Phoebe Sykes, 6, 1946 TORBANCE HERALD Torrance Students Gretna Green Royal Matron, Evans Studio TVomen* Is Setting For ATfEND CONCERT FORMER HESIDENt Of VONDERAHE Nuptial Rites Is Honored 'Mmos. Kathryne F. Buffing- Miss Wanda Stachowicz, of Present Program By MARY ton and Nadlnc Nlckol were Gretna Green wedding chapel, One of the most enjoyable New York City and formerly of A gala program was enjoyed of recent meetings of Lomlta among those from Torrance who by about 500 members of the Set Hamilton-Dunlop Yuma, Arlz., was the scene of attended the concert given by Tommce, has been attending to Oratorio a pretty wedding ceremony Court No, 61, Order of Ama­ Los Angeles Lancashire Society ranth, was that given recently the" "Cathedral Choir" in Rodon- business interests here during Saturday evening in Los Ange­ For June 9 In In Altar Rites when Miss Lila Hudgeons ex­ do Tuesday evening. the past week. changed vows with Mr. James on the occasion of the 78th les presented by pupils of the Manhattan Beach At St. Andrew's birthday of Royal Matron Phoebe Gladys McDougall Evans studio. Lee Clampitt, of Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Rev. L. L. Roberts officiated at Sykes. About 100 were present, The program follows: Rossini's 'Stabat Mater" Is-In Including th'o following distin­ Doris Popovich, "God Bless its last rehearsal before perfor­ Dunlop, formerly of Birming­ the rites. America" and a military dance; ham, Ala., wish to announce the The bride, a daughter of Mr. guished guests: mance. recent marriage of their daugh­ and Mrs. W. R. Hudgeons, of Past Grand Matron Mary Patty Dunmyer, "Alice Blue Holt, sponsor of Matrons and Gown" and "East Side, West A choral group under the ter, Doris Jean, to Mr. Donald 21814 Dolores avo., Torrance, direction of Leonard Buthcll, Stcwart Hamilton, of Great Bar- was attractively attired in pow­ Patrons Ass'n., of the Southland, *«* * lf» **M* fcy&f « ttmt Side," song and dance, "My Mary McCormick, grand as­ Dreams Are Getting Better.1 eminent conductor, will present rington, Mass. der blue crepe with black and *»«* «y» Htt r*f «AwMt ft ftrtftnt this oratorio 'in Manhattan The marriage took place In white accessories with corsage sociate conductress; Anna De- Twelve-year-old Billy Crawford Mott, grand secretary; Annrtto presented his arrangement "Sym­ Beach community church, Oth at St. Andrew's Episcopal church. of gardenias and roses. She Highland avc., at 8:00 o'clock Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler offi­ was attended by Mrs. Michael Babcock, grand Faith, Martha phony and the Hour of Parting." Simmonson, grand representa­ *** mttt ett I ittrlt Beverly Holdsworth,. accordion Sunday, June 9. ciated in the presence of in­ Hughes, who wore beige with The choristers, residents of timate friends of the principals, contrasting accessories and gar­ tive to Ohio and about 18 ma­ soloist, "Village Tavern" and trons and patrons of 1946. 'Under the Double Eagle"; Do­ Torrance and the surrounding including Mr. and Mrs, C. L. denias. Michael Hughes was the community, include such well- Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Dc- bridegroom's attendant. A novel feature of the birth­ SUNDAY, ris and Violet Popovich in a day party was the presentation sister team "Some Sunday Morn­ known soloists as Nadine Nfckol, monet and daughters, and the At a reception for 50 guests mezzo soprano; John Hertert, Misses Marguerite McGarry and at'the home of her parents, Mr. ,of a beautiful bouquet to which JUNK 16 ing" and "Bell Bottom Trousers." was attached a coin for each of 9tw A MW toiUiff rtffhNMt tt& «*? Doris concluded the program baritone; Yniv Reams, colora­ Marie Stuphe. * and Mrs. Clampitt shared hon­ tura soprano and Edward Davis, Given in marriage by her ors with her nephew and his the honorec's birthdays. with a Scotch dance. Following the showing of a The young performers were tenor, supported by a chorus of father, the bride was beauti­ bride, Mr. and Mrs. Harold THERE'S A ->,, J 50 voices. fully attired in a sheer wool Bates, whose marriage Immed­ motion picture, birthday cnkc then seated at a specially ar­ and other refreshments Were ranged table where refreshments This group is being sponsored turquoise suit with patent acces­ iately followed that of the Clam- locally by Torrance churches, sories. An orchid corsage com­ pitts In the Yuma chapel. served. were served. * + V •K * * and an early date will present plemented her costume. Miss * -K * benefit of as her sister's ANNIVERSARIES ARE LAVENS a program for the Barbara Dunlop, 241-C SATCHELLS, the European Food Relief. attendant, wore aqua crepe with CUB PACK INCENTIVE FOR PARTIES RETURN FROM TRIP * * * tan trim and accesso­ AT MONTHLY MEET i TRAINED British The celebration of the 51st Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Satchell, NEWLY ORGANIZED ries and gardenias. The regular meeting of Cub of 1303 Acacia ave., have re­ CLUB TO MEET A dinner party for the wed­ wedding anniversary of Mr. and BBUIN Pack 241-C, sponsored by St. An­ Mrs. J. M. Cooped of this city I: VETERANS' COUNSHOit turned from three weeks' vaca­ The South Bay Bruin Club ding party followed in Floren­ drew's Episcopal church, . was tion in Atlanta, Ga., arid . in will meet at 7 o'clock Tuesday, tine Club, Hollywood. Mrs. Dun­ was the Incentive for an en­ held Friday night. Den 2 pre­ joyable reunion and picnic party Streator, El. They were joined June 11, at Melton's, 618 S. lop received her guests in Ice sented the program under , the in Streator by her parents, Mr. Beach. blue crepe with contrasting ac­ held Sunday at Torrance City Sepulveda, Manhattan supervision of their den mother, park. A decorated cake and and Mrs. W. E. Laven, of this Waldo Edmunds, executive se­ cessories and a corsage of gar­ Mrs. Crane. are vacationing. other delectable refreshments Here at Bank of America nothing takes priority] city, who also cretary of U.C.L.A. Alumni As­ denias. "The Trail Through Cubbing A family reunion there, was a sociation, will be present. Reser­ Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. were served. you are planning to buy, Enroute to Scouts" was the meeting In the evening the group was ' over veterans' loans. If a highlight of the trip. vations should be placed not Hamilton left by plane for a theme. Floyd Shirley was grad­ home the Satchells were over­ later than tomorrow. Call OR- New York honeymoon. They will entertained at the homq of Mr. • • a home or a farm, or start a business, take your, R. Shaf- uated from Pack 241 to the and Mrs. 'L. C." Cooper, where night guests of the E. chard 7-5845, or Redondo 3793 make their home in Great Bar- sponsored Scout Troop nearest Bank of America branch*! fers, of American Fork and for­ Mrs. Marek, rington. The bride was . cm- Kiwariis cards furnished diversion. Those questions to the or 3135, or write 219. present were the honored guests merly of Torrance. 2803 Timothy avenue, North Re­ ployed at Columbia Steel Com­ Loon In each branch you will find one or more VeterantH * -K * dondo Beach. pany. Her husband,was a Na­ The following boys were Ini­ and Messrs, and Mesdames Donald Mann, Thomas Cooper, Earl P. Kent Sr., Robert Counselors... members of a group of l.OOOJ FAMILY GROUP AT * * + tional Supply Company employe tiated: from Webb, Edward Palmer and Bob­ Barry, Larry Bcnton and son, DINNER PARTY FUCHSIA SOCIETY following his discharge Dorothy, especially trained to know your rights under the! MEETING DATE overseas service. by Hank. Receiving achievement Frank W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Miles, SETS awards from Den 1 were Al- Mrs. Anna Bell Holland and amended "G. I. BUT and new building regulations^ the South Bay branch of * * * city, and of 2303 Andreo avenue, enter­ California Fuchsia So­ fonso Zamora, Thomas Webb, children, all of this tained at dinner on Memorial Southern BRIDE-ELECT FETED ttarles Phipps, Ronny Wixom Mr. and Mrs. Len- Saunders, of Mrs. Delia ciety will hold a regular monthly AT EVENING SHOWER Day. His mother, meeting at 8 o'clock this evening and Edward Alvarcz. Den 2: Long Beach. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. the social hall of Christian Complimenting her grand- Robert Poor and Bobby Crane. Mrs. Cooper Is Feted Adams, of Hermosa Beach; Mr. In Den S: Bobby Hank, Chucky Another enjoyable occasion for l&mtk 0f Atttierurtf church, 410 South Broadway, Re­ daughter, Miss Mary Ellen Hick- Cooper was a surprise par­ and Mrs. C. R Hutcherson and dondo Beach. D. O. Thompson man, bride-elect of Mrs. Ralph Stewart, Ronald Turner and Mrs. NATIONAL JS^Vos ASSOCIATION children and Mr. and Mrs. J. Danny Desmond. Den 4: Ed- ty at the home of Mrs. Marie will, be the guest speaker. A Albert Ramsey, U.S.N., Mrs. M. in Gardena. The af- D. Miles, all of this city, were social hour will follow. Every­ E. Attebery entertained recently ard Bourne, Pat Jelsma, Floyd Bankston the guests. ______ Shirley, Bobby Richman and .fair marked her 71st birthday. one is invited, to attend. at Recreation Center, 4010 Se­ A dpcoratpd birthday Icakc and ••-*••*•-*----••- -• pulveda boulevard. Edward. .Palmer. ...JJcnJk .Donald Mann. other party refreshments were ADVANCE NIGHT FOR Dancing was the principal di­ served and later she was the EASTERN STAR version for the honoree and 85 Members o£ Den 1, Pack 241- C, were entertained recently at recipient of many beautiful The stated meeting of Tor­ of her friends. Following the handkerchiefs. The guests wore Chapter, No. 380, Order presentation of beautiful miscel- a nice skating party at Hines, rance wh-en .Mr.
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