ENJOY DINNER AT ICCARA ITALIAN BISTRO COFFEE, BAGELS, SANDWICHES & MORE AT & SEAFOOD IN CAPE MAY • SEE PAGE 18 THE WILD FOX CAFE • SEE PAGE 24 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS TV C SPORTSTrash talk TV C SPORTS By George Dickie 7) Who once hit a free throw with Trash histalk eyes closed and announced to the opposing team’s rookie Trash talk ByQuestions: George Dickie 7) Who once hit a free throw with By George Dickie 7) Who once hit a free throw with 1) In 2009, New York Jets free hiscenter, eyes closed“Welcome and toannounced the NBA”? his eyes closed and announced to8) the What opposing quarterback team’s “guaranrookie - Questions:safety Kerry Rhodes was quoted Questions: to the opposing team’s rookie 1)as In saying 2009, heNew wanted York Jetsto “embar free - center,teed” victory“Welcome for histo the team NBA”? in Su- center, “Welcome to the NBA”? 8) What quarterback “guaran- 1) In 2009, New York Jets free safetyrass” Kerryan upcoming Rhodes AFCwas Eastquoted op - per Bowl III? 8) What quarterback “guaran- teed” victory for his team in Su- safety Kerry Rhodes was quoted asponent. saying Name he wanted the opponent. to “embar- 9) What heavyweight champ teed” victory for his team in Su- per Bowl III? as saying he wanted to “embar- rass”2) What an upcoming heavyweight AFC champion East op- once said his opponent was “so per Bowl III? ponent. Name the opponent. 9) What heavyweight champ rass” an upcoming AFC East op- ugly that he should donate his 9) What heavyweight champ 2)once What said heavyweight he wanted champion to eat the once said his opponent was “so ponent. Name the opponent. onceoffspring said heof hiswanted childless to eat oppo the - uglyface that to hethe should U.S. Bureau donate of his Wild - 2) What heavyweight champion once said his opponent was “so offspringnent? of his childless oppo- facelife”? to the U.S. Bureau of Wild- once said he wanted to eat the ugly that he should donate his nent?3) Who once made a choking life”?10) What major league reliever’s offspring of his childless oppo- face to the U.S. Bureau of Wild- 3)gesture Who once to filmmaker made a chokingand avid 10)insults What toward major leagueNew Yorkers reliever’s and nent? life”? gestureNew York to filmmaker Knicks fan and Spike avid Lee insultscertain toward minorities New Yorkersrequired andhim 3) Who once made a choking 10) What major league reliever’s Newafter York Lee Knicksheckled fan him Spike during Lee the certainsecurity minorities escorts requiredto exit stadiums? him gesture to filmmaker and avid insults toward New Yorkers and security escorts to exit stadiums? certain minorities required him after1994 Lee Eastern heckled Conference him during Finals? the New York Knicks fan Spike Lee 1994 Eastern Conference Finals? security escorts to exit stadiums? 4) Who once characterized rival Answers: after Lee heckled him during the 4) Who once characterized rival Answers: 1994 Eastern Conference Finals? Formula One driver Michael 1) New England Patriots Formula One driver Michael 1) New England Patriots 4) Who once characterized rival Answers: 2) Mike Tyson, about Lennox SchumacherSchumacher as as “either “either blind blind or or 2) Mike Tyson, about Lennox Formula One driver Michael 1) New England Patriots stupid”?stupid”? LewisLewis Schumacher as “either blind or 2) Mike Tyson, about Lennox 5)5) What What junior junior welterweight welterweight 3)3) Reggie Reggie Miller Miller of ofthe the Indiana Indiana stupid”? Lewis champchamp once once said said of of an an upcoming upcoming PacersPacers 5) What junior welterweight 3) Reggie Miller of the Indiana opponent,opponent, “I’m “I’m going going to to punch punch 4)4) Juan Juan Pablo Pablo Montoya Montoya champ once said of an upcoming Pacers him in his beer belly. He ain’t 5) Floyd Mayweather Jr., about him in his beer belly. He ain’t 5) Floyd Mayweather Jr., about opponent, “I’m going to punch 4) Juan Pablo Montoya good enough to be my sparring Ricky Hatton good enough to be my sparring Ricky Hatton him in his beer belly. He ain’t 5) Floyd Mayweather Jr., about partner”? 6) Shannon Sharpe Ricky Hatton 6)partner”? What All-Pro tight end once 7)6) Michael Shannon Jordan Sharpe good enough to be my sparring said6) What of an All-Pro opposing tight team, end “Homeonce 8)7) Joe Michael Namath Jordan of the New York partner”? 6) Shannon Sharpe Depotsaid of doesn’t an opposing sell enough team, nails “Home Jets8) Joe Namath of the New York 6) What All-Pro tight end once 7) Michael Jordan andDepot plywood doesn’t to sellfix what’s enough wrong nails 9)Jets Muhammad Ali, on Joe Frazier said of an opposing team, “Home 8) Joe Namath of the New York withand that plywood defense”? to fix what’s wrong 10)9) JohnMuhammad Rocker Ali, on Joe Frazier Depot doesn’t sell enough nails Jets with that defense”? 10) John Rocker and plywood to fix what’s wrong 9) Muhammad Ali, on Joe Frazier with that defense”? 10) John Rocker SEARCH WORD SEARCH SEARCH V FBONSPOELPEVAHWORD WORD S MAPZXCBDRLYDIA V FBONSPOELPEVAH V FBONSPOELPEVAH L GOMEZNHJIQURZJ S MAPZXCBDRLYDIA S MAPZXCBDRLYDIA E ZKXINVINMGTSBY ZL ANGELESOEREMKOGOMEZNHJIQURZJ L GOMEZNHJIQURZJ CE LUXRJYGPRIZAVAZKXINVINMGTSBY E ZKXINVINMGTSBY AZ MACHADOMONDLXANGELESOEREMKOR Z ANGELESOEREMKO QC ILMAFLNHXNPEUZLUXRJYGPRIZAVA C LUXRJYGPRIZAVA IA PENOERUIZEBRRKMACHADOMONDLX R A MACHADOMONDLX R FQ LXUNRFQJRLDEAEILMAFLNHXNPEUZ Q ILMAFLNHXNPEUZ ZI AWEMIEOAELGBIMPENOERUIZEBRRK I PENOERUIZEBRRK F LXUNRFQJRLDEAE YF LPKSPHNGBQDLRLLXUNRFQJRLDEAE U AODC REEOOZYARV Z AWEMIEOAELGBIM Z AWEMIEOAELGBIM R CNVHLYFXOEERAF Y LPKSPHNGBQDLRL TY ROCENSOMTLARHELPKSPHNGBQDLRL U AODC REEOOZYARV U AODC“One DayREEOOZYARV At A Time” on CBS R CNVHLYFXOEERAF R CNVHLYFXOEERAF(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Penelope (Alvarez) (Justina) Machado Family T ROCENSOMTLARHE LydiaT (Alvarez)ROCENSOMTLARHE(Rita) Moreno (Los) Angeles “One Day At A Time” on CBS Elena (Alvarez)“One Day(Isabella) At AGomez Time” onLove CBS (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Alex (Alvarez) (Words(Marcel) in parentheses Ruiz not in puzzle)Reboot Penelope (Alvarez) (Justina) Machado Family SchneiderPenelope (Alvarez) (Todd)(Justina) Grinnell Machado (Norman)Family Lear Lydia (Alvarez) (Rita) Moreno (Los) Angeles Lydia (Alvarez) (Rita) Moreno (Los) Angeles Elena (Alvarez) (Isabella) Gomez Love Elena (Alvarez) (Isabella) Gomez Love Alex (Alvarez) (Marcel) Ruiz Reboot Custom Features Alex (Alvarez)Release the week(Marcel) of October Ruiz 11 - OctoberReboot 17, 2020. Schneider (Todd) Grinnell (Norman) Lear Schneider (Todd) Grinnell (Norman) Lear PAGE 5 Custom Features Release the week of October 11 - October 17, 2020. Custom Features Release the week of October 11 - October 17, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Trash talk By George Dickie 7) Who once hit a free throw with his eyes closed and announced Questions: to the opposing team’s rookie 1) In 2009, New York Jets free center, “Welcome to the NBA”? safety Kerry Rhodes was quoted 8) What quarterback “guaran- as saying he wanted to “embar- teed” victory for his team in Su- rass” an upcoming AFC East op- per Bowl III? ponent. Name the opponent. 9) What heavyweight champ 2) What heavyweight champion once said his opponent was “so once said he wanted to eat the ugly that he should donate his offspring of his childless oppo- face to the U.S. Bureau of Wild- nent? life”? 3) Who once made a choking 10) What major league reliever’s gesture to filmmaker and avid insults toward New Yorkers and New York Knicks fan Spike Lee certain minorities required him after Lee heckled him during the security escorts to exit stadiums? 1994 Eastern Conference Finals? 4) Who once characterized rival Answers: Formula One driver Michael 1) New England Patriots Schumacher as “either blind or 2) Mike Tyson, about Lennox stupid”? Lewis 5) What junior welterweight 3) Reggie Miller of the Indiana champ once said of an upcoming Pacers opponent, “I’m going to punch 4) Juan Pablo Montoya him in his beer belly. He ain’t 5) Floyd Mayweather Jr., about good enough to be my sparring Ricky Hatton partner”? 6) Shannon Sharpe 6) What All-Pro tight end once 7) Michael Jordan said of an opposing team, “Home 8) Joe Namath of the New York Depot doesn’t sell enough nails Jets and plywood to fix what’s wrong 9) Muhammad Ali, on Joe Frazier with that defense”? 10) John Rocker WORD SEARCH V F B O N S P O E L P E V A H S M A P Z X C B D R L Y D I A L G O M E Z N H J I Q U R Z J E Z K X I N V I N M G T S B Y Z A N G E L E S O E R E M K O C L U X R J Y G P R I Z A V A A M A C H A D O M O N D L X R Q I L M A F L N H X N P E U Z I P E N O E R U I Z E B R R K F L X U N R F Q J R L D E A E Z A W E M I E O A E L G B I M Y L P K S P H N G B Q D L R L U A O D C R E E O O Z Y A R V R C N V H L Y F X O E E R A F T R O C E N S O M T L A R H E “One Day At A Time” on CBS (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Penelope (Alvarez) (Justina) Machado Family Lydia (Alvarez) (Rita) Moreno (Los) Angeles Elena (Alvarez) (Isabella) Gomez Love Alex (Alvarez) (Marcel) Ruiz Reboot Schneider (Todd) Grinnell (Norman) Lear PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of October 11 - October 17, 2020.
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