides in determining the included this species in monographs on the homology for these and other characters among Trichostrongylidae but did not augment the de- the 6 subfamilies currently recognized as valid scription. Gibbons (1981) provided a redescrip- (see Gibbons and Khalil, 1982b; Durette-Desset, tion of males and females based on material from 1983; Hoberg and Lichtenfels, 1992). the type host in Zimbabwe. However, synoptic In the current study we describe the synlophe accounts of the synlophe are lacking, although in males and females of Cooperia neitzi. The some aspects including the disposition of ridges cervical synlophe is compared among C. neitzi ventrally and the form of prominent bilateral and those species of Cooperia previously eval- inflations at the level of the vulva in females were uated (Lichtenfels, 1977; Gibbons, 1981). Ad- depicted in the original description by Monnig ditionally, observations of the structure of vulval (1933), and Gibbons (1981) documented the inflations (based on transverse sections near the structure and numbers of ridges near the mid- level of the vulva) including position and rela- body. tionship to the synlophe are presented for C. neit- The current study arose from the necessity to zi, Mazamastrongylus sp., Longistrongylus sabie understand the structural basis for cuticular in- (Monnig,
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