CARTEBET, N. J., unicipal Chairman Named For Rahway Maid (fantipim'mist Man Is Held Carteret Scouts Make Great Kiddie Keepwell Camp Drivi On Serious Charge Record Court Of Honor ery Town In County To Be Ctuvused For Punda- -Print Music Teacher Arrested On Court of Honor Held Here Tuesday Night Biggee* In tfol-ji ii' OfferCd For School Ett«y*—Govet-nar Larton Charges Made By Little! Of Raritan Council—Many Scout* Excel! In Wide Ran** > It Honorary Chairman. Girfs. ' Of Scout Work-Court Held at Presbyterian Church. /, viiininitiy to the launching of a ., In order to acquaint Solton Sigerdy, aged 47 years and The biggest Boy Scout court of work. One scout, Letter Sokler, of single, was held for the action of the, honor in the history of Raritan Coun- Troop 83, received nrat elan merit [,„,,. ,)„. work of the Kiddie KWp p - ^ grand jury laat night on a serioua cil was held Tuesday night in the badges for excelling in the following conl 6tln jtl Bn s&y and vww cm< charge based on the statements of Sunday aehool room of the First I scout work: photograpyh, •woodwwrtt- ennui for the undernourished t«st dealfisg with the value of the two girls, one 11 yean old ami'.the' Presbyterian Church. Tfae arrange- ing, automobiling, fin* aid to anhnaw, !,,,„ of Middlesex County, a camp to the children of the county. other 14. The man gives lessons on m«nta were made by District Scout .bird qtudy. manic, public health, t ,,f tlie chairmen of ttw <w^, XSQJpriiee of $10 and two of $5 will various musical instruments. He lives Commissioner Edward A. Strack, of salesmanship, safety, first aid, phy» alone at 95 Pershtng intn« where : Oarteret, with Scocutc Kxerrutive ical development, pathflnding, jour- n Lmittoe. of the vari™, «j- fe^anVt^ $£ «S he has be*n giving instructions to Herbert W* Lunn and the several nnlism, nremanship, hMidicnuft, -'*« ,,!itios was called by Robert W. pudgp 6 to 8 and from 9 to 12. There some of his pupils. scoutmasters. Rev. Charles Bene- U'nthi'rcraft and carpentry. „„« chairman of . the New ia alko a slogan, contest, open to all The arrest followed reports that! r.et Mitchell, pastor of the Presbyter- Awards were given to two llf* swi'i-k division, at the Woodrow residents of the county and sponflor- reached Chief of Police Henry J. i ian Church, was chainnan. scouts, Karl Groham. of Trooft 82, •',„ Hotel in New Brunewick, adby the Kiddie Cnmp organization Harrington who decided to invest!-. There was slpeaking by Commis- and Hwnard Rosenbleeth, of Troop i,lav evening. in which the writer of the beet slo- gate. On Wednesday afternoon the sioner Strack, Scout Executive Luna, The following received awards ..,..," [.• Toolan, president of the pm Drill win a prize of $10. A second chief drove to a vantage point some: Councilman Hercules Ellis, Dr. H. L.us Star Scouts: Carroll BrKton, How- rwit ion Council of Middlesex priae of »B will also be awarded in distance from, the home of Sigerdy Strandberg, Thomas E. Way, Scout- ell Miadom, John Mucha, Loul* Tur- but commanding a clar view of ttie; masters Merrill Huber, Arthur Groh- ner and James McNeill, all of Troop *• :'-m is general chairman of the thia contest. "studio." Remaining in his car the man and Julius Weber, No. 82; William Comba, Louis KaW, iiaiK" a™* •* aarf«t«l by the fol- Wiltbin a short time members of chief saw cine oil the girls approach-1 All the Boy Scout trops of tht- hor- Alex and William Kovacn, William Inns' Walter SennhaUfer, 8outt\ trict will begin action at which time irig the ntosiclan'B'TOme. She was o«g*i were prwi«Bt *M a vMjr inter- NefiRh, Frank Pirigyi and Joseph Aylm Pierson, Metvwhen; it is prophesied by various chairmen Miss Jennie Luks, 15-Year-Old Sophomore at questioned in the police car and later ' esting psrogram of aeout work waft Siclyaii, all o{ Trop No. 84; Lottt * n Cutter and Kmart Boyn- each municipality will respond in di- at headquarters. She told of inci- presented. In addition to the scout Brown, Gerald and John Goodman) "Wnodlffidn*W ; Mayor Frank Dor- rect proportion to it» interest in the I Typed 58 Words Per Minute in Cont dents Incriminating Sigerdy. Another officials and scouts present several Benjamin RablnowiU. Bernard Rock- Etl<l William V- Smith, Perth Am- kiddien of its town who need thia j girl who had been reported to theparents and friends of the scouts man and Lester Sokler, of Troop 83. Innies C. Hausel, South Amboy; chance—n ichanca of a few weeks In a contest in -which there were By January 11 chief was brought to headquarters j were present. The Sunday school First clanA merit badges wore trt W ilohnaon, New Brunswick; rehabilitation which may mean a entries from all the \>\g cities and speed of forty wor and made similar statements. room was paleked to capacity. awarded, to following members of - \\ Hiile, Raritan Township; whole lif(vtime of happinens and a most of the smaller towns of the , the last day of Feb The statements of these two girls Merit badges and other awards Troop 84, the number following the G. Kenyon and Edward A. citizen of credit to the community state, Miss Jennie the fifty word m were used as a reason for making the were •given- to the scouts fdr exnam- e of each scout indicating the CurU'ret; Mrs. J. B. Bond, rather than a charge. years, of Kahway, won the state typ arrest. It is reported that other girls cellance in various branches of scout number of subjects for which he re- ,ll,n; and John Worthge, Mill- ing contest held in Trenton Normal ( could tell similar tales. The girls' ....:..... ceive<j m<Tit 'badges-. Joseph Szilyail, school recently. Miss Luks statements were written out and '5; William Ncmiah, 0; William Ko- \,\m » acting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph were signed tby them. In all four in- ivacn, 8: Alex Kovacs, 5; Louis Kalas, Crowd At Party Luks, of 172 Westfield avenue, Rah- (In the Contest for Btances with dates and places are list- Woman's Club Marks ! Kp'w. McCormick aa chairman way and is a soiphomore in Rahway ship ed. Sigerdy was taken to New Bruns- f. a >>.• 3; John Pemeter, 2; Sterem Hege- high school. Mrs. Robert Hoppock, words per minute, wick today where Judge Kirkpatrick du 2 Wiltr Nw 3 . chairmen are aa touowv. Busi- Council Room Locked head of the type-writing course in state honors t will decide whether to allow bail. Second Milestone Member- s of Troop 83 receiving «hairm:i", Frank E. C°<^°v«;-» Rahway high school began selecting tured the gold , John Kiralyi, of Union street and i firat clajw merit badges and the num- •P i nmmibtee for Perth Am- candidates for the- oonUtt last Octo- State Association ot; John Bursak, of 72 Holly street, ar- l^,. piclungttl; for Legion Card Party Is Success ber. On October 16 #he selected elev- Commercial Teachers, rested for creating a small-sized riot Sesond Anniveraary Is Observ- a( en promising candidates for the state ick, Jamw A. Hartfais; Just The Same—Prize Win- are of her typewriter ffij give her a at a dance, were released when ed At Session Friday Afetr- 10; Bernard Kockman, 7: Benpa- and county contest. At that time Mias Men's Team* tor Perth Am- trip with all' expenses njtf^ to the ini- of the youth appeared in iliium Wilion; f«r New Bruna- ner*. Luks -rffcs doing ftve'^onis per min- noon State President It K. I. GleaMTJ't chairman of ute. A month later ifbo was doing ternational typewritiMf contest in Guest. man, 8; Jacob Chodoeh, B- Louis A well-attended card party was twenty-five per minute. Montreal, Canada, In September. charges that otfoere made against the ' Brown, 10; Stanley Srulowit*, lj \ Teams for evening in Hie Legion pair. The second anniversary of the Pinkus Chodoah, 1. • Bernard Burger, charged with be- founding o£ the Carteret Woman's Members of Troop 82 receiving le crowd was ' "»•"•• "^ ing drunk, was fined |5. Club was celebrated Friday after- first olam merit badges are: Louis Loft W* Johnson »pok* of the too big to be acComoclated in the Recognizes Car SlatYDiajy noon in the Legion rooms.with an ap- Turner, 6; John Wucfha, Jr., 7; How- Ii fore the campaign committee frion rooms and when the usual pro- propriate program. Tlfe guests of ell MLsdom, .9; James McNeil!, 8; and aloriowB Job" of ad- cedure of carrying the overflow into BY ROSS PARQtJHAR honor and speaker for the afternoon Karl Grohmam, 9; Carroll Bribton, , to the needy children of, the council chamber occurred, the was SUte [^resident Mrs. J. L. G. 14; Charles Bryer, 1; Bmce Farr, mem Stolen Year Ago FViday—1 got a mitey poor grade Boy Hurls Stone County ' h*rs of the post were amazed to in Spelling toda/y. The teocher sed Hubbard. Her address was intensely 6; Jack MacGregor, 2; Edward Mar- ,m went on to state that, find the large room of Carteret's Carteret Man Had Auto Stolen she nevor .soen en- interestiiie; and inspiring. She told oney, 1; Peter McCann, 3; Flyod r • 4 it may seem, there are memorial building locked against ny buddy witch her hearers that the modern club Owens, 2; George Shell, 1; Joseph Middlesex County who still them. The locked doors not only de- In April of Last Year In cud spell things Injures Motorist woman is a competent person with Tomczuk, 2.
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