Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Agricultural Economists

Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Agricultural Economists

PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS HELD AT TEEKKARIKYLA, OTANIEMI FINLAND 19-26 AUGUST 195 5 THE IMPLICATIONS OF TECHNICAL CHANGE IN AGRICULTURE LONDON OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK TORONTO 1956 A B (continued) FIRST ROW: Sinclair, S., Canada; Sinclair, Mrs., Canada; Moreau, R., France; Malassis, FOURTH Row: Dams, Th., Germa11y; Milthers, A., De11mark; Raup. P. 1\1., U.S.A.; L., France; Ackerman, J., U.S.A.; Klatzmann, J., France; Bolgov, A. V., U.S.S.R.; Mead, \Y/. R., G.B.; Naylor, P. E., G.B.; Reid, I. G., G.B.; Paton, A., G.B.; Magal­ Obolenskyj, K. P., U.S.S.R.; Tschernych, Y., Finland; Case, Mrs., U.S.A.; Taylor, haes, E. P., Brazil; Aktan, R., Turkry; Derteano, C., Peru; Beltran, C., Ve11ezuela; Mrs., U.S.A.; von Dietze, Mrs., Germany; Lietsamo, Miss, Finland. Ringer, K., Germa11y; Eskeland, A., Norway; Reisegg, F., Norway; Isaksen, F. I., Norway; Jarvi, V., Fi11la11d; Sturrock, F. G., G.B. SECOND ROW: Cepede, Mrs., France; Raez, A., Peru; Rodriguez, R., Costa Rica; Long, H. W., G:B.; Lon~, Mrs_., <;.B.; _Rau7henstein, E., U.S.A.; Rauch7nstein, Mrs., FIFTH ROW: Skovgaard, Mrs., De11mark; Skovgaard, K., De11mark; Rasmussen, K., U.S.A.; Ma Shih-an, Chma; L1 P1ng-ta1, Cluna; Jones, E.W. B., G.B.; Stippler, H. H., G.B.; Nou, J., Swede11; Berggren, B., Sweden; Astrand, H., Sweden; Holmstrom, S., U.S.A.; Jones, A., G.B.; Johnson, Mrs., U.S.A.; Jarvi, Mrs., Finland; Lindvall, Siveden; Krenz, R., U.S.A.; Thormodsaeter, A., Norway; Horring, J., Netherlands; Miss, Finland. Hoffmann, E., Germatry; Hoffmann, Mrs., Germany; Nash, Mrs., G.B.; Murray, Mrs., U.S.A.; Nash, E. F., G.B.; Bennett, L. G., G.B.; Bradford, L.A., U.S.A. THIRD ROW: Schifani, C., Ita!J; Platzer, F., Ita!J; Platzer, Mrs., Itaty; Damgard, K., s IXTH ROW: Fontell, H., Fi11land; Hetemaki, Miss, Finland; Anderson, C. A., U.S.A.; Denmark; Flores, E., Mexico; Sandilands, Miss, G.B.; Davies, J. L., G.B.; Smith, Lloyd, E. M. H., G.B.; Sutcliffe, P., G.B.; Sutcliffe, L. B., G.B.; Suomela, S., Finland; C. W., U.S.A.; Kalanti, Miss, Finland; Imper, A. D., G.B.; bgard, Miss, Finland; l\1aspetiol, R., France; Maspetiol, Mrs., France; l\1ilhau, J., France; Wynne, A. J., Honkanen, Mrs., Finland; Torhonen, Mrs., Finland; Lent, F. B., U.S.A. G.B.; Bhattacharje, J.P., India; Robinson, Mrs., U.S.A.; Robinson, K. L., U.S.A.; Buck, J. L., U.S.A.; Findlen, P. J., U.S.A.; Harma, R., Finland; Johnson, G. L., FOURTH ROW: Hooke, Miss, G.B.; Crump, Miss, G.B.; Akhtar, S. M., Pakistan; U.S.A. Huda, M. N., Pakistan; Evelpidi, Mrs., Greece; Bottum, J.C., U.S.A.; Bottum, Mrs., U.S.A.; Yajima, T., Japan; Williams, Miss, G.B.; Evelpidi, C., Greece; Hanau, A., SEVENTH ROW: Schultz, J. P., U.S.A.; Schultz, T. W., U.S.A.; Schultz, Mrs. Germairy; Hiini, A., S1vitzerla11d; Hiini, Mrs., S1vitzerland; Durtschi, E., Switzerla11d; U.S.A.; Maki, A., Finland; Palsanen, Mrs., Finland; Maki, Mrs., Finland; Suomela, Kullberg, Miss, Finland; Jutila, Miss, Finland. Mrs., Finland; Vesala, Miss, Finland; Dudman, R., G.B.; Whetham, Miss, G.B.; Andersson A., Siveden; Thomsen, C. C., Denmark; Thomsen, Mrs., Denmark; Cave, FIFTH ROW: Healey, D. T., G.B.; Healey, Mrs., G.B.; Chang-Ching-tai, China; Chen­ W. E., G.B.; Reason, P. M., G.B.; Haikala, E., Finland. Chih-sheng, Chi11a; Weber, Miss, Germa11y; von Arnim, V., Germany; Paetzmann, Germatry; Schiller, 0., Germatry; Mackenzie, W., Canada; Marshall, Mrs., Canada; Marshall, D. A. B., Canada; Kaarlehto, P., Fi11land; Baade, F., Germany; Stuuff, Ph., c France; van Hees, R., Netherlands; Aro, A., Finland. FIRST ROW: Guerrieri, Mrs., Ita!J; Guerrieri, G., Ita!J; Bellucci, V., Ita!J; di Cocco, E., Ita!J; Guerrizio, F., Ita!J; Patuelli, V., Ita!J; Navarru, G., Ita!J; Panattoni, A., SIXTH ROW: Johnston, L. E., U.S.A.; Venables, T., U.S.A.; Lund, B., Finland; Ita!J; Baade, Mrs., Germany. Osara, E., Finla11d; Tao-Tuing-tai, C:hina; Ihamuotila, M., Finland; Renborg, U., Sweden; Gulbrandsen, 0., Sweden; H1elm, L., Sweden; Almonacid, P. N., Argentina; SECOND ROW: Standertskjold, J., Finland; Fougstedt, Mrs., Finland; Fougstedt, G., Tablante, N. B., Philippines; Paarlberg, D., U.S.A.; Englund, Mrs., U.S.A.; Kaarlehto, Fi11land; Pihkala, K. U., Finla11d; Baptist, Mrs., Belgium; Stensgard, A. H., Sweden; Mrs., Finland; Posada, Mrs., Colomba; Posada, A.]., Colombia; Jarvi, Miss, Finland. Misawa, T., Japan; Ohkawa, K., Japan; Westermarck, Mrs., Finland; Jutila, Mrs., Finland; Currie, Mrs., G.B.; Richartz, H., Germany; Richartz, Mrs., Germany. SEVENTH ROW: Bellerby, J. R., G.B.; Britton, D. K., F.A.O.; Rhee, M.A., Switzer­ land; Buddemeier, W. D., U.S.A.; Myers, M., U.S.A.; Jokinen, Miss, Finland; Myers, THIRD ROW: v. Kleinschmit, E., Germatry; Chonchol, J., Chile; Fernandez y Fer­ H. L., U.S.A.; Butler, I. A., Australia; Richardson, J., Australia; van Setten, A., nandez, R., Mexico; Ledesma, F., Mexico; Ledesma, Mrs., 1V1exico; Carone, Miss, Cuba; Germairy; Ewald, Miss, Germany; Pedersen, J., Denmark; Jennings, R. D., U.S.A.; Arteaga, J., Cuba; Michieli, I., Ita!J; Minervini, M., Ita!J; Agostini, D., Ita!J; Englund, E., U.S.A.; Raatikainen, M., Finland; Haavisto, H., Finland. Nazario, L.A., Puerto Rico; de la Pena, H.F., Mexico; Napolitan, L., G.B.; Phillips, J. R. E., C.R.; Derwael, F., Belgium; Klauder, G., Germany. FOURTH ROW: Bergmann, D., France; Bergmann, Mrs., France; Black, G. K. R., G.B.; Schultz, Miss, U.S.A.; Crick, Miss, U.S.A.; Mantere, Miss, Finland; Jarvi, Miss, B Finland; Lindberg,]., Finland; Oksanen, E. H., Finland; Bird, A. R., G.B.; Beynon, FIRST ROW: von Dietze, C., Germa1ry; Young, E. C., U.S.A.; Jacobsen, A. P., Den­ V. H., G.B.; Harrison, J.E., G.B.; Morris, S. T., G.B.; Nymalm, T., Finla11d; Wana­ mark; Cepede, 1':'f·, France; Duncan, J. F. G.B.; Westermarck, N., Finland; Thomas, maker, C. E., U.S.A.; Fock, D., Germany. E., G.B.; Elmh1rst, L. K., G.B.; Case, H. C. M., U.S.A.; Taylor, H. C., U.S.A.; FIFTH ROW: Bradford, Mrs., U.S.A.; Tinley, J.M., U.S.A.; Halcrow, H., U.S.A.; Mantere, S., Finland; Benavides, 0., Costa Rica; Brandiio, E. D., Brazil; Baptist, A., Wibberley, C. P., G.B.; Clark, C. G.B,; Nutt. J. W., G.B.; Griffiths, D. ]., G.B.;. Belgium; Minderhoud, G., Netherlands; Sen, S. R., India. Sykes, J. D., G.B.; Grabo, P., Sweden; vonMalmborg, G., Sweden; Aziz, Mrs., Malaya; Aziz, U., Malaya; Burr, H., G.B.; Maris, A., Netherlands; de Widt, R. A., Netherlands, SECOND ROW: Dieck, Herr, Germany; Young, Mrs., U.S.A.; Otis,J.R., U.S.A.;Aviles­ Cordero, I., Puerto Rico; Blake, J. K., G.B.; Raeburn, J. R., G.B.; de Lozada, A. S., SIXTH Row: Jones, J. 0., G.B.; Swerling, B., U.S.A.; Pedersen, H. A., U.S.A.; Bolivia; Johnson, S., U.S.A.; Currie, J. R., G.B.; Niehaus, H., Germany; Booth, J. F., Jorgensen, Chr., De11mark; Moller, B. K., Denmark; Ciarrocca, Mrs., Ita!J; Ciarrocca, Canada; Murray, W. G., U.S.A.; Aresvik, 0., Norway; Mihailovic, K., Yugoslavia. V., Ita!J; Stanton, Mrs., U.S.A.; Stanton, B. F., U.S.A.; Smith, Mrs., U.S.A.; Smith, M. G., U.S.A;; Heinrichs, H., Fi11/and; Sambergs, A., S1veden; Himanka, H., Fi11land; THIRD Row: Richter, L., Germany; Hirsch, G. P., G.B.; Brown, J. S., U.S.A.; af Heurlin, Mrs., Fi11/and; af Heurlin, L. 0., Fi11land. Kristof, M., Yugoslavia; Krafovec, S., Yugoslavia; Turk, R., Yugoslavia; Desai, M. B., SEVENTH ROW: Robertson, C. J., G.B.; Scola, P. M., G.B.; Meenen, Mrs., U.S.A. India; Jakhade, V. M., India; Thomas, W. J., G.B.; Smith, J. H., G.B.; Colon-Torres, Meenen, H. ]., U.S.A.; Luxton, H. W. B., G.B.; Mantere, Mrs., Finland; Lusternik, R., Puerto Rico; Bisset, G. B., G.B.; Montafies, C. S., Colombia; Lee, Shison C., For­ Mrs., France; O'Brien, Mrs., G.B.; Dorier, E., Switzerland; Lombard, l\1iss, France; mosa; J\forales, J. 0., Puerto Rico; Morales, Mrs., Puerto Rico; Turner, Mrs., Canada; Longerich, W., Germa11y; Frostenson, Mrs., Sweden; Frostenson, G., Sweden; Dixey, Turner, A., Canada. Mrs., G.B.; Boyer-Spoof, Miss, Fi11land. PERSONS WHO ATTENDED THE CONFERENCE, BUT WHO DO NOT APPEAR IN THE PHOTOGRAPH Brazil: Ettori, 0. China: Tai-Ken, Miss. Cuba: White, B. Finland: Annila, M.; Frostell, H.; Heikinheimo, L.; Holopainen, V.; Jutila, K. T.; Korpela, E. J.; Oila, E.; Pernu, Mrs. A.; Pihkala, R.; Reinikainen, A. S.; Saari, E.; Sipila, M.; Vaisanen, P.; Virkkunen, V.; Virtamo, A.; Vory, ]. Germany: Ewald, Miss U.; Gretzer, W.; Rolfes, M. G.B.: Bisset, G. B.; Dixey, R. N.; Hiley, W. E.; MacGregor, J. ].; Thomas, A. S. India: Viswanathan, K. Ita!J: Bandini, M.; Barbero, G.; Gaetani d' Aragona; Medici, G.; Virone, L. E. Poland: Galaj, D.; Vielburski, R. Sweden: Streyffert, T. U.S.A.: Larsen, H.; Morris, W. H. M. U.S.S.R.: Korbut, L. A.; Putschnikov. F.A.O.: Cardon,P.V.; Kalkkinen,E.AsiaFoundation: Lee, S. S.Interpreters: Ita!J: Lombard, Miss; Lusternik, Miss. France: Wagner, Miss. Germatry: Longerich, Mr. Sweden: Bidmade, Mr. U.K.: O'Brien, Mrs. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS President: Dr. L. K. ELMHIRST, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, England. Executive Vice-President: Professor EDGAR THOMAS, University of Reading, England. General Secretary-treasurer: Dr. H. C. M. CASE, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. Honorary Secretary: Mr. ]. R. CuRRIE, Wingett, Dartington, Totnes, Devon, England.

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