VOLUME IV. 1885-86. VJ re ISTOiltL REGISTER A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE ANTIQUITIES, GENEALOGY AND HISTORICAL MATTER ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF THE_ $tate of ^hode Island and providence plantation?. A record of measures and of men. For twelve full score years and ten. JAMES N. ARNOLD, EDITOR. PUBLISHED BY THE NARRAGANSETT HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROVIDENCE, R. 1. E. L. FREEMAN & SON, PBINTBES, CENTRAL FALLS, R. I. CONTENTS OF VOLUME IV. HISTORICAL PAPERS— I. First Settlers of Tiverton, R. 1 5 II. Rhode Island Colonial Paper Currency. Welcome A. Greene. 6 III. New England Almanacs. Amos Perry........ , 27 IV. The Hopkins-Ward Letters. II.—Letter of Samuel Ward. Ray Greene Ruling 40 V. Rebel Treatment of Tories during the Revolution. The Sheriff Brown Papers 77 VI. The Revolutionary Movement in Rhode Island. The Editor. 81 VII. Preaching on a Steamboat. Rev. H. G. PeAy 113 VIII. Deposition of Andrew Willett. Ray Greene Ruling 124 IX. The Patriots of Hopkinton, 1776. E. R. AUen 138 X. Depositions, case of Hopkins and Ward. Ray Greene Ruling. 143 XI. Jamestown Record 149 XII. Rhode Island Partners in the Susquehanna Purchase 150 XIII. The Roger Williams Meeting-house, Salem, Mass 152 XIV. A Road Damage 168 XV. Improved Order of Red Men. Fred. J. Smith 186 XVI. French Spoliation Claims. Amasa M. Eaton 202 XVII. Alexander's Deed to the Proprietors of Providence. Fred. A. Arnold 238 XVIII. Origin of Name, East Greenwich 249 XIX. Ancient North End Landmarks. An Old Resident 268 XX. Deed from Wesauamog to the Proprietors of Providence. Fred. A. Arnold 290 XXI. Address. B. B. Hammond. 300 XXII. The Israelites in Rhode Island. Rev. F. Denison 301 XXIII. Address. Rev. Myer Noot 318 XXIV. Is America only East Greenwich? 327 IV. Contents of Volume IV. GENEALOGICAL PAPERS— I. The South Kingstown Births. The Editor. ...45, 125, 169,275 II. The Record of Old Smithfield. The Editor 57, 100, 189, 257 III. The Story of the Tablets. James L. Sherman. .70, 116, 178, 283 IV. Notes on the Tillinghast Family. Mrs. E. H. L. Barker 140 V. The Wilcox-Wordell Marriage. Ray Greene Huling 142 VI. Vision Casey. Rev. Henry G. Perry 153 VII. A Mythical Pedigree. Ray Greene Huling 335 VIII. The Bull-Jenkins Family. Steuben Jenkins 250 POETRY— I. A Survey of Narragansett Bay, 1741. One of the Surveyors.. 1 II. Our Forefathers' Song. 1630 147 III. A Memorial of Rev. Mr. Lee. Esther B. Carpenter 151 IV. Canonchet. Albert G. Greene , 161 HISTORICAL NOTES— The Bradford Durfee 26 A Political Letter 39 Letter from George Champlain 56 The Manor Livingstone Ladies , 69 First Marriage in Bristol 80 Commencing in time 80, 160 Coggeshall Fiasco 99 An Unfortunate Family 115 John DeWolf 137 An Old Fashioned Name 139 Burning the Pope 141 For Lexington and Concord , 142 First Religious Worship in Burrillville 146 Powder Plot Day 157 Mr. Malbone's Letter 157 The Wightman Bible 158 Stone Splitting 158 Tornado 158 The Rhode Island Colors 159 Register of Births in Kings Towne 159 Fisherman's Rights 159 Telegraphic communications between Boston and Provi­ dence - 160 Site of the Davis House 160 The Only Turnpike 160 First Freewill Baptist Church of R. 1 177 An Old Bell 234 Contents of Volume IV. HISTORICAL NOTES (Continued.) Change from Old to New Style 248 Marriage of Seth Arnold 248 The Antiquary's Pudding 268 A Rhode Island Man the Originator of our Postal System.. 328 Ancient Highways 338 Three Facts regarding Rhode Island 336 Usquepaug Patents 336 First Interments in Riverside Cemetery 336 EDITORIAL NOTES— Death of Dr. H. B. Aylesworth 78 Two Good Works. 79 Correction as to the Perrys 79 Correction 155 The Hall Family 155 A Favor Requested 155 Mr. Austin's Dictionary 155, 167, 335 Mr. Rider's Notes 156 Acknowledgments 253 Thanks 253 The United Service Magazine , 353 Proceedings of Wyoming, Pa., Historical Society 354 Removal to Providence 333 History of Providence Plantations '334 New England Magazine 335 Genealogical Notes 835 Query 335 Descendants of William Hannum 335 QUERIES— Birth of Mercy Tillinghast 78 John Hampden 78 Joseph Ballou 78 SOCIETIES AND THEIR DOINGS 254, 329 ILLUSTRATIONS— Roger Williams Meeting House, Salem, Mass 152 To Alexander's Deed, (4 ills.)... , 238 The Gov. Elisha Brown House 369 To Wesauamog's Deed, (4 ills.) 390 INDEX TO NAMES AND PLACES. Aquetnett, 3 Barnard, Vt., 193 Archer, 223 Barnes, 68 112 Aaron, 325 Armstrong, 69 Barrington His. Anti Soe, Abala, 112 Arnold, 23 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 256 332 Aborn, 232 65 66 07 68 78 81 105 106 Barrington, 3 Abraham, 301 304 305 107 108 110 111 190 191 192 Barrows, 295 Absolom, 38 194 195 197 198 199 201 231 Bartlett, 57, 59, 156, 192 295 Adamstown, Mass., 260 232 235 237 238 243 248 251 Bassett, 138 Adams, 215 218 255 257 261 263 284 290 300 Bates, 48 60 65 66 67 Adam, 235 236 330 331 Batrap, 80 Adda, 236 Arnholt, 237 Battey, 330 Addeman, 331 Arthur, 237 Bayard, 69 Adeira, 236 Arthvael, 237 Bayly, 224 Adet, 210 Asaph, 324 Bay State, 335 Aedd Mawr, 236 Ascanius, 236 Beach, 107 Aeneas, 236 AshtoL, 196 Beals, 60 Affleth, 237 Asia, 325 Becca (ves), 231 Africa, 92 Askwhut, 291 Belcher, 48 Agenaria (ves), 231 Assaracus, 236 Belford, 335 Albany. N. T., 43 78 248 311 Assavvomset pond, 242 Beli, 236 Albee, 105 111 199 Assonet, 4 Bellingham, Mass., 59 65 106 Albro, 252 Aseowctough, 232 Bell, 195 Alden, 149 292 Aster, 69 Benedict, 293 295 Aldrich Tavern, 272 Asylum for Ind. Boys. 307 Benefit St., 284 Aldrich, 58 59 61 63 64 65 66 Asylum for Orp. Boys, 310 Beneraan, 79 80 67 106 108 111 190 191 194 Athens of America, 305 Benjamin, 305 313 197 198 200 258 261 262 263 Athens, 82 Bennett St., Boston, 317 266 272 Atlantic, 16 Bennett, 143 196, 258 Alexander, 80 238 240 241 242 Attleborough, Mass., 241 Benson, 105 197 257 317 Atwell, 66 Bentley, 48 69 Alger, 62 Atwood, 231, 284 Berry, 48 Alice (ves), 231 Aiiobmuty, 231 Betsey (ves), 230 231 Alison, 210 Austin, 62 155 156 157 192 255 Betty Sasemore, 242 Allen, 28 45 58 112 115 138 139 325 Bickerstaff, 32 33 34 159 181 191 192 193 196 199 Aylesworth, 78 Billings, 86 200 201 231 232 250 261 262 Ayrault, 150 Billington, 48 67 265 Binney, 73 Almshouse, 309 B. Bishop, 111 200 231 258 Almy, 5 35 45 110 111 143 144 Blackheath, 249 258 261 Babcock, 45 46 47 138 139 158 Blackmar, 7 247 248 Alverson, 106 169 Blackstone, Mass., 62 67 108 American Colonies, 138 327 Bachus, 93 111 America, 42 9rt 141 147 203 209 Bacon, 108 Blackstone River, 243 213 215 219 220 293 327 328 Bagbere, 273 Blake, 58 Ames, Iowa, 79 Bagnall, 329 Blaxton, 239 Ames, 29 33 35 200 Bailey, 255 263 332 Blenddut, 236 237 Amwerid, 237 Baker, 294 Blenheim house, Bng., 304 Anchises, 236 Balch, 200 Bliss, 292 331 Anderson, 32 Balcome, 61 Block Island, 1 9 20 77 Andrews, 63 107 190 Balford, 259 Blumenthall, 314 Andrew, 236 Ballou, 61 82 64 65 66 67 78 81 Bnai Berith, 317 Angell, 58 107 110 145 190 199 189 194 199 258 Booker, 60 263 201 248 261 262 298 Baltimore, Md., 186 Bonaparte, 217 Anthony, 5 61 232 Bannister, 190 Borden, 5 64 128 129 194 261 Antonius, 236 Barber, 47 48 139 273 294 Aplin, 143 Barden, 67 Boston Neck, 2 Appleby, 111 Barker, 140 181 182 Boston Tea Party, 328 Index to Names and Places. Vll. Boston, Mass., 10 12 21 28 29 Burrillvlllc, B. I., 65 106 110 Chamton, 150 31 34 39 73 76 83 106 107 146 177 195 200 Channing, 231 142 160 232 250 258 292 293Burt , 150 Chapin, 60 65 306 307 310 313 316 331 Butler house, 273 274 Chapman, 60 Bosworth, 105 232 261 Butler, 231 232 273 Chappell, 53 Bourne, 200 231 332 Button, 139 Charleston, S. C, 157 310 Bours, 41 Buxton, 57 195 263 Charlestown, II. I., 331 Bowen, 66 150 199 Byram, 58 60 62 189 192 257 Charley, 60 Bowne, 294 Charier, 60 Boyden. 106 191 257 Chase, 331 Boyd, 192 232 Caddell, 236 Chatman, 60 Boyleston,'Mass., 69 Cad fan, 236 Chatterton, 60 190 Boyce, 64 Cadwalladr, 235 Checkery, 60 Bradbury, 224 Cadwallan, 236 i 'lieseborougb, 60 Bradford, Durfee, (stm.) 26 Cadwallar, 236 Chetim, 236 Bradford, 62 194 105 261 292 Cady, 57 100 Chicago, 111., 79 80 115 153 154 332 Catfwallau Lawhis, 236 Chillson, 60 61 101 102 195 258 Braman, 109 139 Cahoone, 57 259 Brandywine (ves.), 231 Cain, 237 China, 92 Bray man, 48 Calder, 330 Choate, 223 224 Brayton, 194 199 Caldwell, 67 106 Church of the Redeemer, 274 Brett, 58 262 California, 329 Church, 5 80 138 231 Bricknell, 192 Callum, 57 100 191260 Chritchley,262 Brickwain, 237 Calvin, 67 Cicero, 151 Bridgeport, Conn., 331 Caman, 57 Cincinnati, Ohio, 310 311 Briggs, 5 48 168 Cambreling, 223 Ciprius, 236 Brinley, 329 332 Cambridge, Mass., 28 75 Clapp, 61 310 Bristol Co., K. L, 9 Oamdeu, N. J., 147 Clarke, 53 54 61 138 139 145 Bristol, K. I., 3 80 151, Campannell, 302 169 192 196 231 261 292 293 Britain, 231 235 Campbell, 52 57 68 69 295 302 332 British Army, 315 Canada, 12 13 Clark, 61 192 British Colonies, 10 Canal St., Prov., 315 Clayton, 219 224 250 British Parliament, 327 Canonchet, 161 162 163 164 106 Clay, 219 220 Broadhead, 230 167 240 Cleveland, Ohio, 113 311 Broadway, 198 Canonicus, 188 239 241 291 Cleaveland, 62 Brookrield, Mass., 241 Cape Cod, 10 Clemence, 62 68 298 Brooklyn, S.
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