Orchestra Routes Must Be Received Atthe Cincinnati Offices Not Re

Orchestra Routes Must Be Received Atthe Cincinnati Offices Not Re

14 The Billboard MUSIC May 28, 1938 ORCHESTRAROUTES Following each listing appears a symbol.Fill in the designation, cor- responding to the symbol when addressing organizations or individuals listed. Peck,Earl: (Cocoanut Grove)Bridgeport, (Routes are for current week when no dates Conn., nc. ; are giyen.) c-cafe;cb-cabaret; Pedro, Don: (Graemere) Chi, h. ABBREVIATIONS:a-auditorium;b-ballroom; Peterson, Johnny: (Old Mill) Salt Lake City, A cc-country club; h-hotel; mh-music hall; nc-night club; p-amuse- nc. s-showboat;t -theater, Peterson,Dee: (EdgewaterClub)Albany, Abbott, Dick:(Statler) Boston, h. mentpark;ro-roadhouse;re-restaurant; Adcock, Jack: (Manoa Inn) Manoa, Pa., no. N. Y., DC. Agnew, Charlie: (Bill Green's) Pittsburgh, no. Petti, Emile: (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Alberto, Don: (El Chico) NYC, no. Pitman,Jack:(PortArthur)Providence, (To -Jo -Farms) Detroit, no. Dooley, Phil; (Palmer House) Chi, h. Kellogg, Klayton: (Club Mandarin) Houston, R. I.,re. Alexander, Joe: Downs, Evelyn: (Boulevard) Bronx, N. Y., nc. Tex., no. Prima, Leon: (Famous Door) NYC, no. Allen, Dick: (ENS Club) Akron, no. Kendis, Sonny:(Book -Cadillac)Detroit,h.Prima, Louis:(Casa Manana) NYC, nc. Anderson, Kenny:(Varsity Inn)Athens, 0. Dreiske, Hal:(Bal Tabarin) San Francisco, (Chittenden) Columbus, Anderson & Belli: (Lorraine) Madison, nc. Kent, Peter: (New Yorker) NYC, h. Pritchard,Dave: Wis., h. Duchin, Eddy: (Palmer House) Chi, h. King, Ted: (New Kenmore) Albany, h. O., h. Angelos: (Bertolotti's) NYC, re. Duerr, Dolph: (Green Derby) Cleveland, ne. King, Hal: (Club Lakeview) Paducah, Ky., no. Apollon, Al: (Chalfonte) Pinehurst, N. C., h.Dunlop, John: (Wagon Wheel) New Bruns-Kinney, Ray: (Lexington) NYC, h. Rainey, Dud: (The Crest) Pittsburgh, no. Armstead,Charlie: (Dells)Lake Lansing, wick, N. J., no. Kirk, Andy: (Savoy) Chi, h. Ramona: (Nicollet) Minneapolis, h. Lansing, Mich.; b. Kirkham, Don: (Blakeland Inn) Denver, no.Ray,'rankie: (Lake) Gary, Ind., h. Arseth: (Bismarck) Chi, h. Easter, Clarence: (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc.Krumin, Costya: (Russian Bear) New York,Reader,Charles:(Fort Montague) Nassau, Austin, Sid: (Laurels) Sackett Lake, N. Y., cc.Edmund, George: (Loyale) NYC, c. re. B. W. I.,h. Fred: (Flamingo Club)Orlando, Krupa, Gene: (Arcadia -International)Phila, Auwater, Eichler, Fran: (Gray Wolf Tavern) Sharon, re. Reichman, Joe: (Baker) Dallas, h. Fla., nc. Pa., no. Kuenzler,Robert: (Martin'sRathskeller)Resh, Benny: (The Bowery) Detroit, nc. B Elliott, Lee: (Green Gables) Hazleton, Pa., ro. NYC. ne. Reyes, Chloe.:(Continental) Detroit, no. Engle,Freddy: (UniversityClub)Albany, Reynolds, Buddy:(Rose Garden) Hannibal, Baine, Jack: (Desert) Spokane, Wash., b. Kurtze, Jack: (Cavalier Inn) La Crosse, Wis., Mo., b. Baker, Fred: (Tropical Bar) Vero Beach, Fla., N. Y., no. no. nc. English, Coleman: (Westwood Village) Calif.,Kyser, Kay: (Pennsylvania) NYC, h. Rich, George: (Black Rail) New Orleans, c. Barber, Hal: (Parody Club) Chi, no. nc. Rinaldo, Nina: (885 Club) Chi, no. Bardo,Bill:(Adolphus)Dallas, Tex., h. Evans, Al: (Chez Firehouse) NYC, no.. Rives, Joseph:(St. Regis) NYC, h. Barrett, Hughie: (Tavern -on -the -Green) NYC, LaMothe,Oliva: (Rosegarden) Middletown,Rio, Rita:(Jefferson Beach) Detroit, b. , Conn., c. Rizzo, Vincent: (Walton) Phila, h. re. Fain, Paul: (Grossman) Lakewood, N. J., cc.La Porte, Jan: (Marni's), YOnkers, N. Y., re.Rogers, Buddy: (Palomar) Los Angeles, b. Barron, Blue: (Edison) NYC, h. Farber,Bert: (Netherland Plaza)Cincin- (Mayfair Farms)Penn- Bavarians, Three: (Utah) Salt Lake City, h. nati, h. LaPorte, Manny: Rogers, Jon:(Bracker's)City Island, West- Bell, Bob: Miami, Fla. Felix, Don: (The Pines) Newtown., Conn., no. sauken, N. J., nc. chester, N. Y., cc. Benson, Ray: (Stork Club) NYC, nc. (Thwaite's Shore House)Lagman, Bill: (Club Trianon) Mobile, Ala., nc.Rollini,Adrian: (PiccadillyCircusBar) (Commodore Perry)Toledo,Feminine Notes: Lamb, Drexel: (Club Lido) Jackson, Mich., nc. NYC, h. Berdun, Hal: NYC, re. Long, Johnny: (Cavalier) Va. Beach, h. Roman.),Emil:(Garbo)NYC,re. 0., h. Ferdi, Don: (Stratford) Bridgeport, Conn., h.Leonard, Pete: (Inwood Tavern) NYC, no. Rosen, Tommy: (Wisteria Gardens) Atlanta," Bergere, Maximilian: (Versailles) NYC, re. Ferdinando, Felix:(Biltmore) Providence, h.Lewis, Vic: (Colvin Gables) Buffalo, N. Y., no. Berkeley,Duke:(Honkey-Dory)Stamford,Fidler, Dick: (Virginia) Columbus, 0., h. nc. Conn.. no. Fields, Harry: (Royalton) Monticello, N. Y., h.Lewis, Tommy: (Hi -Ho) Biloxi, Miss., no. Rotgers, Ralph: (International Casino) NYC, (Claypool)Indianapolis, h. Lewis, Ted: (Topsy's) Los Angeles, nc. no. Berry, Art: h.Fisher, Buddy: (Four Hundred Club) Wichita,Lido, Bob: (Game Cock) NYC, nc. Russell, Buddy, Manhattan Trio: (Roosevelt) Black, Bob: (Pere Marquette) Peoria, Ill., Kan., nc. Liebert, Dick: (Village Barn) NYC, no. Pittsburgh, h. Block, Bert: (Bill Green's Casino) Pittsburgh,Fordor, Jerry: (Dilley's) Toledo, no. Light, Enoch: (Taft) NYC, h. Roxy Ambassadors:(Club Roxy)Columbus, nc. Pour Top Hats: (La Normandie) Cincinnati, h.Linke, Al:(Windsor) Irvington, N. J., nc. 0., nc. Bonick, Lewis: (Club Mayfair) Boston, no. Franks, Wee Willie:(Butler's Tap Room)Lopez, Vincent: (Casa Manama) NYC, no. Ruby, John: (Times Square) Rochester, N. Y., Boroff, Misch: (Chi -Arai -Chateau) mountain- NYC, nc. Loyacono, Steve: (Chez Paree) New Orleans, side, N. J., re. Erante, Chappie: (Cavalier) NYC, nc. nc. Borr, Mischa: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Frederic, Marvin: (Stevens) Chi, h. no. S Bowman, Charley: (Wivel) NYC, re. Fredrics, Jan: (Boulevard Tavern) Elmhurst, Sabin, Paul: (Syracuse) Syracuse, N. Y., h. Bradfield, Jimmy: (Plaza) Kansas City, Mo., L. I.,ro. McGrane,Don: (Powhatan)Washington,Sanabria, John: (Trocadero) NYC, nc. no. Fuller, Skinny:(Silver Spray) Borger, Tex., D. C., h. Saunders, Harold: (Montparnasse) NYC, no. Breslow, Irv:(Stamp's)Phila, nc. nc. McKay, Ernie:(State) Columbus, 0., re. Savoy, Sextet: (Frontenac Casino) Detroit, nc. Brewer, Teddy:(Robert E.Lee)Winston-Furst, Joe:(The Brook) Summit, N. J., no. McRae, Jerry: (Blue Room) Vicksburg, Miss.,Scoggin, Chic:(El Tivoli)Dallas, nc. Salem, N. C., h. no. Septeto, Canto: (San solid) Havana, no. Breese, Lew: (Chez Paree) Chi, no. McShann, Jay: (Martin's on the Plaza) Kan-Shaw, Artie: (State) Boston, b. Brierley,Earle:(ClubCinderella)Denver,Gagan, Frank: (Statler) Cleveland, h. sas City, Mo., no. Siegel, Irving: (Krauss) Stratford, Wis., b. Colo., nc. Gallo, Phil: (Moorehead) Pittsburgh, h. Mack, Ed: (Oakland Inn) Allentown, Pa., nc. Brinckley, Charles: (Log Cabin) Aurora, Ill.,Gasparre, Dick: (Ritz -Carlton) Boston, h. (Traymor) Atlantic City, h. Simmonds, Lou: (Majestic) Harrogate, Eng., h. Gast,Harold(YachtsmenClub),Marion,Madden, Bill: Slade, Guy: (Uncle Charlie's) Bay St. Louis, no. 0., b. Madriguera, Enric: (Riviera) NYC, nc. Miss., nc. Brooks, Tiny: (De Lisa) Chi, re. Gendron, Henri: (Colosimo's) Chi, no. Malanga, Albert: (Garbo) NYC, re. Smart, Eddie: (21 -Club) Kansas City, Mo., nc. Brown, Emerson: (Black Cat) NYC, re. Biloxi,Malone, Don: (Reed's) Harlem, Mont., no. Smith, Van: (Merry -Go -Round) NYC, no. Brunesco, Jan: (Jack Dempsey's) NYC, re. Gilbert,Jerry: (EdgewaterGulf) Malone, Yorkis:(Continental) Kansas City, Bryant, Willie: (Savoy) Chi, b. Miss., h. Smith, Joseph C.: (La Rue) NYC, no. WhitePlains,Goho, Billy:(Checker Box) Buffalo, c. Mo., nc. Smith,Paul:(BangerCave)Birmingham, Burke,Clarence: (Garden) Gorner, Mishel: (New Yorker) NYC, h. Mannone, Wingy: (El Rancho) Chester, Pa., Ala., nc. N. Y., re. Graff, Johnny: (Anchorage Inn) Phila, no. no. Snyder,Billy:(Lookout House)Covington, Burkarth, Johnny: (Casa Madrid) Louisville, Ky., nc. nc. Southland Rhythm Girls: (Endure) Brooklyn, C Orchestra Routes must be received atthe Cincinnati offices not re. Caney Sextet: (Havana Madrid) NYC, no. Sparr, Paul: (Warwick) NYC, h. Capello, Joe: (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. later than Friday to insure publication. Sprigg, Jack:(Beverly Hills)Newport, Ky., Capra, Jimmy: (Belvedere) Hot Springs, Ark., CC. nc. Steel, Leonard: (Ft. Shelby) Detroit, h. Carlson, Bill:(Trianon)Chi, b. Green, Jack: (Subway) Akron, 0., nc. Mareno, Frank: (Sweeney) Baltimore, c. Sterney, George: (Coq Rouge) NYC, nc. Carlyn, Tommy: (Peyton's)Steubenville, 0., Three Rivers,Marshall, Duane: (Essex) Boston, h. Stipes, Eddie: (Frankie's) Toledo, nc. Gravel, Lou:(Chez Ernest) Martel, Gus: (Versailles) NYC, re. Stock, Gus: (Essex House) Newark, N. J., h. nc. Quebec, nc. Martin, Lou: (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. Stoltz,Colic:(Tropical Roof) Memphis, ne. Carroll, Lou: (Village Brewery) NYC, no. Gray,Len: (NewCedars) NewBedford. Carroll,Frank:(Unionport Restaurant and Mass., :sc. Martin, Bob: (Chez Florence) Paris, no. Strom, Ray: (Fifth Avenue) NYC, h. Cabaret) Bronx, NYC. Grayson, Bobby: (Peyton's) Pittsburgh, nc. Massaro, Johnny: (Belvedere) Lake Mahopak,Strong, Benny: (Brown)Louisville, h. Casey,Ken: (HalfMoon)ConeyIsland, N. Y., h. Stutz, Dick:(Westminster)Boston, h. N. Y., h. Massicot, Steve: (Grove) Gulfport, Miss., no.Subel,Allan:(BedfordSprings)Bedford Casson, Delmar: (Tally -Ho Club) Dayton, 0.,Hamp, Johnny: (Castle Farms) Cincinnati, ro.Massingale, Bert:(Hi -Hat) Houston, nc. Springs, Pa., h. no. Harris, Claude: (Joey's Stables) Detroit, no. Mayehoff, Eddy: (Governor Clinton) NYC, li.Swanson, (La Conga) NYC, nc. Chanslor, Hal: (Omar's Dome) Los Angeles,Harris, Leroy: (Kit Kat Klub) NYC, nc. Menendez, Nilo:(Stork Club) NYC, nc. T nc. Harper, Daryl: (Hawaiian Paradise) Los An-Meroff, Benny:(Gimes Dinner Club)San Childs, Reggie: (Playland) Rye, N. Y., p. geles, no.

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