List of Sections Purchased to April 30, 1863

List of Sections Purchased to April 30, 1863

PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY, NEW ZEALAND. )aa. 1owcr LIST OF · SECTIONS se of c. PURCHASED TO .APRIL 30, 1863. 1rist- lam. urch urch LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD, 6 CHARING CROSS, 8.W. am- 1863. PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. LIST OF SECTIONS PURCHASED TO 30TII APRIL, 1863. Number of Acreage LoCALITY. Section. 1 50 Maria Somes North of the Town of Lyttelton. 2 100 Felix W akefi.old Sumner. 3 50 Anne Bowen Papanui. 4 50 Rev. E. H. Kittoo Heathcote Ferry. 5 100 W. G. Brittan . Papanui. 6 50 C. Weatherby . North Bank Avon, and Papanui Road. 7 50 J. J. Baines River Avon, Hagley Park. 8 50 Jas. Townsend Heathcote Ferry. 9 50 H. Sewell South West of Hagley Park, Lower 75003 Lincoln Roacl. 10 50 H. Washbourne West of Hagley Park. 11 100 W. W. Willock South of River Heathcote, at base of Hills. 12 500 C. J. Watts Russell Ilam. , 13 50 Rev. G. R. Paulson East encl of Town of Christchurch. z H 100 C. T. Maunsell Between Ferry Roacl ancl Heathcote. 993 ' ii 15 100 Lord \Vharncliffe . Heathcote Ferry. 16 100 H. Phillips . South Bank Heathcote, Hills Road. REFERE NCE DEPT. 17 50 J. Tucker South side of ·Christchurch. 18 50 W. C. Fendall. Fendall Town. CANTERSURY PUBLIC 19 100 J. B. Lee Heathcote Valley, Bridle Path. ua 'f 20 50 B. W. Mountfort . Ferry Road and Heathcote. 21 100 J. S. Hooper River Heathcote, near South Christ- church Roacl. 22 50 G. Durey South Bank River Waimairi, near Ilam. 23 50 E. R. Ward. Quail Island, Port Lyttelton. 24 100 C. J. W. Cookson W aimairi, Riccarton. 25 50 J.P. Rhodes Papanui. 26 50 W. G. Brittan . East of the Town Reserve, Christchurch South Bank Avon. 27 100 E. H . Kittoe Ferry Road. 28 50 C. J. Parker Ferry Road. 2D 50 H. J. 'fancred . South of River Avon, Christchurch East. 30 50 H. A. Bradley . River Avon, Stanmore Road. 31 50 J . W. H. Williams Ferry Roacl ancl Heathcote ·steam­ wharf. 32 50 C. E. Dampier Forry Roacl and Heathcote Steam­ wharf. 33 50 G. Bowron , North Bank Avon, near Cemetery. 34 50 W. Bowler . Ferry Road. - B 2 List of Sections Purchased to 30th April, 1863. List of Sections Purcliased to 30tli .April, 1863. 3 Number of Acreage APPLICA~'T. L OCALITY. Number Section. of Acreage APPLICANT. LoCALITY. -------------- - !--------------- Section. 35 150 G. Draper Plll'au Bay, Port Lyttelton. 36 50 F. W. Gray Port Lyttelton, Head of Bay. 77 50 J. Laurance H.eathcote Valley, Hills Road. 37 50 R. S. Parkes He11thcote, near Ferry Roacl. 78 50 H. Phillips . Riccarton Road. 38 100 J. S. Willis River Heathcote, near Christchurch 79 300 H. Gordon. South Boundary of Christchurch. Quay. 80 50 Mary Ward Fendall Town Road. 39 100 H. Savage Ferry Road. 81 100 C. M. Torlesse Rangiora Bush. 40 50 B. W. Dudley . North West of the Town of Lyttclton. 82 50 C. Bowen South Bank River Heathcote foot of 41 100 W. G. Brittan . North Bank of Avon, near Cemetery. Hills. ' 42 50 C. Hodge Ferry Road. 83 100 J. A. Latouche Feudall Town Road. 4.3 50 J as. Townsend Heathcote, near Ferry. 84 50 G. Hart. Ferry Road. 44 50 J. W. Earle Christehlll'ch District, near Hills Road. 85 200 T. Rowley .. Riccarton Road. 45 No land order. 86 100 C. M. Torlesse Rangiora Bush. 46 50 A. C. Barker North of the Town Reserve, Pap11nui 87 50 J. H. Shears Avon River, near Slaughter-house Road. Road. 88 50 Lady E. C. Bathlll'st. Ferry Road. 47 50 E. R. Ward " Port Lyttelton, Quail Island. 89 50 W. H. Gwyn Ferry Road, South side. 4.8 150 W. Draper . Ferry Road. 90 50 A. P. Perceval South Bank River Avon, near Slaughter- 48A 50 J. E. Fitzgerald . Heathcote and Hills Road. house Road. 49 100 S. & J. T. Fisher. Heathcote, South Cbristchurnh Road. 91 100 H. S. Selfe. Heathcote, Port Hills. 50 No laud order. 92 50 T. S. Duncan Decanter Bay. 51 50 M. J. Blll'ke Lower Lincoln Road, 8th mile. 93 50 H. W. Keele Port Levy. 52 50 J. T. Wingfield Papanui Road. 94 50 C. Bowen Fenclall Town Road. 53 100 E. R. Ward Rangiora. 95 100 J . Shand Riccarton Road. 54 50 H . Phillips. Heathcote, Hills Road. 96 50 C. J. Bridge Heathcote River, near . Christchurch 55 50 Longden & Le Oren . Gollans Bay. Quay. 56 100 F. Wakefield Riccarton. 97 50 T. Cholmondely Port Levy. 57 50 H. S. Richards Hurewood Road by Pap11nui, W airerap11. 98 100 E. B. & F. A. Bishop Heathcote, near South Christchlll'ch 57A 50 J . Richards Harewood Road by Pupanui, W airerapa. Road. 58 50 R. J. S. Harman North Branch of the W airerapa, Hare- 99 50 F . W. Gray North side of Ferry Road. wood Road. 100 100 J. Dicken Akaroa, French Farm Bay. 59 No land order. 101 50 Sir D. Mackworth Ferry Road, North. 60 50 W. G. Brittan . Fendall Town Road. 102 50 C. T. Maunsell River Avon, Hagley Park. 61 50 D. Watkins. Akaroa Town. 103 50 A. Cooper Ferry Road, North. 62 50 B. Lancaster Ferry Road. 104 100 J.B. Lee Heathcote Valley, Hills Road. 63 50 T. Rowley . Akaroa, Barry's Bay. 105 100 Charlotte Jackson Papanui Road. 64 150 E. Kent & I. Luck South Bank River Heathcote, ne11r 106 50 S. Howard . Hoon Hay. Christchlll'ch Quay. 107 No land order. 65 100 R. J. P. Fleming . Port Levy. 108 50 W. Broughton . Riccarton Road. 66 50 A. M. Buchanan South of Christchlll'ch. 109 No land order. 67 50 C. T. Maunsell Heathcote, near Christchlll'ch Quuy. 110 50 J. B. Tippetts. Riccarton. 68 100 H.F. Way. Riccarton. 111 50 J . J. Bulkeley . Riccarton. 69 100 H . Phillips. East of the Town Reserve, Christ- V2 50 Richard Hill . Papanui. church, Ferry Road. 113 50 W. Chapman Lower Lincoln Road, near Christchlll'ch. 70 100 R. Pollard . Fendall Town Ro11d. 114 50 H. Lesslie Near Ilam. 71 50 H. W. Read Heathcote North Bank, Hills Road. 115 100 C. B. Adderley Fendall Town Road. 72 150 G. R. Paulson. Hagley Park and Lower Lincoln Road. 116 50 J . P . Lee . Tai Tapu, Lower Lincoln Road. 73 50 H . Phillips . South Bank Heathcote, Hills Road. 117 200 T. Hanmer. Fendall Town Road. 74 50 James Wilson . North Bank of River Heathcote and , 118 50 T. Evans Lower Lincoln Road, near Christchurch. Hills Road. 119 50 E. Wright North Road, W aimakariri. 75 50 Alfred Lake Gebbie's Flat, Port Lyttelton. 120 50 E. Fitzgerald . South Bank Heathcote, Steam-wharf. {Rt. Hon. Earl Spcn-} 121 50 Thos. Jackson . Lower Lincoln Road, Heathcote Bridge. 76 - 700 cer and c. L. Rose. Lower Lincoln Road, Heathcote Bridge. 122 100 W. Keunaway. South Bank Heathcote, near Steam- wharf. 4 List of Sections Purchased to 30th April, 1863. L ist of Sections Purchased to 30tli April, 1863. , 5 Number Number of Acreage APPLICANT. L OCALITY. of Acreage A PPLICANT. L OCALITY. Section. Section. -~--~- ! -~~~~~~~~!-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123 50 Thos. Jackson . Lower Lincoln Road, near Heathcote 170 20 E. Hay Pigeon Bay. Bridge. 171 214 Ditto Ditto. 124 50 G. H . Rowe Charteris Bay. 172 125 - Robinson Ditto. 125 100 G. A. E . Dashwood River Avon, Slaughter-house Road. A. R. P . 173 99:3: 21 126 50 F. W. Beechey Governor's Bay, Port Lyttelton. E. Hay . Ditto. 174 200: 3: 8 Ditto 127 50 T. F . Peel . Port Lyttelton Hills, Dry Bush. Ditto. J . Twigger . 175 50 Rev. G. B. Tuson Stanmore Road, East of Christclnu·ch. 128 150 L ower Lincoln Road, near Christchurch 176 G. T . B. Kingdon Charteris Bay. 50 Rev. R. .T. Spranger . South Christchurch. 129 50 177 Eliza F . Hart . Port Lyttelton. 50 W . B. Bray Riccarton Road. 130 50 177A J . A. Chowno . 50 Ditto Harewood Road by Riccarton. 131 50 Ferry Road, near Christchurch Quay. 177n 50 J . Twigger . Lower Lincoln Road, near Heathcote. Ditto Ditto. 132 50 177a 50 50 J . Birch . Between Papanui Road and Wairerapa. Ditto Ditto. 133 178 50 Ditto 134 50 T. H . Harrison South of tho Native Reserve, Kaiapoi. North side of Harewood R oacl by Eliza Yorke Papanui. Riccarton. 135 150 17811 J . Wyatt Papanui Road. 50 Ditto Harewood Road by Riccarton. 136 100 178n 50 137 50 J . Williams Harewood Road by Papanui. Ditto Ditto. 178a 50 Ditto 138 100 E. Puckle Heathcote, South Christchurch Road. Ditto. G. C. Beard Riccarton Road. 179 50 Ditto Head of W aimairi. 139 50 179A 50 140 50 E. Meryon . Harewood Road by Papanui. Ditto Ditto. Thos. Jackson . Lower Lincoln Road. 180 50 A. S. Fitz-Maurice Riccarton and Lincoln Road. 141 100 181 D. Hankinson . Papanui Road. 50 J . Pickering Purau Bay. 142 50 182 H.F. Worsley 50 C. Dudley Avon, East Christchurch Road. 143 50 Wairerapa, Fencl::tll Town Roail. 183 B. Parkerson Sumner. 100 J. Dudley Avon, North Bank. 144 100 184 Visct. Mandeville, now 50 A. A. Dobbs Port Lyttelton, Governor's Bay. 184A 145 350 { Duke of Manchester. }Riccarton Road. 50 Ditto Ri vor Avon, North Bank. 185 50 100 Thos. Jackson . Lincoln and Riccarton Road. C. Dudley Ditto. 146 186 100 147 150 Lady 0. B. Sparrow . Lower Lincoln Road. D. D. Muter Akaroa, Gorman Bay. Richard Packer Papanui Road. 187 100 Ditto Head of Bay, Akaroa. 148 50 188 Jos. Denman Riccarton. 100 T. Parr. Avon. 149 100 189 Robt. H. Wood North Road, Purarekanui. 50 E . W. Caulfield Pigeon Bay. 150 50 189A John James Papanui Road.

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