Published three times annually by the American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of Women news in the Economics Profession. FALL 2014 IN THISCSWEP ISSUE Cecilia Conrad Feature Section Navigating the Job Market 2.0 Navigating the Job Market 2.0 Introduction by Cecilia Conrad . 1 Periodically, CSWEP newsletters have the importance of the cover letter and Advice for New PhDs on the Job offered advice on navigating the job gives advice on how to write this part of Market by Wendy A. Stock . 3 market for new PhD economists. The the job application. And, this issue tack- When and Why Academic Job Cover Fall 2007 CSWEP newsletter, Navigat- les the ticklish issue of the “chilly cli- Letters Matter by Anne E. Winkler 4 ing the Job Market, included tips on ap- mate” for women. In “Finding the Right plying to liberal arts colleges, on non- Match,” I discuss the gender gap in fac- Finding the Right Match by Cecilia Conrad . 5 academic careers and on negotiating a ulty job satisfaction and suggest ways job offer. The Fall 2009 Newsletter fo- to tactfully assess a campus’s commit- Job Market Resources cused on dual career couples, and the ment to gender equity. General Advice.. .. .. .. .. 3 Applying to Teaching-Focused Fall 2012 Newsletter provided advice on Institutions . 5 the international job market for econ- Special Situations . 6 omists. This newsletter presents Navi- The Diversity Statement . 7 gating the Job Market 2.0, an annotated, From the Chair updated list of advice and resources for From the CSWEP Chair the job market candidate. Following in the CSWEP tradition, Marjorie McElroy Chair’s Letter this issue of the CSWEP News high- by Marjorie B. McElroy . .1, 2 lights some topics given minimal at- This issue of the CSWEP News is short tention in other guides. It includes re- so that you can save your reading eyes CSWEP @ AEA/ASSA Meeting sources on preparing a statement of for our upcoming Winter issue—packed Paper Sessions ... ... ... ... 9 teaching philosophy and on preparing full with our Annual Report and a fea- Event Schedule . 9 the diversity statement now required ture section on mentoring. In this issue by some University of California cam- Cecilia Conrad organized the feature Junior Mentoring Breakfast . 9 puses and other institutions. It also of- section, Navigating the Job Market 2.0, Mid-Career Mentoring fers advice specific to teaching-focused containing salient advice for PhD stu- Breakfast . .10 institutions. dents on the job market as well as their Business Meeting . .10 Wendy Stock, head of the Depart- advisors. I invite you to share this issue ment of Agricultural Economics and with students in the job market now or Tributes & Commendations Economics at Montana State University, prospectively as well as their advisors. In Memoriam: Sumitra Shah. 8 opens this set of articles with basic in- It is my pleasure to invite you to Brag Box .. .. .. .. .. ..11 formation about the job search process CSWEP’s events at the 2015 AEA/ASSA for economists. Stock wrote “Consider- Meeting in Boston. Full details are avail- Calls & Announcements ing Graduate Education in Economics? able in this issue and through cswep. A Few Things to Ponder” for the Sum- org. CSWEP 2016 AEA/ASSA Call . 12 mer 2014 CSWEP News. Here she pro- As usual, this year’s paper submis- SEA 2014 Sessions . .12 vides advice on navigating the next ca- sions were highly competitive, pro- WEAI 2015 Call . .12 reer stage. Anne Winkler, Professor of ducing a total of 23 excellent papers. A Chamberlain Fellowship . 8 Economics and Public Policy Adminis- hearty congratulation to the authors! Haworth Mentoring Fund . .12 tration at the University of Missouri-St. Linda Goldberg, Kevin Lang, Serena Ng Louis, warns against underestimating continues on page 2 Free Digital Subscriptions @ CSWEP.org Forward the CSWEP News to colleagues and graduate students. From the Chair continued from page 1 and Anne Winkler organized the papers into three AEA ses- Economists from 8:00–9:00AM and 9:00–10:00AM on Sun- sions on macro/international economics and three on gen- day, January 4th. Organized by Linda Goldberg, Cecilia Con- der-related issues. From these our hard-working committee rad and Kosali Simon, and featuring Adriana Kugler, George- will choose eight papers for publication in the 2015 Papers town University, as the motivational speaker, this event will and Proceedings issue of the American Economic Review. A call provide a forum for female economists to explore possible for papers for the 2016 Sessions can be found in this issue Career Transitions (between academics and government ser- and at cswep.org. vice, into and out of departmental and university administra- Given their success last year, this year CSWEP will again tive positions, and so forth). sponsor two Mentoring Breakfasts for Junior Economists Preregistration is required for both the Junior and Mid- from 8:00 to 10:00AM on Saturday and Monday, January 3rd Career Mentoring Breakfasts. See details in this issue and at and 5th. Organized by Bevin Ashenmiller, Anne Winkler and cswep.org. Ragan Petrie, each morning 20–30 senior economists will be I invite you to attend CSWEP’s Business Meeting and Lun- on hand to provide mentoring and networking opportunities cheon on Saturday, January 3rd at 12:30PM, a joyous occasion in an informal meet-and-greet atmosphere. Listen this year to see old CSWEP friends and to congratulate and hear from for the CSWEP singing bowl to signal a time to move to an- the recipients of the 2014 Carolyn Shaw Bell Award and the other table, encouraging mentees to connect with a greater 2014 Elaine Bennett Research Prize. The celebration will be number of mentors. I urge junior economists within six years followed by a brief presentation of the 2014 Annual Report of their PhD as well as graduate students on the job market on Women in the Economics Profession, leaving ample time for to register and participate. dialogue, your feedback and suggestions regarding CSWEP In response to expressed demand, I am excited to an- activities. nounce that this year CSWEP is adding a third Mentor- As is traditional, CSWEP will open a Hospitality Suite ing Breakfast, a Peer Mentoring Breakfast for Mid-Career from 10:00AM (the conclusion of the Mentoring Breakfasts) until 5:00PM each day. Stop by the Sheraton Boston’s Fairfax A & B to meet colleagues, do some work, or enjoy a moment About the Authors of respite with your cup of java or our glass of aqua. The close of the AEA meetings will mark the beginning of the 2015 CeMENT National Mentoring Workshop. Known Cecilia Conrad is the Vice President, world-wide for providing young women economists with Fellows Program of the MacArthur know-how and networks to boost their careers, I’m pleased Foundation. She is a member of the to note that this three-day Workshop is now offered annually. CSWEP Board. Thanks to Terra McKinnish for directing the highly success- ful 2012 and 2014 Workshops. And thanks to Kosali Simon Marjorie McEl- for stepping up to direct CeMENT in 2015 and beyond. For roy is a Professor the upcoming 2015 CeMENT, Kosali has already persuaded of Economics at the requisite 16 senior economists to give three days of their Duke University time to mentor 40 juniors. and Chair of the A quick a reminder for senior graduate students and ju- CSWEP Board. nior faculty: applications are open for the Economics Sum- mer Fellows Program with details available at cswep.org. Wendy A. Stock Stay up to date on mentoring events and many other op- is a Professor of portunities with a free digital subscription to the CSWEP Economics and News. the Head of the Happy Thanksgiving and I hope to see you at CSWEP Department of Agricultural Econom- Events in January. ics and Economics at Montana State —Marjorie McElroy University. Anne E. Winkler is a Professor of Eco- nomics and Public Policy Administra- What is CSWEP? tion at the University of Missouri-St. CSWEP (the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Pro- fession) is a standing committee of the American Economic Association Louis and an IZA Research Fellow. charged with serving professional women economists in academia, govern- She is a member of the CSWEP Board. ment agencies and elsewhere by promoting their careers and monitoring their progress. Visit cswep.org for more information. 2 CSWEP NEWS Advice for New PhDs on the Job Market Wendy A. Stock You are finishing up your PhD! Now what? The JOE has recently been enhanced and, in addition to host- If you are like the majority of economics PhD students, you ing job postings, JOE now works as a network repository for are finishing up your fifth or sixth year of the PhD program job candidate application materials and reference letters. and now it is time to enter the economics PhD labor market. Econjobmarket.org is another widely-used network for coor- As part of our research on graduate education and the eco- dinating the application and search process. There is likely nomics labor market in economics, my colleague John Sieg- to be a transition period as some employers who used econ- fried and I have examined job market outcomes for several jobmarket.org in the past move to using JOE. For the next cohorts of economics PhD graduates. I summarize some of couple of years at least, I would advise job seekers to plan on our findings in this essay. using both services. continues on page 4 The good news for those on the market is that almost everyone who completes their PhD in economics finds im- mediate employment, primarily in full-time jobs.
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