t, .V r ' 'I- TIWS OMAIIA DAILY * J5KE : SUNDAY , JULY 28 , 1895. nutmeg , a then t* layer ot sugar, and finally that the young naval officers were somewhat When the was n bride In 1STO she went with . ( THH DOCTOR'S COLUMN.- thick layer a , rlh. yellows clotted cream Intoxicated by her magnificence ? New York her husband on a military expedition to the Ooo W , New Kindly K Devonshire " Maccaroons nnd would Indeed find a to- , J York Inform me * cf-eam valuable addition far cast and , to avoid attention , appeared > ou l vanilla b Us ti what rrounrm'nd for chronic i rln of- wafers slu uld served with It. social life In her-. as n lad ot 1C , since which time she has the funtp and llnhiK f the rnts It onus * rlicu. Perfectly d lclfius for afternoon tea , or never changed her dress. limtlc |Kiln ; n tna , " ( , ISoti-N. WOMAN'S DOMAIN for "high are gateaux ntix plstaches .rnnlilon ( Queen Victoria tins given Dell Smith a- Taku Pcbrlclilo Tills , one tlirro times or plstache talf j. up flV3 cunc's each ot Hrussrls net and tulle fichus bordered Unt Kitting for a , picture be- clnlly. for two cekBj then Tliyroillno , butter and flnn sugar , six ounces of flour with ono or three plaited rubles are used portrait The will extract lilstorlc , representing In ( net ot placing of tlio Tliyrokl Gland , In drop ; and three eggs well beaten , adding the flour over a high and low necked corsage. her he three doses and eggs nlterIMely.| Hake this mixture In a n wreath upon the coffin of Sir John Thump * morning anil evening. Use Nnttirolltlilo < > fields The American challls are this summer ex- ¬ POIl MVlMi HAYS. not bordered the veils are very wide , IIng In duellings of her defenders and by ot ' cold son , Into premier ot Canada , Salts onre or twice n week to keep the bow- ¬ shallow tin. "Wlron quite cut It Into ceptionally In , quality , . waving corn , lleyond on every side Is a pretty design but the els regular. Ciubolatcd - < I thick folds under the chin.- InVgl- ; theje Mrs. A. H. Hall of Hasten has made the Cosmollno or Vaso- ! , ll I.IUcly to- rounds with a pastry cutter cover good , The Ulllnr.IVllocI green wilderness of meirjulte and cactus. though Is not at all like the French IIlie uoulil bo n KOOI ! I . Illack' tulle , however. Is more universally rounds with apricot or peach marmalade , and record of successful fishing by n. woman In olutiytnt. 1,1'IHl III Pill I'llltlllllllH- Is as completely furnished and goods- . becoming than any white veil , when worn In The chateau pllo several other. Cover the the Rangelcy lakes. A few days ago she , .NHV YOHK , July 21. Just at this moment edfli above the Troubled IMilla. Kor the local trouble , tnk way mentioned.- . as handsomely equipped as any mansion on , .Illack alpaca and black mohair skirts are caught futtr weighed twenty the last layer wlthSi little of the marmalade and trout that Tcstlno In drcp I! MM , tlirco times dally , fashion li revolving vigorously round the , Fifth avenue In New York. No luxury that pis- - Immensely popular this year , these c'.egantly pounds , tipping As to midsummer parasols words fall to then sprinkle fury thickly with blanched the largest the scales at on the tongue. For the IndlKcstlon nntl period. In Paris , where the give on adequate Idea of variety money can buy anywhere la lacking to the tachlo nuts , whipped cut nnd hung , and lined In color matching seven and three-quarter pounds. Louis XVI their and iKlll the center with other disorders tnko Nathrollthlc Salts , two they seem widow, who , by the way , Is the daughter of cream , wdth , and garnish the t'nnt ot the blouse bodice. dramatization of Dumas' novel. "Le Collier loveliness. Like everything else strewi3l nuts Amelia Sterncckcr. 17 years old , ot San teagpooiisful In n tumbler of water , ono- more charming than ever year. Those the first Presbyterian missionary to the Rio base with llttlo huhps ot the yea in and nuts She who Is tired of organ-pipe folds may , t do la Heine , " has revived Interest In the this Francisco has Invented n fender for trolley half hour before breakfa , cacti week.- . n white and Bilk and white chiffon arc much Grande. Corpus Chrlstl Is the terminus of a- have her godct skirt laid In backward-turning cars which will soon bo given a by styles of time , all Hie new things are : iflrnv ci.fii.D- . trial the A Header , > m- this sed and n plain gown prodigiously. lallway , and from that point a continuous Tin AVOVAVS plaits the nn Interlining ot St. I.oul Will ou plt-mp tell " become at back. With companies of her native town , The young of imine niimly will llo li ? 1 cither "Louis XVI" or "Marie Antoinette. ¬ that rr-luw mil no - hey nre not altered greatly In shape , nnd- stream of wagons carries Ice and other neces- fibre chamois the plaits stand out with a girl a 8loiU It pi CM tit * me woiklng without inlior , and It Is hinted by authorities high In rnat- lHiMiKMltiK' > N mill Mfmi * to Il- > has had pisslun for machinery and Kicat cntlnuo sensible In 8le , though the same saries to the ranch. Mrs. King lives for sev- ¬ graceful effect. In tera modish that by winter we will all be HixiillliiK.- . mechanics general ever since childhood.- . .Tnko Thyrolillno , In tlircc flrop doses on- Illy our ns&d , ot year In a palace Cor- ¬ ouriiKf little sun-shades that mothers eral months each at The beautifully shaded silk embroidery on Mrs. In- ? looking exactly like old court portraits. Stiff * Kle- - Hesolved , That the New Woman's club Harriet Maxwell Converse , born Ik toiiRiio , three times dally. Once or twlc- nd that .turn over Into fans when thd pus Chrlstl. Her son-in-law , Robert J. the edges of chiffon' , llsse , nnd tulle rufllcs bretellei and crinoline skirts , It Is said , will In every vvuy use Its Influence to discourse Elmlra , and now n resident of New York uiit cek take two teatpoonfuU of Nnthrollthla ccaslon repulres , nre seen- . barg , Is general manager of the ranch , on flouncing Is , to draperies and floating , and machine work entirely but City , although of ancestory. Is n Salts , In u tumbler of water , give way soft 200,000 of Improved breeds. boodllntr Caucasian one-half hour .rilAIIj AS THI3Y AUB FA1H. which ore cattle It has nil the exquisite and lovely effect of chief and before breakfast.- . fichus ; the fichus , In all degrees of laca and up at Tor once there was a beautiful unanimity the custodian and adviser of the ac- ¬ delightful , Long trains of freight cars nre made the finest hand work.- . Six , have already appeared as Inviting They nro all and expenilve nnd Nations of New York Indians For A. muslin King's to the , Chicago Times-Herald. with the Na lie things , Corpus Chrlstl to carry Mrs. cattle at club relates the , , , al- ¬ three generations M.-Continue throllthlo cessories , but later on they will be part and most iH'rltliablo of perishable In Paris grny beige white nnd black her family has held like ; the cist.- . with , Salts nlso take Cerebrlne , In five drop , > dresk- - nd , of course , not one will be fashionable Each Individual member felt satisfied pacas nre everywllierc of honors doses parcel of the short bodies. As for our worn. Some the , To run the vast estate casts about $100,000- ot- on the tongue thtoc lltncs dally. up bodice , 11 will ba something entirely dif- ¬ ext summer. Meanwhile , however , three the resolution and assured that It was a black gowns have Immense sailor collars Mrs. Mary Oarrett of Baltimore , who Is of- a year. every twenty miles ot barbed ¬ 12. It been. f the prettiest lately seen are worthy Fir to organisation.- . giecn , violet or brown velvet , with nn ap- generally conceded to be unmar- ¬ A. St. Louis. Your questions are nn- - ferent from what has Is a man to make repairs credit herself and the the richest escrlptlon , women wire fence thcro plique or edge. In ered ns follows : No. 1. Use cold ¬ ' THK IlKION OP TUB COAT- . and that the under them "Only W8 ought to have uttenduJ to this rich cream lace nt the ried woman America , lives In the plainest spong ooked adorable goes without saying. The and sec that no break occurs. In the old ing every morning mid evening nnd scan- ¬ Pretty outing suits ot blue Imperial ecrgc and least ostentatious way. She has no rough .It Is to be a coat evidently. Uut when' days to cut n fencs was an offense likely to earlier, and so prevented all the recent L' alntlcst of th by far of white Turkish towel. No. , cheap soaps ! says Is to be a Louis XVI three wai ot have Eton jackets with tnbbed fronts nnd hobbles or pet extravagancies , and devotes Monsieur Felix It , , result In the death of the perpetrator the dal , " mused thin 'lady with the lorgnun- Vnsellno or soap afleta silk flowered In pompadour colors the large bishop , striped , much of her money nnd most of her time to Ccxmollne Is good No. 3. , big wig says It will bo a Louis act. Throe cowboys are regularly sleeves. Wash silks coat another nd with a coal black border , which cmplm- - hundrcl "You talk as unreasonably as a woman , " Tuko Nuthrolltlilc Salts , two teaspoonfuli a , checked or dotted , nro used for the blouse the development of various philanthropic nnd Qulnza coat.
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