City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works The Reporter Archives 1973 The Reporter, February 26, 1973 How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu/bb_arch_reporter/170 Discover additional works at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact: [email protected] THE Reporter The Bernard M. Baruch College Vol. LXXX - No. 4 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1973 �345 A Free Press 3,000 Attend Open House Tutori,n,g Avai,lable The purpose of th:is O'pen House Week is to bring Evening Session students back to the 1 Student Center and to acquaint the11i with the, various services, programs and amen1;ties_ _ the For Ma,n.y Courses newly rernovated Student Center has to offer. Specificany, during Open House Week we hope to bring students, faculty membe1·s cind administrators together· to dem,qnstrate that Baruch As the term progresses mamy students will find that they . need help in their subjects. Many will be quite willing to P,ay College - for the Evening Session Student - can be more than the class�oom �x'I?erience. It would be our hope that we might develop some small sense of community within Evening_ for this help. Other students will find that they are capable Session and believe that the Student Center could become a useful force to that end. of tt1toring and can use the extra pock�t money. Still others will heip for the satisfaction of knowing they have done a -The Evening Session Student Coune:il; good deed. Sigma Alpha, Delta Chapter, the By Brad Ferguson They displayed Italian travel lit­ way we will achieve our ends. It is the intention of Sigma service society of our school, is ernture and reading lists, and em­ The Reporter is a means of com­ Alpha to match students and I:I;, after Open House Week trying through its tutorial com­ phasize¢. that membership in the municating out needs 'to the ad­ tutors on the 'basis of when they Community does not appear in mittee to bring these students to­ Society was open to all interested. ministrators · whom we support are available for tutoring. It is Evening Diivision, it won't be from gether. U you wish to tutor a with our taxes." the responsibility of the student lack of trying. F°i·om Tuesday -Playrads, Baruch's o:wn· Dra­ student, you can 0btain an appli­ Also at a lobby table was Cyn­ who needs tutoring to contact the through Thursday of last week, matics Society. Al Heywood dis­ catio� tn Room 4U, Office of Stu­ t4ia Ja�kson, president of BLACK tutor to arrange a' mutually-con­ the students of Evening Session cussed Playrads' weekly workshop de11t Personnel Services, Student (Black Libei:;ation through Active­ venient time and place of meeting. ate, drank, taTh:ed, listened to live on Theater Techniques, which is Center. You may tutor in any sub­ ness, Collectiveness, and Know.l­ Students who obtain tutoring can music and enjoyed each other's conducted· every Friday by Bob ject in which you have achieved edge). BLACK is interested in all expect to pay a fee of $4 per hour company. What, is more impor­ Matthews; Matthews' credits h,ere an "A" ("B" is acceptable for Third World people; its aims a�·e or slightly higher. tant, they did it as students con­ include the recent Baruch pro­ Accounting and Math). You may to allieviate suffering, prejudice For those of you who need nected in a -fery vital way w'ith ductions of The Lion in Winter tutor at any time, so long as you and oppression. At present, there tutoring in any subject, you can Baruch College - a connection and The Boys in the Band. Play­ tutor a minimum of one hour per apply for tutoring now and which iin recent times seems to rads is interested in expanding its are 20 members in BLACK (15 week. Tutors are urgently needed active) and more are wanted; the throughout the semester in Room have grown less and less apparent. membership list. in Math, Accounting, Statistics, organization is based on the fourth 411, Office of Student Personnel But, just possibly, the Evening -Evening New Star, a new or­ Finance and ' Economics, but we floor of the Student Center. Services, Student Center. / Session Student Council has re­ ganization( based in Room 407 of are accepting applic1;tions in any The Oak Lounge was the sceBe 11,lARK FIRESTER, versed that trend. tlie Student CeBter. Elisa SiBdab other subject. Chairman, Tutorial Comm. foF live music, provided on Tues­ Between and atter classes, stu­ (President) said that her organiz­ day night by Murray Grand, Dawn dents cr0wded into the Center to ation is planning a beauty pa­ Hampton and Vaughn deForest; see what all the fuss was about; geant based on ta-lent, poise, and Wednesday night by Dee Dee quite a few stuck around longer (of course) beauty. The club is Bridgewater and trio; and Thurs­ Re ents To Introduce than they had planned. Bob Stol­ hoping to be able to give the g day night by China Davis and !insky, surveying the throBg, said, winner of the pageant a schol­ group. The easy intimacy of the "It's ve:rry successful. There's been arship to a modeling school; at · Oak Lounge added l:o the listen­ a lot of co0peration; I'm especial­ this writing they are soliciting External BA.� l)egree ers' enjoyment. ly happy to see so many deans contributions from industry for Next door, in the Marble Commissioner of Education, Ewald B. Nyquist an­ here." Dr. I. Greger, Associate this purpose. The only criterion is Lounge, food was served. On nounced receipt of a $300,000 grant from the Carnegie Cor­ Dean of Students, echoed these that an interested entrant must be Tuesday students had egg foo poration of New York to help�develop a Regents bachel'Or of sentiments and also said, "The over 18 years of age. young with rice; Wednesday was response is fin�. I look forward to arts degree. Tfae new degree will be the fourth in the Regents Jerry Adorno W:'!S manning the fried chicken night, and on Thars-_ Evening Sessi0n students taking Reporter table, which was stacked external' degree · program. day hamburgers were served. The Since Commissioner· Nyquist advantage of theh: student center, with copies of last week's issue. Examinations and the College­ food was . good enough for sec­ proposed the idea of an external and I'd like to give a res1l "thank­ Commenting on the fact that the Level Examinations of the College onds; however, seconds were im­ degree in 1970, 200 associate in you" to all those who helped carry Reporter needs volunteers, Adorno Entrance Examination Board. As possible for lack of quantity. Yet, arts degrees have been awarded this out." said, "The paper and the Stu­ , is the case in the other Regents there was enough of that famous by the Regents to students ,from Clubs and ·organizations set up dent Council are the only sources external degrees, formal study at Baruch Champagne Punch' to go New York and 30 other states. tables in the · Student Center of power for evening sh1dents, accredited colleges and courses around. Nearly 2,000 students are enrolled lobby, soliciting members and but there's 'nothing tp back them taken through the United States (Look for pictures in next in the program, working inde­ distributing information. Among up. students must show a sincere Armed Forces In titute and other week's issue.) pendently toward external de­ educational · programs offered by those organizations represented interest in their education. They grees in business administration, were: must demand the kind of resp'ect the military will be considered the ·arts, and nursing. The pro­ for credit. It is expected that the -The Dante Society, a, club that an /adult studying in the Ann,ou,ncem,ents gram received initial funding from first Regents bachelor of arts de­ formed to promot� interest in evening deserves. The administra­ Carnegie and the Ford Foundation gree wi'll be a�arded in mid-1974. Italian culture. Some of its mem­ tion must not tali:e us' 'for granted Fees Meeting in 1971. In an effort to increase the bers staffing the table were Carol­ or consider us a confused bunch The Student Council Fees "The · external baccalaureat," number of options for external. yn Lai (Vice-President); Mr. Ca-. of children. We're adults; we h;ive Commissioner Wyquist said, "will degree students, without increas­ lafiura (Faculty Advisor), assisted focused in on our aims in life Committee will meet Thurs­ provide one more option for stu­ ing costs, New York is cooperating by his wife; and Lugo Sanchez. and evening education is the only day, March 1, 1973 in the Oak Lounge at 9:30 P.M. All dents, young and old, who prefer with Thomas T. Edison College, clubs are asked to send a rep­ to study ori their own. Our ex­ a non-teaching institution estab­ resentative since allocations perience thus far confirms the lished last year by the New Jersey The Winners view that going to college isn't State Department of Higher Edu­ for the Spring 1973 semester the only way to get a good educa­ cation. will be made at this meeting. One of the features during Open House w�s the �ightly tion. It shouldn't be the only way Historically, the Regents ex­ raffle.
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