Neutrinos, The Standard Model, and Beyond Mikhail Shaposhnikov June, 2019 Erice, June 2019 – p. 1 Outline Setting up the scene: the Standard Model and the LHC Problems of the Standard Model Neutrino masses and oscillations Dark Matter Baryon asymmetry of the Universe Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNL’s or sterile neutrinos) Dark matter from HNL Baryon asymmetry of the Universe from HNL How to search for HNL Conclusions Erice, June 2019 – p. 2 Setting up the scene: the Standard Model and the LHC Erice, June 2019 – p. 3 The Standard Model was invented back in 1967 and completed with the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC 45 year later =$&006>0,0&%(3),.6 )86?%((0&6@A0&'3),.B6."3,6C E EE EEE '%..: !"#$%&' ("!)$*&' ()+"!$*&'$ 46 #$%&/0: ! ! ! 4 ! t " t # t ( Left Righ Left Righ ,%'0: Left !" Righ #$%&' ()" /2!), #",$%&' (-#$%&' #"!$*&' 4 -" -" -" 4 $ t % t & t % ;!%&7. Left Righ Left *)+, Righ Left .(&%,/0 Righ 1)(()' "$)(), $ /("!$*&' * 5F56>0H6 4 4 # 4 $ 4 4 t " t ! t ! ! ) 4 - '!), (%! Lef 020#(&),Lef Lef ,0!(&3,) +0%7 #$%%& ,0!(&3,) ,0!(&3,) 8)&#0 '(&() -".(($%&' (-.")$%&' (")))$*&' ,-"#$*&' ."3,64 , -5 -5 -5 9 5 ' t # t $ t + Righ Left Righ Righ Left Left <0"(),. D).),.6@A)&#0.B6."3,65 +0%7 020#(&), '!), (%! 8)&#0 Erice, June 2019 – p. 4 Searches for new physics, SUSY ATLAS SUSY Searches* - 95% CL Lower Limits ATLAS Preliminary Status: ICHEP 2014 √s =7,8TeV miss 1 e,µ,τ, γ E L dt[fb− ] Model Jets T ! Mass limit Reference MSUGRA/CMSSM 0 2-6 jets Ye s 20.3 q˜, g˜ 1.7 TeV m(q˜)=m(g˜) 1405.7875 MSUGRA/CMSSM 1 e,µ 3-6 jets Ye s 20.3 g˜ 1.2 TeV any m(q˜) ATLAS-CONF-2013-062 MSUGRA/CMSSM 0 7-10 jets Ye s 20.3 g˜ 1.1 TeV any m(q˜) 1308.1841 0 q˜ χ˜0 st nd q˜q˜, q˜ qχ˜1 0 2-6 jets Ye s 20.3 850 GeV m( 1)=0 GeV, m(1 gen. ˜q )=m(2 gen. ˜q ) 1405.7875 → 0 0 g˜g˜, g˜ qq¯χ˜ 0 2-6 jets Ye s 20.3 g˜ 1.33 TeV m(χ˜1)=0 GeV 1405.7875 ±1 ± → ± 0 g˜ χ˜0 χ˜ χ˜0 g˜g˜, g˜ qqχ˜1 qqW χ˜1 1 e,µ 3-6 jets Ye s 20.3 1.18 TeV m( 1)<200 GeV, m( )=0.5(m( 1)+m(g˜)) ATLAS-CONF-2013-062 → → 0 - g˜ χ˜0 = g˜g˜, g˜ qq(ℓℓ/ℓν/νν)χ˜1 2 e,µ 0-3 jets 20.3 1.12 TeV m( 1) 0GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-089 GMSB→ (ℓ˜ NLSP) 2 e,µ 2-4 jets Ye s 4 . 7 g˜ 1.24 TeV tanβ<15 1208.4688 GMSB (ℓ˜ NLSP) 1-2 τ +0-1ℓ 0-2 jets Ye s 2 0 . 3 g˜ 1.6 TeV tanβ >20 1407.0603 0 GGM (bino NLSP) 2 γ - Ye s 20.3 g˜ 1.28 TeV m(χ˜1)>50 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2014-001 0 GGM (wino NLSP) 1 e,µ+ γ - Ye s 4 . 8 g˜ 619 GeV m(χ˜1)>50 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2012-144 Inclusive Searches 0 GGM (higgsino-bino NLSP) γ 1 b Ye s 4.8 g˜ 900 GeV m(χ˜1)>220 GeV 1211.1167 GGM (higgsino NLSP) 2 e,µ(Z) 0-3 jets Ye s 5 . 8 g˜ 690 GeV m(NLSP)>200 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2012-152 1/2 4 Gravitino LSP 0 mono-jet Ye s 10.5 F scale 645 GeV m(G˜)>10− eV ATLAS-CONF-2012-147 0 g˜ χ˜0 g˜ bb¯χ˜1 03b Ye s 2 0 . 1 1.25 TeV m( 1)<400 GeV 1407.0600 0 0 → ¯χ˜ 0 7-10 jets Ye s 20.3 g˜ 1.1 TeV m(χ˜ ) <350 GeV 1308.1841 gen. g˜ tt 1 1 0 0 med. → ¯χ˜ 0-1 e,µ 3 b Ye s 2 0 . 1 g˜ 1.34 TeV m(χ˜ )<400 GeV 1407.0600 rd g˜ tt 1 1 ˜ g + 0 3 → ˜ g˜ bt¯χ˜1 0-1 e,µ 3 b Ye s 20.1 g 1.3 TeV m(χ˜1)<300 GeV 1407.0600 → 0 0 ˜ ˜ ˜ χ˜ 0 2 b Ye s 2 0 . 1 b˜ 1 100-620 GeV m(χ˜ )<90 GeV 1308.2631 b1b1, b1 b ±1 1 → ˜ χ± χ0 b˜1b˜1, b˜1 tχ˜1 2 e,µ(SS) 0-3 b Ye s 20.3 b1 275-440 GeV m( ˜1 )=2 m( ˜1) 1404.2500 → ± ˜ 0 t˜1t˜1(light), t˜1 bχ˜1 1-2 e,µ 1-2 b Ye s 4.7 t1 110-167 GeV m(χ˜1)=55 GeV 1208.4305, 1209.2102 → 0 ˜ χ˜0 χ˜± t˜1t˜1(light), t˜1 Wbχ˜1 2 e,µ 0-2 jets Ye s 20.3 t1 130-210 GeV m( 1) =m(t˜1)-m(W)-50 GeV, m(t˜1)<<m( 1 ) 1403.4853 → 0 ˜ χ˜0 t˜1t˜1(medium), t˜1 tχ˜1 2 e,µ 2 jets Ye s 20.3 t1 215-530 GeV m( 1)=1 GeV 1403.4853 → ± ˜ 0 ± 0 t˜1t˜1(medium), t˜1 bχ˜1 0 2 b Ye s 20.1 t1 150-580 GeV m(χ˜1)<200 GeV, m(χ˜1 )-m(χ˜1)=5 GeV 1308.2631 →0 ˜ χ˜0 t˜1t˜1(heavy), t˜1 tχ˜1 1 e,µ 1 b Ye s 20 t1 210-640 GeV m( 1)=0 GeV 1407.0583 gen. squarks → 0 ˜ χ˜0 t˜1t˜1(heavy), t˜1 tχ˜1 0 2 b Ye s 20.1 t1 260-640 GeV m( 1)=0 GeV 1406.1122 rd 0 → 0 ˜ ˜ ˜ χ˜ 0 mono-jet/c-tag Ye s 20.3 t˜1 90-240 GeV m(t˜ )-m(χ˜ )<85 GeV 1407.0608 3 t t , t c 1 1 direct production 1 1 1 1 → ˜ 0 t˜1t˜1(natural GMSB) 2 e,µ(Z) 1 b Ye s 2 0 . 3 t1 150-580 GeV m(χ˜1)>150 GeV 1403.5222 0 t˜2t˜2, t˜2 t˜1 + Z 3 e,µ(Z) 1 b Ye s 20.3 t˜2 290-600 GeV m(χ˜ )<200 GeV 1403.5222 → 1 0 0 ℓ˜ ℓ˜ , ℓ˜ ℓχ˜ 2 e,µ 0Yes20.3ℓ˜ 90-325 GeV m(χ˜ )=0 GeV 1403.5294 L+,R L,R+ 1 1 → χ˜ ± 0 ± 0 χ˜ χ˜−, χ˜ ℓν˜ (ℓν˜) 2 e,µ 0 Ye s 20.3 1 140-465 GeV m(χ˜1)=0 GeV, m(ℓ˜, ν˜)=0.5(m(χ˜1 )+m(χ˜1)) 1403.5294 +1 1 +1 ± → - χ˜ χ0 χ± χ0 χ˜ 1 χ˜1−, χ˜1 τν˜ (τν˜) 2 τ Ye s 2 0 . 3 1 100-350 GeV m( ˜1)=0 GeV, m(τ˜, ν˜)=0.5(m( ˜1 )+m( ˜1)) 1407.0350 ± 0 → χ˜ ± χ˜ 0 χ˜± χ˜0 χ˜0 ˜ χ˜± χ˜0 χ˜ χ˜ ℓ˜ νℓ˜ ℓ(˜νν), ℓν˜ℓ˜ ℓ(˜νν) 3 e,µ 0 Ye s 20.3 1 , 2 700 GeV m( 1 )=m( 2), m( 1)=0, m(ℓ, ν˜)=0.5(m( 1 )+m( 1)) 1402.7029 EW 1 2 L L L ± 0 0 0 ± 0 ± 0 0 direct → χ˜ χ˜ χ˜ χ˜ χ˜ 1403.5294, 1402.7029 χ˜ 1 χ˜2 Wχ˜1Zχ˜ 1 2-3 e,µ 0Yes20.31 , 2 420 GeV m( 1 )=m( 2), m( 1)=0, sleptons decoupled ± 0→ 0 0 χ˜ ± χ˜ 0 χ˜± χ˜0 χ˜0 χ˜ 1 χ˜2 Wχ˜1h χ˜ 1 1 e,µ 2 b Ye s 20.3 1 , 2 285 GeV m( 1 )=m( 2), m( 1)=0, sleptons decoupled ATLAS-CONF-2013-093 0 0 →0 ˜ χ˜ 0 χ˜0 χ˜0 χ˜0 ˜ χ˜0 χ˜0 χ˜ 2χ˜ 3, χ˜ 2,3 ℓRℓ 4 e,µ 0Yes20.32,3 620 GeV m( 2)=m( 3), m( 1)=0, m(ℓ, ν˜)=0.5(m( 2)+m( 1)) 1405.5086 + → ± χ˜ ± χ± χ0 = χ± = Direct χ˜1 χ˜ 1− prod., long-lived χ˜ 1 Disapp. trk 1 jet Ye s 20.3 1 270 GeV m( ˜1 )-m( ˜1) 160 MeV, τ( ˜1 ) 0.2 ns ATLAS-CONF-2013-069 0 Stable, stopped g˜ R-hadron 0 1-5 jets Ye s 2 7 . 9 g˜ 832 GeV m(χ˜1)=100 GeV, 10 µs<τ(˜g)<1000 s 1310.6584 0 -- χ˜ 0 10<tanβ<50 GMSB, stable τ˜, χ˜ 1 τ˜(˜e, µ˜)+τ(e,µ) 1-2 µ 15.9 1 475 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-058 0 → 0 - χ˜ 0 χ˜0 GMSB, χ˜1 γG˜,long-livedχ˜ 1 2 γ Ye s 4.7 1 230 GeV 0.4<τ( 1)<2ns 1304.6310 particles 0 0 Long-lived → q˜q˜, χ˜ qqµ (RPV) 1 µ, displ. vtx --20.3 q˜ 1.0 TeV 1.5 <cτ<156 mm, BR(µ)=1, m(χ˜1)=108 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-092 1→ LFV pp ν˜τ + X, ν˜τ e + µ 2 e,µ --4.6 ν˜τ 1.61 TeV λ′ =0.10, λ132=0.05 1212.1272 → → 311 LFV pp ν˜τ + X, ν˜τ e(µ) + τ 1 e,µ+ τ --4.6 ν˜τ 1.1 TeV λ′ =0.10, λ1(2)33=0.05 1212.1272 → → 311 Bilinear RPV CMSSM 2 e,µ(SS) 0-3 b Ye s 20.3 q˜, g˜ 1.35 TeV m(q˜)=m(g˜), cτLS P<1mm 1404.2500 + + 0 0 - χ˜ ± 0 ± χ˜ χ˜−, χ˜ Wχ˜ , χ˜ eeν˜µ, eµν˜e 4 e,µ Ye s 20.3 1 750 GeV m(χ˜1)>0.2 m(χ˜1 ), λ121!0 1405.5086 1 1 1 1 1 ± RPV + +→ 0 0→ χ˜ 0 × ± χ˜ χ˜−, χ˜ Wχ˜ , χ˜ ττν˜ , eτν˜ 3 e,µ+ τ - Ye s 20.3 1 450 GeV m(χ˜1)>0.2 m(χ˜1 ), λ133!0 1405.5086 1 1 1 1 1 e τ × g˜ qqq → → 0 6-7 jets - 20.3 g˜ 916 GeV BR(t)=BR(b)=BR(c)=0% ATLAS-CONF-2013-091 → g˜ t˜1t, t˜1 bs 2 e,µ(SS) 0-3 b Ye s 20.3 g˜ 850 GeV 1404.250 → → Scalar gluon pair, sgluon qq¯ 0 4 jets - 4.6 sgluon 100-287 GeV incl.
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