1YEAR0S of Urban Regeneration 1YEAR0S of Urban Regeneration KVARTERLØFT 10 YEARS OF URBAN REGENERATION Published by: The Ministry of Refugees, Immigration and Integration Affairs Publication: October 2007 Edited by: Ellen Højgaard Jensen in coorporation with Asger Munk, Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs Area articles: Julie Lungholt Layout, graphics and production: Johan Fast and Thor Salling Toolkit Printed by: Illemann Tryk Translated by: Scandinavian Translators A/S Photos: The local secretariats and The Ministry of Refugees, Immigration and Integration Affairs (p. 8, 14, 17, 19, 26, 30, 38, 41, 43, 50, 59,61,67, 71, 73, 83, 85, 89, 91, 95, 97, 101, 107, 109,113, 115, 119,121,125,127,131,133) The Danish Town Planning Institute (p. 13, 20, 23, 65, 77, 103 Kim Tverskov (p. 34) Jens Hemmel (p.79) Issue: 500 Signed articles are the responsibility of the authors The kvarterloeft projects have generated good results, for instance in changing the image of the neighbourhoods and Foreword creating networks among the residents. The concept itself has also gained great importance. The kvarterloeft princi- The Minister of Refugee, Immigration and ples have formed the basis for area renewal in urban renewal Intergration Affairs, Rikke Hvilshøj legislation, in which public participation is a core element. Similarly, the kvarterloeft principles have been transferred 10 years of kvarterloeft projects to new initiatives led by Landsbyggefonden (the National The kvarterloeft initiative, a large-scale attempt to “lift” Building Fund) concerning deprived non-profit housing, and deprived urban areas through a holistic initiative based on where, for example, the holistic approach in the initiatives is public participation and public-private partnerships, are ensured by establishing local secretariats. now drawing to a close. The initiative began in 1997 and comprises projects in 12 areas covering a total population of We have now launched the new initiative, which is to re- about 120,000 people. Both this book and the two large con- verse the trend in non-profit areas that are drifting off course. ferences in Copenhagen on 10-12 October 2007 will help This is to ensure that the good results are maintained in areas give the initiative a fitting finale. I am pleased that, with where negative trends have been reversed in a positive di- this book and the international conference, we have demon- rection, and is to help ensure healthy cohesion in all areas of strated that the experience gained in Denmark is of interest Denmark. New tools have been created that can be applied worldwide. However, the book is intended to do more than in this work. For example, we now have better allocation simply present the results, which can indeed be considered rules, better opportunities for selling non-profit housing and with pride. It is also intended to stimulate discussion on pos- the tools to monitor developments. sible improvements. And in that context, we can also benefit from experience gained in other countries. The funds are there. In the years ahead, Landsbyggefonden can therefore use DKK 400 million a year on social and pre- The Danish government finds it vital to stop the continu- ventive initiatives in areas with problems. Another DKK 2.4 ing trends towards ghettoisation. The development of areas billion can be used to renovate and modernise buildings and that are physically, socioculturally and economically isolat- areas. ed from the rest of society is unacceptable. There are areas where far too many residents are outside the labour market, It is also important that we apply where far too many people altogether lack contact with the the comprehensive experience pro- rest of society, and where the imbalance in social and ethnic vided by the more than 10 years composition is far too evident. In such areas there is a risk of of kvarterloeft projects in future parallel societies emerging. work. Funds alone are not enough to combat the formation of ghettos The kvarterloeft projects in e.g. Brøndby Strand and Avedøre and parallel societies. However, Stationsby have clearly succeeded in reversing the develop- good strategies based on sound ment in primarily non-profit housing. The areas have suc- knowledge of what is effective are cessfully been made attractive, also for employed residents. very useful. Knowledge and com- Members of the public have successfully participated in the munication of knowledge in par- activities. And many exciting future-oriented integration ticular will be key words for me in projects have successfully been completed. the work ahead. Enjoy the book. 09 Ten years of Integrated Urban Regeneration 1 Results of the kvarterloeft projects 21 A European perspective 27 Who are the active citizens? 31 To have or not have a local secretariat 3 Image - a part of the kvarterloeft strategy 39 The integration potential of urban regeneration 4 Ten years of kvarterloeft – what do the researchers say? 1 Evaluation. 9 Aalborg 6 Avedøre 71 Randers 77 Femkanten 83 Vestbyen Horsens 89 Kolding 9 Nørrebro Park 101 Holmbladsgade 107 Kgs. Enghave 113 Brøndby Strand 119 Nord Vest 12 Vollsmose 131 Aarhus Vestby 7 Ten years of Integrated Urban Regeneration Asger Munk, MSc (political science), Head of the National Urban Regeneration Programme, Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs Introduction and Summary involvement, integrated solutions and participation by local forces.” In ad- In Denmark we do not have distressed public-private partnerships. dition, the analysis and the cooperation areas in the same sense as in e.g. United between public sector and private sec- States or some bigger European coun- What is integrated urban tor players are embodied in a contract. tries and when we speak of segregation regeneration? (Ministry of Housing (1996) p. 1). it is in terms of smaller segregated parts The term “Kvarterløft” (integrated ur- of a city. The Danish welfare system to ban regeneration) can be traced back to Organisation of the urban a large extent counteracts tendencies of at least January 1993, when it appeared regeneration experiment cities or regions becoming segregated. in a consultancy report concerning The funding of urban regeneration, But still there are areas with a high action in the North-west area in Co- which can be designated as negotiated rate of problems. Two typical types of penhagen. The urban regeneration in funding, is an element of the so-called problem-areas may be identified. One the North-west area was initiated in a cooperation agreements. Most of the is large non profit housing estates often cooperation between the City of Co- money from funds comes from the built in the period 1960-80. Immigrants penhagen, the Ministry of Housing and government program on urban renewal. from non western counties often make the Ministry of Social Affairs, which However, a number of other ministries up a high percentage of the inhabitants concluded a cooperation agreement on are also contributing, including the in these areas. The other type of area urban regeneration in 1994. Ministry of Social Affairs, the Minis- is the older part of bigger cities espe- try of the Interior, and the Ministry of cially in Copenhagen with low housing The Government’s Urban Committee Labour. The municipalities also con- standard, traffic problems and with subsequently defined the main charac- tribute substantial funds. Lastly, one of industrial sites that can be used for new teristics of urban regeneration projects the aims is partnerships between public functions. in a report as follows: sector and private sector players in, for “1. The projects concern the area, example, the area of employment. An approach to address the problems and not individual residents or prop- in these areas is called “kvarterloeft” erties 2. The projects are based on (Integrated Urban Regeneration). This coordinated and integrated action 3. area based approach stresses citizen The projects are based on maximum 9 Urban regeneration – where ? The areas that have been selected all have serious problems affecting several sectors. In addition, the Urban Com- mittee has stressed that the resources Review of the Urban Regeneration areas required to tackle the problems must be available. In the first round of kvar- Areas Population terloeft 1996/97 the basis for selection among other things included the idea The municipality of Copenhagen: of having different types of neighbour- Holmbladsgade 16.000 hoods in the experiment. The projects Kgs. Enghave 14.000 were selected by the Governments Ur- Femkanten 6.500 ban Committee based on applications Indre Bispebjerg/Nordvest 15.000 from the municipalities. This variety of Ydre Nørrebro 16.000 neighbourhoods also explains the big differences between the goals set up in the plan for the area eg concerning the Zealand: social composition of the area. In the Avedøre Stationsby 6.000 projects in Randers and Kolding the Brøndby – Brøndby Strand 11.000 goal was to avoid gentrification of the area and thus keep a mixed social com- position. On the other hand in Avedøre Funen: Stationsby with only social housing the Odense – Vollsmose 10.000 ambition was to attract more well to do citizens. This was also the ambition in a similar area in Aalborg, while the Jutland: areas in Copenhagen lay in between in Kolding 5.000 that respect. Aalborg Øst 15.000 Randers 1.100 The total number of inhabitants in all Horsens - Vestbyen 3.300 “kvarterloeft” - areas amount to ap- prox. 110.000 and the total investment Italics indicate Urban Regeneration areas selected at the be- frame on urban renewal from the Min- ginning of September 2000 istry of Housing and Urban Affairs for these areas amounts to 1,3 billion DKr. (approx. 174,5 Mio. Euro) The urban regeneration plans that have However, the creation and existence of key documents in the urban regenera- been prepared in cooperation between, cross-sector bodies is not per se enough tion effort.
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