The University of Hull Annual Report 2013 - 14 Annual Report 2013 - 14 1 The University of Hull Annual Report 2013 - 14 The University of Hull Annual Report 2013 - 14 Contents Foreword from the Chancellor 4 A message from the Chair of Council 5 Vice-Chancellor’s strategic overview 6 An anchor institution for our communities 8 13/ Creating global impact through internationalisation 10 Teaching and learning to deliver employable graduates 12 Pride in our people 14 Creating an outstanding student experience 18 Research and enterprise 20 14 Financial data 24 Student profile 28 Institutional profile 30 Acknowledgements 31 Students are always at the heart of the University. Our aspirations, for them and us as an institution, are high. Throughout the financial year, 2013 - 2014, we are proud to have achieved a great deal. In this report, we are looking back over that period, but now in 2015, we are looking at every opportunity to increase quality through continued innovation. 2 3 The University of Hull Annual Report 2013 - 14 The University of Hull Annual Report 2013 - 14 Foreword A message from the from the Chancellor Chair of Council In 1954, Hull’s Queen’s Gardens rang out to As an anchor institution, the University The higher education sector, the roles In 2013 - 14 the University achieved a specially composed calypso. According of Hull is an engaged and flourishing that universities take in the world beyond an operating surplus of £9.8 million, to the Hull Daily Mail’s plauditory report, university that contributes in so many ways and the challenges that they face have representing 5.4% of its turnover. This “ 2013 - 14 marks students in “tearing high spirits” celebrated to its wider environment. Hull’s designation “ I join the changed almost beyond recognition since strong financial performance enabled an 60 years of local, the Royal Charter that established Hull as as UK City of Culture 2017 is a wonderful Chancellor in the University received its Royal Charter in investment of £27.3 million in capital England’s 14th independent university with opportunity for the city and indeed also 1954. As Chair of the University’s Council, I projects, an increase of £9.1 million over the regional and the power to grant degrees and honorary the University. We look forward to making celebrating our am proud of the dynamic, outward-looking previous year. This represents the beginning degrees. a major contribution to the delivery of institution that the University of of an exciting new investment plan that will increasingly global, the programme. I am delighted that the achievements, Hull has become. see the University invest significantly in the cultural and The University has never rested on its organisers have paid warm tribute to the traditions and next five years. laurels. While they would recognise many University of Hull’s significant contribution There has already been much to celebrate economic influence of our historic buildings, the scale, scope to this city’s successful bid for the event. ambitions for during 2013 - 14, my first full year as Chair I thank the Vice-Chancellor, members of the and forward thinking of today’s institution of Council. Exciting physical landmarks such Executive, and all other members of staff for the University would no doubt delight and stagger the Let me take this opportunity to congratulate the future.” as the redeveloped Brynmor Jones Library for their hard work and successes of Hull.” class of 1954. Student numbers in the 1952 the Vice-Chancellor, staff and students represent a powerful statement of intent during the year. - 53 session stood at 791. In summer 2014, wholeheartedly on another successful for this University’s future and are already I was proud to take part in graduation year for the University of Hull. We all look making a difference to what it can deliver. The University has acted decisively to ceremonies that marked a significant forward to the unfolding of exciting plans They are a tangible example of how today’s position itself for future growth, developing milestone for some 3,500 students. They for the future. University is investing strategically in the exciting strategies to increase student joined us from across the UK and from tools, technology, people and environment employability and reviewing how its dozens of different countries around the The Rt Hon the Baroness Bottomley of needed to genuinely ‘go beyond’. curriculum is delivered. Looking ahead, world; all contributing to the unique spirit Nettlestone DL the University’s strategy will continue to of the University of Hull. Chancellor of the University of Hull We must also celebrate the strides that respond to our changing environment and we made in 2013 - 14 towards enhancing I very much look forward to working with We are rightly proud of the excellent the University’s performance. I applaud staff, students, alumni and colleagues on student experience that our graduands the improvements we have made in many the Council to support the University of enjoy. I hope that you join me in paying areas during the year, such as student/staff Hull in becoming a gateway to the world tribute to the dedicated staff who strive ratios and undergraduate achievement. At and in its endeavour to ‘go beyond’ in consistently to deliver excellence and the same time we must remain vigilant to everything it seeks to achieve. continuously develop and improve improve our performance across the board. education, intellectual enquiry and We will continue to measure our progress Barry Dodd CBE enterprise at the University of Hull. as we pursue further enhancements in the Chair of the University Council years ahead. 4 5 The University of Hull Annual Report 2013 - 14 The University of Hull Annual Report 2013 - 14 commitment to this role is also illustrated the Medical School and the development essence be an investment-driven ‘change plan’, by our support for SMEs and entrepreneurs of the west campus as a health hub, designed to bring about step change. As a as well as our alignment of core activities in new residences on the campus and the university we operate in a very competitive and Vice-Chancellor’s learning, teaching, research and enterprise with refurbishment of Middleton Hall to create a constantly evolving environment, to which we growth areas and local industry needs. The world-class auditorium. Although infrastructural must continually adjust whilst simultaneously University continues to contribute in a number investments are essential if we are to deliver pursuing our strategic objectives. We are on a of ways to regional economic growth and the the learning and research environment that our journey and much remains to be done, but the strategic overview enhancement of quality of life. We seek to students and staff want, it is the investment internationally engaged, dynamic institution ensure that our surrounding regions benefit in the student experience, people, academic that we are taking forward today is something from our presence and activities. The key to initiatives and partnerships that will make the that all of our students, staff, alumni, donors delivering greater benefits for our environs, difference. and supporters can be proud of. All of these beyond the influence of a regional institution, people have made massive contributions and is our global reputation. International No overview relating to 2013 - 14 in higher have helped shape our direction of travel for During 2013 - 14 we enjoyed many successes recognition, competitiveness, reputation and education would be complete without reference the future. I am sure that they will continue to at the University of Hull as we continued stature are key to being a successful anchor to the Research Excellence Framework 2014 do so, and am truly grateful for the input and institution. Internationalisation forms a key (REF2014), a national research assessment hard work of all involved. to work towards achieving our long-term part of the Strategic Plan (2011 - 15), and much exercise. It was during 2013 - 14 that institutions energy has been devoted to this important across the sector made their submissions, I also would like to take this opportunity to vision articulated in 2011. Our Strategic aspect of the University’s activities. and the results, released in December 2014, specifically thank the Chancellor, the Chair of will be influential in determining institutions’ Council and other members of the Council for Plan (2011 - 15) has steered the University The impact of all of these initiatives spawned research stature and income until the next REF their leadership, commitment and support. through a challenging and tumultuous by the Strategic Plan (2011 - 15) is already in 2020. We made significant investments in being felt across the University and they strengthening our research and these were I hope that this report will give you an insight period in higher education. It has set us on will, collectively, be truly transformative. Our reflected in the REF results. into how the University of Hull progressed investments are already visible across the during 2013 - 14 and that you enjoy reading a new trajectory and generated a wealth of campus – for example, in the redeveloped As the Strategic Plan 2011 - 15 draws to a about our year. Brynmor Jones Library. More exciting close, we are already initiating the next phase new initiatives across the institution. Professor Calie Pistorius developments will be progressed in the of our strategy (2016 - 20), which will continue Vice-Chancellor coming years, including a new building for to build on the change momentum we have generated. The Strategic Plan (2016 - 20) will in The Strategic Plan (2011 - 15) indicated the reinforcing our existing disciplinary strengths. higher education offer on the campus by need for step change. As a result, a number of They will generate a competitive advantage establishing a Scarborough-centric institution, change initiatives have been developed and for the University by enhancing our ability to thereby ensuring that Scarborough remains progressed.
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