14 The Billboard MUSIC May 28, 1938 ORCHESTRAROUTES Following each listing appears a symbol.Fill in the designation, cor- responding to the symbol when addressing organizations or individuals listed. Peck,Earl: (Cocoanut Grove)Bridgeport, (Routes are for current week when no dates Conn., nc. ; are giyen.) c-cafe;cb-cabaret; Pedro, Don: (Graemere) Chi, h. ABBREVIATIONS:a-auditorium;b-ballroom; Peterson, Johnny: (Old Mill) Salt Lake City, A cc-country club; h-hotel; mh-music hall; nc-night club; p-amuse- nc. s-showboat;t -theater, Peterson,Dee: (EdgewaterClub)Albany, Abbott, Dick:(Statler) Boston, h. mentpark;ro-roadhouse;re-restaurant; Adcock, Jack: (Manoa Inn) Manoa, Pa., no. N. Y., DC. Agnew, Charlie: (Bill Green's) Pittsburgh, no. Petti, Emile: (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Alberto, Don: (El Chico) NYC, no. Pitman,Jack:(PortArthur)Providence, (To -Jo -Farms) Detroit, no. Dooley, Phil; (Palmer House) Chi, h. Kellogg, Klayton: (Club Mandarin) Houston, R. I.,re. Alexander, Joe: Downs, Evelyn: (Boulevard) Bronx, N. Y., nc. Tex., no. Prima, Leon: (Famous Door) NYC, no. Allen, Dick: (ENS Club) Akron, no. Kendis, Sonny:(Book -Cadillac)Detroit,h.Prima, Louis:(Casa Manana) NYC, nc. Anderson, Kenny:(Varsity Inn)Athens, 0. Dreiske, Hal:(Bal Tabarin) San Francisco, (Chittenden) Columbus, Anderson & Belli: (Lorraine) Madison, nc. Kent, Peter: (New Yorker) NYC, h. Pritchard,Dave: Wis., h. Duchin, Eddy: (Palmer House) Chi, h. King, Ted: (New Kenmore) Albany, h. O., h. Angelos: (Bertolotti's) NYC, re. Duerr, Dolph: (Green Derby) Cleveland, ne. King, Hal: (Club Lakeview) Paducah, Ky., no. Apollon, Al: (Chalfonte) Pinehurst, N. C., h.Dunlop, John: (Wagon Wheel) New Bruns-Kinney, Ray: (Lexington) NYC, h. Rainey, Dud: (The Crest) Pittsburgh, no. Armstead,Charlie: (Dells)Lake Lansing, wick, N. J., no. Kirk, Andy: (Savoy) Chi, h. Ramona: (Nicollet) Minneapolis, h. Lansing, Mich.; b. Kirkham, Don: (Blakeland Inn) Denver, no.Ray,'rankie: (Lake) Gary, Ind., h. Arseth: (Bismarck) Chi, h. Easter, Clarence: (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc.Krumin, Costya: (Russian Bear) New York,Reader,Charles:(Fort Montague) Nassau, Austin, Sid: (Laurels) Sackett Lake, N. Y., cc.Edmund, George: (Loyale) NYC, c. re. B. W. I.,h. Fred: (Flamingo Club)Orlando, Krupa, Gene: (Arcadia -International)Phila, Auwater, Eichler, Fran: (Gray Wolf Tavern) Sharon, re. Reichman, Joe: (Baker) Dallas, h. Fla., nc. Pa., no. Kuenzler,Robert: (Martin'sRathskeller)Resh, Benny: (The Bowery) Detroit, nc. B Elliott, Lee: (Green Gables) Hazleton, Pa., ro. NYC. ne. Reyes, Chloe.:(Continental) Detroit, no. Engle,Freddy: (UniversityClub)Albany, Reynolds, Buddy:(Rose Garden) Hannibal, Baine, Jack: (Desert) Spokane, Wash., b. Kurtze, Jack: (Cavalier Inn) La Crosse, Wis., Mo., b. Baker, Fred: (Tropical Bar) Vero Beach, Fla., N. Y., no. no. nc. English, Coleman: (Westwood Village) Calif.,Kyser, Kay: (Pennsylvania) NYC, h. Rich, George: (Black Rail) New Orleans, c. Barber, Hal: (Parody Club) Chi, no. nc. Rinaldo, Nina: (885 Club) Chi, no. Bardo,Bill:(Adolphus)Dallas, Tex., h. Evans, Al: (Chez Firehouse) NYC, no.. Rives, Joseph:(St. Regis) NYC, h. Barrett, Hughie: (Tavern -on -the -Green) NYC, LaMothe,Oliva: (Rosegarden) Middletown,Rio, Rita:(Jefferson Beach) Detroit, b. , Conn., c. Rizzo, Vincent: (Walton) Phila, h. re. Fain, Paul: (Grossman) Lakewood, N. J., cc.La Porte, Jan: (Marni's), YOnkers, N. Y., re.Rogers, Buddy: (Palomar) Los Angeles, b. Barron, Blue: (Edison) NYC, h. Farber,Bert: (Netherland Plaza)Cincin- (Mayfair Farms)Penn- Bavarians, Three: (Utah) Salt Lake City, h. nati, h. LaPorte, Manny: Rogers, Jon:(Bracker's)City Island, West- Bell, Bob: Miami, Fla. Felix, Don: (The Pines) Newtown., Conn., no. sauken, N. J., nc. chester, N. Y., cc. Benson, Ray: (Stork Club) NYC, nc. (Thwaite's Shore House)Lagman, Bill: (Club Trianon) Mobile, Ala., nc.Rollini,Adrian: (PiccadillyCircusBar) (Commodore Perry)Toledo,Feminine Notes: Lamb, Drexel: (Club Lido) Jackson, Mich., nc. NYC, h. Berdun, Hal: NYC, re. Long, Johnny: (Cavalier) Va. Beach, h. Roman.),Emil:(Garbo)NYC,re. 0., h. Ferdi, Don: (Stratford) Bridgeport, Conn., h.Leonard, Pete: (Inwood Tavern) NYC, no. Rosen, Tommy: (Wisteria Gardens) Atlanta," Bergere, Maximilian: (Versailles) NYC, re. Ferdinando, Felix:(Biltmore) Providence, h.Lewis, Vic: (Colvin Gables) Buffalo, N. Y., no. Berkeley,Duke:(Honkey-Dory)Stamford,Fidler, Dick: (Virginia) Columbus, 0., h. nc. Conn.. no. Fields, Harry: (Royalton) Monticello, N. Y., h.Lewis, Tommy: (Hi -Ho) Biloxi, Miss., no. Rotgers, Ralph: (International Casino) NYC, (Claypool)Indianapolis, h. Lewis, Ted: (Topsy's) Los Angeles, nc. no. Berry, Art: h.Fisher, Buddy: (Four Hundred Club) Wichita,Lido, Bob: (Game Cock) NYC, nc. Russell, Buddy, Manhattan Trio: (Roosevelt) Black, Bob: (Pere Marquette) Peoria, Ill., Kan., nc. Liebert, Dick: (Village Barn) NYC, no. Pittsburgh, h. Block, Bert: (Bill Green's Casino) Pittsburgh,Fordor, Jerry: (Dilley's) Toledo, no. Light, Enoch: (Taft) NYC, h. Roxy Ambassadors:(Club Roxy)Columbus, nc. Pour Top Hats: (La Normandie) Cincinnati, h.Linke, Al:(Windsor) Irvington, N. J., nc. 0., nc. Bonick, Lewis: (Club Mayfair) Boston, no. Franks, Wee Willie:(Butler's Tap Room)Lopez, Vincent: (Casa Manama) NYC, no. Ruby, John: (Times Square) Rochester, N. Y., Boroff, Misch: (Chi -Arai -Chateau) mountain- NYC, nc. Loyacono, Steve: (Chez Paree) New Orleans, side, N. J., re. Erante, Chappie: (Cavalier) NYC, nc. nc. Borr, Mischa: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Frederic, Marvin: (Stevens) Chi, h. no. S Bowman, Charley: (Wivel) NYC, re. Fredrics, Jan: (Boulevard Tavern) Elmhurst, Sabin, Paul: (Syracuse) Syracuse, N. Y., h. Bradfield, Jimmy: (Plaza) Kansas City, Mo., L. I.,ro. McGrane,Don: (Powhatan)Washington,Sanabria, John: (Trocadero) NYC, nc. no. Fuller, Skinny:(Silver Spray) Borger, Tex., D. C., h. Saunders, Harold: (Montparnasse) NYC, no. Breslow, Irv:(Stamp's)Phila, nc. nc. McKay, Ernie:(State) Columbus, 0., re. Savoy, Sextet: (Frontenac Casino) Detroit, nc. Brewer, Teddy:(Robert E.Lee)Winston-Furst, Joe:(The Brook) Summit, N. J., no. McRae, Jerry: (Blue Room) Vicksburg, Miss.,Scoggin, Chic:(El Tivoli)Dallas, nc. Salem, N. C., h. no. Septeto, Canto: (San solid) Havana, no. Breese, Lew: (Chez Paree) Chi, no. McShann, Jay: (Martin's on the Plaza) Kan-Shaw, Artie: (State) Boston, b. Brierley,Earle:(ClubCinderella)Denver,Gagan, Frank: (Statler) Cleveland, h. sas City, Mo., no. Siegel, Irving: (Krauss) Stratford, Wis., b. Colo., nc. Gallo, Phil: (Moorehead) Pittsburgh, h. Mack, Ed: (Oakland Inn) Allentown, Pa., nc. Brinckley, Charles: (Log Cabin) Aurora, Ill.,Gasparre, Dick: (Ritz -Carlton) Boston, h. (Traymor) Atlantic City, h. Simmonds, Lou: (Majestic) Harrogate, Eng., h. Gast,Harold(YachtsmenClub),Marion,Madden, Bill: Slade, Guy: (Uncle Charlie's) Bay St. Louis, no. 0., b. Madriguera, Enric: (Riviera) NYC, nc. Miss., nc. Brooks, Tiny: (De Lisa) Chi, re. Gendron, Henri: (Colosimo's) Chi, no. Malanga, Albert: (Garbo) NYC, re. Smart, Eddie: (21 -Club) Kansas City, Mo., nc. Brown, Emerson: (Black Cat) NYC, re. Biloxi,Malone, Don: (Reed's) Harlem, Mont., no. Smith, Van: (Merry -Go -Round) NYC, no. Brunesco, Jan: (Jack Dempsey's) NYC, re. Gilbert,Jerry: (EdgewaterGulf) Malone, Yorkis:(Continental) Kansas City, Bryant, Willie: (Savoy) Chi, b. Miss., h. Smith, Joseph C.: (La Rue) NYC, no. WhitePlains,Goho, Billy:(Checker Box) Buffalo, c. Mo., nc. Smith,Paul:(BangerCave)Birmingham, Burke,Clarence: (Garden) Gorner, Mishel: (New Yorker) NYC, h. Mannone, Wingy: (El Rancho) Chester, Pa., Ala., nc. N. Y., re. Graff, Johnny: (Anchorage Inn) Phila, no. no. Snyder,Billy:(Lookout House)Covington, Burkarth, Johnny: (Casa Madrid) Louisville, Ky., nc. nc. Southland Rhythm Girls: (Endure) Brooklyn, C Orchestra Routes must be received atthe Cincinnati offices not re. Caney Sextet: (Havana Madrid) NYC, no. Sparr, Paul: (Warwick) NYC, h. Capello, Joe: (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. later than Friday to insure publication. Sprigg, Jack:(Beverly Hills)Newport, Ky., Capra, Jimmy: (Belvedere) Hot Springs, Ark., CC. nc. Steel, Leonard: (Ft. Shelby) Detroit, h. Carlson, Bill:(Trianon)Chi, b. Green, Jack: (Subway) Akron, 0., nc. Mareno, Frank: (Sweeney) Baltimore, c. Sterney, George: (Coq Rouge) NYC, nc. Carlyn, Tommy: (Peyton's)Steubenville, 0., Three Rivers,Marshall, Duane: (Essex) Boston, h. Stipes, Eddie: (Frankie's) Toledo, nc. Gravel, Lou:(Chez Ernest) Martel, Gus: (Versailles) NYC, re. Stock, Gus: (Essex House) Newark, N. J., h. nc. Quebec, nc. Martin, Lou: (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. Stoltz,Colic:(Tropical Roof) Memphis, ne. Carroll, Lou: (Village Brewery) NYC, no. Gray,Len: (NewCedars) NewBedford. Carroll,Frank:(Unionport Restaurant and Mass., :sc. Martin, Bob: (Chez Florence) Paris, no. Strom, Ray: (Fifth Avenue) NYC, h. Cabaret) Bronx, NYC. Grayson, Bobby: (Peyton's) Pittsburgh, nc. Massaro, Johnny: (Belvedere) Lake Mahopak,Strong, Benny: (Brown)Louisville, h. Casey,Ken: (HalfMoon)ConeyIsland, N. Y., h. Stutz, Dick:(Westminster)Boston, h. N. Y., h. Massicot, Steve: (Grove) Gulfport, Miss., no.Subel,Allan:(BedfordSprings)Bedford Casson, Delmar: (Tally -Ho Club) Dayton, 0.,Hamp, Johnny: (Castle Farms) Cincinnati, ro.Massingale, Bert:(Hi -Hat) Houston, nc. Springs, Pa., h. no. Harris, Claude: (Joey's Stables) Detroit, no. Mayehoff, Eddy: (Governor Clinton) NYC, li.Swanson, (La Conga) NYC, nc. Chanslor, Hal: (Omar's Dome) Los Angeles,Harris, Leroy: (Kit Kat Klub) NYC, nc. Menendez, Nilo:(Stork Club) NYC, nc. T nc. Harper, Daryl: (Hawaiian Paradise) Los An-Meroff, Benny:(Gimes Dinner Club)San Childs, Reggie: (Playland) Rye, N. Y., p. geles, no.
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