THE FARMBOROUGH FLYER Issue No 161: September 2019 Farmborough in Summer Photo Winner: Tracy Kelley "We know that in September we will wander through Summer’s wreckage. We will welcome Summer’s ghost" Henry Rollins WELCOME TO THE NEWS MAGAZINE OF FARMBOROUGH VILLAGE Notes from the editor: you were, on holiday elsewhere or home. Hello everyone. Sandra Byrne People may have notced that The Farm- [email protected] borough Flyer appeared in many places in 01761 975389 the surrounding villages in July. This is be- Did you know….. cause we had a large overprint from the printer (thank you KC Printng!). We will ….that the naton’s love of pink drinks is not always be able to distribute The Farm- driving up sales of blush gins, rose wine borough Flyer so far and wide. I wish we and ‘Instagramable’ cocktails, according to always could, because we have had some the Wine and Spirit Trade Associaton? interestng enquiries …from far and wide! ….that 1:7 fve year-olds have not had Unfortunately, the more copies we print their MMR jab? The government is taking the higher the cost. We are all volunteers steps to improve this through educaton and the printng cost is our only outlay. as there has been a sharp rise in measles. Printng is paid for through donatons and relevant adverts in the magazine. THE FLYER ADVERTISING RATES Sometmes I am in a two minds about Per editon: charging charites and other not-for-proft Businesses B&W Full Colour organisatons for advertsing in The Farm- B2 ½ page £30 £35 borough Flyer. If a proper advert is sub- B4 ¼ page £20 £25 mited, I charge the N-f-P Organisaton fee. Not-for-Proft Organisatons Yet, what do I do when a very relevant piece of editorial comes in about an event N2 ½ page £20 £25 a charity is holding and for which an en- N4 ¼ page £13 £17 trance fee is charged? Should I ask for a donaton? I don’t like asking for money but BINGO Session Dates 2019 it is part of my job in order to keep the Farmborough Memorial Hall Flyer going. I’ve decided that I have to be ‘Eyes down’ at 2.30 pm fexible. So, please don’t let the above September 14th ramble put you of sending in that infor- October 12th maton. I’ll walk the tghtrope with pleas- November 30th (Christmas Pressies) ure as long as The Flyer is FULL of news! For more info: Jeanete 01761 750840 Please keep the advertsements helpful to Entrance £1 (under 14’s free) our villagers coming in. And, of course, any voluntary donatons will be gratefully re- FARMBOROUGH GOOD NEIGHBOURS ceived, no mater how small. ofer free lifs to Farmborough villagers of all ages to local surgeries and hospitals. Thank you to everyone who has contribut- Child seat available. Contributons for lifs ed to our Flyer this month. Congratulatons are welcome. to Tracy Kelley. Her photograph won the ‘Farmborough in Summer’ competton. Contacts: Patence Barnes 470032 Lovely pics on the middle pages. I hope Christne Creese 750826 you have had a great summer wherever Mal and Donny Allen 470277 And may our hearts sing of our thankful- Thoughts from the Rectory ness for the plenty of the Harvest. Towards the end of September, as we drif Amen. into autumn we, across our Benefce, shall With love & blessing begin our Harvest Celebratons. Sadly, it certainly isn't as great a celebraton as once it was. We've become used to being Jan Knott able, on the whole, to buy what food we fancy any tme of the year. We take our All Saints’ Calendar—September 2019 clean water and ready energy as a given Sun 1st 11.00am Elevenses with Baptsm and have been known to indignant moan- George Harry Grifths Vitle ing when there's a power cut or water has 6.30pm Alternatve Communion to be turned of for a tme. It seems to th me, though, a pity that we tend to pay Sun 8 11.00am Communion with litle heed to giving thanks for our plenty. Baptsm Edward Harrison Reeves Harvest is a good tme; a tme we can use, 6.30pm Evensong BCP as well, to appraise what we take from Wed 10th 3.30pm ARK our planet and, indeed, what we are doing 2.30pm Thursday Tea to our planet. th Sun 15 8.00am Holy Communion BCP You may recall that one of the leading 11.00am Matns BCP charites ran a TV campaign to raise th Thurs 19 2.30pm Circle of Friends awareness of the need to help others. The nd message was: 'Give a man a fsh, and Sun 22 6.30pm Evensong BCP you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to Fri 27th 2.30pm School Harvest fsh and you've fed him for a lifetme.' in School Think about the following, though, and ___________________________________ you may well realize that there is a further Sun 6th October Harvest Festval at challenge : 'Upstream, those with power Farmborough Church are pollutng the rivers so that the fsh are 10.30am Breakfast (bacon or dying, leaving the poor downstream, with- mushroom rolls, croissant, fruit out fsh.' juice plus fresh cofee/tea) 11.00am Harvest Celebraton God of Creaton, Communion You entrust us with all the resources of *********************************** the world Coming Soon to Farmborough Church To care for and to share. The BIG Sing plus BBQ May we be gentle with our planet. Be ready with your favourite hymns/songs Challenge us not to pollute the water- *********************************** ways, the land or atmosphere. Make us aware of our wastefulness with TUESDAY TEA every Tuesday from 2.30 pm precious resources. in Farmborough Church. Chat while eatng Help us to be aware of the needs of every scrummy cake with tea of cofee. living creature. All welcome WOW! And thank you… Villagers from both sides of the argument came together in a good-natured and lively All Saints’ Social Commitee would like to pull that had no politcal impact other than thank all who atended the recent “Sound red faces, grass stained trousers and was a of Swing” with the Mendip Swing Band. It ridiculous spectacle. was lovely to see so many enjoying the evening which provided a variety of music It rounded of a wonderful sunny day of alongside food and drink - a complete music, merriment, food and fundraising as change from our usual Summer Fayre!! the village hall completed its major refur- bishment. Thank you to all who atended the Fayre, donated gifs or assisted on the day. The ofcial tug of war result was inconclu- sive owing to disagreements regarding metric vs imperial measurements. A re-pull is not out of the queston. Charlie Webb Where’s Shirley? Surely Somebody….? There is an unfortunate lack of support for the various village organisatons in Farm- borough, like the Sports and Social, the We raised £1,151.45 thanks to people’s Community Shop, the Memorial Hall, FGN, generosity. The biggest thanks must go to the Parish Council and other volunteer Liz and Andy Tyrell who oversaw the groups in Farmborough. Surely somebody whole event and ensured it was such a is out there to help what appears to be the success. same group of people doing everything? We are being asked if it will be repeated… • Sports and Social need volunteers to help wait and see! Sally Davis with things like paintng the pavilion ……... Brexit Themed Tug of War Knock out! • The Community Shop needs more volun- The Marksbury Village Summer Fayre was teers to work in the shop……. the happy host of a light-hearted politcal • Members are required for the Hall and confrontaton, adjudicated by our MP, Parish Council Commitees.….. Jacob Rees-Mogg. • Farmborough Good Neighbours need a co-ordinator and drivers……. Surely somebody has a couple of hours to spend…it doesn’t have to be a regular commitment….to assist YOUR community? Please contact Phil Gray (Sports and Social, Hall and PC) 07473 383090; Chris Bullock (Shop) 471811; Mal Allen (FGN) 470277 to ofer your support. Thank you. Farmborough ant-venom and baby milk. One of the Women’s CAMEO many invaluable jobs is to supply blood to the Air Ambulances which carry transfu- CAMEO meets at 7:30 pm sion pump equipment. A life is saved every on the frst Tuesday of the 10 days due to this kit and the availability month at Farmborough of blood. Memorial Hall. Following a break for refreshments, mem- The July meetng of Farmborough Wom- bers were treated to a demonstraton of en’s CAMEO was thoroughly enjoyed by Boccia which is a seated form of Pétanque the members as a delicious fsh and chip or Boules. John Roberts, who is an Actvi- supper was served, followed by a quiz. tes Assistant at Timsbury Cheshire Home ‘Our Plaice’ in Timsbury did an amazing job explained how the game is played and en- in getng almost ffy portons of fsh and couraged CAMEO members to take part. chips cooked, hot and ready for collecton The members all found it to be great fun. on tme. Patrick Bridges put together an One of the CAMEO members, Jane Harding interestng and challenging quiz, which was is a resident at the Cheshire Home and is eventually won by ‘The Rainbows’. also a member of their Boccia team - ‘The The August meetng was a very busy one Greenhill Grenadiers’. They have been an which started with an excellent talk by extremely successful team and reached the Mark Green of Freewheelers.
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