Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 9-14-1994 Arbiter, September 14 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. ." \! :~ .~ ,:t ',::;;~~1;;:;:,~::~;;ri!';';;:;~\;:~~:.:;;~',""t'; jcY::/,,~:ii:t~'~'~':::~~:::.,::\'t:::':;';,~i!'r'::',~;":~f;,';rsr:,o~';';;'f,,:,::itT::'.:\·~!\i':'':t7::t~:0r;\t~t,:r~:~;~;:')~;'i::~~;:·~,;o:\~~~~?Ff'~:',;r;:.:::~)!C;;'i~r);j';:\~:t~;~:t:~ti~~:i,':';:~{:,:'~:' :r:~5~"r~~~:':~';:f(";~';::A'-:~~;'(~i"?!',~!;'.j, ' . ... ~ a ~onthly stipend of $1,800. A $5,000/year Sept. 23,24,30 and Oct. 1. Volunteers '~ ' cost-of-educatio,nallowance is paid to the are ask~.,to attend all sessions, for a total academic program- ill ~iiich the' fellow ,is of 20, hoiir:s of training. AlItrllinlng ses- enrol1~d. " .' sions will be in the Conunun1catioil Eligible students, must be U.S. citizens, Building at Boise State University,located have received a bachelor's degree by east of the library. Friday sessions will August 1995 and have completed the ,stan at 7 p.m, and end at 9 p.~.saturday :'~ewsbucket,Graduate Record Examination. At' the time sessions begin at a time the Friday group will determine. J , \ ' '- 'BY KATE NEILLY BELL of appllcation, applicants may not have completed more than one year of graduate Training sessions will cover the education in a discipline the NRC, nature of suicidal crisis, positive inter- Fellowship Program supports. Selection is vention techniques and' community Governor ,speaks , based on academic performance, academ- resources. Persons interested in taking against Proposition One ic and professional references, a statement the training but not volunteering are also of career goals and, as appropriate, inter- welcome. BSU students can receive Gov. Cecil Andrus was the keynote views with the applicants. internship and pra~1cum credits for vol- speaker at a rally'Sept, 8 to kick off a Fellowship applications are being taken unteering.. campaign against Proposition One, the throughJan.23, 1995, and awards will be Idaho now has the. second highest per Idaho' Citizens Alliance anti-gay measure announced in April 1995. capita rate of suicide in the United States, to be voted on this For applications or additional informa- At greatest risk are the elderly, followed November. tion, contact Rose Etm Cox at (615) 576- by people aged 15-24. The Hotline serves More than 1,000 indi- 9279 or Tom Richmond at (615) 576-2194. all of Idaho south of Riggins. All calls are viduals and organiza- The address is NRC Fellowship Program, confidential. tions representing reli- Oak Ridge Institute for Science and The number for the hotllne is 1-800- gious faiths, community Education, Science/Engineering Education 564-2120. groups and business Division, P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn., organizations have 37831-0117. To request application materi- joined a statewide coali- als only, call1-8oo-569-7749. tion in opposition to the Eastman announces measure. "Proposition One is an "Proposition One is new Associate Dean an unconstitutional mea- Student to be rec~gnized Alan Brinton assumed the duties of unconstitutional measure' sure thai will. mean ,for commitment to Associate Dean of the College of Arts and more government lritru- Sciences on Sept. 6, pending State Board that will mean more sion in the lives of all of Education approval. First Amendment.- ;:., ...... Idahoans," said Brian Brinton will be resPonsible"for student- Beverly Harris, the lead plaintiff in the government iritrusion in Bergquist, chairperson related matters within the college and will of the No on 1 Coalition. ongoing ACLU litigation chal1englng help with research programs. He will also the lives of all Idahoans ...~~ "The lastthing Idaho school prayer at the Grangeville High direct the interdisciplinary studies program needs is the radical right , School graduation, will be presented with forthe university. ' coming in and forcing more goyernment an awa'rd recognizing he~ courage and The new associate dean brings an out- on us. This measure will dlvldeour state civil liberties convictions at the ,ACLU , standing background of teaching, research Awards, Banquet Sept. 17. and cost millions of tax dollars in wasteful and service to the position, according to a , The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals legal battles." memorandum from Phil Eastman, Dean of Among the public figures opposing the recently heard argument on the case,", the College of Arts and Sciences. proposition are Gov. Andrus, Republican Harrisv. Joint School District No. 24~. The court's decision is pending. U.S. Senators Dirk Kempthorne and Larry .- Craig, Democratic U,S. Rep. Mike Crapo Now a zt-vear-old senior at Albertson Construction Management and all the Republican and Democratic can- College, Harris was 1-7when she and her didates for governor arid attorney general. mother first contacted the ACLU to stop Association tops nation the plans of the Grangeville School District ' to include prayer at the 1991 high school BSU's student Construction graduation. As a result of the complaints, Management Association has been award- Career oppor,unity, fel- the Harris family has received death ed first place in the Outstanding threats and other expressions of hostility. Associated General Contractor of America lowship money is avail- "Freedom of religion is a First contest for the fourth time and for the sec- able for engineers Amendment right, one of ourmost impor- on~ consecutive year, tant freedoms," Harris said. "When 'a tax- The group has earned national recog- Students interested In pursuing a career supported institution encourages and/or nition Llof the past 13 years in the com- in the field ~f nuclear power regulation endorses religious activity or' any sort, it is petition, ' and continuing their education should infringing upon that freedom. ..My con- A. dozen schools competed in the 19th look to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory , cern is that we are giving up a very impor- , annual contest. The BSU chapter earned Commission for a helpful hand. ' tant freedom when we allow the govern- the judge's attention for itsjnore than The NRC Fellowship program provides mentto dictate our beliefs. We must 3,500 work hours devoted to, chapter, funds for students interested in 'pursuing , remember that constitutionality is not a campus and community activities. This master's degrees iri areas such as health, ,majority issue, and it is imperative that we year the group participated in 36 projects, physics, nuclear engineering and specialty preserve our individual rights;" including volunteer labor andconstrue- , engineering disciplines with emphasis in ' tion ofRhodes Park (a concrete skate- , , instrumentation and control systems, mate- board park), construction' of a storage rials science, materials engineering or met- shed a the Bishop's House at the Old al1ury; Suicide hotline' Idaho State Penitentiary and bUilding a , Fel10ws must work at the l:'IRCfor a for volunteers', c,oncrete ramp to allow wheelchair access minimum of nine months prior to begin- calls to .the Boise' River. ning graduate SchooL During this perloc( . The Idaho Suicide !?revention Hotline ,'The grotipmembeis a~~ construction: fel10ws will receive an annual salary rang- , Service is calling for volunteerS ~ndis offer- management niajors at BSU. COnstruction ing from $33,000 to $35,000 plus full gov~ . , ,ing training to anyone who is interested. " management is a four-year academic pro- e~ent benefits. Feilc;>ws'must al~ asree The hotllile operates 365 days a 'year, "gramthat includes course work'incalcu- , to work for the NRC (at $37,000-$40,000) and volunteers work 6-hour shifts at ' Ius, physics, engineering, business and for four years foliowing satisfactory com- " ,ho~e; at times of theirowrt choosing: The, construction. More than 100 students are' 'pletionof a tw~yearmaster'spi'o~in. hotline now receives an average of two to .~OJ'olledin co~~tion management, , The ,NRCfellawshipPiovidC$full pay- threecails per shift.' .,' .' " "" ,which'is offered through BSU'sCollege of ment of tuitioil; fees 'and books as welI as Training sessions wi1~be on 'T~hnology. " ,: .: ',1 . .;. '~ .. THEARBtTER ~--:.-_~----- ~~ __ WEONESOA~ SEPTEMBER 14,1994 3 Amendment offers redistricting alternative MARK HOLLADAY ment to switch the responsibility of reap- sus. In the past, the legislature has had the data and insure that each legislator repre- Staff Writer portionment to an independent council. task of redrawing the districts. The 1991 sents an equal population. Proponents of the measure say that reapportionment, which took effect in Under SJR 105, two-thirds majority when people have direct control over the 1992, tied up the Legislature for most of decision must be reached by the commis- Idaho State Constitutional Amendment process in which they are elected, personal the session and other issues were neglect- sion. If a dispute arises in the reapportion- SJR 105-0ne of several items to be voted interests may sway decisions, leading 10 ed. If an independent body does the redis- ment process, the case will bypass lower on this November-establishes rules to disputes in the reapportionment process. tricting, proponents say that will save time courts and go directly to the Idaho appoint and govern a commission to With the passage of SJR 105 it is hoped that in the Legislature, allow them to address Supreme Court. select the boundaries of political districts. the commission will be better able to put other issues and save tax-payer dollars. The amendment has no provision for Because the legislative redistricting has state interest above self interest. If the amendment passes, the Legislature indecision within the commission.
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