"' SERVING THE NEWPORT - MESA CO~UNmES SINCE 1907 THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1999· NOFX ·teens ,. ....-..--·ty :of assaultirig friend'~ dad. • • If ' • The juveniles receiw ly weapon and breaking und enter­ which would bave sent tfiem tO l>tate· Police S<lld there was a domestic the defense dttomc~ said lu r client maximum 13-year sentence ing. The sentence handed down by prison 1f convicted. However. Owen. dispute betwe>en t.hP. lather and th1~ will ~end a Jette1 to the v1ctun, ~polo· Jydge Ronald Owen included special emphusiicd the grave nature of the girl. g12m9 for thP mc1dent. Tht> Victim's "You felt that but probably will seIVe far enhancements that stated both boys c:nme. • Deputy District Attorney Kt•vin wife abo was 1r1 rnurt but c.11dn't want you were pro­ less time at youth facility. intended to cause great bodily harm UYou can't argue with anyonP- that Smith l>aid m court that the two boys to make any comments She tafked tecting the [Yic. to the victim this wa~ • a serious offense,• said broke into the home and repeated!~ with one of thP- boy ' fanuhes after Gtll·G RISI f'lj(, The two juveniles will l.>~ sc>nt to a Owen, spedking to one of the boys. h1t the fathN with a bdt dnd.a nash· the court heanng. tim'sl~, California Youth Authonty facilily u You felt that you were protecting I hghl. The victim was beilten so bad· Both of the boyl> wer, dcsc:nb1•d a!> was ~,..,. but tt probo­ next tnonth. The youth correctional . the [vic:tim'sj daughter, but it was ly that •the white waUs of the front dbovc-averdge students who had bty the dumbesf ORANGE Two former Newport agency can keep convicted minors probably the dumbC>st thing you can room were covered with blood,• caused some trouble on the high you Harbor High School students who until the age of 25, meaning the boys do. You weren't thinking." Smith said. The father su~tomed a .,;chool campu ; school ofhcJals said thing can have allegiance to a loose-knit, trou­ will serve less than hall of their sen­ Th<> boys were arrested on Oct. 11 frnctured wn<;l, bru1~c:d ribs . and The two teens were pdrt of a group do. You wnn't blesome group pleaded guilty tence. Since it is lhe first criminal after they broke into a Newport head lacerdtions. known ds NOFX. The group which lhinking." Wednesday to assaulting the father conviction for both, it is likely they Shore home and attdcked the father Both of lhP boys' lamilie!> have denvc lls ndme froin a popular pltnk of a female friend last fall won't seive more than three to four of a fellow high school student. The :.upported thet.r sons by attending the rock hand, ll>n't classified as a gang Judg Ronald The two 17-year-old boys received years of their sentences. boys reportedly went over to the numerous court hP.irinqs Neither by local poli<;e, althouqh ~Orne of t.be Owen the maximum sentence - 13 years Owen derued the prosecution's home to help the gl!l, but armed lurruly wanted to make ony comment At sen~ n-:ing - on charges of assault with a dead- request to try the boy<; as adults, themselves for a confrontation. about the judge's ruhng, but om· of SEE NOFX PAGE A 14 "' Pedal (or pud~le?) power Eastbluff traffic showdown set for next month 8 City to review changes there The meetm,g has been .,et for b that residents say make p m Feb lo m the City Cowiol their neigp.borhood safer; chaml>er~ and will be t(!levised h~· Comcast Cablev1s1on others say the effect has Re~,dents suggest dJast week ·been detrimental. that the !>pt•r 1al me<>tmg tak~ plno" m u 1 irg ~ room so mor" h .'\11 l II fl f,f ,\.\ll people could purt1c1pate. But Mayot Dennis 0 'eil s 1d record­ ~~ ing te..,limom· and tcleVl~mg the EASTBLUFP - The crty t~ m<.'ellng would ~ too difhcult at expected to make a hnal dcn~1on any other location. on the ne1ghborhood's trafhc The City" now.filsbandl!J L ~ woes dunng a spec.al meettng lie ~or ks Comtn.ittee m Ne r next month, one year after the h •r l H97 dt c1ded to elmnnate council agreed to a sue-month tn· al of temporary traffic rneasur~ SEE EASTBLUFF PAGE A 14 Reservoir wall doesn't measure up, say neighbors • Water districts. sound den~ . The Wdll ts looated b 't\\-·een barrier at old Lmdbergh Rc ...ervoir 2, wtudl ha srnce itx..>en MARC MARTIN I DALY Pl.Ol School site is 15 inches named the Karl Kemp Reservoir, Kyle Allen, 13, of Costa Mesa doesp't let the drizzle and light rain get ln the way of some BMX practice Wednesday on a ancl re.,id nts who live on West· too low on one side. nunster A~enue. Th" ti-foot wall makeshift track in the Back Bay. wa-. mstallt d a~ part o(··a settle­ ment agreement reachcd'm 1992 Cl:it~ between 30 re.."1d ntS and th Are!t's light rain should clear before possibly returning on Sunday· ,.,. ate1 d1c;tnct o:;atd L) nnette CO~jA MESA - Year.; after R1mnd, MP -;poke woman Potential light rain this morning should forecast was for less than .1 mche'i to fall ThC' California Highway Patrol also shelling out more than $850,000 The !'-1 ~ board l)f d1r oc.tors stop by the afternoon, said forecaster Brad overnight. issued a fog advisory on the Corona del Mar in m1tigahon c1htS related to the appro\cd 20,000 m funding last Doyle of the National Weather Service. Another, slightly stronger storm system is Freeway from the Bonita Canyon Dnve exit construct.ion of a re: ervou at th monlh to add two l vcl of bncks Tortight and Friday should be mostly clear. expected to hit the area Sunday afternoon or to lhe toll pla7a torughl. Low-lying fog will Lindbergh School 1te, the Mesa to th1-. top of th" wall, Round said. The recent storm system that moved early evening, Doyle said. But he wasn't come over the hi~ and make it ditf1cu1t for Consolidated Water D1~tnct l!­ ~ \\c \\ant to mak ure w through ow area dropped less than .15 inch­ making any pronuses, motorists. No accidents were reported hcighlerung one ol th·e wcills that ~ of rdl.11 as of 4 p.m. Wednesday, and the ·we'll JUSt have to wait and see" he srud. Wednesday night that were fog-related. falls short of a H'qwrement out­ lined in. a settl ment with r si· SEE RESERVOIR PAGE A14 Mlll.EHNlUM MOMENT WORD ON THE INDEX She hPlpPd mak ), In light of recent reports that Oenn1s Cafe, d Rodman hangout, lo see whtll we cor.y booth at Cappy's to cnJOY some CUSSIRm --····.. --.... IS Roclmcm is leaving the NBA, we decided could find. And what we found wus ... food and low-ktiy atino phere. Untortu· and prPsf't"'VC'. history COMMUNJTY FOl!JM ---·.A 12 to hit the street and get some fcedbdck. · Denrus Rodman nately, Rodman wouldn t go on record to in Costa rvt sa We traveled d ram-soaked Coast Yep. Just a little p<tsl noon, he and say what ht!> future pl1;m~ are. But we did ENTEIWMMENT ........-- .....>. 9 Highway on Wednesday to Cappy's some fnends had found themselves a • hnd some people who would talk. The gnrnddaugh­ POUCE Fil.ES --.. --·-..·-:-·· ..A2 ter ol one of the build rs of th PUii.JC NOTICES M 84 old Orang SOOE1Y ·:-·-.. -·--···--.AB County Court­ SPOll'S--..-··-·- ..... - ....11 hou "'ln s.m .. ta na, Betty J n B echer and h r hus­ ~EATER REVIEW · band, Chari , tU d OS· •1 don't think he ts •t think he hould JOir'I •1 think h:s rchnnu is "I am dchghtcd thot he "II Denni retir from in hpet1ory ta M a in 19 'South Coad c.ww. going to retire. I think the cast of 'Baywatch.' the best thing that 1s rctmng, although I ba k tball thcin it tl> not he is just waJting. for ·Now that Pam la (Lee) could hoppen to the Will ffiL'C: hJs tncrC>d1bl worth wal<'.hlng an)'· .and promptly got • 3.Sth-• 'Tnffa.' mvolv d in th Story,111,.A9. the right offer from an ha left h would put a prof ional game or tyl of play. And tor mor", with h.lJll and NBA team. II he cild go httlc spark ll<tck in the basketball. I thmk he the future, he should, Jordan r tlnng. 1 thmk Betty Jean communit • Her into enlertairunent, I .,how.• c:hould c;tay rcfin.'tl. l (1) watch out for hi'i he would be good at Beether dv1c pursuits l.ndudcd worlt on think he would be a - Slwtwn Droke, th.ink h1 actions bav ~ mvesttnents, (2) keep aeting He seem to ht good actor.• · 32, Newport Beach, brought the unag of w arlng his wedd1m in diff rent roles well·· the Costa Mela WEATHER mber ol Commerce Freeway - Linda Holle, 33, construction the iX>rt down in the llr , and (3) get som -U.. ..... 28, Commltt , th Costa Mesa GVll' Costa ~esa. offtce public eye. I think he more tattoos, waitress at Cappy's Club \>Oard ot directors and U.
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