PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS HELD AT TEEKKARIKYLA, OTANIEMI FINLAND 19-26 AUGUST 195 5 THE IMPLICATIONS OF TECHNICAL CHANGE IN AGRICULTURE LONDON OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK TORONTO 1956 A B (continued) FIRST ROW: Sinclair, S., Canada; Sinclair, Mrs., Canada; Moreau, R., France; Malassis, FOURTH Row: Dams, Th., Germa11y; Milthers, A., De11mark; Raup. P. 1\1., U.S.A.; L., France; Ackerman, J., U.S.A.; Klatzmann, J., France; Bolgov, A. V., U.S.S.R.; Mead, \Y/. R., G.B.; Naylor, P. E., G.B.; Reid, I. G., G.B.; Paton, A., G.B.; Magal­ Obolenskyj, K. P., U.S.S.R.; Tschernych, Y., Finland; Case, Mrs., U.S.A.; Taylor, haes, E. P., Brazil; Aktan, R., Turkry; Derteano, C., Peru; Beltran, C., Ve11ezuela; Mrs., U.S.A.; von Dietze, Mrs., Germany; Lietsamo, Miss, Finland. Ringer, K., Germa11y; Eskeland, A., Norway; Reisegg, F., Norway; Isaksen, F. I., Norway; Jarvi, V., Fi11la11d; Sturrock, F. G., G.B. SECOND ROW: Cepede, Mrs., France; Raez, A., Peru; Rodriguez, R., Costa Rica; Long, H. W., G:B.; Lon~, Mrs_., <;.B.; _Rau7henstein, E., U.S.A.; Rauch7nstein, Mrs., FIFTH ROW: Skovgaard, Mrs., De11mark; Skovgaard, K., De11mark; Rasmussen, K., U.S.A.; Ma Shih-an, Chma; L1 P1ng-ta1, Cluna; Jones, E.W. B., G.B.; Stippler, H. H., G.B.; Nou, J., Swede11; Berggren, B., Sweden; Astrand, H., Sweden; Holmstrom, S., U.S.A.; Jones, A., G.B.; Johnson, Mrs., U.S.A.; Jarvi, Mrs., Finland; Lindvall, Siveden; Krenz, R., U.S.A.; Thormodsaeter, A., Norway; Horring, J., Netherlands; Miss, Finland. Hoffmann, E., Germatry; Hoffmann, Mrs., Germany; Nash, Mrs., G.B.; Murray, Mrs., U.S.A.; Nash, E. F., G.B.; Bennett, L. G., G.B.; Bradford, L.A., U.S.A. THIRD ROW: Schifani, C., Ita!J; Platzer, F., Ita!J; Platzer, Mrs., Itaty; Damgard, K., s IXTH ROW: Fontell, H., Fi11land; Hetemaki, Miss, Finland; Anderson, C. A., U.S.A.; Denmark; Flores, E., Mexico; Sandilands, Miss, G.B.; Davies, J. L., G.B.; Smith, Lloyd, E. M. H., G.B.; Sutcliffe, P., G.B.; Sutcliffe, L. B., G.B.; Suomela, S., Finland; C. W., U.S.A.; Kalanti, Miss, Finland; Imper, A. D., G.B.; bgard, Miss, Finland; l\1aspetiol, R., France; Maspetiol, Mrs., France; l\1ilhau, J., France; Wynne, A. J., Honkanen, Mrs., Finland; Torhonen, Mrs., Finland; Lent, F. B., U.S.A. G.B.; Bhattacharje, J.P., India; Robinson, Mrs., U.S.A.; Robinson, K. L., U.S.A.; Buck, J. L., U.S.A.; Findlen, P. J., U.S.A.; Harma, R., Finland; Johnson, G. L., FOURTH ROW: Hooke, Miss, G.B.; Crump, Miss, G.B.; Akhtar, S. M., Pakistan; U.S.A. Huda, M. N., Pakistan; Evelpidi, Mrs., Greece; Bottum, J.C., U.S.A.; Bottum, Mrs., U.S.A.; Yajima, T., Japan; Williams, Miss, G.B.; Evelpidi, C., Greece; Hanau, A., SEVENTH ROW: Schultz, J. P., U.S.A.; Schultz, T. W., U.S.A.; Schultz, Mrs. Germairy; Hiini, A., S1vitzerla11d; Hiini, Mrs., S1vitzerland; Durtschi, E., Switzerla11d; U.S.A.; Maki, A., Finland; Palsanen, Mrs., Finland; Maki, Mrs., Finland; Suomela, Kullberg, Miss, Finland; Jutila, Miss, Finland. Mrs., Finland; Vesala, Miss, Finland; Dudman, R., G.B.; Whetham, Miss, G.B.; Andersson A., Siveden; Thomsen, C. C., Denmark; Thomsen, Mrs., Denmark; Cave, FIFTH ROW: Healey, D. T., G.B.; Healey, Mrs., G.B.; Chang-Ching-tai, China; Chen­ W. E., G.B.; Reason, P. M., G.B.; Haikala, E., Finland. Chih-sheng, Chi11a; Weber, Miss, Germa11y; von Arnim, V., Germany; Paetzmann, Germatry; Schiller, 0., Germatry; Mackenzie, W., Canada; Marshall, Mrs., Canada; Marshall, D. A. B., Canada; Kaarlehto, P., Fi11land; Baade, F., Germany; Stuuff, Ph., c France; van Hees, R., Netherlands; Aro, A., Finland. FIRST ROW: Guerrieri, Mrs., Ita!J; Guerrieri, G., Ita!J; Bellucci, V., Ita!J; di Cocco, E., Ita!J; Guerrizio, F., Ita!J; Patuelli, V., Ita!J; Navarru, G., Ita!J; Panattoni, A., SIXTH ROW: Johnston, L. E., U.S.A.; Venables, T., U.S.A.; Lund, B., Finland; Ita!J; Baade, Mrs., Germany. Osara, E., Finla11d; Tao-Tuing-tai, C:hina; Ihamuotila, M., Finland; Renborg, U., Sweden; Gulbrandsen, 0., Sweden; H1elm, L., Sweden; Almonacid, P. N., Argentina; SECOND ROW: Standertskjold, J., Finland; Fougstedt, Mrs., Finland; Fougstedt, G., Tablante, N. B., Philippines; Paarlberg, D., U.S.A.; Englund, Mrs., U.S.A.; Kaarlehto, Fi11land; Pihkala, K. U., Finla11d; Baptist, Mrs., Belgium; Stensgard, A. H., Sweden; Mrs., Finland; Posada, Mrs., Colomba; Posada, A.]., Colombia; Jarvi, Miss, Finland. Misawa, T., Japan; Ohkawa, K., Japan; Westermarck, Mrs., Finland; Jutila, Mrs., Finland; Currie, Mrs., G.B.; Richartz, H., Germany; Richartz, Mrs., Germany. SEVENTH ROW: Bellerby, J. R., G.B.; Britton, D. K., F.A.O.; Rhee, M.A., Switzer­ land; Buddemeier, W. D., U.S.A.; Myers, M., U.S.A.; Jokinen, Miss, Finland; Myers, THIRD ROW: v. Kleinschmit, E., Germatry; Chonchol, J., Chile; Fernandez y Fer­ H. L., U.S.A.; Butler, I. A., Australia; Richardson, J., Australia; van Setten, A., nandez, R., Mexico; Ledesma, F., Mexico; Ledesma, Mrs., 1V1exico; Carone, Miss, Cuba; Germairy; Ewald, Miss, Germany; Pedersen, J., Denmark; Jennings, R. D., U.S.A.; Arteaga, J., Cuba; Michieli, I., Ita!J; Minervini, M., Ita!J; Agostini, D., Ita!J; Englund, E., U.S.A.; Raatikainen, M., Finland; Haavisto, H., Finland. Nazario, L.A., Puerto Rico; de la Pena, H.F., Mexico; Napolitan, L., G.B.; Phillips, J. R. E., C.R.; Derwael, F., Belgium; Klauder, G., Germany. FOURTH ROW: Bergmann, D., France; Bergmann, Mrs., France; Black, G. K. R., G.B.; Schultz, Miss, U.S.A.; Crick, Miss, U.S.A.; Mantere, Miss, Finland; Jarvi, Miss, B Finland; Lindberg,]., Finland; Oksanen, E. H., Finland; Bird, A. R., G.B.; Beynon, FIRST ROW: von Dietze, C., Germa1ry; Young, E. C., U.S.A.; Jacobsen, A. P., Den­ V. H., G.B.; Harrison, J.E., G.B.; Morris, S. T., G.B.; Nymalm, T., Finla11d; Wana­ mark; Cepede, 1':'f·, France; Duncan, J. F. G.B.; Westermarck, N., Finland; Thomas, maker, C. E., U.S.A.; Fock, D., Germany. E., G.B.; Elmh1rst, L. K., G.B.; Case, H. C. M., U.S.A.; Taylor, H. C., U.S.A.; FIFTH ROW: Bradford, Mrs., U.S.A.; Tinley, J.M., U.S.A.; Halcrow, H., U.S.A.; Mantere, S., Finland; Benavides, 0., Costa Rica; Brandiio, E. D., Brazil; Baptist, A., Wibberley, C. P., G.B.; Clark, C. G.B,; Nutt. J. W., G.B.; Griffiths, D. ]., G.B.;. Belgium; Minderhoud, G., Netherlands; Sen, S. R., India. Sykes, J. D., G.B.; Grabo, P., Sweden; vonMalmborg, G., Sweden; Aziz, Mrs., Malaya; Aziz, U., Malaya; Burr, H., G.B.; Maris, A., Netherlands; de Widt, R. A., Netherlands, SECOND ROW: Dieck, Herr, Germany; Young, Mrs., U.S.A.; Otis,J.R., U.S.A.;Aviles­ Cordero, I., Puerto Rico; Blake, J. K., G.B.; Raeburn, J. R., G.B.; de Lozada, A. S., SIXTH Row: Jones, J. 0., G.B.; Swerling, B., U.S.A.; Pedersen, H. A., U.S.A.; Bolivia; Johnson, S., U.S.A.; Currie, J. R., G.B.; Niehaus, H., Germany; Booth, J. F., Jorgensen, Chr., De11mark; Moller, B. K., Denmark; Ciarrocca, Mrs., Ita!J; Ciarrocca, Canada; Murray, W. G., U.S.A.; Aresvik, 0., Norway; Mihailovic, K., Yugoslavia. V., Ita!J; Stanton, Mrs., U.S.A.; Stanton, B. F., U.S.A.; Smith, Mrs., U.S.A.; Smith, M. G., U.S.A;; Heinrichs, H., Fi11/and; Sambergs, A., S1veden; Himanka, H., Fi11land; THIRD Row: Richter, L., Germany; Hirsch, G. P., G.B.; Brown, J. S., U.S.A.; af Heurlin, Mrs., Fi11/and; af Heurlin, L. 0., Fi11land. Kristof, M., Yugoslavia; Krafovec, S., Yugoslavia; Turk, R., Yugoslavia; Desai, M. B., SEVENTH ROW: Robertson, C. J., G.B.; Scola, P. M., G.B.; Meenen, Mrs., U.S.A. India; Jakhade, V. M., India; Thomas, W. J., G.B.; Smith, J. H., G.B.; Colon-Torres, Meenen, H. ]., U.S.A.; Luxton, H. W. B., G.B.; Mantere, Mrs., Finland; Lusternik, R., Puerto Rico; Bisset, G. B., G.B.; Montafies, C. S., Colombia; Lee, Shison C., For­ Mrs., France; O'Brien, Mrs., G.B.; Dorier, E., Switzerland; Lombard, l\1iss, France; mosa; J\forales, J. 0., Puerto Rico; Morales, Mrs., Puerto Rico; Turner, Mrs., Canada; Longerich, W., Germa11y; Frostenson, Mrs., Sweden; Frostenson, G., Sweden; Dixey, Turner, A., Canada. Mrs., G.B.; Boyer-Spoof, Miss, Fi11land. PERSONS WHO ATTENDED THE CONFERENCE, BUT WHO DO NOT APPEAR IN THE PHOTOGRAPH Brazil: Ettori, 0. China: Tai-Ken, Miss. Cuba: White, B. Finland: Annila, M.; Frostell, H.; Heikinheimo, L.; Holopainen, V.; Jutila, K. T.; Korpela, E. J.; Oila, E.; Pernu, Mrs. A.; Pihkala, R.; Reinikainen, A. S.; Saari, E.; Sipila, M.; Vaisanen, P.; Virkkunen, V.; Virtamo, A.; Vory, ]. Germany: Ewald, Miss U.; Gretzer, W.; Rolfes, M. G.B.: Bisset, G. B.; Dixey, R. N.; Hiley, W. E.; MacGregor, J. ].; Thomas, A. S. India: Viswanathan, K. Ita!J: Bandini, M.; Barbero, G.; Gaetani d' Aragona; Medici, G.; Virone, L. E. Poland: Galaj, D.; Vielburski, R. Sweden: Streyffert, T. U.S.A.: Larsen, H.; Morris, W. H. M. U.S.S.R.: Korbut, L. A.; Putschnikov. F.A.O.: Cardon,P.V.; Kalkkinen,E.AsiaFoundation: Lee, S. S.Interpreters: Ita!J: Lombard, Miss; Lusternik, Miss. France: Wagner, Miss. Germatry: Longerich, Mr. Sweden: Bidmade, Mr. U.K.: O'Brien, Mrs. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS President: Dr. L. K. ELMHIRST, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, England. Executive Vice-President: Professor EDGAR THOMAS, University of Reading, England. General Secretary-treasurer: Dr. H. C. M. CASE, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. Honorary Secretary: Mr. ]. R. CuRRIE, Wingett, Dartington, Totnes, Devon, England.
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